HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-12-BOH-min Lexington Board of Health Meeting, January 12, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Cary Hall, Estabrook Hall 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA Attendees: Wendy Heiger-Bernays, Chair; Deborah Thompson; Sharon MacKenzie; Burt Perlmutter; Judith Feldman Health Department Attendee: Gerard F. Cody, Health Director; Ann Belliveau, Health Clerk Heiger-Bernays called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Board reviewed the minutes of August 4, 2008. MacKenzie motioned to accept the minutes with corrections. Perlmutter seconded. All approved. The Board reviewed the minutes of September 15, 2008. MacKenzie motioned to accept the minutes with corrections. Perlmutter seconded. All approved. The Board reviewed the minutes of November 10, 2008. Heiger-Bernays motioned to accept the minutes with corrections. MacKenzie seconded. All approved. The Board reviewed the minutes of December 8, 2008. MacKenzie motioned to accept the minutes with corrections. Perlmutter seconded. All approved. The Board reviewed the Community Health Updates prepared by the Public Health Nurse, David Neylon. Cody mentioned that some of Neylon’s emergency preparedness work was incorporated in with his health report. Heiger-Bernays recommended that some of the emergency preparedness documents be made available to residents at the Library. Feldman asked Cody if he would create a ”Preparedness at Home” video, which would be available for groups such as: Rotary, Lions Club, etc. Cody stated that there is already a video available from Region 4B which shows residents from the City of Cambridge preparing at home by including items such as bottled water, canned goods and flashlights during their normal grocery shopping routine. Food Compliance Program The Board reviewed the food compliance program report. Cody introduced Tim Enright, proprietor of Aunt Mary’s, a new take-out food establishment that recently opened at 321 Woburn Street. Cody advised the Board that during an inspection on January 6, 2009, several violations were revealed. Cody suggested that Aunt Mary’s staff attend the next person-in-charge training that will take place before the end of February. MacKenzie motioned that “the Lexington Board of Health has approved of the annual Food Service Permit being issued to Aunt Mary’s. Keep in mind that failure to comply with the State Food Code, as revealed through the inspectional process, may result in administrative actions including but not limited to Order to Correct letters, fines and a requirement to hire a food consultant for additional training. Perlmutter seconded. All approved. Cody introduced Mr. Songtachalert, owner of the new food establishment, Rice Cube located at 397 Lowell Street. The establishment opened on December 17, 2008 and the menu consists of traditional Thai cuisine. Cody said this establishment completed the food plan review process and passed a pre-operational inspection conducted by Health Agent Fox. After a brief discussion, Perlmutter motioned that “The Lexington Board of Health has approved of the annual Food Service Permit being issued to Rice Cube. Keep in mind that failure to comply with the State Food Code, as revealed through the inspectional process, may result in administrative actions including but not limited to Order to Correct letters, fines and a requirement to hire a food consultant for additional training.” MacKenzie seconded. All approved. 1. Cody advised the Board that on December 30, 2008, he completed a comprehensive food inspection at Teppanyaki. The inspection revealed that serious and repeat violations of the state sanitary code as outlined in the letters dated December 31, 2008 and January 5, 2009 were found to exist. Cody attempted to speak with the Sushi Chef to ensure that he was aware of the HACCP plan and to make sure he could test the rice for the appropriate ph according to the plan. The Sushi Chef was unable to demonstrate the proper method to test the rice. On January 5, 2009, Cody and Fox met with Chris Tai, Manager of Teppanyaki, and a plan of corrective action which includes the following seven (7) steps: The owner of Teppanyanki must hire a food consultant to conduct three (3) random and unannounced food inspections between January 30 and May 1, 2009. 2. The food consultant must review the existing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points plan, HACCP, specific to the Sushi operations at Teppanyaki. Any modifications need to be approved by the Health Division and Board of Health. All Sushi Chefs, Prep staff and Persons in Charge (PICS) must be able to explain the HACCP plan for Sushi and answer any questions that the Health Inspector has at the time of the inspection. 3. The food consultant must review the order letters dated February 21, 2008, March 18, 2008, June 27, 2008 and January 5, 2009 with Gerard Cody, Health Director and Kathy Fox, Health Agent, before the first inspection. 4. The food consultant must be hired on or before January 23, 2009. A copy of the signed contract must be submitted to the Health Division. 5. The owner of Teppanyaki must ensure that all staff complete the Person In Charge, (PIC), training with the Health Division by February 27, 2009. 6. The food consultant must develop a cleaning schedule that includes a grease trap for Teppanyaki. 7. The owner of Teppanyaki and the food consultant must appear before the Board of Health at each regularly scheduled meeting from February through May or as otherwise required by the Board of Health. Perlmutter stated his concern about the sushi preparation until a food consultant or the inspector can verify a HACCP. Heiger-Bernays stated that when a new sushi chef comes on board, that the training occurs before they start to work. Perlmutter motioned: The Lexington Board of Health considers that these violations are a serious matter. Should it appear that the plan as outlined above, does not improve your compliance record, then further Administrative action, including suspension of your food permit to operate will be considered by this Board. The Board is also proposing the suspension of sushi until such time as either a food consultant or the food inspector can verify that sushi preparation is being done according to the HACCP. MacKenzie seconded. All approved. The Board reviewed the environmental health report. Cody stated that 37 food inspections were done in December. Joe Tabbi, a food consultant, conducted a food safety training class on December 16, 2008. Cody would like to have any new food establishment attend the food-training program before they open. Cody also met with Ingrid Klimoff concerning the anti-idling law. Klimoff gave Cody stickers to be placed on various municipal vehicles. Klimoff also gave Cody a copy of a letter prepared by the Police Department and distributed by the schools last fall to parents, which covered the anti-idling law. Cody informed the Board that on December 29, 2008, a resident from Cliffe Avenue was attacked by a raccoon while taking out his trash. The dead raccoon tested positive for rabies. David Neylon, the Public Health Nurse then contacted the victim who went to the Winchester Hospital and received the first of a series of five (5) shots. Cody worked with the Police to update the rabies protocol. Cody also advised the Board that he and the Public Health Nurse are working on a “Healthy Communities Grant” through CHNA. It is an offshoot of the Lexington Community Health Assessment: Health Priorities for the Town prepared by the Lexington Board of Health in 2002. The grant will range from $15,000. to $40,000. The deadline is January 30, 2009. Cody advised the Board of a flu clinic to be held on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, from noon until 7:00 p.m. at Cary Hall and the Health Departments in Burlington, Winchester, Bedford, Belmont and Arlington were contacted to see if they wanted to invite their citizens. 400 free doses of Flumist were received from the CDC. The clinic was advertised in the local newspaper, cable, WBZ, Masspro, and The Boston Globe- Metrowest. Perlmutter motioned to adjourn. MacKenzie seconded. All approved.