HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-01-BOS-minSelectmen's Meeting Minutes January 8, 2001 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 8, 2001 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Mrs. Krieger opened the meeting stating that the first ten minutes are reserved for citizens wishing to raise questions or bring up matters for open session. These ten minutes are provided at the discretion of the Chair with the support of the Board, who believe in responsible expression of public opinion. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes and Ms. Smith, the Executive Clerk, will help with the timing. Comments should be addressed to issues not to individuals. Mrs. Krieger commented on the loss Lexington suffered by the tragic shooting in Wakefield on December 26. Lexington lost two neighbors and friends. Rose Manfreidi was a resident of Lexington and Cheryl Troy was a former resident. Their shocking deaths leave Lexington stunned by this senseless act of violence. At times like this we realize how close a community we truly are and how much our lives are intertwined. Their presence will be missed. Lexington Center Store Owner Dick Michelson reminded the Board of recent store closings and rumors of more closings in the center and asked the Board to reconsider the recently imposed parking meter violation increases. Mrs. McKenna expressed concern and felt the economic development officer should talk to the business owners. Mr. Enrich felt the store closings are a testament as to why the Town has an economic development officer in place. The economic development officer is dealing with potential tenants and pursuing parking and other issues in the Center. Mr. Enrich indicated he feels better enforcement is a better measure to insure that parking is available. Resident Byron Blanchard asked the Board for clarification on a public records request he had made two years ago. He was concerned that the Boards Executive Clerk had denied his request and that his request of two years ago is still pending and the case has been settled and therefore there are more executive session minutes that he has not received. Town Counsel Norman Cohen responded that the Selectmen's Executive Clerk has handled his request exactly as the law requires. During the time that the litigation was pending, the executive session minutes were not public. You received all of the records that were public at the time of your request. Affordable Housing Conference Affordable Housing and Human Relations Committee members Tom Montanari and Florence Baturin talked about an Affordable Housing Conference they are sponsoring in partnership with the Bedford Housing Partnership and Middlesex Community College on March 17. They also reviewed the planned agenda and asked the Board to endorse their sponsorship. Selectmen's Meeting — January 8, 2001 Board Members expressed appreciation over the efforts of the Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the sponsorship of the Conference by the Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee. Use of the Battle Green Massachusetts Army National Guard Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from Major John A. Hammond to conduct National Guard change of command ceremonies on the Battle Green on March 4, 2001 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Pastors Fellowship Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from The Pastor Fellowship to conduct a prayer service on the Battle Green on May 3, 2001 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Parking Lease — Church of Our Redeemer Mr. White explained that the Town has had a parking lease with the Church of Our Redeemer for 53 parking spaces. The Church has indicated they would be willing to renew the lease with an increase of $25.00 /space. Mr. White recommended that the Board approve the increase and approve the incremental increase to the permit holders to $200.00 /year. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the increased cost of the lease with the Church of Our Redeemer for 53 parking spaces to $200.00 /space /year effective February 15, 2001. Joint Meeting of Board of Selectmen/School Committee/Planning Board The Board agreed to a meeting with the School Committee and Planning Board to hear the report of the 20/20 Steering Committee on January 22 at 7:00 p.m. Annual Little League Parade Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from the Recreation Department and the Lexington Little League to conduct the Annual Little League Parade on Saturday, April 28, 2001 at 9:30 a.m. Selectmen's Meeting — January 8, 2001 Auctioneer's License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from Custom Liquidators of America, Inc. d /b /a Newton Oriental Rugs and issue a one -day auctioneer's license for Saturday, March 10, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Heritage Hall, 177 Bedford Street. License Renewals Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following license renewals for 2001. Coin Operated Amusement Devices Lexington Veterans of Foreign Wars (2 licenses) Common Carrier A Yankee Line, Inc. Common Victualler Alexander's Pizza Bruegger's Bagel Bakery Denny's Restaurant, LLC Dunkin Donuts Holiday Inn Express Wildberry Deli Inkeeper Holiday Inn Express Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, with Mr. Enrich abstaining, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meetings of November 27 and December 4, 2000. Pay As You Throw Committee Update Pay As You Throw Committee Members were present to update the Board on revisions to its report. Mrs. Krieger indicated that the PAYT has been a very open process. There was a public meeting in November and the entire report is being sent to the Town Meeting Members and will continue to be discussed. Board Members reviewed issues of PAYT. Mr. Enrich felt the issues were not financial but more how the method will work in changing behaviors. Selectmen's Meeting — January 8, 2001 PAYT members agreed to continue to serve through Town Meeting and implementation of the program. Mr. White indicated that plans are to take the same route with the PAYT as with the water and sewer funds; namely establish fee based program on a series of assumptions, make sure they are very conservative assumptions and relying on history the assumptions become more predictable. The revenues would go to the general fund. I would recommend against any type of enterprise system at this time. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to expand the life of the Pay as You Throw Committee for at least three months past implementation. Buffet Town Manager Richard White indicated that he and the School Superintendent will be prepared on Thursday to provide the Board with a list of parameters to narrow the gap in the FY 2002 budget. Liaison Reports Mrs. McKenna reported that she and the Town Manager will be working on means of increasing revenues outside of the tax levy. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:12 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting Minutes January 22, 2001 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 22, 2001 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Krieger, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Mrs. Krieger called the meeting to order and introduced Fernando Quesada who will present the report of the Lexington 20/20 Vision Steering Committee to the Board, Planning Board and School Committee. Mr. Quesada gave the Board an overview of the status report. Mr. White explained that the process started with the Initiating Committee and then to the Steering Committee and is now ready to go to the Implementation Committee. A town -wide survey is going to the printer today and will be mailed out to the community by February 3. There was discussion of the role and makeup of the Implementation Committee. Planning Board Chairman Steve Colman praised the work of the Steering Committee and felt the report has helped the Planning Board in being well on the way toward developing a comprehensive plan. There are many relevant ideas that could be a building block for the comprehensive plan. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the report of the 20/20 Vision Steering Committee. Community Preservation Act There was much discussion about the newly adopted Community Preservation Act. The feeling among the Board members was to move slowly and to form an advisory committee to examine the feasibility of Lexington adopting the Act sometime in the future. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint a Community Preservation Act Feasibility Advisory Committee consisting of School Committee member Michelle Hutnik, Board of Selectmen member Peter Enrich, Conservation Commission member Joyce Miller, Planning Board member Steve Colman, three citizens, Dan Fenn, David Rudner and Ron Colwell, LexHAB member Marshall Derby and to be decided a member of the Historical Commission or the Historical Society and to have a member of the two finance committees as liaison members. Selectmen's Meeting — January 22, 2001 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the following recommendation to the Advisory Committee: The Community Preservation Act presents many opportunities and challenges for Lexington. It is not clear what the long -term impacts of this act will be on the Town's financial status. Some analysis of the tradeoff needs to be made between the benefits of the act's vision and the long -term fiscal implications of its acceptance. The committee should use the Blue ribbon Committee report and the Lexington 2020 Vision Report as reference for future financial impact while examining the long -term acquisition plans of the Conservation Commission and LexHAB. Consent Agenda Proclamation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a proclamation recognizing the efforts of the American Red Cross and proclaiming the month of March as American Red Cross Month in Lexington. XO Communications Grant of Location — Existing Conduit on Mass. Ave., Waltham Street, Adams Street, Spring Street, Marrett Road and Hancock Street XO Communications Representative Michelle Pike reviewed the petition of XO Communications for a grant of location for installation of telecommunications fiber optic cable on Spring Street, Marrett Road, Waltham Street, Mass. Ave., Hancock Street and Adams Street, 22,200 feet in total. The fiber optic cable will be installed in existing conduit owned by Verizon Inc. and will require no excavation. Nextlink (XO Communications) has been assessed and paid $19,091 in accordance with the provisions of Administrative Policy No. 8. Mrs. McKenna asked that the restricted hours of construction be 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Ms. Pike indicated that those hours could be managed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plan and orders for a grant of location to install approximately 22,000 feet of telecommunications cable in existing conduit on Spring Street, Marrett Road, Waltham Street, Mass. Avenue, Hancock Street and Adams Street and that the construction hours be restricted to 9:00 a. m. and 2:30 p.m. and further that the spools be removed at the end of each working day. Appointments — Design Advisory Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Eva Kasell and Richard Sperandio to the Design Advisory Committee for terms to September 30, 2001. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of the meetings of October 30, 2000, November 27, 2000 and December 11, 2000. Selectmen's Meeting — January 22, 2001 All Alcoholic Beverage License Change of Manager—Knights of Columbus Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application from the Knights of Columbus for a Change of Manager to Paul McNamara. Appraiser's List —Sale of Tax Title Propert y Mrs. McKenna explained the process that was followed to come up with a list of six appraisers to be used in the future when considering the sale of tax title property. Mrs. McKenna recommended that the Board vote to approve the list. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following listed appraisers: John Avery, Avery Associates of Acton; Phyllis DiCristoforo, Fidelity Appraisal Group of Wakefield; John Easton, John Easton & Associates of Arlington; Steven Foster, Insignia/ESG of Boston; Rich Goulet, Appraisers Group of Watertown and Phillip Shaw, Phillip R. Shaw & Associates of Lexington. Sale of Tax Title Property —Lot 159, Map 64 Mrs. McKenna explained that the process with respect to the sale of Lot 159 on Assessors Map 64 located at 95 -97 Bedford Street has been followed and recommended that the final step be taken, which is to request sealed bids from the two abutters that have submitted a letter of intent. They will be given 14 days to submit sealed bids at a minimum amount of the appraisal $4,700 plus the cost of the appraisal $750. Mrs. Abbott thanked Mrs. McKenna for all the work she put into establishing a process and confirmed that the parties who expressed interest in the property last May were well informed about the process. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to invite the two qualified bidders to submit sealed bids at a minimum bid of $5,450 to be opened in the Board of Selectmen's Office at the close of business on February 5, 2001. Auditor's Report Melanson Heath & Company Representative Scott McIntyre was present to review the Financial Statements and the Management Report of the Town's Audit for the year ended June 30, 2000. Also present were Comptroller John Ryan and Assistant Comptroller Mike DiPietro. The overall findings of the Management Report were favorable with no major observations. There was much discussion about the current year issues from the Management Report including GASB34 requirements and the need for the Town to focus on fixed asset reporting; the need to evaluate the Self Insurance Trust Fund and the need to improve oversight of the Trust Funds. Selectmen's Meeting — January 22, 2001 Mr. Enrich felt the material was very helpful and very well presented. John Ryan reported that the financial software the Town currently uses is not adequate for the new GASB34 reporting; however, the new software the Town is getting will help. Temporary Compromise on Method of Calculating Minuteman Regional High School Assessments Lexington Minuteman School Committee Representative Jane Pagett explained the School Committee's urgent request that the member towns vote to endorse a proposed temporary compromise method of calculating assessments. She explained that last year all of the towns but Arlington paid the assessment by agreement. Mrs. Paggett also indicated the proposal is a temporary solution only good for one or two years. If it doesn't resolve the matter the school will begin dismantling. Mrs. Paggett requested that the Board approve the temporary calculation method. There was much discussion and questions and concerns expressed; however, it was agreed that the Board approve the temporary method but also send a strong signal to the School Committee and Superintendent that this new method is going to heighten Town Meeting's concerns of the budget amount. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. Abbott) to approve the temporary compromise method of calculating assessments and to send a letter of concern with the approval. Recreation Fees Recreation Director Karen Simmons reviewed proposed increases in Recreation fees that were adopted by the Recreation Committee on January 17. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following Recreation fees: Aquatics Non - resident family swim tag $275.00 Resident family swim tag $135.00 Adult swim tag $50.00 Child swim tag (up to 18) $35.00 Senior swim tag $35.00 Tennis Youth lessons $38.00 Summer Camps Camp for all per 2 week session $325.00 Sports clinics $65.00 Selectmen's Meeting — January 22, 2001 Ballfield Permits C -2 softball lights 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. $25.00 C -1 baseball lights 5:45 to 8:00 p.m. $25.00 Pine Meadows Non - resident M -F $17.00 Non - resident Senior M -Th before 3:00 p.m $13.00 Non - resident weekend $19.00 Golf cart rentals 9 holes $13.00 Budget Adjustments Mr. White reviewed revised summary sheets as a result of the previous weeps summit meeting. The School Committee has proposed a $665,000 reduction. The Town has been over its GAT at the NESWC plant for the past two years. There was much discussion about PAYT and the need to be cautious about anticipated revenue particularly for the first year, using approximately $600,000 of anticipated revenue to provide taxpayer relief and approximately $380,000 to cover costs. Board members discussed potential options for narrowing the gap as presented by the Town Manager. Listed were revenue options amounting to $1,120,000 consisting of additional revenue from building fees and cemetery trust transfers, a DPW/NESWC Grant amounting to $250,000, additional local revenue and Medicaid reimbursements; expenditure reductions amounting to $2,100,000 consisting of municipal adjustment of $750,000, water /sewer billing adjustments of $150,000, health insurance target reduction of $600,000 and the school budget adjustment of $600,000. Board members then discussed the prioritized list of departmental budget reductions. Mrs. McKenna felt the part -time highway maintenance seasonal employees should be restored. Mr. Hadley explained that the restoration of the $14,500 would enable DPW to deal with a backlog of catch basin work and patching of potholes. DPW would be able to maintain three crews during the summer months. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -2 (Mr. Enrich and Mrs. Eddison) to restore $14,500 to the DPW budget for highway maintenance seasonal employees. A motion duly made and seconded to restore $40,000 for a budget analyst position in the finance area and eliminate one of the intern positions in the manager's office was defeated 3 -2 (Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. McKenna). There was some discussion about the intern position in the Planning Office and it was decided to invite the Planning Board and staff to the next meeting to discuss the specific impact of cutting the position. Selectmen's Meeting — January 22, 2001 Liaison Reports Mrs. Krieger reported on the tour of the newly renovated high school on Sunday. It was exciting to see the progress that has been made. Mrs. Krieger indicated that the Charles River Watershed Association is looking for a representative from the Board and that she is willing to be the Boards representative. All members agreed. Mrs. Abbott reported on a joint meeting of the Human Services Committee and the Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee at which there was a good discussion of mutual interests. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Eddison, Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Enrich and Mrs. Abbott to go into executive session for discussion of matters of land acquisition, personnel evaluation and litigation with no intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:45 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting Minutes January 29, 2001 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 29, 2001 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Krieger, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Precinct 5 Town Meeting Member Perry Pollins said he asked the Board back in August to do something about the dangerous conditions of the Town's streets, that conditions would worsen if they aren't taken care of immediately. Mr. Pollins also expressed concern about a reduction in police patrols in the neighborhoods. Mr. White reminded Mr. Pollins that he did address the concern about the condition of Mass. Avenue from Pelham to Fletcher Avenue. In fact, I reported that we were going to do a very light skim coat on it. At a subsequent meeting I mentioned that Engineering took another look and based on my encouragement have accelerated the schedule and that stretch of Mass. Ave. will be repaved in the Spring. In terms of Police staffing, Mr. White said his recall of Police staffing levels is that the staffing levels have increased; there are more police now than fourteen years ago. Mr. Pollins indicated that they have been reduced substantially in his neighborhood. Mr. White will ask the Police Chief to give Mr. Pollins a call on the matter. Steve Tripi, said he is a candidate for School Committee and wants to get his message out. I have made some observations on the trash fee and think it smells. Are you going to discourage people from using barrels for bags. Mr. Enrich felt the report is quite explicit in explaining that people have the option of using a tag for each bag or a more expensive tag for a barrel for six months. Further the proposal indicates that each household would be given 26 bag tags. Byron Blanchard said he was present to follow up on public records request issues that he raised two meetings ago. Mr. White indicated he received a copy of a letter from Mr. Blanchard dated January 11 in which he raised these issues and as a result of that looked into the assertions that Mr. Blanchard has made in his letter. Being at the meeting of January 8, I know that Mr. Cohen did not say that the Town did not know what records that Mr. Blanchard sought. There was considerable dialogue and I have records from Ms. Smith with over forty notations dating back to March 20, 1998 in which both Ms. Smith and Mr. Cohen tried to respond promptly to Selectmen's Meeting — January 29, 2001 Mr. Blanchard's requests. On two occasions, April 20, 1999 and April 22, 1999 after some exchange of information the final closing from Ms. Smith was`2trust that we have fulfilled all of your requests'. If there are other documents that Mr. Blanchard was missing, we were happy to provide them to him. Regarding the second allegation I can recall no reference by Mr. Cohen that Mr. Blanchard was too cheap to pay for the records. He said the process is such that the person makes the request and we give him an estimate of cost. Mrs. McKenna indicated that she had witnessed the exchange you referenced and Ms. Smith asked if there was something more that Mr. Blanchard needed. Mr. Blanchard misrepresented the exchange. Ms. Smith went above and beyond to meet his request. Consent Agenda Water /Sewer Commitments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following Commitment of water charges for 11/2/00 (Cycle 09) $145,823.58 Commitment of water charges for 11 /1 /00 to 11/30/00 $2,001.48 Commitment of sewer charges for 11 /1 /00 to 11/30/00 $2,788.65 Commitment of water charges for town -wide billing 11/22/00 (cycle 01) $741,550.09 Commitment of sewer charges for town -wide billing 11/22/00 (cycle 01) $1,214,393.70 Cablevision Rate Hearing Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to designate David G. Kanter to represent the Board as Intervenor at Cablevision Rate Hearing on February 27. Ad Hoc Tree Committee Tree By -Law Committee member Patrick Mehr reviewed the structure, mandate, work and proposals of the Selectmen's Ad Hoc Tree By -Law Committee. Mr. Enrich felt it was a very coherent report. Both of the recommendations of the Committee are challenging. It is not going to be easy to support. The Committee has done exactly what the Board has asked for it to do to present its recommendations to Town Meeting. The question is what do we as a Board do. Chapter 87 of the General Laws provide specifically for public shade trees. There are also some very cogent reasons why the private side would benefit the owners and the community. There was much discussion about including the private sector, how town -wide projects that have already been proposed might be affected, the tree warden position, concerns about enforcement and potential risks with the private sector portion. Mr. Cohen indicated he has talked to the Attorney General in preliminary discussions and with the changes made to the first draft he did feel he would be able to approve the by -law and it is still a work in progress. Planning Director Glenn Garber also reviewed the previous version and helped improve it. It was also reviewed by Steve Frederickson, who also changed a few things, specifically about enforcement. Selectmen's Meeting — January 29, 2001 Mrs. Krieger recognized Tree Committee member Jim Wood who reviewed his minority position on the proposed by -law. Mr. Wood proposed to hold the actual by -law until 2001 and move forward this year only with the establishment of a Tree Committee. He said he has a lot of reservations about the legality and enforcement of private restrictions. Several people spoke about concerns of impact on the private sector. Mrs. Krieger ended the discussion expressing appreciation of the efforts of the Committee and Legal Counsel. We have identified some areas where we would like to have more information. Noise By -Law Noise By -Law Advisory Committee members Tony Galaitsis and Julian Bussgang were present to review a draft report to the Board that showed the timetable of events, method of approach, the noise rules of 16 towns that were reviewed, ongoing communications with the Hanscom Noise Workgroup, the Town Manager and Town Counsel, an overview of the proposed by -law, a summary of noise limits, implementation issues and with the Selectmen's approval plans to hold a public hearing, formulate and implement amendments and finally to bring the proposed by -law to the 2001 Town Meeting. Board members asked questions such as what are a couple of examples of noise that generate most of the concerns and noise pollutions, whether there are differences in the regulations for different times of the day, producing a list of what noises would be exempt. Community Preservation Act Subcommittee Mrs. Krieger indicated she would be in touch with the Chair of the Historical Society and would come back to the Board at a future meeting on whether membership on the Community Preservation Act Subcommittee would be from the Historical Society or the Historical Commission. Appointment to Arts Council Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Margaret Bradley of 48 Bellflower Street to the Lexington Arts Council for a term to expire September 30, 2003. Lexington High School Science Fair Judging Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that Mrs. Krieger would represent the Board at the High School Science Fair Judging on March 13, 2001. Selectmen's Meeting — January 29, 2001 U.S. S. Lexington Committee Mrs. Krieger reported that Dick Lakutis from the Lexington Lions Club asked for a Selectman to once again welcome visitors to the U. S. S. Lexington memorials on Monday, April 16 at 11:00 a.m. Mrs. McKenna indicated she would be happy to represent the Board to welcome visitors. Board members thanked her. Buffet Mr. White supplied the Board with an agenda for the capital summit V meeting on January 30. Mr. Enrich indicated that after reviewing the operating budget he would like to see one budget item from the manager's list restored. He welcomed and invited someone to reconsider the Planning Board position and to go to other places to fine tune the $20,000 difference. Mrs. McKenna felt the Board really needs to support DPW. Mr. White indicated there has not been a position added in the planning process. The $50,000 is for the comprehensive plan Mrs. Abbott cautioned the Board about the State budget. We have seen some things happen. I think we are going to be in real trouble much sooner. Not sure we are going to be looking at the kind of State support. Mrs. Krieger explained that it is a one -year appointment to help Planning get through the comprehensive plan and it is more important than supporting the part-time ongoing position in DPW. Mrs. Krieger has contacted Historical Commission chair David Kelland who says he is spending an awful lot of time on requests for teardowns and demolitions. Mrs. McKenna felt it is inappropriate to reconsider the vote of the Board at this time. Mrs. Abbott felt that $20,000 in the total budget is a very small amount. Mr. Enrich felt this is a change where Mrs. Krieger gets back to School Committee chair Mrs. DiGiammarino and says we are $35,000 off from the target. Mr. Enrich indicated he is personally uncomfortable with an additional $35,000 but would be comfortable with $20,000 and is not making a motion to approve the planning position absent no motion to reconsider the DPW position. Mrs. Abbott felt where staff priorities put planning much higher than DPW she would rather put planning position forward first. Mrs. Krieger indicated she would prefer funding the planning position in lieu of the DPW position. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to rescind the vote of January 22 to reinstate the DPW part-time summer position and reinstate the planning position into the budget. Selectmen's Meeting — January 29, 2001 Moods Investor Services Mr. White reported that the Town has received good news from Moody's that the Town of Lexington has maintained its Aaa rating. That is a true testament to the staff Liaison Reports Mrs. McKenna reminded the Manager that as the Town elections come closer, the Lexpress schedule should be set up for rides to both Fiske and Bridge Schools. Mrs. Krieger reported on a ribbon cutting ceremony she and Mrs. Abbott participated in at the temporary location for Cary Library at the Cary Memorial Building. The renovations were accomplished under the building envelope program. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Eddison, Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Enrich and Mrs. Abbott to go into executive session for discussion of a matter of litigation with no intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:05 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk