HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-BOS-minSelectmen's Meeting July 7, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 7, 2003 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Kelley; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote, Mr. Kelley, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger and Mr. Kennedy, to go into executive session at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel issues, with the intent to return to open session at 7:30 p.m. Open session resumed at 7:45 p.m. Public Comment Masha Traber, Liberty Ride Coordinator, spoke about the first week of rider ship on the Liberty Ride. Things are off to a very good start and there is a lot more publicity this year. Rider ship for the first week of the Liberty Ride was 360 persons; last year the first week rider ship was 138. Special Town Meeting Warrant with Descriptions Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the warrant. Override Mrs. Krieger believes it is necessary and appropriate to go back to the voters with a choice for another override. But because there is a potential for losing more state aid, and that the revenue shortfall is even greater, she would recommend going back with an override that restores some of all the services that were at risk the first time. Suggest we go back with a tiered override that has a choice of what level to put back. In favor of bundled override. Unbundling would pit one group against another. Mr. McSweeney will only support an unbundled override that is smaller, which reopens the East Lexington Fire Station, adds 6 or 7 police, and also brings back the animal control officer, 2 regulatory board clerks, mosquito control, CMARC funding, Chair Car Service, and the public nurse. This adds up to around $678,000. The school could make up a list of possible school items if they desire. Mrs. McKenna believes the Board should create balance within the community. We have a municipal side and a school side, we don't have the town versus the schools. Creating an override that would have schools versus municipal takes us back a good 5 or 6 years. If my Selectmen's Meeting — July 7, 2003 colleagues choose to go forward with an override and make it an unbundled override, that would create the atmosphere of schools versus town, which she did not support. Mr. Kennedy believes we are in a unique position and have to respond to the vote. We have to respond in a small way to the public safety issue and he supports Mr. McSweeney's proposal. By unbundling, we stand a much better chance of passing the override than if we bundle. Mr. Kelley feels the strategy laid out for this override was a misstep and we left ourselves in a position with the citizens that wasn't appropriate, particularly on the public safety. He has been struggling trying to understand the line items that will give better and appropriate levels of service for the fire and police. It is critical to accommodate the public safety, that is the number I am focused on. Not ready to support anything more than a number that will quickly be brought forward for the police and fire. Mr. Close, School Committee, believes everyone agrees that if another override is brought before the voters that it has to represent choice. Choice should reflect the values in this community. The question is how do you bundle an override in a way that reflects the community's values and we should be more creative than saying this is a selectmen domain and this is school domain because there are valuable things on both sides. Lexpress Mrs. Wagner, prior Transportation Coordinator, presented a 10 -month scenario for Lexpress. Lexpress would stop July and August service ($85,375), cut Saturday service ($47,039), remove service from noon to 1 pm ($34,322), and eliminate Chair Car service ($9,328). These four items add up to $176,064. The budgeted items include service Monday through Friday ($309,672) and the cost of a coordinator and administrative assistant ($51,385) and supplies ($1,000). Total budget would be $362,057 for 10 -month service. Revenues include $80,000 MBTA grant, existing Lexpress Gift account of $14,280, $10,000 in FY03 fares, $8,000 TDM FY04 and $72,000 from estimated FY04 increased fares. Total revenues would be $184,280. There is currently a Selectmen's Gift Account for transportation. People are urged to contribute to Lexpress. The Board urges the Transportation Advisory Committee to contact corporations about contributing to Lexpress. Board needs clarification on what would qualify for the 35% matching funds for the MBTA grant. Mr. White will contact MBTA to clarify. Board questioned whether possible to renegotiate a lower contract for the Lexpress buses. If Lexpress maintained the current routes the rate would remain the same ($43.41 per hour), but because the 10 -month plan calls for reductions in service the rate goes up to $45.58 per hour. At this point the Lexpress service would have to go out for bid. Selectmen's Meeting — July 7, 2003 Mr. Levison, Transportation Advisory Committee suggested ways to increase funding for Lexpress: TMD money, fare increases, parking meter fund money, school system support for busing, free cash, and charitable donations from corporations and individuals Town Counsel will look into how TMD money can be used and whether contributions can be received prior to Lexpress being reinstituted. Town Manager will look into possible parking fees on Worthen Road. Board suggested that the Transportation Advisory Committee continue searching for additional funding and continue gathering information. Selectmen Motion — Article 2 Board discussed options for a motion for Article 2. They were unable to agree on a motion. Decided to go to Summit on Wednesday night and hear from colleagues and decide on a motion after the Summit. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:05 p.m. A true attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Summit Meeting July 9, 2003 A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Finance Committees was held on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lexington High School Commons II. Chairman McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Kelley; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Gonzales, Counsel, and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. The Chairs of the School, Appropriations and Capital Expenditures Committees called their members to order. Review of Special Town Meeting Warrant Reviewed the warrant: Article 1 — Reports of Town Boards, Officers, Committees; Article 2 — Operating and Capital Budget; Article 3 — Operating Budget; Article 4 — Transportation Services; and Article 5 — Public Safety. The Town Meeting is scheduled for July 28, 2003 at 8:00 p.m. at Clarke Middle School. Quick Budget Update Mr. White presented a preliminary proposal to cover the potential State Aid gap expected to be $700,000. Suggested options are: withdraw from the NESWC Tipping Fee Reduction and Stabilization Fund ($450,000); stabilization fund redistribution ($111,142); Harrington gym floor redistribution ($65,000); DPW operations restructuring ($64,000); building envelope reduction ($20,000), all of which total $710,142. Mr. Ryan stated that local receipts for FY 03 would likely come in at around $9.7 million. FY 04 local receipts were budgeted at $9.7 million. That is 100% of previous year's local receipts; our policy has been to estimate 96% of prior year receipts. Mr. Kelley requested a copy of the previous list of suggested items to cover the $800,000 reduction in local aid that was prepared in March. Ms. Benton, School Superintendent, presented the schools FY 04 financial preview. Areas of concern include Salary Differentials and Utilities. Savings generated between outgoing salaries of retired staff and incoming salaries of new staff was budgeted for $365,000; currently no savings have been generated. The cost of energy has increased due to code requirements at secondary schools that doubled amount of air circulation, inefficient old boilers, and record cold temperatures over long period of time. Areas of uncertainty include custodial overtime and SPED tuition and transportation. Strategies will be to limit step /level of new staff hires; increase class sizes beyond maximum and /or eliminate if fewer than 22 students; conserve energy; track and limit supplies; and apply School Committee policy on building rental fees and monitor custodial overtime and custodian -out coverage. Summit Meeting — July 9, 2003 Service Impacts Ms. Brown, Appropriations Committee, presented data showing how Lexington ranks very low in police staffing since the override. Out of 28 cities and towns, Lexington ranks 17 with number on police force. Two questions should be taken up: 1) What are our plans for providing adequate public safety with the new post override staffing levels? 2) If the public safety plan is inadequate or unsatisfactory, should some or all staffing be restored conditionally or unconditionally? The Appropriations Committee is planning to look at the numbers for fire departments. Chief Torode, Fire, spoke regarding the fire budget and staffing. The fire department minimum staffing level has been 12 or more per each of the 4 shifts for over 25 years. This allowed the department to staff an engine, a ladder, an ambulance, a shift commander's car, and cross staff an ambulance at fire headquarters and also staff an engine at east Lexington. The elimination of $520,000 from the suppression division personal services budget resulted in reduced staffing. Presently we do not backfill for personnel on vacation and other authorized leave. At times staffing levels drop to 8 personnel. This staffs one engine, one ladder and one ambulance at Fire Headquarters. The East Lexington station and apparatus have been taken out of service. The proposed restoration of $324,000 to the budget in late September /early October would fund backfilling personnel on authorized leave to staff headquarters and reopen East Lexington by staffing one engine. This would allow the Fire Department to sustain that level of staffing for the remainder of FY04. If the $324,000 was restored the fire department would not be able to staff the 2nd ambulance because the ladder is the most critical piece of equipment to have staffed properly. There was much discussion about fire positions, overtime and staffing. Since 1975 there have been a number a manning studies in overtime versus the relationship between overtime and full time staffing. The town has looked at the issue in any number of ways and there is a threshold where it is not cost effective to hire full -time employees when it is cheaper to pay the overtime. Mrs. McKenna feels there needs to be more discussion on the issue. Chief Casey, Police, stated that since the override 12 positions have been eliminated. In the Detective and Prevention Bureau, the middle school officers were put into patrol, the high school resource officer was put in the school department, a narcotics detective went back to patrol, family services detective was eliminated and went into patrol. Laid off 9 officers, took 2 resignations, and took 2 full -time patrol positions and made them part-time, which eliminated one position. Usually run a 4 -car patrol plan. Since the override, 43 percent of time only 3 sectors covered. If there is restoration of money it would be distributed between narcotics, Resource Officer at high school, family services officer and put back the 4 -car patrol. Chief Casey would restore the items that will give the police department the greatest flexibility. Summit Meeting — July 9, 2003 Discussion of Each Board's Position on Articles Mr. Kelley would like the public safety piece clearly identified and addressed at town meeting. Not appropriate to go out for override. Need to come up with better budget for FY05. Mr. McSweeney proposed restoring $570,953 to police ($246,953) and fire ($324,000). Additional items would be covered by other revenue sources. Mrs. Krieger would restore a balanced set of services. Suggests tiered approach. First tier would be a $2.22 million override; second tier would be $3.5 million; and the third tier would be $5.01 million. Cannot support a limited override or for cutting any additional budgeted items. Mrs. McKenna suggests restoring the following for a 10 -month period: East Lexington Fire Station, 4 police officers, BOA clerk (part- time), CMARC, HDC Clerk (part- time), and Lexpress /Chair Car (only $42,000,000) which is 35% match necessary for MBTA grant. Total restorations come to $472,022. Cuts come from eliminating HR Generalist, one position from Senior Center and one position from DPW Forestry. The above cuts come from the original staff list of at -risk items. Other suggested cuts include: Conservation Administrator, organizational intern and seasonal employees, Assistant Director of Community Development, Solid Waste Coordinator, Reserve Fund (15 %), consultants (20 %), BOS Salary (for HDC clerk), organizational expenses, DPW Management Analyst, NESWC reserves. Total cuts come to: $472,750. Would also require reallocating parking meter fund to Lexpress. Mr. Kennedy was hopeful in supporting Mr. McSweeney's recommended override proposal to restore police and fire. He believes Mrs. McKenna's proposal cuts to DPW are too deep. At this time believe the right thing to do is have no override. Capital Expenditures asked how can we go forward when we have a gap for FY05. All of the items would need to be discussed again next year. Ms. Dratch, Transportation Advisory Committee, would like to see some funds for Lexpress. Specifically, would like the $79,000 from the parking meter funds. Mr. Close stated that a majority of the School Committee voted that it is not in the interest of the community to seek an additional override at this time; however, the second vote was unanimous that if there is an override it is our responsibility to put forward a few key items that were lost in the first override. Mrs. Krieger thinks maybe there is a common ground among the Selectmen. Suggests adhere to the budget that was voted on June 2. Do not have another override or change budget. The Capital Expenditures Committee does not support an override and the Appropriations Committee is unanimous against an override. Summit Meeting — July 9, 2003 Mr. Hamburger looking for clarification and some leadership on what the Selectmen's positions are on Articles 3, 4 and 5. Mr. Beckwith stated that 1400 voters requested money go back to pay for public safety. Citizens would like the public safety issue handled under the Selectmen's Article 2 rather than the citizen's Article 5. Suggest that the Selectmen come out with 2 proposals: 1) in which you do no override, but reinstate money, or 2) have an override and have Town Meeting vote on it. Mrs. McKenna's opinion is to recommend postponement of Articles 3 and 5. Regarding Article 4, would like to at least bring a motion that removes the restrictive language that would allow Lexpress in some fashion to operate if the transportation group could bring a credible proposal that would not necessarily need Town funds. Mr. McSweeney would indefinitely postpone Articles 2 and 3, but can support Article 4 only if the duplication was removed and the Transportation Advisory Committee could bring forward a good plan. His proposal puts public safety back (Article 5), could support a smaller amount for part 2 of Article 5. Mr. Levine, Appropriations Committee, is not on board for any of the override proposals. Should satisfy the following requirements before a question is put to the voters: 1) Sustainability — if we raise some funds to restore programs this year are we going to be able to keep that program going next year and for the long -term. 2) Priorities — spent all year working on priorities, now that we have gone through that process the burden is to demonstrate at a much higher level that we made a mistake and we need to change some of it. 3) Equity — we cannot just satisfy one group of constituents, we have to go out and help all the groups. 4) Consensus — don't see going out for an override without some kind of consensus between a majority of us. 5) Due regard for process — should not forget all the decisions that were made during the process that we went through. Mr. Close is very uncomfortable with were the group is at this point. Five weeks after the override failure the dialogue and discussion is essentially the same as the day after the failed override. We should be putting our energy into FY 05 and the discussion we are having right now is dissipating from that. Need to focus on two things: the millions of dollars in deficits that have been identified for FY05 and talking about what went wrong last year. We have not started the dialogue to really understand what we might be doing different in our next budget process. Would like for the four boards to come to an agreement on a long -term target. Mrs. McKenna made a motion that the Board of Selectmen at the Special Town Meeting would move to take up Article 2 after Articles 3, 4, and 5 and that the position of the Board is that they are not prepared to vote to put a question to the voters. There was no second. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mr. Kelley) to take up Article 2 after Articles 3, 4, and 5 at the Special Town Meeting. Summit Meeting — July 9, 2003 Mrs. McKenna proposed a motion that the Board of Selectmen would not be prepared to put an override question to the voters. There was no second. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -2 (Mrs. McKenna and Mr. Kelley) that the Board of Selectmen will not support any changes to appropriations in the budget as voted at the last Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:05 p.m. A true attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting July 21, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday July 21, 2003 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Lexington. Chairman McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kelley, Mr. White, Town Manager, Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel, and Ms. Tap, Recording Secretary, were present. Mr. Kennedy was absent. Consent Agenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to set the sum of the bond of the Local Official Bond for the Town Clerk at $85,000. Mrs. McKenna asked why the Town Manager's bond was set at a lower amount. Town Counsel agreed to research the reason for the amount of the Town Manager's bond and to bring back a recommendation for a new amount. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to set the sum of the Local Official Bond for the Town Manager at $50,000. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following commitments: • Commitment of Water Charges for Town -wide Billing November 1, 2002 through May 31, 2003 (All Sections and Finals) $5,946,490.22 • Commitment of Sewer Charges for Town -wide Billing November 1, 2002 through May 31, 2003 (All Sections and Finals) $8,447,694.10 • Adjustments of Sewer Charges for 11/1/02 to 5/31/03* - $776,484.03 • Adjustments of Water Charges for 11/1/02 to 5/31/03* - $550,623.75 NSTAR Electric Grant of Location — Massachusetts Avenue at Grant Street Mr. McSweeney opened a public hearing on the petition for a grant of location by Boston Edison Company d /b /a NSTAR Electric to install approximately 94 feet of conduit on Massachusetts Avenue at Grant Street. This work is necessary to upgrade service in this area. NSTAR representative Christine Cosby explained that the work had already been done on an emergency basis on Sunday. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of NSTAR Electric to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein, to be located under the surface of Massachusetts Avenue, approximately 110 feet south of Grant Street, install conduit a distance of 94 feet at pole #64/124 to MH #5594. Transfer of Liquor License — Hartwell House Restaurant Mr. William Goldberg, Esq. introduced Mr. Amrik Pabla who will be the new manager -owner of the Hartwell House Restaurant. He explained that the original owner of the restaurant, Mr. Tropeano, who built the restaurant, is retiring. Selectmen's Meeting — July 21, 2003 Mrs. McKenna noted that questions of significance had not been answered. Having verbally received acceptable answers the Board agreed to accept a completed application. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue an all - alcoholic beverage license to Hartwell Enterprises, Inc., d /b /a Hartwell House Restaurant, on the condition that a complete application be submitted. Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) — Rangeway Road Mr. Marshall Derby and Mrs. Martha Wood were present to explain LexHAB's plans to build a house on town -owned land on Rangeway Road, assessors map 90, lot 64. As it did on Spencer Street, LexHAB would like to build a dwelling containing two affordable units, which will appear to be a single - family house. Rather than using a Local Initiative Petition, LexHAB has chosen to follow the Zoning Bylaw's Section 135 -51 RD procedure for surplus land, for which the Selectmen would be the special permit granting authority. Mrs. McKenna supported a single - family house here but felt it was inappropriate for the Town to build a two - family in a neighborhood zoned for single - family dwellings. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to authorize LexHAB to continue the process toward building a home on town -owned land on Rangeway Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -1 (McKenna) to authorize LexHAB to continue the process toward bringing a rezoning to Town Meeting and toward building a duplex house on town -owned land on Rangeway Road. Transportation Advisory Committee Mr. Levison, speaking for the Transportation Advisory Committee, requested the Selectmen to set up a special account to be called Fund for Lexpress to accept voluntary donations to keep Lexpress in operation. The Town Treasurer would hold checks until the town government has determined whether or not Lexpress service is to be restored. Should Lexpress service not be restored, the checks would be returned to the donors. Mrs. McKenna asked if it is necessary to create new account as the Selectmen already have a Lexpress Gift Account. Mr. Lahey said that the Board could use the account to serve this purpose. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to update the account dedicated to Lexpress unless it is determined that the existing Lexpress account is not properly set up, valid and dedicated solely for Lexpress purposes. Selectmen's Meeting — July 21, 2003 Copacafe — Liquor License Change of Manager Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue an all - alcoholic beverage license to Sanborn Lexington, LLC d /b /a Copacafe, reflecting a Change in Manager. Appointment — Battle Green Guide Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue a Battle Green Guide License to William Scouler. Appointment of Election Officers Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the Election Officers listed in the list of Election Officers provided by the Town Clerk, excluding Mary Ann McKenna, Donna Alexson and Hazel Graham for the period beginning September 1, 2003. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -0 (Mr. Kelley abstained) to appoint Donna Alexson and Hazel Allison as Election Officers, for the period beginning September 1, 2003. Mr. Kelley abstained as a relative was nominated. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -0 (Mrs. McKenna abstained) to appoint Mary Ann McKenna as Election Officer, for the period beginning September 1, 2003. Mrs. McKenna abstained from voting as her mother -in -law was being approved. Water /Sewer Rates Mr. Pecora presented water and sewer analysis showing new rate recommendations, and the contributing factors in setting them, in preparation for the public hearing on July 28. Based on high number and the nature of questions asked tonight, the Board agreed to open the public hearing at the meeting on July 28 and continue it to the September 8, 2003 meeting. Purchase of High School Cameras — Communications Advisory Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $35,000, from the Selectmen's Gift Account for cable related items, for two cameras and necessary peripherals for the high school. Access Corporation — Communications Advisory Committee Mrs. Gharibian and Mr. Becker of the Communications Advisory Committee gave a progress report on their efforts to form an Access Corporation in Lexington. The corporation would work Selectmen's Meeting — July 21, 2003 to ensure that local programming is provided to all Lexington cable subscribers. They plan to ask Town Meeting to approve the use of cable operators' funds for an Access Center that would obtain and create local access materials, train residents to create their own programming, and equitably distribute the materials to all cable subscribers. The Selectmen encouraged them to proceed and expressed their deep appreciation for their work. Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of June 18, 2003. Minutes of June 9, 2003 will be corrected and approved at a later meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of June 18, as amended. Executive Session Minutes Executive Session minutes for May 5, 12, and 19, 2003 will be corrected and approved at a later meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Executive Session minutes of June 18, 2003 and July 7, 2003. Liaison Reports Mrs. Krieger reported that she is writing comments to the state Environmental Protection Agency regarding the final ESPR for Hanscom AFB. Her comments will follow largely those of the HATS environmental subcommittee, which thoroughly studied the draft report and the final Report. They found both to be equally bad in that they do not address the many impacts of expansion at Hanscom on the surrounding towns. It was agreed that the letter should be signed by the chairman and sent in behalf of the Board. Selectmen's Meeting on July 28, 2003 — Change of Time It was agreed to begin the meeting on July 28 at 6:00 p.m. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:38 p.m. A true record, Attest: Elissa M. Tap Selectmen's Meeting July 28, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday July 28, 2003 in the Clarke Middle School cafeteria, Lexington. Chairman McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Kelley, Mr. White, Town Manager, Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel, and Ms. Tap, Recording Secretary, were present. Mr. McSweeney called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mr. Kelly, Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, and Mr. McSweeney to go into executive session for discussion of a matter of litigation with the intent of returning to open session. The Board resumed regular session at 6:30 p.m. Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles The Board heard a summary report by Mrs. Brown, Appropriations Committee, on the FY04 budget, which currently has a deficit of $1,895,000. Moderator Battin outlined her requirements for process in the post- override special town meeting to follow tonight. Mr. Kelley and Mrs. McKenna plan to offer an alternate motion under Article 2. Various scenarios for the order in which interdependent articles would be raised were put forward. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. Krieger) to take Article 2 up in its due order. Transportation Advisory Committee Article 4, Transportation Services Mr. Levison and Mrs. Dratch of the Transportation Advisory Committee reported on progress toward raising additional funds to keep Lexpress in operation if Article 4 passes tonight. Corporations and individuals are currently making donations and the committee has suggestions for finding more funds, perhaps through raising parking meter rates. Mr. McSweeney said that the Board does not have a position on raising fees at this time. Mr. White said that 25 percent of all parking meter fees have been used to support Lexpress in the past. The Board asked Mr. Lahey to look into whether parking meter fees can be used to fund police and fire personnel from the parking meter fund. It was agreed to wait until the fall when a better idea of the actual funds needed becomes evident, to make any decisions about many of the financial issues. Selectmen's Meeting — July 28, 2003 Liaison Reports Mrs. Krieger said that she would like the Board to follow up on Mr. Mehr's request that the Town Manager direct the staff to stop using FedEx services until the company withdraws its request to bring cargo to Hanscom Field. It would be a message to FedEx of the seriousness of our intent to fight their intrusion into Hanscom. She will suggest that the other HATS towns do the same. Mrs. McKenna added that it would strengthen the message if residents were urged to do the same. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4 -1 (Mr. Kelley) that the Town will cease doing business with FedEx until FedEx has withdrawn its request to bring cargo to Hanscom, and citizens are urged to do the same. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. A true record, Attest: Elissa M. Tap