HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-07-BOS-minSelectmen's Goal Setting Meeting Minutes July 11, 2001 A goal setting meeting was held at the Cambridge Savings Bank Conference Room on Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 8:30 a.m. In attendance were: Selectmen Chairman Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Abbott and Mr. McSweeney; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. White, Town Manager; Executive Clerk Phyllis Smith; Staff Linda Vine, John Ryan, Glenn Garber, Chris Casey, Candy McLaughlin, Steve Frederickson, Donna Hooper, Bill Hadley, Peter Torode, Connie Rawson, Joe Marino, Carol Mahoney, Karen Simmons, Heather Sweeney, Andrew Russell, Rachel Herrup- Morse, Patrick Leopold and Kelly Zeoli; Capital Expenditures Chair Tom Griffiths The following Agenda Items were discussed: Overview of the Day Mrs. Krieger opened the informal work session and reviewed the process to be followed at the meeting that would allow the time to cover a very extensive agenda. Mr. White listed several issues that Department Heads have identified: • Social Services Programs to meet a changing, diversified community • Domestic abuse issues • Technology Changes • Demands for GIS • Committee support demands • Custodial needs • Fire Department administrative support issues • Police Department— Community policing • Historical Records — Historical Society, Library and Town Hall Financial Mr. Ryan reviewed the major components of a very preliminary forecast of budget and revenue projections for FY2003 that shows a gap of $5,293,706. There was also discussion of a three year budget forecast, rethinking the cash capital priorities recognizing the loss of $700,000 revenue in State Aid, starting the FY03 planning process very early with the finance committees and school committee, quarterly exception reporting and the free cash balance and policy. Project Update 1. Preparation for Debt Exclusion There was much discussion about the components of the anticipated fall debt exclusion. • Schools -The numbers are still very much in flux on the next phase of the school construction. • Roads - Mr. Carbonneau reviewed the street construction four year phased program estimated at $7 million. Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting —July 11, 2001 Conservation Land Acquisition — Conservation and Recreation will discuss their mutual interests in the possible uses of the Wright Farm. Senior Center —There was no discussion of the Senior Center; however Mrs. Abbott requested that it remain as a possibility for the debt exclusion. DPW Facility —There was much discussion about the recommendations of Camp Dresser & McKeds report on upgrading or building a new DPW facility at 201 Bedford Street or at the Hartwell Avenue landfill site. 2. Operating Projects The Chairman felt there was no need for further discussion of the following projects listed on the Agenda: • Roads • Library • Recreation 3. New Projects • Undergrounding— Discussion centered around getting input from Planning and the Communications Advisory Committee; this was not listed as a 20/20 vision; and the fact that it is not a trivial matter to set up a committee to study as it would take a lot of committee and town staff time and would create committee expectations. • Traffic Calming —Mr. Carbonneau indicated he would soon be bringing a recommendation to the Board for an elevated scrosswalk/speed hump on Middleby Road near the School. • Center Parking —There was no further discussion of center parking at the meeting. • Sidewalks —It was felt that there is a need to begin a sidewalk construction/maintenance program. • Common/Bedford Street —A subcommittee of the Design Advisory Committee with representation from the Historic Districts Commission, the Historical Society and the Center Committee are addressing issues in this area. Planning Programs • Management Analyst Candy McLaughlin reviewed the process for the 20/20 Vision Implementation. • Project Lists —Town staff put together a list of projects identified from the themes in the 20/20 Vision. • Comprehensive Plan —Town Planner Glenn Garber reviewed the work of the Planning Department in developing a Comprehensive Plan. • CPA Process —Mr. Enrich identified the three areas of funding to be open space, affordable housing and historical preservation. • Met State —Mr. Garber reported on the status of the Met State and Middlesex Hospital sites. • Hanscom Activities —Mr. Enrich reported on the many issues concerning Hanscom. Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting —July 11, 2001 Waste Management Mrs. Krieger and DPW Director Bill Hadley reported on the first week and a half experience with the newly implemented pay as you throw program. They presented statistics that show people are responding to efforts to increase recycling and reduce the amount of trash going to the incinerator. Community Relations There were reports on the ongoing efforts in the areas of • Affordable Housing • No Place for Hate • Customer Service New Initiatives Implementation The following new initiatives were identified: • Noise By -Law • Tree By -Law • Economic Development Office Business Core Group • Newspaper Boxes • Revenues Outside the Tax Levy The Goal Setting Agenda having concluded, the Board then proceeded with the following: Consent Agenda Mass Highway Agreements Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to execute agreements under the Massachusetts Highway Departmenfs State Aid Program. Use of Battle Green Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify a poll vote for permission for Dick Albert of Channel 5 to conduct his weather forecast from the Battle Green on Wednesday, July 18 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Common Victualler License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a common victualler license to Khushboo. Battle Green Guide Licenses Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue Battle Green Guide licenses to Muhammad Dhanani and Peter Krensky. Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting —July 11, 2001 Resignation from Human Services Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept with regret the resignation of Rosalyn Gittleman from the Human Services Committee. Reinstate Noise By -Law Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reinstate the Noise By -Law Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 12:12 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting Minutes July 30, 2001 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 30, 2001 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Abbott, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Steve Tripi and Perry Pollins complained that they should be able to say whatever they wish during the first ten minute public comment period. Consent Agenda Use of Battle Green Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify a poll vote to approve the request from Company C, 1 st Battalion 181 Infantry Regiment Massachusetts Army National Guard to use the Battle Green on August 23, 2001 for a send off ceremony for 85 soldiers who are going on a six -month peace keeping mission to Bosnia - Herzegovina. Dissolve Committee Chairman of the Committee to Study the Efficacy of Section 15 of the Zoning By -Laws Jennifer Taub had reported to the Communications Advisory Committee that there was not sufficient data or indications that the presence of cell towers had a significant effect on real estate property values in Lexington. The Committee also found that there is no process for tracking where the antennas are. It was impossible to find a list of all locations where there are cell phone antennas in Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the report of the Chairman and dissolve the Committee to Study the Efficacy of Section 15 of the Zoning By -Laws. Water /Sewer Payment Deferral Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a water /sewer payment deferral for Ernest Fenochetti, 53 Reed Street. Hearings All Alcoholic Beverage Common Victualler License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue an all alcoholic beverage common victualler license to Nikita Enterprises, Inc. d /b /a Khushboo with the hours of operation from 11:00 a. m. to 11:00 p.m. seven days a week. Selectmen's Meeting —July 30, 2001 Verizon Grants of Location Verizon Representative Dan Fitzgibbon reviewed the following petitions for grants of location: Bedford Street at Carol Lane Petition, plan and order for a Grant of Location for the installation of a pole at Bedford Street and Carol Lane to provide upgraded telecommunication service to the residents of Carol Lane. Mr. Bengtson, 10 Carol Lane expressed his pleasure at having better telephone service on the street; however, asked for reassurance that his 12 sprinkler heads, the sidewalks and driveways be protected. Mr. Carbonneau reported that Verizon has a good track record in restoring property to as good or better condition after installation. They replace the entire driveway apron. Most of the work can be confined to the grass strip; however, if the sidewalk is disturbed, it will be overlaid or replaced. Also, the excavators have spare parts to replace sprinkler heads. Mr. Fitzgibbon assured Mr. Hagopian, 7 Carol Lane that Verizon does have a subcontractor that does very good work and Verizon has an inspector on site during construction. Questions from Mr. Chou, 8 Carol Lane, Alex Salomin, 17 Carol Lane, Mrs. McKenna and Mr. McSweeney concerning reseeding grass strips, and alternatives to the installation of a handhold; pole and guy wires were also addressed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Verizon Communications for permission to relocate and /or install poles, wires, cables and fixtures, including anchors, guys and other such necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across Bedford Street at Carol Lane at a point which is 30 feet ± westerly from the corner of the sidewalk at the intersection of Carol Lane and Bedford Street, place pole number 6/26 -1, and a sidewalk anchor guy in said sidewalk. Bedford Street @ Carol Lane Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Verizon Communications to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Bedford Street and Carol Lane from pole number 6/26 -1 at the corner of Bedford Street and Carol Lane, place conduit in a northeasterly direction, then turning northerly down Carol Lane, place conduit in a northeasterly direction, then turning northerly down Carol Lane, a distance of 671 feet ( ±); also place westerly conduit connections at number 4 and 10 Carol Lane for distances of 14 feet ( ±) each; also place westerly conduit connections at number 12 Carol Lane for a distance of 20 feet. Wood street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the joint petition of Verizon Communications and Boston Edison Company for permission to relocate and /or install poles, wires, cables and fixtures, including anchors, guys and other such necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures, along and across Wood Street Selectmen's Meeting —July 30, 2001 Washington Street Mr. Fitzgibbon reviewed a petition for the relocation of a pole that currently conflicts with a driveway to a new house at 12 Washington Street. Richard Wells, 9 Washington Street, expressed concern that the pole as it is now is camouflaged by trees; it will be an eye sore in the new location. The house that will be served is huge and when the neighbors were consulted, there was no mention of the pole being moved to provide for the driveway. The new location will cause two poles in front of 6 Washington Street. Mr. Fitzgibbon said Verizon was not aware of any issues with the new location. Board members agreed that it appears there is a communication problem between the builder and the abutters and not a problem with Verizon. It was decided that the builder should meet with the neighbors and then submit a new request with Verizon and a detailed map should be provided showing where the lot lines are, the location of the trees and driveway. C2C of Massachusetts, LLC Grant of Location — Concord Avenue and Watertown Street at Route 2 C2C representative Kelly Burke reviewed a petition for a grant of location for placing about 105 feet of telecommunications fiber in a pipeline formerly conveying oil and gas under Concord Avenue and Watertown Street at the Route 2 crossing and placing a manhole in the shoulder of Concord Avenue. Mrs. Burke explained the line was taken out of service in 1990 by Exxon. C2C is in the process of perfecting the right of way, negotiating a license with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and then will be petitioning for a license from the Town of Lexington when C2C passes through Town. The draft license has been sent to the Town Attorney and a notice of intent with the Conservation Commission for its meeting on August 14. Mrs. McKenna asked whether the Board should be approving after the appropriate licenses are granted. Mr. Carbonneau explained that the urgency is that the paving contract is soon to commence and Engineering would prefer to have the work done before the repaving of Concord Avenue. C2C is taking the risk of installing the manhole and then not getting the license to use the manhole. Mr. Kevin Shepple, Comptroller of Belmont Country Club, asked the Board to take note that the petitioner C2C Fiber of Massachusetts, LLC does not have any ownership rights in existing pipelines on BCC property nor does it have permission to lay its cable within said existing 4' and 6'pipelines on BCC property that were formerly used, by grant of easement, for the transport of oil. Upon receipt of the Town of Lexington's notice to abutters dated July 23, 2001, BCC became concerned that the Board might not be aware of the pipeline status on BCC property. Although BCC has had some discussions with C2C Fiber concerning their use of the pipelines, we have denied them access due to the environmental concerns and potential liability for any contamination cleanup. The current grantee of the easement is Exxon Oil Co., as successor to Colonial Beacon Oil Company. As such, Exxon is primarily liable for any contamination cleanup. BCC is not prepared to lose that considerable protection. Selectmen's Meeting —July 30, 2001 Mr. Carbonneau assured the Board that the street opening permit can spell out the requirement that if the manhole is not used within five years for the stated purpose that the manhole be abandoned and the area restored to its present condition. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of C2C Fiber of Massachusetts, LLC Concord Avenue within the existing 4' and 6'pipelines running parallel, northeasterly approximately 50' from land now or formerly of the Town of Lexington thence crossing under Concord Avenue to land now or formerly of the Belmont Country Club, place 50' of conduit, cable and wires. Place one manhole over said existing lines on East Side of Concord Avenue within the unpaved shoulder. Watertown Street within the existing 6'pipeline running northeasterly approximately 55 from the ramps A and C of State Route 2 across Watertown Street to eastbound frontage road ramp of State Route 2, place conduit, cables and wires and all subject to the condition that if the manhole on Concord Avenue is not used for the stated purpose within five years, the manhole be removed and the area restored to its present condition. Mr. White reported that he has received several phone calls from private property owners who are confused and concerned about their rights with respect to C2C laying the cable on the part of the easement on their properties. Mr. White will have staff prepare a clear, circumspect and straightforward statement by C2C on behalf of the abutters so there will be no confusion. Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Mr. Carbonneau reported on two recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee: No Parking on Worthen Road Mr. Tropeano requested no parking signs on Worthen Road to ease the line of sight for tenants of Captain Parker Arms as they exit their driveways. The Traffic Safety Advisory Committee sees it as a reasonable step to take and does not see it as having a large negative impact on the parking situation on Worthen Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the installation ofNo Parking' signs on the East side of Worthen Road 159 North of Waltham Street a distance of 49 Northerly and on the East side of Worthen Road 589 North of Waltham Street a distance of 49 northerly. Selectmen's Meeting —July 30, 2001 Speed Hump— Middleby Road Last September the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee met to discuss the safety of school crossings. The details of those discussions were brought before the Selectmen in February. As a follow up to that meeting, Mr. Carbonneau indicated he is now prepared to follow through with the TSAC recommendation to install a raised crosswalk on Middleby Road at the bike path intersection. There will be signage in both directions. The hump rises up to about 4' and is approximately 12' wide. Mr. Carbonneau further cautioned that this will be a pilot program and we should move slowly with this type of project. Residents of the area expressed their full support of the speed calming measure. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee to install a raised crosswalk on Middleby Road at the bike path intersection. No Parking Service Zone — Massachusetts Avenue DPW Director Bill Hadley reported that the Engineering Department is recommending approval of a request from the merchants in the Depot Square area for a no parking area service zone on Massachusetts Avenue while Phase I of the Depot Square project is under construction. It is also recommended that two no parking signs be placed to the right of the temporary exit from the parking lot on Merriam Street to improve the line of sight. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Engineering Department for three temporary no parking signs during Phase I of the Depot Square project. Letter to MWRA Re Wireless Communication Facilities Communications Advisory Committee member David Kanter was present to ask the Board to authorize the Chairman to send a letter he had prepared to the MWRA asking them to continue allowing communication facilities on the MWRA water tower on Walnut Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to send the letter to the MWRA. Appointment of Election Officers Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 (Mrs. McKenna abstained) to appoint as election officers the 142 persons listed on a report from the Town Clerk dated June 28, 2001 and comprising 27 registered Republicans, 61 registered Democrats and 54 registered as Unenrolled. Selectmen's Meeting —July 30, 2001 Recreation Facilities Sign Guidelines Board members thanked Recreation Director Karen Simmons for drawing up recreation facilities sign guidelines as the Board had previously requested. The Board members in rethinking the institution of such guidelines decided to not adopt them but to continue the practice of having any request for signs to be put up at recreational facilities come from the Town itself. DPW Facility Report Camp Dresser & McKee representative Bruce Haskell reviewed a recently completed report regarding the DPW Facility. Two sites, the current location at 201 Bedford Street and the former landfill site on Hartwell Avenue were investigated as to space needs, costs for renovation of existing building and a new building on either site, anticipated revenues if either site were sold, and the difference in the operational costs. There were many questions and concerns expressed by the Board Members such as the need to put the facility on fast track, are there any remedial measures that could be taken immediately, benefits of long term leasing 201 Bedford Street that would ultimately revert interests back to the Town versus outright sale, the issue of the average trip to Hartwell Ave. being an additional 1.4 miles and the estimated annual tax revenues if 201Bedford is sold for full commercial development of the site. It was decided that there is a need to get a group together to discuss the points brought up by the Board, involving the neighborhood, coming back with options of revenue stream and any political issues the Board needs to address. Mr. White will report back to the Board in the fall. Capital Expenditures Committee Chair Tom Griffiths reported that his committee feels strongly there is need to go forward and replace the vehicle storage facility; however, they are not enthusiastic on the rest of the building and also not enthusiastic about going to Hartwell Avenue. -As- You -Throw Ubdate Mr. Hadley reported on the very favorable statistics on the first month of the PAYT Program showing a reduction of 273 tons or 29% of solid waste going to the incinerator and conversely a 27% increase in recycling. Mrs. Krieger indicated her pleasure with the numbers and with the superb response of citizens. Sidewalk Policies Mr. Carbonneau presented a series of questions and issues for the Board to consider in establishing a sidewalk policy: • How much are we going to spend? • Where is the money coming from? Chapter 90 for new construction? What sort of a program do we want? Selectmen's Meeting —July 30, 2001 a. A maintenance program to take care of gaps, tree roots and small things? b. Resurfacing overlay? c. New construction? • Privatization? Where are the areas of prioritizing? • What are the construction standards? Subdivision standards are bituminous with bituminous pavement. There is brick in the Center, also concrete. • Constraints of constructing in highly developed areas, in right of way. There are environmental and grade issues and most significant is abutters. There are also trees, utilities (water, sewer, gas, telephone lines). It is a labor intensive process. Construction Update Mr. Hadley updated the Board on the ongoing construction projects. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 25, 2001. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of the meeting of June 25, 2001. Liaison Reports Mr. Enrich reported that the Community Preservation Act Advisory Committee has met four times and is expected to meet four more times and should have a recommendation after that. The Committee still has a way to go and has suffered the loss of member Ron Colwell. Mr. Enrich recommended accepting the resignation of Mr. Colwell and appointing David Williams who not only can speak to real estate but is also very knowledgeable about the Town and he would be valuable since the Committee is a long way into the process. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Ron Colwell and appoint David Williams to the Community Preservation Act Advisory Committee. Selectmen's Meeting —July 30, 2001 Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. Abbott, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna and Mr. McSweeney to go into executive session to discuss matters of litigation and collective bargaining. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk