HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-11-28-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 863-2350 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard L. Neumeier RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 28, 2001 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Pam Varrin, Rick DeAngelis, Don Chisholm, Dick Neumeier Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Dave Pinsonneault, Sheila Butts Others Present: Jack Cuhna, Michelle Gelnaw, Rochelle Sharit, Gabe Pastel, Ryan Gelnaw, Freddy Janney, Brian Griffin, Olga Guttag, Bob McConnell, Gary Skocay AGENDA: 1. The meeting minutes from October 17, 2001 were approved. 2. Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Bob McConnell, representing the Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Committee reported on upcoming fundraising activities, including: an advertisement in the Minuteman which they hope to supplement with a skate park article; fundraising letters and follow-up direct contact with selected businesses and residents; grant proposal submitted to the Tony Hawk Foundation; ongoing discussions with Stop & Shop; sale of “discount cards” for Lexington businesses. Sandra Shaw voiced concern about the level of fundraising. She commented that individuals should be approached personally. Newspaper ads and letters can easily be ignored, but phone calls can be very effective. Mr. McConnell indicated that to date the Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Committee has raised $52,000, and spent $6,000. They have a commitment of $35,000 in in-kind services. The Committee estimates that at current prices it will cost $150,000 to complete the Skate Park. The goal continues to be to use concrete as the surface material. Members of the Recreation Committee asked if the Skate Park Committee had considered using asphalt. Bob McConnell indicated that they had. Asphalt would save approximately $40,000 in construction costs, however the committee still believes that concrete provides a better skating surface and lasts longer than asphalt. Dave Pinsonneault, Parks Department, and Karen Simmons both noted that 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 2 the majority of Skate Parks being built are using high quality (airport grade) asphalt. Some locations put a seal coat over the asphalt to provide a smoother surface. Bob McConnell and Olga Guttag told the Recreation Committee that they hope to be able to continue the fundraising over the winter. If they are unable to raise the additional $25,000 needed for a concrete surface before the March Recreation Committee meeting they will use asphalt. The Skate Park Committee wants the Town to assist with money. They asked about Blossom Street funds be reassigned to the Skate Park project so that the concrete surfacing can be put down now. Sandra Shaw and other members of the Recreation Committee indicated that it was not possible to direct all of the money, but would consider some. This would be discussed and voted on as a later agenda item. Karen Simmons indicated that she would be meeting with the Planning Director about the Blossom Street money. However, she does not think all of the fund should go to the Skate Park since the intent was for a playground to be constructed for two to five year olds. If the money is somehow split, the portion assigned to the Skate Park should go for events, not surfacing. The Recreation Committee agreed with this. Sandra Shaw asked the skateboarders in attendance what they thought about the surfacing. They told the Committee that they had boarded at asphalt parks in Winchester and Waltham and did not have a problem. They would be happy with asphalt if it means the project will be completed sooner. Karen Simmons told the Recreation Committee and the Skateboard/Inline Skate Park representatives that obviously nothing could be done until after the winter is over. The Selectmen and the Town Manager are looking for a commitment, process and plan from the Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Committee. She commended those individuals who have stayed involved with the project, and noted that the Recreation Department wants this project to go forward and continues to support the Skate Park Committee. Rick DeAngelis suggested that a March 2002 deadline be set for raising money for a concrete surface. The Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Committee should return to the March Committee meeting with a report. The Recreation Committee agreed with this. Members reiterated their desire to see this project succeed. The Skate Park Committee agreed that if they were unable to raise enough money to install cement by March 2002, they would change their surface to asphalt. 3. Lincoln Park Sub-Committee Don Chisholm reported that Sasaki Associates cancelled a scheduled meeting the week of th November 19, and also cancelled their appearance before the Recreation Committee. Due to the cancellation, there is no updated Draft Report available. Mr. Chisholm noted to the Committee that it appears that Sasaki Associates is involved with many large projects, and Lincoln Park is small in comparison. 4. Pine Meadows Golf Course Signage Karen Simmons reviewed the reasons for needing new signage at the golf course, distributed copies of a letter from Bill Harrison of New England Golf Corporation, and reminded the Committee that this issue was discussed at Town Meeting last spring. Last year signs were installed at the entrance, and some residents complained about the verbiage on the signs. A 3 motion was made to change the wording on the sign at the gate to read: “Golf Course Closed for the Season”. This sign, and a copy of the Selectmen By- Laws for Parks and Recreation, would be posted when the golf course closed. The motion carried 5 – 0. 5. Five Year Capital Plan Karen Simmons reviewed the Recreation Department Capital Plan with members of the Committee. The Capital Budget is to be presented to the Selectmen on Monday, December 3. She noted that $500,000 was added to the Lincoln Park project. She also reported on her recent meeting with Bill Daly and Bob Atchison about the conditions and possible renovations to the Lincoln soccer fields. The two projects online for FY03 are $300,000 improvements to Pine Meadows Golf Course (relocation of the maintenance shed and parking lot renovations) and $30,000 Playground Improvements at Justin Park. She asked the Recreation Committee for their active support of this with the Town Financial Committees. Don Chisholm and Sandra Shaw indicated that they would go to the Selectmen’s meeting on December 3. 6. Recreation Report ?? Blossom Street - Committee members then began a discussion of the status of money originally assigned to the Blossom Street Tot Lot. Karen Simmons briefly reviewed the history of the project and told the Committee that Dave Pinsonneault had put together a proposal for a Tot Lot designed specifically for 2 – 5 year olds that could be located at the Center Playground. The current quote for the project is $31,000 installed and surfaced. Karen Simmons wants to go to the Planning Director to request that the Blossom Street money be used for this structure. She does not believe that there will be a problem with this, since the general purpose is the same. Pam Varrin agreed, noting that installation of a tot lot at the Center would definitely follow the original intent of the money. She also said that she would not have a problem recommending that the balance of the $41,000 Blossom Street fund be used for events at the Skate Park. Rick DeAngelis agreed. Dick Neumeier asked if it were too late to go to Town Meeting and ask that some Enterprise Fund money be used at the Skate Park for surfacing? The other Recreation Committee members disagreed and did not support a Town Meeting Warrant Article using Enterprise funds. Karen Simmons asked Jack Cuhna of the Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Committee if the committee is intending on submitting a Citizen’s Article for Tax Levy money for the Skate Park. Mr. Cuhna indicated that the idea had been considered, but no one had actively begun to work on it. Rick De Angelis made the following motion: 1. Use the Blossom Street money to build a Tot Lot at the Center Playground. 4 2. Earmark any leftover funds from this project for the Skate Park. 3. The Recreation Committee will determine specific Skate Park application of the money left over from the Tot Lot at a later date. The motion was approved 5 – 0. ?? Karen Simmons reported on the progress of work at the track and tennis courts. The tennis court fence is nearing completion, and the contractor has touched up the work area around the track with loam and seed. She told the Committee that the architect and construction company have recommended that a fence be erected around the track to save the surface from unnecessary wear and tear. The proposed fence would be four feet high with vinyl back coating. This would cost $23,760.00. After a discussion of the issue the Recreation Committee voted 0 – 5 not to approve the fence. The discussion continued with a recommendation by Karen Simmons that the track area near the proposed Skateboard Park be fenced off. This would not take place until the Skate Park was completed, but it would prevent skaters and boarders from wearing out that one section of the track and funnel Skate Park participants to the appropriate entrance. The Recreation Committee expressed their approval of this, and will take it up again when the Skate Park is complete. Karen Simmons reported to the Recreation Committee that she is in the process of getting quotes to replace the tennis light fixtures. Many of the lights are in need of repair, and she is reviewing the entire project to see if funds are available. ?? The Recreation Committee reviewed the results of the Pine Meadows Golf Course Survey that Karen Simmons handed out. She told the members that Bill Harrison from the Management Company and the Town of Lexington designed the survey. She said it was an excellent report with very good results. The results given to the Recreation Committee included the comments individuals made about the course. The Recreation Department plans to hand out the survey next year in the spring, summer and fall. ?? Sheila Butts and Dave Pinsonneault reported the results of the Center Playground Audit to the Recreation Committee. They told the committee about the priority one items that will be repaired immediately, and explained that some of the items in the Audit Report are not “fixable” due to space and design. The structure was built in 1989. Since then the standards and guidelines for play equipment have changed. A brief discussion of the wood sample tests followed, but because results of the soil and wipe tests are not complete, further discussion was tabled until the December meeting. 7. New Business The next Recreation Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 19, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.