HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-BOS-minJOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN, PLANNING BOARD AND THE LEXINGTON CENTER COLLABORATIVE September 7, 2005 A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board and Lexington Center Collaborative was held on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, and Mr. Manz were present. Ms. Manz called the Planning Board meeting to order at 6:05 p.m., in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, with members Harden, Hornig, Canale and planning staff McCall - Taylor, Schilt and Tap present. Mr. Galaitsis arrived at 6:40 p.m. Mr. Greg Zurlow, Ms. Daphne Politis, Mr. Carl Oldenburg, Mr. Jerome Smith, Mr. Fred Johnson, Ms. Sheila Watson, Town Manager Carl Valente, Moderator Margery Battin, Mr. Julian Bussgang, and Ms. Sara Arnold were present. Lexington Center Ms. Politis distributed a memo that contained the Center Collaborative's preliminary summary of the daylong charrette it held on June 11. She characterized it as a broad -brush representation of the public opinion expressed that day; some participants have not yet reported in. It is offered as an aid to discussion this evening. Mr. Johnson noted that it also provides continuity of comment to inform the two Boards' actions on issues already identified. Mr. Smith, Chair of the Center Committee, said that the Collaborative broadens the spectrum of support for the ongoing concerns of the Committee that it wants to see addressed in the Selectmen's goals. Some of these are parking; improved signage, accessibility and connectivity; sidewalk, biking and walking safety; and consideration of restoring residential uses to the center. Mr. Pagett gave assurance that the Selectmen's goal setting does not entail wiping the slate clean; on -going issues will receive the Selectmen's continued attention. Ms. Manz distributed her draft list of Center initiatives and expressed the Planning Board's desire to discover interests shared by the Selectmen. The list included parking, residential use, density, traffic and other uses. Accessibility, an aspect of the Center Committee's connectivity initiative, was recognized as ADA related, although it was suggested that "universal design" might be a more appropriate and more inclusive term. Mr. Pagett asked Ms. Manz if the topics on her list are those that the Planning Board has discussed or are they priorities it supports. Ms. Manz responded that the list represented items discussed and the Planning Board would welcome the Selectmen's input on the matters. The Planning Board is interested in increasing the allowed height and density in the center but realizes that it must be analyzed in the context of the parking constraints. The question of which entity would address which subject arose and it was agreed that a wide spectrum of buy -in would be needed followed by the development of coherent regulations and a guide to those regulations. It was also recognized that working together on a set of policies and standards was imperative in terms of workload and to guarantee a coherent product. Joint Meeting — September 7, 2005 Mr. Smith commented that a single point of contact and guide for new businesses, in the form of an economic development officer, would be desirable. Mr. Canale distributed information about an upcoming panel discussion on the subject of preserving historic legacy in the face of modern life. Mr. Johnson noted that the question of the value of the Lexington Historic Districts Commission (HDC) arose during the Charrette along with an indication of dissatisfaction with the Commission. The discussion continued on topics outside of the Center. Ms. McCall - Taylor brought up the Marrett Road - Spring Street - Bridge Street study, saying that if the Selectmen appropriated the funds, work on Phase II would start soon and would seek to identify alternative ways to improve safety at the intersection. While some stakeholders prefer no changes to be made, other constituencies such as the Safe Routes to School initiative would like to see improvements made. The Selectmen agreed to put the allocation of money for the next phase of the intersection study on their next regular agenda. Ms. Manz informed the Selectmen that the Housing Partnership would be proposing an inclusionary zoning article at the 2006 Annual Town Meeting. The Partnership is working with consultant Philip Herr on a draft proposal that will be included in the Selectmen's packets. Ms. McCall - Taylor added that Lexington would be eligible for HOME Consortium funds in FY07. Among other potential uses, the money could be used in conjunction with Supportive Living, Inc.'s effort to convert the Lexington Press building to a residence for brain injury survivors. Ms. Manz stated the Planning Board's strong interest in the Town's acquiring Geographic Information System (GIS) capability. It hopes to see GIS on the Selectmen's "radar ". Mr. Hornig said that GIS has been in the future capital budgets for quite some time but it has never been in the present budget. Ms. Krieger indicated that the Selectmen would like to engage the Planning Board in dialogue about changing the floor - area -ratio limits in some commercial districts with a mechanism connected to sustainability principles as a condition of a change. Ms. Manz acknowledged an earlier suggestion that an event similar to the Center Charrette be considered for the spring of 2006 to take up issues in other commercial districts. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. A true record, Attest: Jeanne K. Krieger Chairman Selectmen's Meeting September 12, 2005 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Monday, September 12, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Mr. Cohen has received calls regarding a concern that bicycle riding on sidewalks in the center has increased. There needs to be more enforcement and a suggestion was made to send a notice to all students through the school system regarding bicycle rules in the center. Mr. Cohen reported that he had attended the Town Celebrations Committee meeting. The Committee has difficulty getting volunteers to join and voted to request that the Selectmen remove the term limit from its charge. The Board had a brief discussion about term limits and how to get new volunteers on committees. On another issue the Town Celebrations Committee is working on improving communication of Celebration information. There will be a Town Celebrations Committee extension included in the Town phone menu that will allow people to leave a message for the Committee. It will also refer to another extension that will include information on specific upcoming Celebration events. Mrs. Krieger asked the Board for its support of Bill H4204 to simplify and facilitate the establishment of a municipal lighting plant by the Town of Lexington and Bill H3294 relative to the establishment of municipal lighting authorities. The Electric Utility Ad Hoc Committee will be preparing packets of information to be read at the hearings on September 14 and September 20. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support Bill H4204 and Bill H3294 Town Manager Report Mr. Valente reported that two Lexington firefighters were being deployed to assist FEMA with the Katrina cleanup for 30 days. The Town is pleased to be able to contribute to the effort. Mr. Valente has been contacted by representatives of the School Department regarding traffic at the intersection of Maple Street and Lowell Street. There was an item discussed at Town Meeting regarding upgrading the intersection because of tough turning lanes in the morning and afternoon and because of the Harrington and Fiske schools at the same location. The Police will have an officer at the intersection for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon to cover pick -up and drop -off times. DPW is working on doing an upgrade, but the work is at least 12 weeks away. Police will continue to monitor the situation. Several Harrington parents have contacted Mr. Pagett. After leaving Town Meeting where the safety issues of having both schools at the same location was discussed and an appropriation made, he thought the plan was to have the new lights in place before school started. Selectmen's Meeting — September 12, 2005 On a sad note, Peter Brazil passed away today. He worked for the DPW for over 30 years and was only 53 years old. The Selectmen send condolences to the family. Consent Agenda One -dav Liauor License — Munroe Center for the Arts Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a request from the Munroe Center for the Arts for a one -day liquor license for Saturday, October 1, 2005 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for a fundraising event at the Munroe Center for the Arts, 1403 Massachusetts Avenue. Old Farmers Dav Proclamation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a proclamation that proclaims Saturday, September 17, 2005 as "Old Farmers Day" and wish Alan Wilson a happy 70 birthday and wish all the Wilsons many more good growing seasons to come. Use of Battle Green — Lincoln Minutemen Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lincoln Minutemen to stand on the Battle Green sidewalk opposite the First Parish Church for a musket firing as a bride and groom emerge from the church. Chief Chris Casey — Police Matter Police Chief Casey came to notify the Board and the community that a Level 3 sex offender now lives in Town. The police have posted information in the schools, recreation centers, senior center, day care centers and public buildings. It will be put on the Police Web site as well as the state web site ( www.mass.gov /sorb Information will be provided to the community as it becomes available. Health Benefits Review Committee Debi Strod, Co -Chair of the Health Benefits Review Committee, highlighted the changes that were made to the final version of the report. She thanked all the members and liaisons for their participation in the process. The Report has been shortened and the recommendations have been prioritized: Short-Term Recommendations • Implement a Carve -Out Pharmacy Benefit Program and increase incentives for generic and mail order drugs; • Strengthen claims and enrollment audits; • Consider premium structure and plan design changes; • Consider separate plan for out -of -state enrollees; • Expand health promotion locally; • Develop a strategy to expand case and disease management; Selectmen's Meeting — September 12, 2005 Continue to consider alternative providers, stop -loss levels and insurance vs. self - insurance as a part of rebidding process; Ensure that the Health Benefits Trust Fund is at the recommended level of three months; and Review implementation of the Health Benefits Review Report on an ongoing, perhaps quarterly basis. Long -Term Recommendations • Implement strategies for expanded case management and health promotion; • Explore group purchasing in tandem with review of premium structure and plan design; • Explore implementation of consumer - driven health plans; and • Begin funding future obligations for health benefits The Board would like to encourage the Town Manager to have an assessment done of the Health Benefits Trust Fund to assess the Town's projected liability costs. The Board requested data that would compare Lexington's total compensation (benefits and salary) with other comparable communities. The Board thanked the Committee for the final report and complimented them for its clarity and depth of analysis. The Committee is another example of the expertise in the community that made itself available to help us understand difficult issues. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the final report of the Health Benefits Review Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to dissolve the Health Benefits Review Committee. Marrett Road /Spring Street/Bridge Street Intersection Study Maryann McCall - Taylor requested the Board authorize the funding for Phase II of the Marrett Road Intersection Study. Phase II will consist of conceptual drawings, narrowing of alternatives, and implementation. The selected consulting firm of Howard /Stein - Hudson has submitted a proposal to complete Phase II for $26,085. Patriot Partners initial installment of $33,333.34 has been received and they have indicated a willingness to advance $7,000.00 of the second payment to pay the total cost of Phase I and II, which is $39,260. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize funding for Phase II of the Marrett Road Intersection Study subject to the availability of funds from Patriot Partners. Selectmen's Meeting — September 12, 2005 Water /Sewer Cost Analysis Michael Young provided additional information on water and sewer costs in preparation for rate setting. The information provided shows a decrease in the budget of $447,936 (6.66 %) for water and $1,370.209 (16.21 %) in sewer. There are three reasons for the decrease: 1) it is recommended that you not allocate or budget depreciation in rates; 2) because of lower MWRA assessment since Town Meeting; and 3) there was no new capital items approved at this year's town meeting. The Selectmen found the information very helpful for expenses and would like to see similar sheets for revenues. Mr. Young is in the process of doing a complete analysis of the indirect costs so that for the FY07 budget process the Board will have a new analysis of those indirect costs. Water Retained Earnings Mr. Valente discussed the history /analysis of the water retained earnings. The amount of reserves is adequate. When rate setting discussions begin in October the reserves will not need to be rebuilt. John Bartenstein, member of the Appropriation Committee, would like to see the restated financial figures that show all the adjustments made after the end of the year. Also would like to understand how the water and sewer charges got so out of sync. Sustainable Hanscom Mrs. Krieger introduced Sustainable Hanscom, which is an extension of Hanscom at the Crossroads. The document was put together by citizen groups and they hope to have the endorsement of the four towns and the legislative delegation and hope to use the document to apply some leverage to establish limits for activity at Hanscom Field. The document requests two things: 1) there be no scheduled passenger or cargo service at Hanscom Field; and 2) rules and regulations that limit the noise impact. The document explains the importance of limiting commercial and air craft activity at Hanscom Field, the importance of tourism and the importance of this area as the birthplace of the American revolution, and is sensitive to the needs of the community and the aviation community. Mr. Kelley is concerned about economic growth in the area and doing our fair share as a Town. Mr. Canale, HATS Environmental Subcommittee, feels the document tries to find a balance for all of the users and stakeholders and feels this document should be satisfactory to all. Selectmen's Meeting — September 12, 2005 At the next Selectmen's meeting the Board will be asked to accept the recommendations of the Sustainable Hanscom and to continue to work with our State Representatives and State Senators to attempt to strike an agreement with Massport that would allow this to be an enforceable set of limits. Appointments/Reappointments/Resignations Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint the following: Board of Appeals (5 -year term) Arthur C. Smith Board of Appeals (1 -year term) John T. Gilbert Daniel A. Lucas Leo P. McSweeney David Williams Carolyn C. Wilson Martha C. Wood Fair Housing & Human Relations Committee (2 -year term) Harriet J. Cohen Jean Y. Hibino Chang -Sheng Ting Fence Viewers (1 -year term) David J. Buczkowski William B. Simmons Robert D. Warshawer Gammel Legacy Trust (1 -year term) Lillian MacArthur Jacquelyn H. Ward Housing Partnership Board (3 -year term) Jeri S. Foutter Winifred McGowan Betsey Weiss Lexington Scholarship & Education Fund Board (1 -year term) Thomas O. Fenn Paul Ash, Ph.D. David Williams Selectmen's Meeting — September 12, 2005 Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee (3 -year term) Erna S. Greene Marita Hartshorn James H. Wichmann Lexington Center Committee (3 -year term) Sheila M. Watson Noise Advisory Committee (3 -year term) Anthony G. Galaitsis Martha C. Wood Personnel Advisory Board (3 -year term) Evelyn Silber Police Manual Policy Committee (1 -year term) Chief Chris Casey, Police Cleveland M. Coats, Jr. Edith E. Flynn William C. Hays Gerald L. McLeod Retirement Board (3 -year term) Michael C. McNabb Tourism Committee (1 -year term) Susan Bennett Kerry Brandin Richard L. Canale Bernice Fallick Charles C. French Dawn E. McKenna Paul O' Shaughnessy John Ott William J. Scouler Tree Committee (3 -year term) John W. Frey Anne Senning Trustees of Public Trusts (6 -year term) Thomas Taylor Selectmen's Meeting — September 12, 2005 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following: Lexington Scholarship & Education Fund Board (1 -year term) Paul Ash, Ph.D. Tree Committee Q -year term) Gerald Paul Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the following resignations, effective immediately: Housing Partnership Board Ann Frymer Paul Sodano David Williams Special Town Meeting The Board discussed when the Special Town Meeting should be scheduled and what articles should be included. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of March 14, 2005, August 1, 2005, and August 29, 2005. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of March 14, 2005 and August 29, 2005. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:50 p.m. A true record, Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting September 14, 2005 A Goal Setting meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Wednesday, September 14, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. in the Library Meeting Room at Cary Library. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; Ms. Vine, Assistant Town Manager; Mr. Young, Budget Director; Ms. McLaughlin, Facilitator; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. There was considerable discussion on the following agenda: Communication & Operations • Proactive role of Board of Selectmen re: override, CPA, debt exclusion • Explore role of Town Meeting Members Association • Follow -up Process for Town meeting Actions • Enhance Town Web Site • Records Management • GIS II. Facility Issues & Updates • Lexington Senior Center — needs based inventory, comprehensive look at human service needs • DPW Facility — keeping project in front of community • School Administration Building — exploring the issues around rehab /new /other location? • Munroe School — role of town • Community Preservation Act — inventory of projects — strategic issues • Cary Hall Re -Use — consider comprehensive rental policy public buildings III. Planning Issues & Updates • Traffic Issues — discuss traffic mitigation strategies and priorities • Center Parking — Review of Center studies, discussion regarding parking facility • Review F.A.R. — Hartwell Avenue and South Lexington • Affordable Housing — update and issues • Economic Development Effort s /Staffing • Lexpress — interest in re- evaluating • Accessibility Inventory and Plan IV. Environmental Issues & Updates • Solid Waste and Recycling Efforts • Explore Program Options, including pack -it in program • Enhanced Recycling Efforts at Public Schools • Enhanced Efforts at Hartwell Avenue Recycling Site Goal Setting — September 14, 2005 V. Wrap Up/Next Steps 1. Develop a list of potential CPA projects (leverage funds for projects we would be doing anyway) that they can support as a Board. Next steps: a. Hear presentation from community CPA group b. Have staff refine the list of potential projects 2. Put together a coordinated communication plan for supporting the CPA, potential override and debt exclusion, with the Selectmen taking a proactive role. Need to work on a schedule. Items to consider in planning: a. Coordinate with Finance Committees b. Partner with TMMA and other groups c. Schedule forums, neighborhood meetings, etc. d. Borrow successful public education ideas from other communities e. Mechanisms include fact sheets, website, Cable TV, speakers 3. Discuss at greater length the timing of a potential override vote. Staff will identify the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two options: a. March town election (same time as CPA vote) b. June special election (after Town Meeting) 4. Develop mechanism to make available information on the progress and status of projects voted by Town Meeting: perhaps quarterly update, plus ability to find answers when questions come up. Next step: Linda will work with Jeanne and TMMA to develop a model. 5. Staff include as part of their FY07 budget requests proposals for the following: a. Enhancing the Town's web site b. Developing a records management program c. Implementing GIS d. Restoring the Economic Development Officer 6. Establish a committee to develop an action plan for a senior /community center 7. Have conversations with the School Committee regarding concerns about the School Administration Building project: a. New /renovation tradeoffs b. Temporary relocation of operations — location and timing 8. Make decisions regarding Munroe School: a. Negotiate a lease if Munroe Center for the Arts is to continue there b. Arrange for needed capital improvements to be made 9. Consider long -term policies for uses of Cary Hall, as well as Klein Hall 10. Address traffic issues: a. Make sure TSAC is handling short-term issues b. Discuss whether to create a traffic mitigation committee 11. Consider different concepts for developing a low -rise parking structure in the Depot Square parking lot as part of a multi -use project. Next step: decide who should take the lead. 12. Create a process that considers accessibility issues as part of construction project review (buildings, sidewalks, etc.) Consider a ramp at the Town Office Building. Goal Setting — September 14, 2005 13. Enhance Town recycling programs, including: a. Education in the schools b. Improved recycling containers at more public locations (parks, the Center) c. Requirements for groups requesting permits for fields 14. Implement Selectmen's office hours. The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. A true record, Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Budget Collaboration/Summit I September 19, 2005 A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Finance Committees was held on Monday, September 19, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in Estabrook Hall in the Cary Memorial Building. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen; and Mr. Manz; Ms. Vine, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. The Chairs of the respective committees called their members to order. Special Town Meeting — FY05 /06 Budget Review /Adjustment Ms. Vine and Mr. Young reviewed the FY06 balance issues. They include: Snow & Ice Deficit for FY05 - $646,688; Prior Year's Bills (FY05) - $529,005; Municipal Utility Costs (estimate) - $106,000; FY06 School Adjustments - $563,535; and Contractual Settlements (unknown at this time). Dr. Ash, School Superintendent, reviewed the Prior Year's Bills for FY05, which includes the following outstanding bills: Special Education - $113,296, Kelly Services - $117,572, Legal Services - $15,019, Tsongas Arena - $2,899, Misc. vendors - $5,973, Curriculum work done in June - $12,000, ServiceMaster - $25,750; Bills Returned from Town - $12,090; Utilities - $224,406. The Board questioned what the new process for state reimbursement on school projects is. Selectmen would like to have Lexington's legislators invited to a meeting in the near future. The Selectmen feel the outstanding bills need to be paid and therefore need to go before Town Meeting in November and will need a 9 /10 vote of Town Meeting Members. Dr. Ash reviewed the FY06 identified deficit items as of the end of August. The total is $1,292,235. The Schools have made reductions in the budget for FY06 totaling $728,000, leaving a deficit of $563,535. It was requested that the School Committee provide a list of the FY05 projections and actuals. To help with the problem of deficits in the tutor accounts, Dr. Ash plans to have the Director of Education approve timesheets for all tutors to make sure it matches with each contract; no additional tutors will be hired without the approval of the Director of Education, and current tutors will be reviewed to see if they are all necessary. There was discussion about the need for a contingency fund for special education expenses, what the process should be, and what year it should be implemented. The School Committee would like to have a contingency fund, but it is too early in the school year to come up with a figure. There was much discussion about whether to ask for a supplemental appropriation at the November Special Town Meeting or wait until the April 2006 Annual Town Meeting. Individual members of the Appropriations Committee felt it was important to report to Town Meeting what is known now. One School Committee member thought it should be brought to the Special Town Meeting; another was concerned about what the message would be. Selectmen suggest putting two articles on the November Special Town Meeting Warrant that would be flexible enough to allow for discussion at the Town Meeting. Potential Funding Sources Funding options include: Net State Aid Increase - $502,797; FY06 Growth — unknown; Free Cash - $4,970,000; Stabilization Fund - $1,568,013. Suggested date for next Budget Collaboration/Summit is Monday, October 24, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen's Meeting September 19, 2005 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Monday, September 19, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. in Estabrook Hall. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; Ms. Vine, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Comptroller/Finance Director Search Mr. Pagett and Mr. Manz, Controller Search Committee, asked the Board for approval to make a small change to the search process. The Committee would like to forward finalists to the Town Manager for his input prior to finalist names coming before the Selectmen. The Selectmen agreed to the change in process. Special Town Meeting /Close Warrant Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to have the Special Town Meeting on Monday, November 7, 2005 at Cary Hall, to start the Special Town Meeting at 7:30 p.m. and to close the Special Town Meeting Warrant on Thursday, October 6, 2005. Town Manager Report Ms. Vine was pleased to announce that the Fire Department received a $220,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security for the upgrading of the radio system. Consent Agenda Use of Battle Green — Arts & Crafts Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lexington Arts & Crafts to use the Battle Green on Tuesdays, September 20 through November 15, 2005, weather permitting, for a painting class of approximately 16 students and 1 instructor from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Battle Green Flag Lowering Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to lower the flag on the Battle Green to half - staff on Friday, September 23, 2005, for the funeral of Peter Brazil, a DPW employee who worked for Lexington for over 30 years. Grant of Locations Verizon - Wingate _, Leeland Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Verizon Communications to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Wingate Road and Leeland Terrace from existing Verizon pole #335/5, on the northerly side of Wingate Road, place conduit in a southwesterly direction, a distance of 40 feet ( ±) into private property at #9 Wingate; also from Selectmen's Meeting — September 19, 2005 existing Verizon pole #335/4, on the northerly side of Wingate Road, place conduit in a southerly direction, a distance of 185 feet ( ±) to pole #367/1, on the easterly side of Leeland Terrace. Verizon - Cary Avenue Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Verizon to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Cary Avenue: from existing Verizon pole #30/6, on the northerly side of Cary Avenue, place conduit in a southerly direction, a distance of 20 feet ( ±) into a new four lot subdivision. Nstar — Cary Avenue Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Nstar to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Cary Avenue: northwesterly, approximately 600 feet southwest of Marrett Road — a distance of about 46 feet — install conduit at pole 30/6 into a new four lot subdivision. Keyspan — Robbins Road Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the Keyspan Energy Delivery to install and maintain approximately 175 feet of 2" gas main in Robbins Road, from the existing 2" gas main in Robbins Road from house #75 North to house #77. Tax Classification Tutorial with Board of Assessors Joe Nugent, Town Assessor, and Board of Assessors members William Jackson, Robert Foster, and Edmund Grant came before the Selectmen to review the tax classification process and related options available to municipalities. They discussed the residential and commercial approach to assessing property; the four options in setting the tax rate (shift of tax levy from commercial to residential property, open space exemption, residential exemption, and small commercial exemption); tax savings to Lexington residents resulting from tax classification; and statutory limitations on Lexington regarding tax classification. Battle Green Inn Eric Shapiro, Battle Green Inn, and Erik Rhodin, Architect, came before the Selectmen to present the changes made to the plans for the Battle Green Inn since the 2005 Town Meeting. Some of the changes include removing the 4 th floor; reducing the units from 40 to 30 (3 three- bedroom, 2 one - bedroom, and 25 two - bedroom); 3 affordable units (1 one - bedroom and 2 two - bedroom); increase in retail space. The Battle Green Inn will have an information hearing with the Planning Board on October 5 and a formal hearing on October 17. Selectmen's Meeting — September 19, 2005 Sustainable Design Policy Mr. Poinelli, Permanent Building Committee, presented the Selectmen with additional information on Sustainable Design, including "Tool Kit for State and Local Government" from the U.S. Green Building Council and a list of agencies and cities who have adopted Sustainable Design. The Selectmen agreed on some minor changes to the Purpose paragraph of the policy. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the Sustainable Design Policy with changes. Sustainable Hanscom Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -1 -1 (Kelly opposed; Pagett abstained) to adopt the principles of Sustainable Hanscom and work with legislators and the Governor to establish permanent limits on the impact of the Airport through formal, enforceable and measurable means. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk