HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-BOS-minSelectmen's Meeting Minutes August 13, 2001 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 13, 2001 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Abbott, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Consent Agenda Deed — Marrett Road Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a deed for Lot 10 on Assessors Property Map 31 on Marrett Road to Tom Taylor. Deed — Bedford Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a deed for Lot 10 on Assessors Property Map 31 on Bedford Street to Erivan and Sion Hagopian. Battle Green Guide Licenses Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue Battle Green Guide Licenses to Betsy O'Neill, 72 Outlook Drive and William F. Mix, 153 Grove Street. Proclamation — National Library Card Sign-Up Month Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a proclamation designating September as National Library Card Sign -Up Month. Use of Battle Green Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from the 94 RSC Command for a change of command ceremony on the Battle Green on Saturday, May 4, 2002 with a rain date of Sunday, May 5, 2002. Battle Green Obelisk Repair DPW Director Bill Hadley reported that last December 2000 the Town retained the services of Ivan Myjer from Building and Monument Conservation to complete a conditions assessment with treatment recommendation and preliminary budget for the Revolutionary War Monument on the Battle Green. Mr. Myjer determined that portions of the monument are in an advanced state of deterioration. Mr. Myjer will be returning to remove one of the side panels to inspect the masonry core of the monument. After that he will update the report, complete the bid documents and specifications. Mr. Myjer will also complete grant applications to Save Our Sculptures and the Massachusetts Historical Commission's Preservation Assistance Grant Program. Mr. Hadley reported that the project should be going out to bid by the end of the year and construction should begin in July 2002. The preliminary budget for the project is between $68,000 and $75,000. Selectmen's Meeting— August 13, 2001 In answer to Mr. Enrich's question, Mr. Hadley replied that some grants require the town to contribute 50% of the cost and some cover the full amount of the project cost. Mrs. McKenna expressed concern about waiting to start the project until next July and asked Mr. Hadley to look into whether the Town can use the Selectmen's Gift Account set up for the Battle Green area improvements and not jeopardize getting grant money. Limousine Licenses — Lexington Sedan Services Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to renew two limousine licenses to Lexington Sedan Services, 789 Massachusetts Avenue. Committee Appointments Mrs. Krieger asked her fellow Board members to assist the Chairs of the various committees they are liaison to in seeking candidates for appointment by the end of September. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 11, 2001. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, as corrected, the executive session minutes of the meeting of July 30, 2001. Sale of Tax Title Land Mr. White reported that he received a letter of interest in purchasing a piece of tax title property on Laconia Street from Mr. & Mrs. Kishpaugh of 438 Lowell Street. All pertinent Town Departments were contacted and had no interest in the piece of property. Mr. White asked for the Boards vote to proceed to the next step and obtain an appraisal on the parcel. Mr. Kishpaugh was present at the meeting and indicated he was familiar with the process and that if he chooses to purchase the parcel, he will also have to pay the cost of the appraisal. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proceed with getting the necessary appraisal. Selectmen's Meeting— August 13, 2001 Selectmen Liaison Reports Mrs. McKenna reported that she and the Chairman had recently met with the Tourism Committee. After Labor Day the Committee will be coming before the Board on recommendations they have for the Board to consider so they may move their process forward. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting Minutes August 27, 2001 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 27, 2001 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Abbott, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Ms. Pease, Assistant to the Executive Clerk were present. Consent Agenda Water /Sewer Commitments and Adjustments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following water /sewer commitments and adjustments: Commitment of Water Charges for 4/06/2001 (Cycle 09) Commitment of Water Charges for Town -wide Billing 5/7/2001 (Cycle 01) Commitment of Sewer Charges for Town -wide Billing 5/7/2001 (Cycle 01) Commitment of Water Charges for Town -wide Billing 5/22/2001 (Cycle 02) Commitment of Sewer Charges for Town -wide Billing 5/22/2001 (Cycle 02) Commitment of Water Charges for Town -wide Billing 5/25/2001 (Cycle 03) Commitment of Sewer Charges for Town -wide Billing 5/25/2001 (Cycle 03) Commitment of Water Charges for 4/1/2001 to 4/30/2001 Commitment of Sewer Charges for 4/1/2001 to 4/30/2001 Commitment of Water Charges for 5/1/2001 to 5/31/2001 Commitment of Sewer Charges for 5/1/2001 to 5/31/2001 Adjustments of Water Charges for 4/1/2001 to 4/30/2001 Adjustment of Sewer Charges for 4/1/2001 to 4/30/2001 Adjustments of Water Charges for 5/1/2001 to 5/31/2001 Adjustment of Sewer Charges for 5/1/2001 to 5/31/2001 Proclamation— Constitution Week $138,601.46 $772,298.06 $1,311,066.80 $654,481.83 $1,085,477.28 $761,813.38 $1,632,232.57 $4,540.28 $10,696.04 $3,327.72 $7,634.83 - $2,676.10 - $9,601.03 - $47,127.32 -$124,669.73 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim the week of September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week. Hearings Keyspan Grants of Location Keyspan representative Francis O'Leary reviewed the following petitions for grants of location: Selectmen's Meeting— August 27, 2001 Wood Street and Massachusetts Avenue —The Selectmen requested that Keyspan work with Chief Casey regarding concern of school bus and commuter traffic. Also, Keyspan will be canvassing the area affected to see if anyone along the route wants to hook up to the gas. Mr. O'Leary said there were many incentives in place now for people wanting to change over to gas. Flyers are being sent out to residents with all the necessary information. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Keyspan to install approximately 8,320 feet of 6 -inch high pressure gas main in Wood Street and Massachusetts Avenue, from the existing 6 -inch gas main in Wood Street near Hartwell Avenue, southerly to Massachusetts Avenue at Marrett Road (Route 2A) State Highway subject to police recommendation with regard to work hours. Taft Avenue at Ellis Avenue —Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the Keyspan to install approximately 110 feet of a 2 -inch gas main in Taft Avenue, from the existing 2 -inch gas main in Taft Avenue at Holland Street, west to Ellis Street. Burlington Street —Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the Keyspan to install approximately 300 feet of a 4 -inch gas main in Burlington Street, from the existing 6 -inch gas main in Burlington Street, north to the rear of House #3A Nowers Road. AT &T Cable Television Renewal License Jennifer Taub, representing the Franchise Renewal Committee, recommended the Selectmen approve a one -year extension amendment to the AT &T Cable Television License. The hope is that within a year AT &T will be able to commit to finishing the build -out and bringing in the high speed Internet. The Board feels it would be beneficial to have the two companies competing and that it would be particularly beneficial if they provided the same quality and breadth of services. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Amendment to the Lexington Cable Television License Agreement. Use of Battle Green —Mass Voters for Clean Elections Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a request from Mass Voters for Clean Elections to use the Battle Green on Sunday, September 16, 2001 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for a kick -off of their`March for Democracy'. Selectmen's Meeting— August 27, 2001 Water /Sewer Rates Ralph Pecora gave a preliminary overview of the proposed fiscal year 2002 water /sewer rate structure. The recommendation of the Rate Team is to increase residential water /sewer bills by 4 percent. It is anticipated that a hearing with the Board of Selectmen on the rates will be held on September 13, 2001. The Board requested information on how large the differential is, in terms of total volume, between water and sewer and what accounts for that. The Board would also like information on the impact that the $750, 000 in the Pilot Program has on the water sewer rates in percentages. PAYT Update Mr. Hadley presented the following information on PAYT: Solid Waste: • August 2001 solid waste tonnage collected was 714 tons; August 2000 1064 tons were collected. That is a decrease of 33 %. • In a 4 -year comparison, an average of 976 tons was collected in August; August 2001 714 tons were collected. That is a decrease of 27 %. • July /August 2001 1340 tons of solid waste was collected; July /August 2000 1993 tons were collected. That is a decrease in tonnage of 33 %. • Over a 4 -year period for July /August the average tons collected was 1924; July /August 2001 1340 tons were collected. That is a reduction of 30 %. Recycling: • Recycling— August 2001 425 tons were recycled; August 2000 368 tons were recycling. That is a 15.6% increase. • In a 4 -year comparison, the average tons recycled were 310 tons; August 2001 425 tons were recycled. That is a 37% increase in recycling. • In the July /August 2001 period 825 tons were recycled; July /August 2000 674 tons were recycled. That is a 22% increase in recycling. • Over a 4 -year period for July /August the average tons recycled was 624 tons; July /August 2001 825 tons were recycled. This is an increase of 32 %. The Board asked if there is enough information to look at the program enhancements, like weekly recycling and special circumstances (i.e., medical) Mr. Hadley stated that medical issues have been discussed. The resident needs to provide to the DPW Office a letter from their doctor stating the cause of their medical need and they will be eligible to receive a 30 percent discount. Selectmen's Meeting— August 27, 2001 Mr. White is willing to present to the Board a preliminary plan regarding weekly recycling. Meetings have to occur with the contractor. It is also time to get into the schools and help them improve their recycling. Construction Update Mr. Hadley updated the Board of the various construction projects current going on. Road Resurfacing — Finishing the final coat on Concord Avenue this week. That means all the roads planned for resurfacing will be complete. Because the Town received good bids on this past contract and because of the performance of the contractor, funding is available to do four more streets: Follen Road, Coolidge Avenue, Reed Street, and Watertown Street. Hopefully by the end of September these additional streets will be completed. DPW is in the process of painting school crosswalks and painting necessary lines on the newly paved streets and site line problems for school driveways. Renovation of the 2 million gallon water tank is starting in September. On September 12, 2001 from 7 to 9 p.m. there will be a meeting held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room with abutters and any interested residents. The Board of Health, DPW, contractor, and consultant will be available to discuss any issues. Regarding public grounds, the irrigation system has been installed at the football field, track, center soccer field, and also at Diamond School and will be operational in a few weeks. Fencing around the football field at the high school has been installed and is almost complete. The soccer field at Clarke should be complete in about 3 weeks. Still need to work on tennis reservation at Clarke in the center, track resurfacing, new backstops at the center and also the irrigation at Clarke. The irrigation at the Town Hall will begin in about 4 weeks and the landscaping should take place in two weeks. The athletic field renovations at Harrington School are being finalized and work will occur in the late fall and early spring. The irrigation system at Westview Cemetery was put to bid this fall and work will begin in the spring. Phase One will be the entry area. Selectmen's Meeting— August 27, 2001 The Obelisk report will be presented to the Board in September. Regarding the grants; projects completed cannot receive grants. The Save our Statue Funding may be stopped by the Bush administration; so should work with State Senators and Congressmen. The maximum grant of the SOS is $100,000. The Mass. Historical Restoration Grant fund provides funds up to $100,000 and require a 50% match. DPW is still looking into these two grants and any others they can locate and will have more information in September. The tree - planting contract of $50,000 that was approved at Town Meeting will be going out to bid next week for fall planting. There will also be a planting in the spring. Depot Square is a week ahead of schedule. They are excavating 30 inches and putting in new gravel for a better base than was there before. Project meetings are held every Wednesday. Mr. Hadley also meets with the neighborhood association every other week to review their concerns; particularly about pedestrian safety. There are three renditions of the new Depot Square; one will be placed in front of Depot Square, one by Town Clerks Office, and one in the Cary Library. Mr. Hadley will try to get a timetable included. A letter was sent to 19+ publishers with three enclosures regarding the new newspaper box regulations. The letter explains the outdoor box policy and that they need an approved permit signed by the Director of Public Works. Also a copy of the by -law was included with the letter and a map of the Historic Districts. The letter also informed them that if their box is in the Historic District, they would have to go through the HDC process. Mr. Hadley is working with the Chairman of the Historic Districts Commission to try to come up with a newspaper box unit to go outside Video Horizons that may hold 16 newspapers. Mr. Hadley does not see any major problems with boxes outside the Historic Districts. The publishers have until September 14 to get their permits back and they have to be reviewed by DPW within 30 days. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of July 30 and August 13, 2001. Selectmen Liaison Reports Mrs. Abbott represented the Board on the Battle Green at the send -off for the Massachusetts National Guard troops on their way to Bosnia/Herzegovina. There were 85 soldiers in the group. It was a very interesting event because in no one's memory had anything like this happened before. In conversations with the National Guard personnel, as well as Minute Men and members of the Town Celebrations, people were very much moved by the event but also by the notion that the Battle Green meant something very important to people in present time and looking toward the future. Mrs. Abbot also wanted to advise the Board that she invited the soldiers, upon their return in 6 months, to come back to the Battle Green and be welcomed home. Selectmen's Meeting— August 27, 2001 Mrs. Krieger wanted to thank Phyllis Smith for the outstanding job she did in coordinating the details of this event to ensure that it was a ceremony that met the standards that we as a Board would want and that the National Guard would expect as well. Thank you! Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. Abbott, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna and Mr. McSweeney to go into executive session to discuss matters of collective bargaining with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Lynne A. Pease Acting Executive Clerk