HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-BOS-minSelectmen's Meeting Minutes March 6, 2000 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, March 6, 2000 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Krieger, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Karl Weiland, 13 Fletcher Avenue, who is on the Board of Trustees of Waldorf School spoke of the anxiety and alarm of the school board at the possibility of the Town repurchasing the Adams School building for Town purposes. The School has been in town for twenty years, has enjoyed the opportunity and has maintained a good relationship with the East Lexington community. The Board urges the Town to consider continued residency of the school in Lexington. There are fifty families who now live in Lexington as well as attending the school. The Board does not in any way want to minimize other needs of the Town but wants the Board to know of the school's deep interest in remaining in Town. Mrs. Krieger thanked Mr. Weiland for coming in and expressing the Board's concerns. The reacquisition is one item in the report that is still very preliminary. The recommendation has to be formalized. Any recommendations will not be made lightly and there area variety of other sites being considered for the Senior Center. Mrs. McKenna commented on the efforts of several local churches in collecting food and canned goods to help alleviate world hunger. Consent Agenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a proclamation designating March 17, 2000 as Lexington High School Science Fair Day. Lion's Club 4 th of July Carnival Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from the Lion's Club to conduct its annual 4 th of July Carnival at the Center Playground on June 30, July 1, 2, 3 and 4: provided, however, that all plans are to be coordinated with the Park, Police and Fire Departments and further that if plans are to have a petting zoo, the Lion's Club must first come back to the Board for approval. Article Positions It was agreed that the Board would start taking positions on the Warrant articles at its meeting on the 20 of March. Selectmen's Meeting — March 6, 2000 Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the joint meeting with the School Committee and Finance Committees on January 24, 2000. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as corrected of the meeting of January 24, 2000. Recreation Fees Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the Little League fees from $5.00 /child /season to $8.00 /child /season. Town Manager's Annual Performance Review Mrs. Krieger explained the process that the Board Members have followed in conducting the Town Manager's Annual Performance Review. Mrs. Krieger also read the significant portions of the following evaluation: General Comments: This performance appraisal consists of several components. The major component is a review of how effectively the role of the Manager was performed by 6 functional responsibilities. • Management of Town Finances • Communication with Selectmen • Communication with other Boards, Committees and Officers • Negotiation of Contracts with Bargaining Units and Vendors • Community Relations • Personnel A second component is performance against the areas of improvement the Board defined last year: • To continue to work with Mr. Fenn on developing a program to make our hiring practices more inclusive, • To strengthen the Town's technology position, • To strive for productivity and efficiency gains within the organization, and • The implementation of a confidential "360" process with his staff to futher strengthen the organization's effectiveness. The last component is a brief summary of the findings of the 360 process, identifying areas of strengths and potential improvement for Mr. White to consider for his personal development. This year the Board also will adopt a formal set of objectives to supplement the functional and personal criteria used in the past. Selectmen's Meeting — March 6, 2000 Performance Against Functional Responsibilities Management of Town Finances The Board believes the role of the Manager is to create a budget, which reflects the level of service recommended by the Board, and to faithfully implement the budget for the current fiscal year. Consequently the manager received high marks for what we regarded as an extraordinary effort in a challenging year. His ability to collaborate with the School Committee and staff, the preparation of a consensus budget, a full month earlier than in previous years, the creation of a cash capital policy and managing FY00 expenses against a very tight budget were cited as examples of extraordinary achievement. External measurements corroborate the opinion of the Board. The Town's budget presentation wins national recognition, our bond rating remains Aaa and the external audit was favorable. By bringing this year's budget process forward earlier, the Manager has shared working documents with the Board. These draft documents are subject to the inconsistencies expected in a work -in- progress and leave some concern about presentation of detail. Communication with Selectmen The Board values Rick's ability to keep us informed, his accessibility and fair representation of our policies. Rick does an outstanding job balancing our many priorities, but small items can "fall through the cracks." Given the myriad of details the Manager is required to track, a more efficient tickler and /or reminder system might serve to improve his communication. Communications with Other Boards, Committees and Officers Relations with the School Committee and Planning Board have never been stronger in our awareness. Communications with the Finance Committees are open and collaborative as exemplified by work in developing assumptions for the three -year forecast. Rick respects the role of the numerous Town Committees and recognizes the major role they afford in Town governance. Relations with the HDC require some tuning to ensure smooth dispatch of municipal projects. Negotiation of Contracts with Bargaining Units and Vendors Rick's specific performance is difficult for us to assess, for in general we are not privy to the details of what occurs at the bargaining table. However, the outcomes are in general positive and regarded as equitable by most parties. Lexington is fortunate to have a Town manager capable of negotiating with labor unions. Many towns of similar size depend upon the services of a professional labor negotiator, at significant cost to the community. Relationships with the more "positional" unions continue to be sources of friction and misunderstanding at times. Rick has gone out of his way to keep lines of communication open. Apart from labor negotiations, Rick has tactfully dealt with at least two difficult vendor relationships, ensuring the Town's interests are well represented. Selectmen's Meeting — March 6, 2000 Community Relations Overall the Board of Selectmen shares a general impression of a high level of responsiveness and professionalism. Rick's administration and support of the 20/20 process are commendable. The Fletcher Ave. neighborhood is appreciative of Rick's attention to their concerns. External relations seem to be solid, but there are occasional complaints of difficulty in being able to speak directly to him and of details being unattended. Personnel Rick's senior staff is highly motivated and empowered; resulting in a proliferation of programs that would otherwise not be as effectively implemented, i.e., work on compensation and review systems, the Newsletter Team, the development of capital policy and the Web effort. The Y2K initiative is an outstanding example of staff effort with major impact on the community. The diversity task force is highly effective. Difficult departures of two key staff are a concern, and suggest Rick's need to strengthen his facility for dealing with those whose style is different than his while still maintaining accountability of his staff. Last year's programs — excellent progress • Diversity effort — ongoing and a very strong program • Strengthen Town's Technology position — The hire of an IT Director, development of Web page, and the definition of a program for I -net enhancement are all very positive steps. Efforts are slowed only by availability of resources. • Strive for efficiency and productivity gains within the organization — The efforts of the Senior staff speak for themselves. The Public Works Department is functioning with a significantly reduced staff, attempting to manage customer expectations while effectively maintaining Town services. We as a Board are indebted to Rick for the outstanding job he has done this year, a year that was particularly challenging due to the newly emerging budget process, operating under the constraints of last year's challenging cost containment measures and adapting to the style of two new Board members. We congratulate Rick on his performance. Summary of 360 interviews Eighteen interviews were conducted with the Manager's peers and staff including the entire senior staff, the Superintendent of Schools, the Chairman of the School Committee and representatives of both middle management and union leadership. Goals for Next Year Strategic Initiatives Continue to build and reinforce strong working relationship with school superintendent and staff, achieve initial implementation of one to two of the proposals for collaboration. Selectmen's Meeting — March 6, 2000 • Construct a balanced proposed budget for FY2002 that preserves all major services without significant new revenue. • Work with the Permanent Building Committee, schools and library to assure smooth progress, within budget, on major building projects. • Develop a consensus proposal for major capital projects and financing, in time for presentation to 2001 Annual or Special Town Meeting. • Support the successful completion of the strategic planning process, and develop effective means to incorporate the output from that process in the Town's ongoing governance. Personal Development • Improve the customer focus of Town offices while maintaining staff productivity and efficiency. • Honor the suggestions identified by the 360 process. • Identify a mechanism for tracking and responding to the myriad of details with which you are confronted. Mrs. Eddison felt the Town is very lucky to have the Town Manager and to be the outstanding Town that Lexington is. Mrs. McKenna thought the whole report was going to be read and that the Selectmen had identified areas to work toward improving. Mr. Enrich did feel that the document does a good job of reflecting the input of all the members of the Board. He feels the Town is very fortunate to have Rick. He serves the Town very well and brings extraordinary strengths. Mrs. Abbott commented on the remarkable job Rick did on the budget and following a process that brought all groups together and actually making it work. Mrs. McKenna felt the review reflects what all members have agreed to, but disagreed with the comments that had just been made. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the review. Transfer of Land to Minute Man National Park Minute Man National Park Service Rep. Dan Dattilio reviewed efforts of the Park Service to work with the neighborhood during the ongoing development project and planned parking areas, specifically a parking lot at Wood Street. He outlined the parking plans at various locations every 3 /4 of a mile along the 5 '/z mile Battle Road Trail. Selectmen's Meeting — March 6, 2000 Neighborhood concerns and questions were expressed regarding screening, debris, and the number of trees that would be cut down and speed control in the area by Peter Osborne, Roger Mello, Lillian Nichols, Francine Stieglitz and abutting neighbor to the proposed Wood Street parking area Galina Kuznetsov. Mr. Enrich spoke of the good experience with the Park Service. They are extraordinarily conscientious and good at what they do. The Park has changed dramatically. It is a more valuable resource for the community than it was a few years ago. They are good neighborhood acting in good faith. There are important sites in the Park. This seems like a fairly reasonable proposal that will benefit visitors to the Park and benefit the Town. Precinct 9 Town Meeting Member Tony Close expressed concern that the Park Service has not initiated any recent contact with the neighborhood. Mr. Enrich felt the neighbors have a fair amount of concerns. Is there a way for us to move this forward and restore the positive relationships between the neighborhood and the Park. Mr. Enrich suggested that the Park staff meet with the neighbors again on ways to address their concerns. Mr. Enrich further suggested that the Park staff come back within three months regarding this matter. Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. McKenna expressed concerns that this location for a parking lot is less than ideal. Board members felt the Park Service should have serious conversations with the neighborhood. There was some discussion over the time line for coming back to the Board. It was decided that the Park Service should come back to the Selectmen in four months. Liaison Reports Mrs. Krieger who sat in for Mr. Enrich at the last HATS meeting reported on the hearing on the Marriott assisted living facility. The presentation was one that was a very effective marketing discussion of the need for assisted living in the area versus the educational value. The proposal will be presented at the Lincoln Town Meeting with a request to site the facility there. They will need a 2/3 vote of the Lincoln Town Meeting. Ideally the proposal should have had the review of the four -town planning group. She felt Lexington should take whatever opportunity it can to give input to the proposal. Mrs. Krieger will forward a letter from the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board and include comments from the Conservation Commission to the Lincoln Planning Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Breakfast Meeting Minutes March 16, 2000 The Board of Selectmen held a Breakfast Meeting with the Chairs of the Boards, Committees and Commissions of the Town on Thursday, March 16, 2000 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 a.m. Chairman Krieger, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Mrs. Krieger opened the meeting by reviewing the FY2001 Budget Process and the collaborative efforts involved, the challenges that were faced and the evolution of the $3.44 million operating override. Also reviewed was the cash capital policy and major capital items. Mrs. Krieger then asked the Chairs to give a brief report on their work during the past year and plans for this year. Town Report Chair Kerry Brandin asked that everyone think of action pictures during the year to enhance the Town Report. Mrs. Brandin also said that she and Barry Peltz would be co- chairing the Override Campaign. Lighting Options Committee and Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Chair Myla Kabat -Zinn reported that the Town would be putting up cost saving lights over the next few months. The Traffic Safety Advisory Committee is dealing with increased traffic, speed, cut throughs and in many areas their hands are tied because of State law and physical constraints. Center Committee Chair David Wells said his committee is trying to improve the quality of life in the Center by keeping it clean and safe for business people and residents of surrounding neighborhoods. Mrs. Eddison spoke for Peter Meek, Chair of the Board of Trustees of Cary Library. Fund raising is going well with $1.5 out of $3.0 million already pledged. There is a lot of interest in supporting the Library and Mrs. Eddison asked for the support of the Boards and Committees. Board of Appeals Chair Bob Whitman spoke of accelerating trends to build additions to houses. People who want to stay in Lexington and cannot afford to buy bigger homes are finding it necessary to add on to their existing houses. Planning Board Chair John Davies said the Planning Board is seeing same trend as the Board of Appeals. Folks are trying to build on marginal land. Transportation Advisory Committee chair John Graham talked about Lexpress being subject to the override. If the override fails, Lexpress will terminate at the end of this fiscal year. Mr. Graham reported on the ridership, MBTA grants and the relationships between the TAC and the school department and sponsorships of the Lexpress map. Selectmen's Breakfast Meeting — March 16, 2000 Council on Aging chair Clark Cowen spoke of the overcrowding at the senior center and the need for a new facility. Vice Chairman Jackie Davison spoke of the site search of the CoA for the new facility. Solid Waste Action Team Co -Chair John Andrews spoke of SWAT's work with DPW, the schools, and Minuteman about the more recycling there is the less in tipping fees. Retirement Board Chair Bob Cunha spoke about the employee membership, this year's actuarial study, the Town's unfunded liability history over the past few years. The Board will be having an actuarial study done every three years. Once the unfunded liability is met, the Board will be looking at funding health insurance for retirees. Mr. Cunha also spoke about the purpose of the upcoming Retirement Board article at Town Meeting. Capital Expenditures Committee Chair Charles Hornig said the Committee's big initiative this year is to change the five -year forecast from a wish list to a realistic recommendation. Town Celebrations Committee and Youth Commission liaison Dawn McKenna reviewed the plans for the TCC's Patriot's Day Celebration and Youth Commission awards. Mrs. McKenna also spoke of the work of the Space and Building Needs Assessment Advisory Committee. Design Advisory Committee Chair Steve Hurley spoke of the good relationship the Committtee has with the Board of Appeals on signage issues. They are also working with the Historic Districts Commission as well. They are also working on the Center parking issue. Town Moderator Marge Battin reminded the audience that this year's Town Meeting will be at Clarke Middle School Auditorium. Mrs. Battin praised Caleb Warner for all the work he has done with the audio system at Clarke in preparation for Town Meeting. Town Manager Richard White spoke of the partnership among the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Finance Committees in the FY2001 budget efforts. Trustees of Public Trusts chair Alan Fields felt the Trustees were in a "fun position" spending money for the many purposes the trusts were set up. Personnel Advisory Board co -chair Evelyn Silber spoke of the work of the Board on developing new recreation procedures, affirmative action and the performance evaluation system. Historic Districts Commission member Ian Adamson said the Commission has become more proactive this year in educating people as to what the Commission does and why. They have more comprehensive guidelines. The two main areas of focus will be the Library, the Battle Green, signage and clutter. Selectmen's Breakfast Meeting — March 16, 2000 Conservation Commission chair Joyce Miller spoke of the Commissions major concern, which it has pushed for each year in more communication between all the land use boards. The Commission would like to see more regular communications with the Recreation Committee, Board of Health, Historic Districts Commission, Bicycle Committee and Planning Board. Board of Health chair Martha Wood spoke of the Board's involvement with individual and environmental health issues and working collaboratively on a wide variety of issues with the School Department and also with the Conservation Commission. They are working on updating their regulations. Cary Lecture Committee member Jim Cowan spoke of the need for a new venue may be a problem for next year; however, they are hoping to make some arrangements with the Museum of Our National Heritage. Lexington Commission 2000 Chair Skip Hayward reviewed all the details for the second largest revolutionary war ceremony ever. TMMA Chair Alan Lazarus said the TMMA meets monthly and likes to keep the communications open with all the citizens. They have had great cooperation with Peter Enrich, Rick White and Jeanne Krieger. Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Chair Jerry Van Hook said the Committee recently voted unanimously not to approve the tearing up of the bikeway to install fiber optic cable. Metromedia, the company responsible for the installation is not interested in adding a third conduit. The Committee will continue to work to a satisfactory resolution of this matter. Mrs. Krieger expressed the Board's thanks to all the Committees acknowledging a number of common areas where communication and collaboration is used to work on initiatives. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:00 a.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting Minutes March 20, 2000 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, March 20, 2000 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Krieger, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Mr. Lederman, Precinct 7, expressed his concern that the East Lexington Fire station should not be considered discretionary. It will be a loss of an essential service if the override fails. He urged the Board to separate it from the other bundled discretionary items. Mr. Enrich explained that this is one of a set of items and one that the Board arrived at with great difficulty. It was a unanimous view that it is not appropriate and is divisive to pick and choose among the services. The Board views it as a choice we need to make as a community together. The community needs to decide on the level of services it wants. Mr. Tripi asked how much over budget the bids had come in on the school project. Mr. White explained that the bids were still under review. The HFAC bid came in higher than anticipated. The bid has been rejected. We are expecting a lot of interest. We will know more after the 28 Perry Pollins, Precinct 5, complained about the condition of Mass. Avenue. Mass. Ave. is the parade route for the upcoming Patriots' Day celebration. The intersection of Mass. Ave. and Pelham Road is particularly bad. Mr. Enrich reported that both maintaining the East Lexington Fire Station and expanding on the road maintenance program are both items on the override and unfortunately we can't have these programs if we don't pass the override. Consent Agenda Resignation from Personnel Advisory board Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Scott Burson from the Personnel Advisory Board. Common Victualler License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a common victualler license to Starbucks Coffee, 60 Bedford Street. Selectmen's Meeting — March 20, 2000 One -Day Liquor Licenses Lexington Bicentennial Band Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a one - day liquor license to the Lexington Bicentennial Band for an annual fund raising dance at Keilty Hall on April 29, 2000. Armenian Sisters Academy Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a one - day liquor license to the Armenian Sisters Academy for a fund raising dance at 6 Eliot Road on May 6, 2000. Limousine License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the application and issue a Limousine License to Kip Farris, 158 Maple Street. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Executive Session Minutes of the meeting of January 24, 2000. Communications Advisory Committee — Jennifer Taub Communications Advisory Committee Rep. Jennifer Taub and a proponent of a Warrant Article to place a moratorium on communications antennas reported on the Planning Board's unfavorable vote in support of her proposed warrant article. In view of the Planning Board's position, Ms. Taub is proposing to indefinitely postpone her warrant article and is requesting that the Board appoint an advisory committee and recommend a charge to the committee to study the Zoning By -Law Section 15 as it applies to the installation of communication equipment and any possible affect on residential property values. Board Members discussed the Committee makeup and it was agreed that there should be two members of the Communications Advisory Committee, a member of the Planning Board, Historic Districts Commission, Design Advisory Committee and representation from residential and commercial brokers, a statistician, and a representative of the wireless industry on the Committee. It was also agreed to charge the Committee with a six -month study and to bring back recommendations to the Board before next year's Town Meeting. Selectmen's Meeting — March 20, 2000 Article Positions Board Members after discussion and hearing the position of the finance committees began taking positions on the Articles for the 2000 Annual Town Meeting as follows: Article 5 Supplementary Appropriations for Current fiscal Year - $145,722 (unanimous support). Article 8 Capital Projects and Equipment a. Town Building Envelope i. Cary Hall Renovations - $450,000 (unanimous support) ii. Senior Center - $50,000 (hold on vote) b. DPW Equipment - $187,000 (unaninous support) C. Fire Rescue Vehicle - $123,050 (hold on vote) d. e. MIS Fiber Optic Network Equipment - $150,000 (hold) f. Morgan Road Water Tank Rehab. - $280,000 (unanimous support) g. Bedford Street Water Distribution Improvement - $30,000; $70,000 (unanimous support) h. Street Related Improvements - $601,369 (unanimous support) i. Playground and Recreation Article 9 Street Acceptances - $0 (support) Article 10 Water Mains Cleaning and Lining - $315,000 (with MWRA bond funding) — (support) Article 11 Rehab of Center Pool complex - $100,000 (4 support, 1 abstention (McKenna)) Article 12 Accessibility of the Old Res - $25,000 (unanimous support) Article 13 School Technology Program - $800,000 (unanimous support) Article 14 School Capital Project - $1,300,000 (unanimous support) Article 15 Stabilization Fund (hold) Article 16 Retirement Board (unanimous support) Article 17 Transfer of Hayden Woods Fund to Trustees of Public Trusts (unanimous support) Article 19 Amend Section 6 of Article 1 of the General By -Laws, Non Criminal Disposition (unanimous support) Article 20 Historic Districts Commission — Non Criminal Disposition (unanimous support) Article 21 Accept Chapter 41; Section 100G'/4 of MGL (unanimous support) Article 22 By -Law Amendment — Appropriation Committee (unanimous support) Article 23 By -Law Amendment — Selectmen Budget Submittal (support) Article 24 Home Rule Petition — Grants of Location (4 — 1 (McKenna)) Selectmen's Meeting — March 20, 2000 Override At -Risk Cost and Impacts Mosquito Control Health Director Beverly Anderson spoke of the importance of the mosquito control program as a measure of protection against several mosquito borne diseases. Lexpress DPW Acting Director Bill Hadley reviewed the Lexpress program, including ridership and funding elements that comprise the Lexpress at -risk budget. Library Hour Reduction Assistant Library Director Cynthia Johnson spoke of the impact of reducing the library hours by five hours per week. Comprehensive Planning Planning Director Glenn Garber reviewed the workload of the Planning Board and the need for the funding at risk on the override of a consultant to help in the comprehensive planning project. Snow Removal DPW Director Bill Hadley reviewed the contracted snow removal operations that would be affected by the override. Town Manager's Office — Personnel Assistant Town Manager Linda Vine reviewed the personnel functions managed by the Town Manager's Office and the impact of the personnel analyst position workload that is at risk on the override. Replace Council on Aging Director Nancy Freed reviewed the services provided to youth by Replace. Town Clerk's Municipal Clerk Town Clerk Donna Hooper identified the services of the Town Clerk's Office and specifically those that would be impacted by elimination of a municipal clerk position. Selectmen's Part-Time Clerk Executive Clerk Phyllis Smith reviewed the operations of the Selectmen's Office and the impact of eliminating the part-time clerk position. Police Debartment Sector Patrol Police Chief Chris Casey spoke of the reduction in Midnight to 8 a.m. shift from four to three sectors and the elimination of a supervisor position, for a net elimination of three full time employees. Selectmen's Meeting — March 20, 2000 Close Mass. Ave. Fire Station Fire Chief Jack Quinlan reviewed fire services operations and the impact on services if the Mass. Ave. Fire Station were to close. Sidewalk Cafe — Bertucci's Mr. White asked the Board to approve a request from Bertucci's for their sidewalk cafe permit. Mr. White recommends that the Board grant a request from Bertucci's for their sidewalk cafe permit consistent with previous years. They will be required to follow the maintenance guidelines of the Lexington Center Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna abstained) to approve the request from Bertucci's for a sidewalk cafe permit from April 1, 2000 through October 31, 2000. Senior Center Update Ad Hoc Site Selection Committee members Donald Graham, Phyllis Rand and Peter Kelley were present to review their work on the search for a site for a new Senior Center. Liaison Reports Mrs. McKenna reported that technically the Space/Building Needs Assessment Committee expires on March 30. She asked that the Board vote to extend the term until the task is completed and the report is filed with Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to extend the term of the Space/Building Needs Assessment Committee through the end of Town Meeting. Mrs. McKenna suggested sending a letter of support for the naming of a ship that is expected to be commissioned in 2008 the U. S. S. Lexington. Board members agreed that the letter should be sent. Mr. Enrich reported on some additional bad news that affects Hanscom. A provision, buried in a recent FAA bill awaiting the President's signature, will open up some additional landing flights at Laguardia. Shuttle America has expressed interest in increasing its levels of commercial traffic out of Hanscom as a result of additional landing flights at Laguardia. Mr. Enrich is proposing to call a meeting of the four town's Selectmen to discuss the matter in the hope of sending very serious signals to Massport. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:15 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting Minutes March 27, 2000 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, March 27, 2000 in the Cafeteria, Room 221 of Clarke Middle School, at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Krieger, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Mrs. McKenna explained that in her desire to highlight the efforts for continuous improvement that were included in the Town Manager's evaluation, she made an inappropriate choice to express that goal through the Minuteman and indicated that she apologized for choosing a vehicle that did not serve anyone's best interest. It was an inappropriate action in misrepresenting the Board and she indicated she would abstain from the discussion her colleagues wish to have on the matter. Mr. Enrich indicated that this is not a happy or pleasant occasion when the Board has to deal with relations of an internal nature. In light of Mrs. McKenna's communication to the public that misrepresents the way the Board functions and after talking to other Board members, I have prepared a draft letter for Mrs. Krieger to send to the Minuteman. Board members had a copy of the draft letter in front of them. Mrs. Krieger also felt it was a very awkward and difficult occasion. She thanked Mr. Enrich for taking the time to prepare the letter. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 (Mrs. McKenna abstained) to ask the Chairman to send the letter to the Minuteman. Consent Agenda Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Resi n ation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept with regret the resignation of Richard Hudak from the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. Cablevision Rate Hearing Representation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to designate Communications Advisory Committee member David Kanter as the Board's representative to the upcoming Cablevision Rate Hearing. Article Positions Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the Town Manager's budget. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted unanimously to support the funding of $150,000 for a fiber optic network. Selectmen's Meeting — March 27, 2000 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted unanimously to support the funding of $30,000 for playground facility improvements. Letter of Support Naming of Aircraft Carrier the U.S. S. Lexington Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve sending a letter of support to Congress concerning a request to name an aircraft carrier to be commissioned in 2008 the U.S. S. Lexington. Recreational Camp Permit Fee Increase The Board of Health has requested an increase in the permit fee for recreational camps. The proposed increase will cover the costs of administrative and inspectional services. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the permit fees charged to recreational camps from $50.00 to $100.00 effective May 1, 2000. Reappointment to Historical Commission Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Town Manager's reappointment of Sarah Zimmerman to the Historical Commission. Report of the Fletcher Avenue Land Use Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the report of the Fletcher Avenue Land Use Committee and that it be placed on file at this year's Town Meeting. Selectmen's Blue Ribbon Capital Financial Advisory Committee Mrs. Krieger explained that the Board is appointing an advisory committee to the Selectmen on the feasibility of financing through debt exclusion certain big ticket capital items. The Committee will be advising the Board on the phasing and financing of a number of projects with a sense of what the community will be willing to accept. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint William J. Dailey, Jr., Paul Marshall, Daniel P. Busa, Jr., James Beck, Jane Pagett, Jean Cole and Steve Doran to the Selectmen's Blue Ribbon Capital Financial Advisory committee for a term to expire upon acceptance of the committee's report by the Board of Selectmen. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting Minutes March 29, 2000 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, March 29, 2000 in the Cafeteria, Room 221 of Clarke Middle School, at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Krieger, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Abbott; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Mrs. Krieger opened the meeting and explained that the Board will suspend the public comment period at the beginning of the meetings during Town Meeting. Mrs. Krieger also indicated that Mrs. McKenna would not be able to attend this meeting but would be attending Town Meeting later in the evening. Consent Agenda Resignation from the Space/Building Needs Assessment Advisory Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Jacquelyn Davison from the Space/Building Needs Assessment Committee. Reappointment of Town Counsel Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint the firm of Palmer & Dodge, LLC, as Town Counsel for a term to expire March 31, 2001. Article Positions 8 a. Town Building Envelope Program - $50,000 (Senior Center) Support 4 -0 8 c. Ambulance - $0 (voted to support funding in Stabilization Fund) 15 Stabilization Fund - $123,050 Support Report of the Space/Building Needs Assessment Advisory committee Committee members Karen Dooks and Don Chisholm reviewed the charge to the Committee and summarized the process used and the findings of the Committee. Liaison Reports Mrs. Eddison reported that she has been asked to bring to the Board a request to approve the placement of a portrait of Linc Cole in Cary Hall. It seems an appropriate request as Linc was Town Moderator for many years. Mrs. Krieger thought it an excellent suggestion. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request to place a portrait of Lincoln Cole in Cary Hall. Selectmen's Meeting — March 29, 2000 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk