HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-11-BOS-minSelectmen's Meeting November 4, 2002 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, November 4, 2002 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Outlook Drive Petitioners David Luberoff and 28 petitioners from the Outlook Drive /Old Res Parking lot area asked the Board to seek several assurances that developer Dean Curtin make restitution for illegal cutting of trees and bushes in a 240 by 50 foot long stretch of town -owned land next to a lot he owns on Marrett Road. Abutter to the property Ellen Houlihan said this has been going on since the middle of July. Mr. Luberoff said they have called the Police, DPW, Engineering, Zoning Enforcement, the DPW Director and the Town Manager and we are not overly impressed with the Town's response. Mr. Curtin has been allowed to use the Old Res parking lot as a staging area, cut down the trees on Town owned land with no permit and make two driveways into the land to move equipment. The petitioners proposed several actions they felt the Town should take against Mr. Curtin to insure full restoration of Town property. Mr. White indicated he had discussions with Mr. Luberoff to ask that the neighbor designate a neighborhood representative to act as partners with the Town to insure that the restoration is done to their satisfaction. Mr. White said he went out late Friday. Mr. Curtin does have a permit to clean up the site. Mr. Enrich felt it is unconscionable what the neighbors have experienced. Their recommendations seem fully appropriate. Political Lawn Signs Lorraine Fournier said she thought the Board should take some action concerning the matter of political lawn signs. People have been told that they are not legal. It is illegal to prohibit them. It restricts free speech. Rising Tide Development on Lowell Street Andy Friedlich said he met with Rick White today concerning the Rising Tide development issue. I think we need to send a strong message to the Zoning Board of Appeals that we as a community do not want revenue from this kind of source when it impacts a neighborhood. The Board of Appeals will be meeting on the matter on November 21. Mrs. McKenna felt this should be discussed at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Enrich indicated he has no objection to having this discussion. It is a complicated issue. We must be sensitive to the independence of the Board of Appeals. We should not be second guessing them and should approach the matter with considerable delicacy. Mrs. Krieger agreed with Mr. Enrich and indicated she had attended the last meeting of the Board of Appeals and that Option 4 was really not discussed. It might be appropriate for us to discuss that as an option in the abstract. Selectmen's Meeting — November 4, 2002 Selectman Enrich Mr. Enrich said he wanted to make a brief speech this evening. It has been six years since I ran for Selectman. I have been honored to serve. I now face a decision on whether to run for another term. I look back to what I said six years ago. There were really five things I wanted to accomplish. Three were about the Town's fiscal situation. The first and foremost was finding a more effective budgetary process for the town that would look beyond a single fiscal year. Also that we work on a stronger working relationship between the key players, the School Committee, finance committees and TMMA. The process is much more inclusive. The second was to make sure we had resources available to maintain very high quality services that have characterized the Town and we have done this under very trying circumstances; we have passed two operating overrides. The third accomplishment was to address the capital needs of the Town which had been left in a severely unfunded condition. We have made major strides and have passed two debt exclusions. However, there is still a great deal to be done. The other two objectives were to find a way to get the Town talking about the long -range view to develop a strategic planning process. We have had very real successes through the 20/20 vision process. And the final objective was the impact of expansion of Hanscom. We have made more progress than one would have anticipated. We have done a lot and I am proud of what we have accomplished. There are still huge challenges that remain ahead of us. I made a promise to my family and professional colleagues that I wouldn't serve for more than six years. It is hard work and time consuming. I need to honor my promise much as I love this work. I love this Town. I have decided I do have to honor promises I made and have decided not to be a candidate for reelection. I do plan on being a candidate for Town Meeting. Finally, let me share one observation. One of the things I now know better than when I first ran. I have come to understand how the Town functions in a way and depth few understand. We need to keep a very clear eye on the big picture. I also want to thank my colleagues for their comradeship. Consent Agenda George O. Smith Scholarship Fund Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to establish the George O. Smith Scholarship Fund. Employee Recognition Day Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a proclamation declaring Thursday, November 7, 2002 as Employee Recognition Day. Keyspan Grant of Location — Rindge Avenue Continued Hearing Keyspan Representative Bill Costigan was present to report that Keyspan had checked the Rindge Avenue area to see whether the gas main extension could come from another direction and found that it was not possible as there is no gas from that direction. Selectmen's Meeting — November 4, 2002 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the Keyspan Energy Delivery to install and maintain approximately 425 feet of 2" gas main in Rindge Avenue from the existing 2" gas main in Rindge Ave. at house No. 24 south to house No. 1. PAYT Refund Options Mr. Kennedy made a motion that the Board seek to convene a Special Town Meeting to recommend that PAYT refunds be made to citizens under Option 1 proposed by staff Mr. Enrich indicated that at the last meeting the Board voted 3 -2 that we should go ahead with some kind of reimbursement. In the best interests of the Town, I feel we should proceed with consensus. It really is important that we put that contention behind us. I would be prepared to support Mr. Kennedy's motion for a number of reasons. It takes the form of a recommendation to Town Meeting. It could be as much as $320,000. It would be helpful to put this behind us. It is a reimbursement to citizens for services not received. The proposal funds up to $320,000 from the DPW appropriation. Then the DPW line item would be reimbursed from the NESWC stabilization fund. There is more than $325,000 in that fund. I will second Mr. Kennedy's motion. Mrs. McKenna indicated she had thought long and hard about this matter. I have always voted based upon my principles. I strongly support refunds. This was a service turned down by the community two to one. The proposal is to reimburse from April 1 through June 30. To me that is not what this refund should be all about. I am also concerned about $32.50 per household. I am not prepared to accept it for April 1. I sincerely hope that the Town Meeting approves refunds. I cannot support a refund that is based on a limited amount. For me it is not an acceptable option that I am willing to support. Mrs. Krieger indicated she is trying to find a resolution where we can move on. With the thought that reimbursement would be limited back to April 1, this is one that I feel I could support. It also would be with the understanding that the funding will ultimately come from the stabilization fund. Mr. McSweeney indicated it has been a very trying time in the community with this particular topic. I know there is going to be folks with varying opinions on how to resolve the dilemma. I am going to vote with Mr. Kennedy's motion. There has been a lot of hard work that has gone into this service. Mr. Hamburger expressed concern as a member of the Appropriation Committee and Town Meeting Member. $300,000 is a problem. It adds to the $9 million gap for FY04. The service was stopped. Selectmen's Meeting — November 4, 2002 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to propose Option 1 to Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to meet on Thursday, November 7 at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of calling and signing the warrant for a Special Town Meeting. Resignations /Appointments/Reappointments Personnel Advisory Board Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Susan Bennett from the Personnel Advisory Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Norman Cohen to the Personnel Advisory Board for a three -year term to expire September 30, 2005. Communications Advisory Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Diane Pursley to the Communications Advisory Committee for a term to expire September 30, 2004. Tree Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Anne Senning to the Tree Committee for a three -year term to expire September 30, 2005. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the minutes of the meeting of October 21, 2002 as amended by Mrs. McKenna and Mr. Enrich. Chairmen's Breakfast Board members agreed to hold a Chairmen's breakfast meeting on Friday, November 22 at 7:30 a.m. Budget Presentations Mr. White opened the discussion of the FY04 budget presentations. The budget maintains current level services and also identifies those extraordinary service issues that need to be dealt with from a policy perspective. Appropriation Committee Chair Deborah Brown commended the Town Manager and staff on their work in identifying the at risk budget items. Mrs. Brown also indicated her concern that the Town and School side both identified $4,000,000 worth of at risk items rather than $5,000,000. Selectmen's Meeting — November 4, 2002 Police Police Chief Chris Casey presented the department's FY04 budget: Police Administration - $996,240, Patrol and Enforcement - $2,489,462, Parking Meter Maintenance - $53,201, Investigation/Prevention - $596,162 and Combined Dispatch - $415,303. Chief Casey also reviewed a program improvement request for parking meter maintenance in the amount of $8,000. The Police Department has proposed putting $899,000 at risk as follows: $104,000 police center coverage, $253,000 community policing — school resource officers, $260,000 police desk officer and $282,000 reduction in sector patrol. Library Library Director Carol Mahoney presented the Library FY04 budget request: Library General and Technical Services - $638,739, Adult Library - $838,516, Children's Library - $346,304 and East Lexington Branch - $101,776. Ms. Mahoney also reviewed the Library at risk list: $196,596 reduced hours, $69,409 Branch reduced hours, $61,183 Department Head reductions and $45,019 library staff Secondary School Debt Exclusion Finance Director John Ryan reviewed appropriations made in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 for school building construction/renovations. Board members agreed that Article 23 of 1997 in the amount of $2,400,000 and Article 2 of 1998 in the amount of $52,235,000 were intended to be part of the debt exclusion. Selectmen Liaisons Mrs. McKenna reported that the Tourism Committee elected Kerry Brandin as the new Chairman. The Tourism Committee will be coming to the meeting on the 18 to give a progress report on the Liberty Ride. Mrs. McKenna speaking on behalf of the Center Committee recommended that citizens look to the Town of Lexington for their shopping needs over the holidays. Mrs. McKenna reported on a complaint about the newspaper boxes in front of Aesops Bagels. They block the sidewalk making it necessary to walk in the street. Mr. Hadley reported that boxes have been ordered and he hopes to have them in stock soon but would like to wait until late March to erect them. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:15 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting November 7, 2002 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Thursday, November 7, 2002 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 6:00 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Special Town Meeting Date and Warrant Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to set a Special Town Meeting for December 16, 2002. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 6:15 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting November 13, 2002 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. MEPA Letter Mr. Enrich explained the reason for a letter he had drafted to MEPA concerning the public review of MassPort's draft ESPR. The Fire Marshall shut down the hearing that was scheduled for last Thursday before it began because the hall was equipped to handle two hundred and there were approximately eight hundred in attendance. MEPA stepped in and arranged for a rescheduling of the hearing at a location that could accommodate the attendees. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to send the letter to MEPA. Budget Presentations Board of Selectmen Executive Clerk Phyllis Smith reviewed budget requests for: Board of Selectmen Administration- $157,110 and Legal - $250,000. MIS MIS Coordinator Connie Rawson reviewed the budget requests for: MIS Administration - $350,800 and Web Development & Maintenance - $33,700. Ms. Rawson also reviewed a program improvement request of $20,000 for website redesign and enhancements. Recreation Recreation Director Karen Simmons reviewed budget requests for: Recreation Activities - $781,549 and Pine Meadows Golf Course - $495,723. Finance Finance Director John Ryan reviewed budget requests for: Appropriations Committee - $1,000, Comptroller - $538,598, Revenue - $289,277, Assessor - $289,853, a program improvement request of $40,000 for Personal Property Update, Reserve Fund - $150,000, Contributory Retirement - $2,994,000, Non - Contributory Retirement - $123,000, Tax Levy Debt - $4,248,397 and School Exempt Debt - $2,325,225 Selectmen's Meeting — November 13, 2002 DPW DPW Director Bill Hadley reviewed budget requests for: Public Works Administration - $393,406, Engineering - $332,935, Street Lighting - $332,922, Parking Operations - $69,469, Highway Maintenance - $944,675, Road Machinery - $492,664, Snow Removal - $297,045, Park Division - $780,422, Tree Maintenance - $133,709, Cemetery - $263,507, Refuse Collection — $721,500, Recycling - $769,276, Refuse Disposal - $1,823,360, Building Maintenance - $795,029, LEXPRESS - $349,500, Chair Car - $19,490, program improvement requests for: a park laborer - $37,491, Turf Management Program - $10,459, the tree planting program - $15,000, three full time custodians and one building maintenance technician - $145,000. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting November 18, 2002 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, November 18, 2002 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Consent Agenda 2003 Warrant Closing, Date of 2003 Local Election and First Session of 2002 Annual Town Meeting Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to close the warrant for the 2003 Annual Town Meeting on Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 4:30 p.m. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to set the date of the 2003 Local Election on Monday, March 3, 2003. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to set the date for the first session of the Annual Town Meeting on Monday, March 24, 2003. Water /Sewer Commitments and Adjustments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to make the following commitments and adjustments: Commitment of Water Charges for 8/1/02 to 8/30/02 (Finals) $25,584.12 Commitment of Sewer Charges for 8/1/02 to 8/30/02 (Finals) $41,148.40 Commitment of Water Charges for 9/1/02 to 9/30/02 (Finals) $11,934.74 Commitment of Sewer Charges for 9/1/02 to 9/30/02 (Finals) $18,938.56 Commitment of Water Charges for 8/30/02 (Cycle 9) $252,786.25 Commitment of Water Charges for 9/30/02 (Cycle 9) $323,020.04 Adjustments of Water Charges for 8/1/02 to 8/30/02 - $3,282.31 Adjustments of Sewer Charges for 8/1/02 to 8/30/02 - $8,650.71 Adjustments of Water Charges for 9/1/02 to 9/30/02 - $2,082.81 Adjustments of Sewer Charges for 9/1/02 to 9/30/02 - $5,478.20 NStar Electric Grant of Location - Marrett Road at Forbes Road NStar Representative Maureen Carroll reviewed the petition for Boston Edison Company d /b /a NSTAR Electric to install approximately 110 feet of conduit under the surface of Marrett Road at Forbes Road to provide electric service for the new traffic signals installed as part of the Route 2A upgrade. Selectmen's Meeting — November 18, 2002 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of NSTAR Electric to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein to be located under the surface of Marrett Road in Lexington. Install conduit underground on Marrett Road, southeasterly at Forbes Road, a distance of 110 feet from pole #193/127 -1. Chapter 90 Authorization Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to act on behalf of the Town of Lexington as its agent in executing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Standard Contract Form 45013246155 under the Massachusetts Highway Department's State Aid Program. All Alcohol Beverage License — Vinny Testa's Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application for a pledge of stock on the All Alcohol Beverage License for BUCA Restaurants 3, Inc. d /b /a Vinny Testa's Lexington. Tourism Committee — Liberty Ride Update Newly elected Chair of the Tourism Committee Kerri Brandin reported on the Liberty Ride pilot program that commenced on July 8 and concluded its season on October 31. Mrs. Brandin asked that there be a placeholder in the FY04 budget for the Liberty Ride and the Committee will also be requesting an additional $10,000 this year for signage. Lexington Center Committee Lexington Center Committee Chair Sheila Watson and Vice Chair Jerome Smith updated the Board on the Committees activities and accomplishments for the period July to November 2002. They also reviewed a budget request for FY04 amounting to $76,000. Liquor License Renewals Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applications and issue liquor licenses as follows: Clubs Knights of Columbus Lexington Elks Lexington Golf Club Selectmen's Meeting — November 18, 2002 Common Victualler Dabin Restaurant Khushboo Peking Gardens Yangtze River Restaurant Retail Package Store Bermans Market, Inc. Busa Brothers Liquors, Inc. Lexington Liquor Mart Vinebrook BottleShop Package Store Sunday Openings Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the package stores to open on the Sundays between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day from 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Restaurants — New Year's Eve Hours Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the extension of hours for the serving of alcoholic beverages by restaurants until 1:00 a.m. on New Year's Day subject to the Town Manager's granting such permission if he and the Police Chief agree. Budget Presentations Economic Development Economic Development Officer Mary Jo Bohart reviewed the FY04 budget request - $187,590 that includes a program improvement request for the Tourism Committee projects of $104,000 and $20,000 for the Lexington Center Committee revitalization projects. Town Clerk Town Clerk Donna Hooper reviewed the FY04 department requests for Town Clerk Administration - $174,463, Board of Registrars - $23,125, Elections - $62,220, Records Management - $88,500 that includes a program improvement request for a part time archivist program of $76,000. Planning Planning Director Glenn Garber reviewed the FY04 department requests for $218,876. Water /Sewer Enterprise Public Works Director Bill Hadley reviewed the FY04 requests for Water Division Operations and Maintenance - $1,800,524, Water Debt - $137,396, Water MWRA Assessment - $3,300,617, Sewer Operation & Maintenance - $1,203,315, Sewer Debt - $1,043,842 and Sewer MWRA Assessment - $5,553,046. Selectmen's Meeting — November 18, 2002 Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Enrich, Mr. McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Kennedy and Mr. White to go into executive session for the purpose of discussion of potential litigation with no intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Summit II Meeting November 19, 2002 The Board of Selectmen met with the School Committee, Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee on Tuesday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Hastings Elementary School. After updates from School Superintendent Joanne Benton and Town Manager Rick White, the committees were given a review of the following: • State aid • Local receipts • Available funds • Labor agreements /collective bargaining • Collaborative budget building process Finally, the dates for future summit meetings was discussed. Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting November 20, 2002 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments Fire Chief Peter Torode introduced a new employee of the Fire Department, firefighter paramedic Oleg Feldman. Chapter 40B Mrs. Krieger opened a discussion on the 40B proposal for development on Lowell Street. Rising Tide applied to Mass. Housing for funding and in the letter of approval there was a statement to the effect the land price they were using was probably not in accord with the standards of Mass. Housing. As a result, Mass. Housing felt there was a potential that there may be too much density and the profit might be too high. There may in fact be profit above the 20% level that would benefit the Town. Do we as Selectmen want to see that benefit come back to the Town. The Board of Appeals is still in session deliberating on that proposal. I hope we would confine ourselves to that aspect of the issue. Mrs. McKenna indicated her biggest concern with the 40B situation is that the Town might somehow benefit by high density. Open space is one of the Town's goals. I would certainly support us at a minimum for their meeting tomorrow evening to have a statement that we are not interested in that as an option for the Town. Mr. Kennedy indicated he agreed. I am not averse to taking money that would help the Town. In this particular case there is a danger of changing the character of the neighborhood. It would be like blood money. I think we should go on record that we don't want the money in this case. I have a question of Mrs. Krieger that we should keep our comments to this issue. We have to be careful not to interfere but shouldn't we give them our position on this one issue? Mrs. Krieger indicated if it has to do with the density, I think it is inappropriate for us to take a stand. Mr. Enrich asked whether the Board of Appeals has asked us for our opinion. Mrs. Krieger replied they had not. Mr. Enrich indicated he has a concern about the Board jumping in before the ZBA's final hearing. Mrs. Krieger said it is not their final hearing, but it is a critical one. Mrs. McKenna made a motion to send a letter saying the Board does not support item (d) "any excess profit will be turned over to the town" and "amounts above 20% will be returned to the Town ". The motion was not seconded. Selectmen's Meeting — November 20, 2002 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it as voted to authorize Mrs. Krieger to write a letter to the effect that the Board of Selectmen would be willing to offer an opinion if the Board of Appeals so desires. Budget Presentations Fire Department Fire Chief Peter Torode presented the Fire Department's FY04 Budget Requests: Fire Administration - $212,456, Fire Prevention - $81,112, Fire Suppression - $333,560, Emergency Medical Services - $112,563 and program improvements: Maintain and rebuild fire alarm circuits and equipment - $13,050, and heart saver community - $16,100. Social Services Social Services Director Heather Sweeney reviewed FY04 budget requests for: COA Administration - $166,250, Nutrition - $5,125, Community Programs - $34,311, Support Services - $76,302, Adult Day Care - $46,033, Veterans' Services - $56,443, Youth Services - $74,087 and Developmentally Disabled - $14,839. Community Development Building Commissioner Steve Frederickson reviewed the FY04 budget requests: Building Inspection - $356,466, Board of Appeals - $32,758, Conservation - $127,332, Historic Districts Commission - $10,259, Public Health - $157,097, and Animal Control - $37,119. Conservation Administrator Karen Mullins presented a program improvement request for a conservation assistant for $41,000 and Health Director Beverly Anderson presented a program improvement request for increase public health nurse hours for $11,989. Capital Budget Requests Members of the Capital Budget Team reviewed the FY04 capital requests: DPW/En ink eering Town Engineer Peter Chalpin reviewed the Landfill Closure - $450,000, Traffic Improvements - $25,000, DPW Equipment Replacement - $295,000, Street Improvements - $1,045,000, Building Envelope - $750,000, Water Distribution System Improvements - $900,000, Storm Sewer Improvements - $150,000, Sanitary Sewer Improvements - $75,000, and Sidewalk Improvements - $105,000. DPW Director Bill Hadley reported on a request for design money for the DPW Operations Facility - $1,490,000 and Peter Enrich reported on the request from the Electric Utility Ad -Hoc Committee for $150,000 to do an inventory and study ofNStar's capital assets in Lexington and for associated legal costs as a first step towards exploring electric municipalization. Selectmen's Meeting — November 20, 2002 Fire Fire Chief Peter Torode reviewed requests for: Engine 2 Replacement - $327,390, and replacement of an SCBA Air Compressor - $35,000. Recreation Recreation Director Karen Simmons reviewed capital requests for Park and Playground improvements - $35,000, Pine Meadows Equipment - $50,000 and Skate Park - $35,000. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:30 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Chairmen's Breakfast Meeting November 22, 2002 A Chairmen's breakfast meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Friday, November 22, 2002 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 a.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk and Administrative Assistant Lynne Pease were present. Mr. McSweeney welcomed the group and asked everyone to give a brief status report on the happenings with their respective committees. The following Chairmen or representatives present were: Jerome Smith 20/20 Vision Implementation Committee, Deborah Brown Appropriation Committee, Bob Sacco Board of Appeals, Burt Perlmutter Board of Health, Shirley Stolz Capital Expenditures Committee, Arthur Katz Cary Lecture Committee, Jane Gharibian Communications Advisory Committee, Joyce Miller Conservation Commission, Marian Cohen Council on Aging, Steve Hurley Design Advisory Committee, Ken Elmore Fair Housing & Human Relations Committee, Bill Simmons Fence Viewers, Lillian MacArthur and Jacquelyn Ward Gamel Legacy Trust, Julian Bussgang and Dick Canale Hanscom Area Towns Environmental Subcommittee, Joann Gschwendtner Historic Districts Commission, David Kelland Historical Commission, Marshall Derby LexHAB, Steward Kennedy Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee, Sheila Watson Lexington Center Committee, Becky Sue Epstein Lexington Council for the Arts, David Williams Lexington Scholarship and Education Fund Committee, Myla Kabat -Zinn Lighting Options Committee, Peter Kelley Permanent Building Committee, Sandra Shaw Recreation Committee, Luanna Devenis Registrars of Voters, Bob Cunha Retirement Board, Joanne Benton, School Superintendent, Kerry Brandin Tourism Committee and Town Report Committee, Bill Lahey Town Counsel, Rick White Town Manager, Andy Friedlich Town Meeting Members Association, Marge Battin Town Moderator, Dave Carbonneau Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, Don Graham Transportation Advisory Committee, Karen Longeteit Tree Committee and Alan Fields Trustees of Public Trusts. Everyone felt it was a very good get together and expressed a desire to hold breakfast meetings twice a year. After everyone spoke, Town Manager Rick White gave the group a brief budget update. The breakfast meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk