HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-BOS-minSelectmen's Meeting January 6, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 6, 2003 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 6:00 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Consent Agenda Warrant for Special Town Meeting — January 22, 2003 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify a poll vote taken to sign the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting for January 22, 2003. Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Assistant Town Engineer and member of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Dave Carbonneau reviewed the following traffic safety matters: Stop Sign Diamond Middle School Drive at Hancock The Committee discussed a request from Mr. Charles Butt of 116 Burlington Road for a Stop sign at the drive for Diamond Middle School. North bound Hancock Street has the higher volume and should have the right of way. All other minor approaches to this intersection have a Stop sign. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that a Stop regulation be ordered on the Diamond School Drive at Hancock Street. No Parking on Worthen Road at Center Pool The Committee met with Karen Powers of 12 Emerson Gardens Road regarding her question about the need for the existing No Parking regulations in front of the Center Pool complex and the Hayden Rink. The Committee maintained that No Parking was warranted from Lincoln Street to the access drives for the Rink and Pool to keep sight lines clear for pedestrians using the crosswalk and vehicles exiting the two facilities. The Committee does feel that the No Parking regulation could be removed south of the drives which would free up 150' of parking on both sides of Worthen Road. Such action would require moving the bus top closer to Lincoln Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the TSAC to remove 150' of the No Parking zone on both sides of Worthen Road near Lincoln Street toward Waltham Street. No Parking on Mass. Ave. at Munroe Center Mrs. Powers also brought before the Committee her concern for the sight distance problem for vehicles exiting the Munroe Center caused by parking on Massachusetts Avenue. Munroe Center Executive Director Melinda Dietrich shared her concern. Selectmen's Meeting — January 6, 2003 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the TSAC that a No Parking regulation be put in place on the North side of Massachusetts Avenue starting at the Munroe Center drive and going 50' west. Lincoln Street Blind Drive at 117 The Committee met with Mrs. Chelliah of 117 Lincoln Street to discuss the hazard she and her husband face when exiting their driveway onto Lincoln Street. The Committee agreed that the curve on Lincoln Street at this location and the speed of cars here post a hazard for exiting her driveway. However, the Committee did not believe that a "Blind Driveway" sign would be effective and indicated that the Town does not currently install mirrors. The TSAC has no recommendations to the Selectmen on this matter. Signage and Lining on Piper Road Temple Emunah representative Rebecca Holmes voiced concern about the lane encroachment by vehicles using Piper Road. The temple is continuously used for scheduled programs throughout the week. The temple has initiated numerous efforts to educate patrons to safe driving practices on this narrow winding road. Drivers frequently approach it as a one -way street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the TSAC to coordinate with DPW placing a centerline on Piper Road next Spring. Convex Mirror for Driveway 63 Oak Street Ramin Taraz, resident of 63 Oak Street, presented photos as to site obstructions from his neighbor's property as seen from his driveway. It was noted that DPW does not have the resources nor the expertise to mount and maintain convex mirrors. However, DPW would permit Mr. Taraz to install a mirror in the right of way provided it met applicable safety standards. Mr. Taraz was encouraged to speak directly to his neighbor about trimming the bush. If a letter of explanation was desired, the DPW Engineering staff would provide one. DPW will assist Mr. Taraz if he chooses to purchase a convex mirror. Pedestrian Crosswalk on Wood Street near the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Entrance MIT Lincoln Lab. Project Manager Philip Backstrom requested that Lincoln Lab be given permission to install a crosswalk on Wood Street near the Lincoln Lab. entrance. The crosswalk would promote pedestrian safety for crossing to the sidewalk and MBTA bus stop. The TSAC approved of the proposed crosswalk. At the suggestion of the Board, DPW will include signs in the work order and will discuss the plans with the abutting residents and come back to the Board on January 13. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of November 18, 2002. Selectmen's Meeting — January 6, 2003 GFOA Budget Award Mr. White announced that Lexington has once again received the GFOA budget award and commended the staff on their efforts. FY04 Budget Mr. White apologized for the quality of the materials prepared for the meeting on December 17. Mr. White also provided a packet of information for the Board to consider in preparation for the Summit meeting on January 8. Mr. White reviewed a list of potential reductions he had prepared at the request of Selectman Kennedy. Board members discussed the list totaling $823,426. Concern was expressed about reducing the library branch hours and suggestion made to split the reduction between the branch and main library, cutting the custodian program improvement request in DPW, eroding cash capital by reducing it by another $100,000, and cutting the weekly recycling. Mr. Enrich made a motion to adopt the list of reductions amounting to $823,426 as adjustments to the budget and make amendments and adjustments to the list before it is voted on. The motion was seconded. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reduce the library hours between both the branch and main library to effect a reduction of $69,409. Mrs. McKenna made a motion to substitute weekly recycling for the intern position in the Town Manager's Office. The motion was not seconded. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to cut $30,000 from the Selectmen's Office Account. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to zero out the cost of the Liberty Ride. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -2 (Mr. McSweeney and Mr. Kennedy) to remove the $100,000 of cash capital from the cut list. Upon motion duly made and seconded, a vote to eliminate putting a new part -time position in Conservation was defeated 2 -3 (Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Krieger and Mr. Enrich). Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -2 (Mrs. McKenna and Mr. Kennedy) to cut the DPW Street Lights Response time at risk -item amounting to $64,220. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to cut the DPW Visitors Center Chamber Expenses at -risk item amounting to $16,100. Selectmen's Meeting — January 6, 2003 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to cut the Town Clerk Historic Records Preservation at -risk item amounting to $10,375. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to make the budget cuts listed by the Town Manager amounting to $823,426 with the amendments previously voted bringing the total cuts to $909,121. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Enrich, Mr. McSweeney, Mrs. Krieger and Mr. Kennedy to go into executive session for discussion of land acquisition with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Summit Meeting January 8, 2003 A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Finance Committees was held on Wednesday, January 8, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hastings School Gym. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. The Chairs of the respective committees called their members to order. There was much discussion about the following: State Aid and a possible 20% decrease in Chapter 70, the importance of making capital decision at the same time as operating, three gray areas being what shakes out with Special Ed, $2 million of free cash, and the State Aid issue. Mr. White indicated that he has a strategy that accommodates a 10% reduction. School Committee Chair Deborah Brown reminded members that a $5.5 million gap only taking care of one year. Capital Expenditure member Charles Hornig expressed his feeling that the big ticket capital items such as the last set of elementary school projects, the DPW facility and the Senior Center will not be ready for the Spring Town Meeting. They may be ready for a Fall Special Town Meeting or the 2004 Annual Town Meeting. There was much discussion about issues such as bundling or unbundling the override, what the number should be, enough to cover one year or three years. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:50 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting January 13, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 13, 2003 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 6:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Consent Agenda Water /Sewer Commitments and Adjustments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following water /sewer commitments and adjustments: Commitment of water charges for Town -wide billing 10/17/02 (Sect.B) $73,940.14 Commitment of sewer charges for Town -wide billing 10/17/02 (Sect.B) $133,388.63 Commitment of water charges for 10/1/02 to 10/31/02 (finals) $7,363.40 Commitment of sewer charges for 10/1/02 to 10/31/02 (finals) $9,317.68 Commitment of water charges for 10/31/02 (Cycle 9) $258,174.96 Adjustments of water charges for 10/1/02 to 10/31/02 - $4,285.16 Adjustments of sewer charges for 10/1/02 to 10/31/02 - $10,443.84 Ratify Poll Vote Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify a poll vote to approve the request for use of the Battle Green on January 14, 2003 between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for filming for The History Channel "This Week in History ". Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Assistant Town Engineer David Carbonneau reviewed the following recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee: Wigwag Crosswalk Waltham at Brookhaven The Committee met to discuss the potential installation of a crosswalk and "Wigwag" signal on Waltham at Brookhaven. The "Wigwag" signal is a pedestrian actuated flashing light that alerts motorists that a pedestrian wishes to cross. Several area communities have installed them in areas similar to Waltham Street. The residents at Brookhaven have been before the Committee on several occasions requesting a crosswalk across Waltham Street to allow them to access the commercial area just over the town line in Waltham. The TSAC has been unwilling to recommend a crosswalk at this location without a pedestrian light. The agenda item came before the TSAC because the City of Waltham suggested they would be willing to contribute materially to an installation at Brookhaven which would cost $35,000. This compares with a cost of $100,000 for a conventional pedestrian signal. More recent conversations with Waltham indicate that they would not fund a project in Lexington. The TSAC sees the "Wigwag" signal as a promising technology that could allow placement of crosswalks where they are not currently feasible and would welcome a Waltham funded "Wigwag" installation at this location. However, the TSAC is not ready to recommend the Town fund such an installation. Selectmen's Meeting — January 13, 2003 There was discussion about seeking funding from a combination of Brookhaven and the merchants in the area. Mrs. Krieger offered to work with South Lexington Civic Association, Brookhaven and the merchants to seek private funding. Brookhaven Representative Natalie Riffin indicated Brookhaven would be willing to participate financially. Additional Crosswalks along Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington Center The Committee reviewed a request from the Enablement Committee to install additional crosswalks in Lexington Center at Federal Savings Bank, Lexington Flick and Battlegreen Inn for the safety of pedestrians, especially for persons with special needs. The Committee does not support additional pedestrian signals in the Center. The Committee believes that other areas of Lexington are in far more need of increased pedestrian accommodation than the Center. With the recent increase in police officers, enforcement efforts in the Center should improve crosswalk compliance. The new signal at Waltham and Massachusetts Avenue, operative next spring, should also have a positive impact on pedestrian safety in the Center. Student Parking on Worthen Road from 118 to 128 The Committee met with Randy Green of 118 Worthen Road concerning a no- parking regulation in front of his house during school hours. Captain Corr noted that 50 parking spaces would be opened on the high school campus within a month when the construction trailers are removed. Long time residents Randy Green and Mary Hastings spoke of problems of blocked driveways by students. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the TSAC that a parking regulation be made prohibiting parking during school hours in front of private residences from 118 through 132 and on the opposite side at the residence located between Captain Parker Arms and Ryder Lane. Board members felt the signs should be installed as soon as possible. Bicycle/Pedestrian Lane on Concord Avenue, West of Waltham Street The Committee met with Natalie Riffin regarding the dangers of biking and walking on Concord Avenue West of Waltham Street. Ms. Riffin explained that regional bicycle maps list Concord Ave. as a bike route which is the case on Concord Avenue in Belmont. However, the Lexington section has no designated bike lane. It was noted that there are sidewalks on Concord Avenue, East of Waltham Street. However, residents West of Waltham Street are not in favor of sidewalks. A standard 4 foot bike path is not possible, however, a solid white edge line 2' to 3' off the edge of the pavement would achieve the desired results and be consistent with good traffic engineering practice. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the TSAC that a 4" solid white edge line be installed 2' to 3' off the edge of pavement on Concord Avenue from route 2 ramp to the Belmont line. Selectmen's Meeting — January 13, 2003 Pedestrian Crosswalk on Wood Street near the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Entrance Mr. Carbonneau reported back that abutters had been notified of the planned crosswalk on Wood Street. The resident at 237 called him back and said he had no problem with the plan. He did not hear from the resident at 241 Wood Street. Mrs. McKenna thanked Mr. Carbonneau for contacting the abutters. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the TSAC that a crosswalk be installed on Wood Street at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory entrance with the understanding that there will be no expense to the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to install two crosswalk advance signs. All Alcoholic Beverage License Name Change Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a license to One Island Corporation d /b /a Athenian Restaurant. Class II License Renewal Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and issue a Class II license to Raul Calero, 58 Laconia Street. Human Services Committee Report Human Services Committee Chair Bob Dentler reviewed a report prepared by the Committee resulting from a survey of area practitioners concerning mental health services in Lexington. Board members discussed the survey and asked the Human Services Committee to also share the report with the School Committee. FY 2004 Budget There was much discussion abut the gap being $5.5 million or $7 million; the need to get free cash up to help in the FY05 budget, whether the override should be bundled or unbundled, the need to prioritize the at risk list, cash capital, borrowing, savings through employee turnover, adding to Free Cash rather than subtracting from it, what reductions the Town will see in State Aid Board members discussed the pros and cons of both a bundled and unbundled override. Because the School Committee's meeting did not get posted, it was decided that the School Committee's earliest date for their meeting would be before the Summit meeting on Thursday. It Selectmen's Meeting — January 13, 2003 was further decided that the Summit meeting should be rescheduled to Thursday, January 16 at 7:30 p.m. and that the Board of Selectmen would meet at 6:30 p.m. and adjourn to the summit at 7:30. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:05 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting January 16, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Thursday, January 16, 2003 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 6:30 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Special Town Meeting Article Board members discussed the upcoming special town meeting article on Lincoln Park, decided there was not significant new information and asked the Town Manager to have someone prepared to answer questions at Town Meeting concerning the chronology of the events and cost analysis of synthetic versus natural grass. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to formally take the position that we have taken at Town Meeting and that was voted by the citizens. Proposed Articles for Annual Town Meeting Board members were given four proposed warrant articles for Town Meeting and will be reviewing them before the next meeting. Mrs. McKenna indicated some familiarity with some of the proposals, particularly the one related to a Commission on Disability. Mrs. McKenna felt it should not be a Selectmen sponsored article. Buffet Mr. White indicated that the Board is starting with a $5.513 million gap. The Board needs to decide three things: the amount of the override, how it is to be constituted and what items would be placed at risk. Mr. White also gave the Board two proposed cuts: $100,000 of cash capital and $125,000 of expected turnover vacancies. Board members discussed the gap and at 7:40 p.m. the members of the Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee and School Committee were called to order. There was much discussion about the amount of the override, the amount of local aid cut by the Governor, the amount needed to ease the Free Cash problem and bundling or unbundling the override. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to take $125,000 from the Police, DPW, General Government and Library budgets as suggested by the Town Manager that represents turnover savings. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to reduce the amount of cash capital by $100,000 and that it be accommodated by borrowing. Selectmen's Meeting — January 16, 2003 Board members discussed a motion to bundle an override of $4,957,000. Mrs. McKenna indicated I could not support the motion because although I believe in bundled overrides and would vote for that, we are changing our policy that the override should get us through three years. I am not willing to compromise on that. Mr. Kennedy indicated he knew where Mrs. McKenna is coming from. I am not happy either for another reason. I think it is important that we come to agreement. I would prefer not to separate the motion. This is an amount that can be bundled. Mrs. McKenna indicated what works for me is that we come to a compromise that works for each of us. By trying to keep the amount under $5 million is problematic and I would not like to see us add $250,000 or $500,000 to the $4.9 million. Mr. Kennedy felt he has come a long way and I cannot go any further. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to approve a bundled override in the amount of $4,957,000. It was decided to meet on Wednesday evening after the Special Town Meeting to decide on the at risk list. The School Committee will be meeting on Tuesday and there will be a Summit meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting January 22, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 after the adjournment of the Special Town Meeting at the Clarke Middle School. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Linda Vine, Assistant Town Manager were present. Board members individually presented their rating to each of the 33 items on the At -Risk List and ranked them in order of priority with the net cuts totaling $2,750,282 as follows: 1. Public Health Nurse hours reduction $10,000 2. Community Development Animal Control 26,409 3. Economic Development Programs 48,380 4. Police Center Coverage 51,580 5. Community Development Historic Districts Administration 6,079 6. DPW Parks Personal Services 89,041 7. DPW Highway Personal Services & Materials 189,300 8. Planning Position 12,544 9. Library Staff and Materials 45,019 10. Town Clerk Staff Support (10,002) 11. DPW Yard Waste Collections 84,000 12. CD Mosquito Control 20,000 13. Social Services Replace Outreadh 37,043 14. CD Zoning BOA Clerk 21,058 15. Fire Administration 38,887 16. LEXPRESS & Chair Car 347,930 17. Fire Suppression 521,970 18. Library reduced hours 98,878 19. Cash Capital Program 216,248 20. Social Services Replace Counseling 37,044 21. Library Department Head Position 45,973 22. Finance Staff Support 43,760 23. Community Policing - School Resource Officers 176,950 24. Human Service Coordinator 5,444 25. Police Desk Officer 183,950 26. Social Services Developmentally Disabled 14,839 27. CD Office Manager 8,500 28. MIS Equipment 34,320 29. Fire EMS 59,241 30. HR Generalist 32,677 31. DPW Administration 77,680 32. Police Reduce Sector Patrol 160,950 33. CD Zoning Enforcement 14,590 Selectmen's Meeting — January 22, 2003 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:30 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting January 23, 2003 A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Finance Committees was held on Thursday, January 23, 2003 at the Bowman School at 7:00 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Crew Vine, Assistant Town Manager were present. The Chairs of the School Committee, Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee and Board of Selectmen called their members to order at 7:10 p.m. There was much discussion of the School Committee and Board of Selectmen At -Risk Lists. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to put priority order numbers 1 through 28 totaling $2,405,144 at risk on the override election. The School Committee voted to put priority numbers 15 through 48 totaling $2,570,000 at risk on the override election. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting January 27, 2003 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 27, 2003 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:15 p.m. Chairman McSweeney, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. McKenna, Mr. Kennedy; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Smith were present. The Chairman opened the meeting and announced that the Board would be going into executive session to discuss matters of potential litigation and contract negotiations from which the Board will resume open session at 7:30. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger, Mr. McSweeney, Mrs. McKenna and Mr. Kennedy to go into executive session for discussion of matters of potential litigation and contract negotiations and return to open session at 7:30 p.m. Open session resumed at 7:45 p.m. Public Comments Eliot Road resident Georgia Glick read a letter from Julian Bussgang to the Board concerning Lincoln Field. Mr. McSweeney read a letter he is proposing to send to Governor Romney expressing concern over the potential deep cuts in local aid. Board members thought the proposed letter was excellent. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to send the letter to Governor Mitt Romney. Verizon/NSTAR Electric Grants of Location Verizon Representative Dan Fitzgibbon was present to review the petition of Verison and NSTAR for the following grants of location: Cliffe Avenue Mrs. McKenna on behalf of Grace Mahoney of 14 Cliffe Avenue who would be severely impacted by the proposed installation requested that the hearing on this matter be continued to a future meeting. The hope would be that Verizon and NSTAR could come up with an alternate proposal that would be less intrusive to Ms. Mahoney's property. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to continue the hearing to February 10 at 7:30 p.m. Selectmen's Meeting — January 27, 2003 Theresa Avenue and Bow Street The work is necessary to support the recently upgraded pole lines in the area. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Verizon N.E. and NSTAR for permission to locate anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures to be owned and used in common by the petitioners, along and across to following public ways: Theresa Avenue at existing pole number 127 /2 located on the southwesterly side of Theresa Ave., place a joint anchor and hip guy, 6 feet ( ±) southwest of pole number 127 /2. Also, at existing pole number 127/1 located on the southwesterly side of Theresa Avenue place a joint anchor and hip guy 7 feet ( ±) southwest of pole number 127/1. Bow Street at existing pole number 13/7 located on the northerly side of Bow Street place a joint anchor and hip guy 5 feet ( ±) in a northeasterly direction from pole number 13/7. Melrose Avenue The work is necessary to support the recently upgraded pole lines in the area. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Verizon N.E. and NSTAR for permission to locate anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures to be owned and used in common by the petitioners along and across the following public way: Melrose Avenue at existing pole number 55/1 located on the northerly side of Melrose Avenue place a joint anchor and hip guy 6 feet ( ±) north of pole number 55/1. Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles Board members briefly reviewed the draft of the warrant articles for the 2003 Annual Town Meeting. Entertainment License — Sanborn Lexington LLC. d /b /a Copacafe Board members agreed to hold action on the license until the meeting of February 3 and asked that Mr. Patterson, the owner of Copacafe be present to answer questions. Use of Battle Green — Lexington Minute Men, Inc. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from the Lexington Minute Men for use of the Battle Green on Saturday, April 5, with a rain date of Sunday, April 13, Monday, April 21 and Saturday, May 10, 2003. Selectmen's Meeting — January 27, 2003 Resignations /Appointments/Reappointments Design Advisory Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the associate membership of the Design Advisory Committee to eight. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Eric Brown, Bahig Kaldas and Alenka Slezak as Associate Members of the Design Advisory Committee for terms to expire September 30, 2003. Board of Appeals Mr. McSweeney indicated that Frank Smith has finished his membership on the Board of Appeals and Chairman Sacco has endorsed the appointment of John McWeeney. Mr. McSweeney indicated he would like to propose Mr. McWeeney's appointment to the Board of Appeals. Mrs. McKenna indicated I have said some of this to my colleagues. I have known John McWeeney for some time. He has served as a Lexington Minuteman very well. I have three concerns. We have historically moved an associate member up from the current membership and then appoint a new associate. There are associates on the list that have served for some years. Second, Mr. Kennedy and I have talked about bringing new people on our Boards and Committees. Third, after I asked him a question after a meeting of the Board of Appeals, Mr. McWeeney used totally inappropriate language towards me as a sitting Selectman. I strongly ask my Board to show some respect for a colleague. Mr. McWeeney's language and demeanor were totally inappropriate. Mr. Enrich responded to two of Mrs. McKenna's concerns. I have a different approach to process. There has been a long- standing practice of not being reappointed to the Board of Appeals until after a one -year hiatus. Mr. McWeeney honored that after his two term limit. We would be depriving ourselves of someone with special qualities. As to the third point, I just want to note that one incident does not a record make. I have been quite impressed with his demeanor. Mrs. Krieger also spoke to the third point. I rely on Mr. Sacco's judgment. I have no reservations. He has experience and would be able to continue to serve the Town. I am willing to support his nomination. Mr. McSweeney agreed and indicated he hoped Mrs. McKenna would not think he would do anything to disrespect her. Mrs. McKenna indicated it was not just one incident. He has treated not only me but citizens inappropriately. If you will feel the need to appoint him, I would take that as nothing but total disrespect for me. Mr. Kennedy indicated he does not intend any disrespect. Mr. McWeeney has been a decent and very capable individual. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Mrs. McKenna) to appoint John McWeeney to the Board of Appeals for a term to expire September 30, 2007. Selectmen's Meeting — January 27, 2003 Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meetings of November 19, November 20, November 22 and December 2, 2002. Town Manager Evaluation Process Board members agreed on a process for the evaluation of the Town Manager. Liaison Reports Mrs. Krieger reported that the Communications Advisory Committee is holding a series of focus groups regarding an Access Corporation. The next one will be February 5. Mr. Enrich indicated that he will be in Cincinnati and will miss the next Board meeting. Mr. Kennedy indicated he will be away and miss the meetings on February 24 and March 3. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:50 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk