HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-09-19-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 863-2350 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard L. Neumeier RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 2001 Members Present: Pam Varrin, Dick Neumeier, Don Chisholm, Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, David Pinsonneault, Sheila Butts AGENDA: 1. The meeting minutes from August 15, 2001 were approved. 2. Skateboard/Inline Skate Park No representatives from the Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Committee were present at the meeting. Dave Pinsonneault reported that, as promised, skaters raked the rocks at the site and Parks Department crews sprayed the area to kill the weeds. Further discussion of the Skate Park was tabled until representatives were in attendance at the meeting. 3. Lincoln Park Sub-Committee th Don Chisholm reported that the sub-committee rescheduled the August 27 meeting. They are scheduled to meet at Town Hall with Sasaki Associates on Monday, September 24 at 3:00 PM. This will be the first opportunity for the committee to review the Master Plan draft. Karen Simmons asked if the current timeline would allow for including the proposal in the 5 year Capital Plan. Don Chisholm feels that the draft will present sufficient information for the Recreation Committee to review and act on. He will summarize the information presented at the th September 24 meeting and send it to the Recreation office and to Committee members. Karen Simmons also requested that the Recreation Department office be given a copy of the Master Plan Draft. 4. Pool Hours A copy of a letter from Dana Wendel, a Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member was given to the Recreation Committee. Ms. Wendel was invited to the Committee meeting, but was unable to attend this evening. Karen Simmons informed the Committee that she and her staff had 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 2 reviewed the current operating hours at the Town Pool and did experiment with Ms. Wendel’s original request (June) for morning swim hours. Although the experimental hours were advertised at the Pool and the Old Res, participation was nominal. Ms. Wendel suggested that children in lessons be moved into another of the pools allowing for either the lap pool or wading pool to be open to the public. Karen Simmons noted that this could present a problem if there were a sanitary accident in one of the larger pools. Since only the wading pool is on a separate filtration system, an accident in one of the larger pools could result in having most of the facility closed for several hours. The Pool Staff felt that the addition of this open swim time presented a distraction to the children participating in the Swim Lesson Program. The staff recommends that in the future such morning swim hours be added only in the event that the Old Res is closed. Dick Neumeier suggested that the Recreation Department respond to Ms. Wendell with a short, factual letter explaining the hours of pool operation, the results of the experimental hours this summer, staff evaluations, etc. Pam Varrin agreed and suggested that the letter should be clear about the level of distraction apparent to the lesson participants when the new hours were added. The Recreation Department will prepare a letter to Ms. Wendel. 5. Disabled Rate Pam Varrin presented members of the Committee with her proposal to “support ease of access to Recreation Department programs”. She explained her ongoing discussions with the Enablement Committee and noted that members of that committee were invited to attend the Recreation Committee meeting but no representatives were present. The Recreation Committee members complimented Pam on the time and effort she has put into this issue. Karen Simmons noted that Sandra Shaw, Committee Chairman, who was unable to attend the meeting, was in agreement with the proposed plan. Karen Simmons explained that the Committee was dealing with two items: Should the Recreation Department offer a separate Disabled Rate or should there be a review and amending of the current Financial Aid Policy and criteria? The Committee discussed following the lead of other town services such as PAYT and Water Department to offer reduced rates to individuals and families who have already qualified for fuel assistance. Rick DeAngelis said that the criteria should be financial, not based on physical or mental disabilities or age. Additionally he noted that financial reductions should not be layered on top of other reduced rates such as the already discounted Senior Rate. The Committee agreed with this. Karen Simmons noted that the Golf Course is excluded from this discussion, as it is a contractual service. Recreation Staff suggest using a 30% reduction for Recreation programs. Currently those approved for financial aid receive a 50% reduction per season. Financial Assistance for Swim Tags is the only area in which families or individuals may receive full financial aid. Pam Varrin and Rick DeAngelis suggested that there be consistent wording about financial assistance in Recreation Department materials. Pam brought the discussion to an end calling for a vote on two motions: 1. Should a Disabled Rate be instituted by the Recreation Department? The motion failed 4 – 0. 3 2. Should the Recreation Department institute a category of financial aid tied to the means testing criteria for fuel assistance? The committee agreed to this motion by a vote of 4 – 0. Karen Simmons asked that Pam work with the Recreation Staff to further develop the policy language for future brochures and financial aid packets. This language will be presented to the Recreation Committee at the October meeting. Pam will attend the next Enablement Committee meeting to inform them of the outcome of this meeting. 6. Center Playground Dave Pinsonneault reviewed the letter he submitted to the Recreation Committee detailing the current status of the Center Playground structure. There is a constant need for maintenance at the Center Playground, and concerns have recently arisen about the condition of the wood and levels of unsuitable preservatives that might be present in the wood. Recreation Staff recommends that a private consultant be hired to perform a complete Safety Audit at the Center Playground structure and test the wood for arsenic and other potentially unsafe preservatives. Sheila Butts has been in contact with Ron Smith, the Safety Guy Co., and the Recreation Department is waiting for a proposal and cost figures from him for a complete Safety Audit. Dave then presented draft proposals for a new composite structure. Don Chisholm asked if there had been any discussion about replicating the original methods for design and funding when the playground was installed in the late 1980’s. Karen Simmons said that no one had yet to come forward expressing interest in this. Don suggests that an assessment be done at the site. If a problem exists then the structure should be removed. Once this is done there may be a community movement to fund and redo the play equipment. Karen Simmons wants to put the project in the 5-year Capital Plan so that the community knows about it. Don feels that is fine if there is a problem, however removal and new installation will be needed in the near future and the community needs to be “on board”. He has concerns that if the project were included in the “town pays route” it would be a tax levy issue that would present a hard sell to the residents. Pam believes that the project should be put on the town’s radar screen. She hopes that a new structure will be significantly different, as the current equipment is not really accessible. She sees the proposal as a good opportunity to remedy problems, and suggests getting input from parents of younger children with disabilities. Karen Simmons told the members that the Committee has to decide if the Center Playground proposal should be in the 5-year Capital Plan. She suggests it be included in the FY2007 requests. The $200,000 estimated costs, which cover purchase, installation and surfacing, are current. This figure will have to be amended to reflect inflation. Pam Varrin hopes that the proposal for the Center Playground will address the “tot” equipment issue. Dave noted that the staff has a proposal for a separate tot area to be installed at the Center Playground. He estimates that this project will cost $30,000. Karen Simmons noted that this is in the overall proposal regardless of what happens with the Blossom Street project. Responding 4 to questions about Blossom Street, Karen told members that Jeanne Krieger would probably not support the Blossom Street Tot Lot due to neighborhood opposition. A meeting scheduled with neighbors and public safety officials was postponed due to the recent events in Washington and th New York. The Recreation Department will try to reschedule the meeting for October 9 at 8:00 a.m. Don expressed concern about the status of the money promised if we opt not to build Blossom Street. Karen said that part of the money is in the Recreation gift fund. She has spoken with Glenn Garber from Planning and he assures her that the Planning Board will not tell the Recreation Committee how to spend the money, but she would still go to the Planning Board to officially request a change. 7. Article 31 of ’99 Karen Simmons presented the Committee with an update on these ongoing projects. ?? The bleachers, press box and ramp are in. A final occupancy permit has been applied for and the Building Inspector is scheduled to do a final tour on th September 20. ?? The company that installed the bleachers has recommended that the stone dust surfacing in front of the bleachers be replaced with asphalt to eliminate potential damage to the bleachers. ?? The General Contractor has dismissed Baker Fence as the fence subcontractor because of poor performance. When they left the site they removed all of their materials and supplies necessitating the reordering of fencing materials. The new fabric should be available in approximately two weeks. The new fence company will be erecting temporary fencing in the interim. ?? Tennis court work is in progress. There is some discussion about surfacing colors. Recreation staff will contact non-school users to get their input. Final coat may not be completed until spring because of weather. ?? Projects at Clarke Middle School are in progress. A conduit has been installed under the tennis courts, and drainage work on the fields is being completed. ?? Track renovation is scheduled to begin this week. The project should take two to three weeks to complete. ?? Backstops will not be completed until late winter/spring. Dave Pinsonneault told the Committee that the Lions Club is committed to redoing the Soccer field at the Center. They hope to begin work after the Carnival, which would remove the field from use next fall, but have it back on line in Spring 2003. The other users of the area, most especially Softball groups, need to be informed promptly so they can make alternative plans. 8. Recreation Report Karen Simmons reported that the FY03 Budget process has begun. Personal services information is due September 24th, followed by Department goals and objectives, performance measurements, and the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan. The recreation staff is meeting on September 27th to evaluate the summer programs. The programs were very good this year. Numbers at the Pool and the Old Res were up. The Old Res 5 was closed a few times because of high bacteria counts. Cheryl Ozolins, who supervises all department aquatics programs, is putting together a project management team to look at the purchase and installation of an aerator for the Res. Don Chisholm asked about the reaction to the new pavilions at the pool complex. Karen noted that the reaction was very positive and the pavilions were used heavily. One piece of ramp at the Old Res will be removed for the winter. Pam Varrin questioned why there is a 5 – 6 foot section of sand before the ramp starts at the parking entrance. Karen said she would look into it for next summer. Karen reported that rounds are down at Pine Meadows, but money up 2 – 3 %. Fees were increased this year, but because of a late winter the course didn’t open until April 15th. She said that a report should be available for the October meeting. She is beginning to put together the new packet for the upcoming bid contract. The current contract ends this year. 9. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault reports that the architect will be at Pine Meadows next week regarding the road construction. The binder surface should be in place this fall. He is reviewing the Harrington School project with staff, trying to find creative ways to manipulate space, as the school project is scheduled to take away one full size and one ¾ size soccer field. There is a need to go into the woods and embankment to reclaim space for fields. The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 p.m. NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2001 7:30 P.M. ROOM G - 15