HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-25-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 863-2350 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard L. Neumeier RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 25, 2002 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Dick Neumeier, Pam Varrin, Don Chisholm, Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Sheila Butts, Dave Pinsonneault Others Present: Nell Walker & Lynne Wilson, Lincoln Park Sub-Committee; Sheldon Spector, Appropriations Committee; Olga Guttag & Bob McConnell, Lexington Skate Park Committee AGENDA 1. Recreation Meeting Minutes Dick Neumeier moved to accept the minutes of the August 21, 2002 Recreation The minutes were accepted Committee meeting. Don Chisholm seconded the motion. by a vote of 5–0. 2. Lincoln Park Sub-Committee (LSPC) Update Lynne Wilson reported that the LPSC is scheduled to meet next week. She thanked Karen Simmons and the Recreation Committee for “keeping the Lincoln Park Subcommittee in the loop” with regards to the Lincoln Park Field renovation project. Don Chisholm inquired about the number of volunteer landscape support hours the Lincoln Park Sub-Committee receives. Nell Walker told the committee that this summer there were three individuals who worked many hours at the site. They thinned and weeded some vegetation that overgrew the paths, but primarily spent hours watering the plants and wildflowers. She noted that the trees in the park are in very good shape despite the lack of rain and high temperatures this summer. Sandra Shaw updated the Committee on the meeting at Lincoln Park that morning. She said that the options and plans were discussed, and that being at the site allowed those in attendance to have a better feel for the area and the proposal. Dick Neumeier asked how the drainage system was going to work. Don Chisholm answered that although the drainage system was still in the design phases, it was his understanding that rainwater would drain the areas underneath the fields and then slowly be filtered off. All drainage 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 systems will be in compliance with existing Wetlands laws. Karen Simmons said that she would ask Pat Maguire to attend the October Recreation Committee meeting to review the drainage plan and review the overall field layout proposal. 3. Center Tennis Courts Bang Board Karen Simmons reported to the Committee that she had received a letter from a Parker Street resident complaining of the noise generated by play at the Center Courts Bang Board. The resident requested that play be restricted to after 10:30 a.m. seven days per week on the bang board. Karen Simmons noted that she had checked the Lexington noise bylaws and there are no time restrictions that apply to recreational activities. The bylaws indicate that 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday are reasonable times. Sandra Shaw asked if there was a way to muffle the noise. Dave Pinsonneault responded that there is little that can be done to the existing board. He will look at the site and investigate new shrubbery along the property line as well as new materials for the board itself. Nell Walker suggested that the Parks Department contact other Lexington Neighborhood Associations, such as Sun Valley, that have Tennis Courts and Bang Boards to see what materials they use to muffle noise. Sandra Shaw suggested that Karen Simmons send a letter to the abutter saying that the Recreation Department and Committee are sensitive to his concerns, and will investigate ways to muffle the noise generated by play in that area. The Recreation Committee voted not to change the hours of use. 4. Vine Brook Feasibility Study Nell Walker updated the Recreation Committee on the proposed Vine Brook study. She reviewed the purpose and background of the study. The LPSC had long hoped to do some work on the Vine Brook as it runs through Lincoln Park. In 2000 they became aware of the Shawsheen Watershed Draft, which included the North Branch of the Vine Brook. They applied for a grant to study the feasibility of opening up a small part of the Vine Brook. The study will include a wetlands delineation, field survey, habitat analysis, and topographical information, review of ecological areas and mapping of the fill. The study area will be 21 acres. Rick DeAngelis asked Nell Walker what the ultimate goal of the study was. She responded that if the results of the study were positive, the ultimate goal would be to open up the Vine Brook. This would result in opening up space at the site, improving the base flow of water, and improving the streamside vegetation. Don Chisholm commented that it would also add to the flood plain and redirect the flow through the pond area thus improving the water quality in the pond. Nell Walker told the Recreation Committee that she has given Rick White copies of the contract for the feasibility study. Karen Simmons said that Karen Mullins, Conservation Department, would manage the project. She also noted that she has concerns about flooding onto the Center fields, and requests that the scope of the study be increased to include a hydrology study of the impact on the fields. Rick DeAngelis agreed saying that 2/24/2009 2 whatever the feasibility study shows, we cannot afford to have flooding on the fields. Ms. Walker indicated that this would be included in the scope of work. Sandra Shaw asked where the money would come from to implement the results of the study. Don Chisholm responded that Lisa Baci, Conservation Commission member, indicated at the August Recreation Committee meeting that if it is feasible to open up the Vine Brook, there is money available from the Massachusetts Highway Department Fund to pay for the project. The Recreation Committee would like a copy of the Feasibility Study Report and have final approval if the project moves forward. Karen Simmons then told the committee that the Feasibility Study project must be completed and paid for by June 30, 2003. She is working with Jim McLaughlin on the RFP and bid process. She will send a letter to the Town Manager based on the Recreation Committee vote. The Recreation Committee approves the Don Chisholm made the following motion: initiation of the Vine Brook Feasibility Study. The motion was approved 5 – 0. Dick Neumeier seconded the motion. 5. Lincoln Park Field Project Update Karen Simmons told the Committee that in response to the “pro’s and con’s” generated to the four proposals for Lincoln Park, Geller Sports was concentrating on Option #4. She has met with Pat Maguire and discussed possible changes. He is revising and tweaking the plan. Karen Simmons explained that the Little League field would remain in the same location. The current adult softball field would remain as is, but would be used for youth softball. Adult softball games would be moved to Clarke Middle School fields. She reviewed the plan as it now stands, indicating that changes included the addition of an exit only driveway onto Lincoln Street. She noted that although restroom facilities are not budgeted for, they are shown on the plan. It is her intention to have all necessary electrical, sewer, water and telephone lines be run from Lincoln Street and be capped at the site of a future restroom/storage area/concession stand. Geller Sport has suggested that consideration be given to including a pavilion in the picnic area to serve as a shelter during thunderstorms. Lynne Wilson, Lincoln Park Sub Committee indicated that one concern of the LPSC was the proposed height of the berms along the meadow side of the park She also presented a suggestion from Lisa Baci that consideration be given to shifting one of the fields slightly into the wetlands, thus allowing for more open space between the field and the parking lot. Rick DeAngelis commented that this was okay with him, if there was a guarantee that such movement into wetlands would receive approval from the Conservation Commission. Sheldon Spector raised a concern about pedestrian traffic along the proposed second exit and inside the Park along Lincoln Street. Don Chisholm suggested that perhaps a stone dust path could be installed at some point to keep pedestrians away from exiting cars. 2/24/2009 3 Olga Guttag asked if the parking lot was to be lighted. Karen Simmons told her that there were no plans to do this. Originally it was thought that parking lot lighting would be a possibility, but neighbors strongly opposed the idea. 6. Skate Park Committee Update Bob McConnell and Olga Guttag updated the committee on progress at the Skate Park. Rotundi Construction is back at work. Next week they will start with completing the forms. The cement surface should be poured and completed within two weeks. The Skate Park Committee has looked at the Bedford Skate Wave Park and events and parks designed by Tom Noble. Were the committee to purchase the Skate Wave equipment they would be able to get four events for approximately $35,000. Don Chisholm suggested that the committee also look at the Skate Park at Hanscom Field. Bob McConnell said that the signage for the facility is being drafted. He asked what kind of material the Recreation Committee wants the signs to be made of. Karen Simmons and Dave Pinsonneault said that they would prefer highway grade sign material, as it is proven to last longer. Mr. McConnell said that they want to use both sides of the sign. The front will have the rules and regulations, while the back will list the names of those companies and individuals who made donations to the park. Olga Guttag asked if someone from the Recreation or Parks Department would look at the sign that is now at the Fiske School Playground. She indicated that it is made of plastic, but sits inside a wooden frame. She indicated that it has held up very well, and can be removed from the frame if new wording is needed. As to the events at the skate park, Olga Guttag explained to the Recreation Committee that the Skate Park committee had been in contact with Tom Noble, SPC Skateparks. He had been the original designer of the Lexington Skate Park. Ms. Guttag indicated that Tom Noble was working with Phoenix to build and supply skate park ramps. Tom Noble designs ramps and installs tuff stuff for ramp surfaces, while Phoenix builds the metal bases for the ramps. Because of past commitments to the Lexington Skate Park, Tom Noble has told Ms. Guttag that he will build the metal/tuff stuff ramps at his originally quoted wooden ramp price of $45,000. Unfortunately, after the installation of the drainage system and the cement skate surface, the Committee will only have $500 to $1,000 remaining in their account. Since they know that there is a commitment by the Recreation Department to donate the $10,000 from Blossom Street, they would like to build a good “street course” for the park, while they continue to fundraise for permanent ramps, half pipes and rails. The Skate Park Committee with the approval of the Recreation Committee would like to request a formal proposal from Tom Noble for this street course. Don Chisholm said that the strategy of the Skate Park Committee makes sense, but agrees with Rick DeAngelis that the Recreation Committee needs to see a formal proposal, safety standards, specifications, warranty and pictures. Karen Simmons told the Skate Park Committee members present that prior to the October th 16 Recreation Committee Meeting Tom Noble would have to submit a formal proposal for the “street course”. Included in the proposal must be: warranty information, material and construction specifications, layout design, cost per piece of equipment, references, 