HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-BOS-minSelectmen's Meeting Minutes July 22, 2002 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 22, 2002 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:15 p.m. Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Enrich, Mr. McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Kennedy to go into executive session for discussion of real estate issues with the intent to resume open session at 7:30 p.m. Public Comments DPW Director Bill Hadley introduced Kevin Leyton, arborist for NSTAR who presented a $1,500 check to the Chairman for the tree fund. Mr. McSweeny thanked Mr. Leyton for the check and for the good relations that they have had with the Town. Police Chief Chris Casey introduced new police officer Hsien Kai Hsu. Audobon Road resident Olive Liu explained that there are several street lights out on Audobon Road, which she had reported three times over the past month and a half that are still out. Mr. Hadley said he would see to it that the lights are restored. Perry Pollins said senior citizens have been ignored about the need for a new senior center. Mr. Pollins also said he thought the Board should look to control legal fees. Lorraine Fournier complained that her letters to the Editor of the Minuteman have been cut and pasted and completely distorted. Consent Agenda Establish Bass - DiDomenico Scholarshib Fund Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to establish the Bass - DiDomenico Scholarship Fund. Battle Green Guide License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mohammad Dhanani as a Battle Green Guide through June 30, 2003. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 Warrant for State Primary Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the warrant for the State Primary on September 17, 2002. All Alcoholic Beverage License — Sanborn Lexington, LLC d /b /a Copacafe Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a Common Victualler Liquor License to Sanborn Lexington, LLC d /b /a Copacafe, 1727 Massachusetts Avenue. NSTAR Electric Grant of Location — Lowell Street and Lillian Road At the request of NSTAR Representative Maureen Carroll, the hearing was continued to August 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. NSTAR Electric Grant of Location — Mass. Ave. and Lincoln Street NSTAR Representative Maureen Carroll reviewed the petition for Boston Edison Company d /b /a NSTAR Electric to install approximately 207 feet of conduit on Massachusetts Avenue and approximately 93 feet of conduit on Lincoln Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of NSTAR Electric to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein to be located under the surface of Massachusetts Avenue Northwesterly at Marrett Road, install conduit a distance of 207 feet at MH #23647 and Lincoln Street Westerly, thence turning southwesterly, approximately 974 feet west of Mill Street, install conduit a distance of 93 feet at MH #22240. AT &T Broadband Inc. Grants of Location AT &T Broadband Representative Richard Gallagher reviewed the petition for a grant of location for AT &T Broadband to replace the existing damaged direct buried cable with a cable installed in a conduit in three locations. Board members and residents John Seaquist, Bicentennial Drive, Scott Goldberg, Woodpark Circle, Paul Lemieux, Scott Road and Hwa Shive Bee, Bicentennial Drive raised concerns and questions that were addressed at the hearing. Bicentennial Drive and Freeman Circle Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of AT &T Broadband, Inc. to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein to be located under the surface of Bicentennial Drive and Freeman Circle. Install conduit from utility pole #143/1 (located at the corner of Bicentennial Drive and Cary Avenue) across Bicentennial Drive and then along the gutter line of Bicentennial Drive approximately 675 feet to a new handhole at the corner of Bicentennial Drive and Freeman Circle. A connection Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 will be made from the new handhole to the existing pedestal located near the property line between #7 and #9 Bicentennial Drive. From the new handhole the new cable conduit will run along the grass area of Freeman Circle approximately 375 feet to an existing pedestal located near the property line between #9 Bicentennial Drive and #4 Freeman Circle. Woodpark Circle Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of AT &T Broadband Inc. to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein to be located under the surface of Woodpark Circle. Install a new cable conduit from the existing pedestal near the property line between #22 and #25 Woodpark Circle along the gutter line approximately 475 feet to an existing pedestal near the property line between #28 and #30 Woodpark Circle. Scott Road Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of AT &T Broadband, Inc. to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein to be located under the surface of Scott Road. Install a new cable conduit from the existing pedestal at #14 Scott Road approximately 250 feet to the existing pedestal at #8 Scott Road. The new cable conduit is to be placed in the roadway. Keyspan Energy Delivery Grants of Location Keyspan Representative Francis O'Leary reviewed four Keyspan grants of location. Board members and residents Douglas Davis, Roosevelt Road, Richard Zioli, Lois Lane and Grace Watson, Lois Lane raised questions and concerns that were addressed at the hearing. Locust Avenue Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approved the petition of Keyspan Energy Delivery to install approximately 100 feet of 2 inch gas main in Locust Avenue from house #63 westerly to house #68. School Street at Roosevelt Road Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Keyspan Energy Delivery to install approximately 1500 feet of 4" gas main in School Street at Roosevelt Road from the existing 4" gas main in School Street at Marrett Road north to house #32 Roosevelt Road. Loi-, Lane. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to approve the petition of Keyspan Energy Delivery to install approximately 900 feet, of 2 inch gas main in Lois Lane from the existing 4" gas main in Bedford Street subject to payment of street restoration fee. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 Concord Avenue Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Keyspan Energy Delivery to install and maintain approximately 1900 feet of 4 inch gas main in Concord Avenue from the new 4" gas main in Concord Avenue at Old Shade Street west to house #571. Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Assistant Town Engineer Dave Carbonneau reviewed recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee on several issues. Lincoln Street, Hastings Park The Committee met with members of the Lincoln Street Hastings Park neighborhood, Don Mahoney from the Hayden Recreation Center and Rabbi Howard Jaffe of Temple Isaiah to discuss no parking regulations and crosswalk locations in the area. The Committee recommends the following: • Crosswalk across Lincoln Street at Hayden Rink • No parking Lincoln Street East side — Hastings to Worthen (first 175' already in place) • No parking Hastings Road opposite the Hastings Park • No parking Lincoln Street West side Hastings to Audobon Road, 50' from Worthen and at Crosswalk to Hayden Rink. The Committee makes these recommendations based upon the fact that Lincoln Street is not wide enough to allow parking on both sides of the street and that the intersections with Worthen Road, Audobon Road and Hastings Road should be kept clear to allow unobstructed views for vehicles and pedestrians. The Committee also recommends that two streetlights be added on Lincoln Street near Worthen Road to improve pedestrian and vehicular safety. The poles will cost between $10,000 and $20,000 and it is anticipated the Town will have the funding. Mrs. McKenna suggested adding a crosswalk at the corner of Hastings Road. Mrs. McSweeney suggested that the street lights be installed first. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee and in addition add another crosswalk at Hastings Road. It was also recommended that every effort be made to get the no parking signs in place before the opening of the schools. Crosswalk Marrett Road and Grassland Street After several meetings with residents from the Spring Street and Prospect Hill neighborhood, the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee recommends: Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 • The Selectmen request that the State install a crosswalk on Marrett Road at Downing Street. • A crosswalk be installed on Spring Street at Grassland Board members urged that the Committee work with the School Department to provide supervision at the crosswalk. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. Crosswalk Cones The Committee has received numerous requests to place cones in crosswalks outside the Center. The Committee believes that the cones increase the visibility of the crosswalk and encourage vehicles to yield to pedestrians. However, the Committee is also cognizant of the operational burden these cones place on the Highway Division. The cones cost about $300 each and must be replaced every two years or so due to damage or theft. They must be reset after they are hit and must be removed from the street before plowing. The Committee recommends that cones be placed at locations with high pedestrian volume such as the High School and Center Pool crossings of Worthen Road. The committee also recommends that consideration be given to placing cones at the bike path crossings. The crossings at Revere Street, Meriam Street and Hancock Street are probably too narrow to accommodate a cone. Consideration was also given to placing a cone at the crosswalk near the Hancock Clarke House as requested by the Tourism Committee. The TSAC was concerned that Hancock Street is not wide enough to accommodate a crosswalk cone. The TSAC also did not believe that this crossing should receive precedence over unsupervised school crossings and other high priority crossings. However, the TSAC recommends that if the Tourism Committee is willing to fund and maintain the cone the Town should not prohibit the installation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for crosswalk cones at three crossings at Worthen Road and Woburn Street at the bike path. Worthen Road Lighting The TSAC conducted a brief review of fatal accident data over the past 15 years. One fact that arose out of the discussion was that there have been three fatal accidents on Worthen Road between Bedford Street and Mass. Ave. over the past 15 years. The TSAC, with the concurrence of the Selectmen, would like to investigate whether improved lighting may improve safety at this location. Board members agreed that the TSAC should go forward with its investigation. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 The following recommendations come from the Engineering Division. Sheridan Street No Parking Residents on Sheridan Street have repeatedly petitioned the Town for a no parking regulation to relieve spillover parking primarily from the Post Office. The Town had wanted to address this problem in the context of a full examination of Center parking. However, delays in finalizing recommendations for Center parking coupled with the severity and specificity of the problem lead us to recommend a no parking regulation be implemented on the east side of Sheridan Street immediately. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Engineering Division. Depot Building No Parking The Parking Control Officer has requested a no parking regulation in front of the Depot Building to improve traffic flow. This regulation is consistent with the plan for Depot Square and we recommend implementing it. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Engineering Division. AT &T CSC. Inc. d /b /a AT &T Broadband Renewal Cable Television License Amendment Communications Advisory Committee member Dave Buczkowski and AT &T Broadband representative Liz Graham were present to explain the amendment to AT &T Broadband's Renewal Cable Television License with the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the amendment to the AT &T Broadband Renewal Cable Television License extending the term of the License for an additional 24 months to August 31, 2004. Met State Hospital Surplus Land Disposition Mrs. Krieger explained that a pro forma response is necessary to the Notice of Surplus Real Property from the Division of Capital Asset Management. Mrs. Krieger recommended that the Board vote to authorize the Chairman to send such a response. Mrs. Krieger indicated, in response to a review of the draft RFP for development of the main campus site, a letter was sent today to DCAM emphasizing the importance of Lexington's Task Force having the opportunity to participate in the selection process. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to send a response to the Notice of Surplus and /or Temporarily Surplus State Owned Real Property located in the Town of Lexington. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 Water /Sewer Rates Water /Sewer Superintendent Ralph Pecora reviewed his recommendation that the Board approve an average residential water /sewer bill increase of 1.0% for Fiscal Year 2003. Attorney Steven Rodman representing Bubbles, Inc. asked that the Laundromat be read on a more frequent basis so that they are not charged at the higher rate for a heavy water user. Mr. Hadley indicated he has been dealing with the owner of the Laundromat and has implemented monthly readings to assist him; however, he explained that it would not be practical for DPW to implement weekly readings. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve rates for FY03 as follows: HCF Water Sewer Total 1 -20 $2.10 $4.66 $6.76 21 -40 $2.92 $5.76 $8.67 41 -80 $3.64 $7.75 $11.39 81 -201 & Up $4.76 $12.51 $17.27 Hanscom Air Base $3.46 Water Rate Veterans' Hospital $4.13 Water Rate One Day Liquor Licenses LPM Holding Corporation d /b /a Epicurean Feast Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue one -day liquor licenses to LPM Holding Corporation d /b /a Epicurean Feast for the sale of wine and malt beverages at the National Heritage Museum, 33 Marrett Road on July 23 and 30, August 6, 13 and 20, 2002. Common Victualler License — ALCOII, INC., d /b /a Dunkin Donuts - Baskin Robbins Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a common victualler license to ALCOII, INC., d /b /a Dunkin Donuts - Baskin Robbins. PAYT Closure DPW Director Bill Hadley said there were several options for the Board to consider regarding reimbursement of fees paid for trash tags and barrel labels. After a brief discussion it was reported that the building would be losing electricity for the rest of the evening. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted at 10:50 p.m. to adjourn the meeting to tomorrow evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 continued on July 23 Resignations /Appointments/Reappointments Election Officers Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint as election officers 27 Republicans, 64 Democrats, 1 Massachusetts Green Party and 50 Unenrolled as listed by the Town Clerk in a memo dated July 9, 2002. Met State Task Force Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to confirm the appointment of Karl Kastorf as the Planning Board member of the Met State Task Force. Human Services Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Robin Zucker from the Human Services Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint William Blout and Sarah Conklin to the Human Services Committee for terms to expire September 30, 2003. T ,exH AB Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Gerald Howell to LexHAB for a term to expire May 31, 2005. Town Celebrations Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Suzanne Barry, Sondra Lucente and Karen Jean Smith to the Town Celebrations Committee for terms to expire June 30, 2005. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Sally Fisher to the Town Celebrations Committee for a term to expire June 30, 2005. Town Celebrations Subcommittee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Paul Jenkins and Julie Miller to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for terms to expire June 30, 2003. Use of Battle Green — Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from the Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association to use the Battle Green on September 11, 2002 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for a time for the community to come together, to be together, to remember, to reflect and to pray. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 Use of Battle Green — Lexington Justice and Peace Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from the Lexington Justice and Peace Committee to use the Battle Green for a one -hour peace vigil on Wednesday, July 24 at 5:30 p.m. Board of Appeals Rising Tide 40B Comprehensive Permit Application Update Mr. White reported that Board of Appeals Chair Bob Sacco has requested that the Board vote to authorize the Town Manager to obtain an independent appraisal of the 536 -540 Lowell Street site. The Manager said he would choose an appraiser from the list of six appraisers the Selectmen had previously approved. The Board of Appeals has also requested consulting money in the amount of $4,900 be made available to the Board. Mr. White indicated some funds could be made available on a prescriptive basis. Town Meeting Member Andy Friedlich expressed concern that the residents need protection from this kind of development. The proposed development goes against one of the Town's core values, namely, the preservation of open space. Board members agreed that Mr. White should proceed with getting an independent appraisal of the property. Pay As You Throw Closure Board members resumed discussion of the feasibility of reimbursing residents for purchased but unused trash bag tags and barrel labels. After much discussion about the size of the reimbursement claims, the consensus among Board members was to send a letter to every resident asking whether they wanted to be reimbursed and how much to determine the full extent of the claims. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that Selectman McKenna and Enrich would draft a letter and circulate the draft to all Board members for comment, that the letter would come from all Board members and that it would be sent out as soon as possible. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meetings of May 6, May 8, May 13, May 20, May 22 and June 10, 2002. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of the meetings of March 18, May 13, June 10 and June 24, 2002. Board of Health Appointment Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Town Manager's appointment of James Taylor Fearnside to a three -year term on the Board of Health. Patriot Buddy Walk on Bikeway Mr. White reviewed a request for permission to hold the Patriot Buddy Walk for Special Olympics along the Bikeway originating and ending near the Depot between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon on Sunday, September 15. Mr. White said he is planning to approve the request with the appropriate restrictions. Board members agreed. Acting Town Manager Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Town Manager's designation of Linda Vine as the Acting Town Manager during the period between August 19 and August 30, 2002. Future Meeting Schedule It was decided to schedule meetings for September 9, September 23, October 7, October 21, November 4, November 13, November 18, November 20, December 2 and December 16, 2002. LexFest Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support LexFest by taking out an ad in their booklet for $100.00 out of the Selectmen's Expense Account. Liaison Reports Mr. McSweeney asked the Board members to review the list of liaison assignments and be prepared at the next meeting to formalize the list to include Selectman Kennedy. Mrs. McKenna gave the Board members a very positive report on the Liberty Ride being right on target with ridership projections. Selectmen's Meeting — July 22, 2002 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting July 23, 2002 A Goal Setting meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 in the Farr Conference Room at the National Heritage Museum at 9:00 a.m. Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Also present were: Candy McLaughlin, Charles Hornig, Donna Hooper, Carol Mahoney, Chris Casey, John Ryan, Karen Simmons, Connie Rawson, Bill Hadley, Heather Sweeney, Michael Young, Robert Beaudoin, Dave Carbonneau, Brian Gilbert, Wayne Medlin, Peter Chalpin, Steve Frederickson, Mike DiPietro, Peter Torode and Ingrid Klimoff. There was considerable discussion on the following agenda and the detailed backup information provided by the Town Manager: Section I: Financial Planning • FY 2004 Outlook FY 2004 Budget Critical Dates Calendar Financial Data and Projections o FY 2002 Receipts ■ Local Revenues • New & Historic Tax Levy Growth • FY 2004 Projections • Three -Year Forecast ■ Current (FY 2003) & Three -Year Projections (FY 2004 -2006) for Expenditures & Revenues • Policies • Cash Capital Policy • Blue Ribbon Report Update Health Insurance Section II: Operating Issues & Updates • Building Maintenance Needs o Facilities Maintenance Management System • Cary Memorial Library • Records & Information Management Initiatives • Web Site Update • Wide Area Network (WAN) Management • Lexington Solid Waste and Recycling Goals Section III: Capital Issues & Updates • Building Projects o Cary Memorial Library • Lexington Senior Center • DPW Facility • Town of Lexington Landfill • Recreation Facilities • Operating Projects o Roads • Sidewalks & Pedestrian Projects • Lexington Center Parking Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting — July 23, 2002 Section IV: Planning Projects • Vision 2020 • Comprehensive Plan • Metropolitan State Hospital Refurbishment • Community Preservation Appendix • FY 2002 DPW Accomplishments • Miscellaneous Information The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk