HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-13-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 863-2350 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard L. Neumeier RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING January 13, 2003 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Don Chisholm, Pam Varrin, Rick DeAngelis, and Dick Neumeier Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Sheila Butts, and Dave Pinsonneault Others Present: Charles Hornig, Jim Williams AGENDA: 1.Citizens and Other Boards Sandra Shaw recognized Charles Hornig of the Capital Expenditures Committee. Mr. Hornig explained to the Recreation Committee that he was charged with writing a report for the Special Town Meeting, and was interested in ascertaining the feelings of the Recreation Committee as to the Lincoln Park Project. Dick Neumeier noted that the Recreation Committee served in an advisory capacity to the Board of Selectmen and could not overrule the 2002 Town Meeting or citizens’ vote. Additionally, Mr. Neumeier noted that the contract for the project had been signed by the Town Manager. Karen Simmons reported that the Harrington soccer fields would be placed out of use as of May. Because of the school building project at Harrington the Department will lose one full size and one ¾ size soccer field. There is also the possibility that the department may lose another full size field at the site during the construction process. The loss of these fields will have a serious programming impact. It is crucial that the Lincoln Park project go forward for Recreation programming and school needs. Mr. Hornig told the Committee that the Capital Expenditures Committee opposes any delay of the project. Don Chisholm asked if the Appropriations Committee had finalized its report to the Special Town Meeting. Mr. Hornig replied that they had not. 2Meeting Minutes . The minutes of the December 17, 2002 meeting were accepted 4 – 0 - 1. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 3Capital Projects Update . Lincoln Park Project Karen Simmons reviewed the Bid Opening process for the . The bid opening took place on January 2, 2003. There were 15 bidders. Emanouil Brothers, Inc. came in as the low bidder, but they did not meet the specifications detailed in the bid contract for the turf. Quirk Construction was the second lowest bidder with a bid of $2,566,000. The first alternate bid was for $4,400 and the second alternate was $56,000. The total bid packets, references and ndrd bonds were reviewed on January 2 and 3. The Town Manager signed a contract with Quirk Construction on January 3, 2003. The first construction meeting took place on January 13, 2003. th Quirk Construction will begin erosion control work on January 20. The construction trailer and several pieces of equipment are currently on site. Karen Simmons reported to the Committee that Parker Hirtle, a resident of Baskin Road, had submitted a Request for Determination with the Conservation Commission. The item is due to th be discussed on February 4. Rick DeAngelis suggested that someone with knowledge of the project and the wetlands delineation issues should be in attendance at the Conservation Commission meeting to refute any invalid information presented. Don Chisholm suggested that the engineer who developed the drainage report should be asked to attend. Karen Simmons said that he was scheduled to have surgery and might not be available. The members of the Recreation Committee were in agreement that someone from the project should be present at the th February 4 meeting. Justin Park Dave Pinsonneault reported that the equipment had been delivered, and preparation work at the site had been completed by the Parks Department. Forte Construction will install the equipment and surfacing materials as soon as they can access the site. Harrington Relocation of the softball field is scheduled to take place in the summer. Dave Pinsonneault will be giving another grading plan to Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator, so that she can review the project. The field will remain outside of the 100 ft. wetland buffer. Karen Simmons reported on Article 31 of 1999. Littleton Environmental has hired a new fence company to complete the backstop work at Center #2 and Clarke. The contractor plans to complete the backstops at Center #2 and Clarke in early March 2003. The posts required for the backstops are not currently available. If they are not available prior to March, the contractor will put the old fabric back up until after the spring athletic season. The Town is still waiting for the NSTAR connections. Dave Pinsonneault reported that this should be completed by the spring. Don Chisholm inquired as to the status of the Pine Meadows Project. Karen Simmons explained Pine Meadows that the old maintenance building at has been removed. The new structure has been erected. Dave Pinsonneault explained that the contractor is working on the underground th trenching. The fire hydrant will be installed during the week of January 20. Don Chisholm inquired as to the status of permitting for the Pine Meadows work. Dave Pinsonneault informed the Committee members that all permit requests are being handled by T. Ford, the project contractor. 2 4. Skate Park Update Dave Pinsonneault and Sheila Butts reported to the Committee on the status of the Skate Park. After reviewing all the quotes and working with the Skate Park Committee, the project was offered to SPC Skateparks (Tom Noble). The Skate Park Committee has attained additional grant money and is negotiating with SPC to build additional ramps for the site. The Skate Park Committee is reviewing contract documents provided by Mr. Noble. A proposed contract is being sent to the Recreation Department for review. Once reviewed, amended and agreed to, the events will be constructed and placed at the site. The Skate Park Committee is negotiating with Rotundi Construction regarding the slight dip in the concrete. There are several options they are exploring to rectify the situation, one of which is to place the large ¼ pipe ramp over the depression. 5. Belmont Recreation Sandra Shaw reported to the Committee that representatives from Belmont Recreation were unable to attend the meeting this evening. It is possible that they will be in attendance at a future date. 6Fee Increases . Karen Simmons reviewed the proposed fee structure changes with the Recreation Committee. She explained that she would be offering the ball field fee proposal, along with an updated permitting system, to the Committee at the February meeting. The Committee members, after reviewing the fee proposal, asked why the staff was not recommending increases for swim lessons. The reason, noted Karen Simmons, is that the swim tag fees will be increased and since lesson participants must have a swim tag to register, it seemed excessive to raise both fees. Members also asked why aquatics and tennis fees should cover the cost of field renovations. Dick Neumeier said that he does not think that the Department needs to raise $100,000 for Lincoln Park. Rick DeAngelis responded that no one on the Committee liked the idea of paying this much annually for the project, but that the Committee and Department committed to it as a target, and we need to make an attempt to meet the requirement of Town Meeting. Rick DeAngelis also commented that the per person fee for youth soccer and lacrosse leagues needs to be increased. Karen Simmons indicated that this would be part of the field fee proposal. She told the Committee that Cheryl Ozolins and Sheila Butts will set up a meeting with the Youth and Adult Leagues to discuss the field policy and proposed fee increases after the Special Town Meeting. She also said that representatives would be invited to attend the February Recreation Committee meeting. Karen Simmons concluded the fee proposal review by indicating that the Pine Meadows fees will increase $1.00 across the board. Dick Neumeier suggested that the fee for Non-Resident Swim Tags increase more than the proposed $25.00. After brief discussion, Mr. Neumeier made a motion to amend the fee proposal to increase the Non Resident Family Swim tag fee to $310.00. Don Chisholm seconded The motion to amend the proposal was approved 5 – 0. the motion. 3 Dick Neumeier moved that the fees presented and amended be approved. Pam Varrin seconded The motion was approved 5 – 0. the motion. See attached fee schedule. Karen Simmons then reviewed the draft of the field use policy, noting that it would be reviewed more extensively at the February meeting. 7. Recreation Report Karen Simmons reported on the status of summer recruitment. She told the Committee that the Camp For All Director would not be returning in 2003. She also raised the issue of CORI checks. There are new laws governing who is required to receive a Criminal Records check. As she understands it, all volunteers and staff must have a CORI. She noted that this new mandate would also have a serious impact upon youth leagues. 8. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault reported that he would have a proposal on the Center Tennis Bang Board for the February meeting 9. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 7:30 P.M. in Room G-15. Rick DeAngelis moved that the January meeting of the Recreation Committee be adjourned. The motion was approved 5 – 0.The Recreation Don Chisholm seconded the motion. Committee meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. 4