2/24/2009 4 safety compliance information, pictures of the proposed equipment, and installation instructions and specifications. Karen also has some concerns with Tom Noble’s company. The Town of Burlington had many problems. The Contractor and the Building Inspector closed the park due to safety issues. The contractor went into a “blame” game. 7. Five Year Capital Plan Karen Simmons reviewed the Five Year Capital Plan with the Recreation Committee. Scheduled for FY04 is a Playground Improvement Project at Valleyfield. The Recreation Department has traditionally submitted a request for Capital monies from the tax levy to be used for playground renovations and upgrades. Valleyfield is a small park that currently has open space and a swing set. It is not a heavily used area and in light of the recent addition of a tot structure at the Center Playground she and Dave Pinsonneault are not recommending that the Recreation Committee proceed with a request for upgrading the play equipment at that site. Rather, she suggested to the Committee that the FY05 request for Playground Upgrade at Kinneen Park be moved to FY04. Dick Neumeier suggested that a portion of the Capital money proposed for Valleyfield in FY04 is allocated to complete the Skate Park. He still believes strongly that the Recreation Committee should request a modest amount each year for playground improvements. Rick DeAngelis agreed with requesting the money for the Skate Park, suggesting that the Town does not need another Tot Lot. Don Chisholm and Sandra Shaw indicated that they were not comfortable solving the Skate Park Committee’s financial problems. Pam Varrin noted to the Recreation Committee that the youngsters who would use the Skate Park are an underserved group. She feels that it would be reasonable to request monies to complete the park. The Skate Park Committee has been working on this project since late 1997 and has not been successful in raising the necessary money. Karen Simmons asked the Committee if they were willing to support this proposed Capital Item if the monies had to come out of the Enterprise Fund. The Committee members said that it should come out of the Tax Levy. Don Chisholm moved that a final decision be tabled until the October 16, 2002 Committee meeting at which time a proposal will be available for events at the Skate The Recreation Committee agreed 5 – 0 with this motion. Park. Karen Simmons continued with a review of the other Capital requests including Pine Meadows equipment and renovation of the Marrett Road parking lot at the Old Reservoir. She indicated that a fairway mower, fairway aerator and a spreader are needed at Pine Meadows. She recommends that the requested amount of $50,000 remain unchanged. DPW Parks Department has done some temporary work at the Old Reservoir parking lot. Dave Pinsonneault said that it was possible for the Parks Department to continue to do this for a few years. Karen Simmons suggested that the FY04 request be moved to FY2006. 2/24/2009 5 She is also going to get new construction and material quotes for the FY05 and FY06 proposed requests for tennis and basketball court resurfacing, fencing, and the proposed hiring of a consultant to evaluate the Center Pool infrastructure. The Five Year Capital Plan must be extended to FY08. Karen Simmons told the Recreation Committee that she proposes replacing the Tennis and Softball lights at the Center Playground, and Dick Neumeier would like to extend the Third Hole at the Pine Meadows Golf Course. 8. Parks Report and Capital Projects Update Dave Pinsonneault reported that the Justin Street Tot lot equipment had been ordered. He explained to the Recreation Committee that a swing set was ordered to replace the existing set in lieu of the previously agreed upon slide. Sheila Butts spoke to the Justin Street neighbors about the change and they are in agreement. The equipment should be delivered by the end of October at which time arrangements will be made to remove the existing swings and slide and install the new structure, spring animals, swing set and surfacing materials. The Article 31 projects are nearing completion. Unfinished items are fencing and backstop replacements, gates at the Clarke tennis courts, resolution to some tennis court surfacing issues, power hook ups for the irrigation systems at Clarke and Diamond, and final re-grading and seeding near the Clarke courts. The goal posts are in on the Clarke Soccer field and the area is being used for fall soccer. Rick DeAngelis asked if the flooding situation at Clarke had been resolved. Dave Pinsonneault responded that the Engineering Department designed a solution to the problem and a separate contractor was brought in to do the work. Final re-grading work is nearing completion and the outcome has been very positive. Don Chisholm inquired as to the status of the Harrington Fields. Dave Pinsonneault told the Committee that he was meeting with a potential contractor at the site on September th 26 and would then bid the project. Karen Simmons reported that the bid opening for Phase Two of the Pine Meadows project was held last week. So far the references for the low bidder are excellent. Work is expected to begin in November. 9. Recreation Report Karen Simmons reported to the Recreation Committee that the Department had received a donation from the Lexington High School Helping Hands Club for the purchase of a park bench. This service club fundraised last spring by holding a family dance/cookout. The Parks Department has purchased the bench, and is installing it at the new Center Playground Tot Lot. The Department will purchase a plaque for the bench. 10. New Business October 16, 2002 at 7:30 The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on p.m. in Room G15. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. 2/24/2009 6 2/24/2009 7