HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-BOS-minSelectmen's Chairman Breakfast March 3, 2005 A Chairmen's Breakfast meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Thursday, March 3, 2005 at the Cary Library Meeting Room at 8:00 a.m. Chairman McKenna, Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Kelley; Ms. Vine, Acting Town Manager; Mrs. Battin, Town Moderator; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk were present. Mrs. McKenna welcomed everyone and thanked all for attending. Below is the agenda for the meeting: Procedure for Town Meeting Marge Battin reviewed the process that would be followed at Town Meeting: Town meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. this year and will hopefully adjourn by 10:30 p.m. No major article will be brought up after 10:00 p.m., no article after 10:15. Verbal reports under Article 2, Reports of Town Boards, Officers, Committees, will be limited to 5 minutes. Official responses to the articles of others should be no more than 5 minutes and may be less if there are a number of official committees wishing to respond on the same article. These time limits do not apply to the Planning Board and the two finance committees as they have a statutory obligation to make recommendations to Town Meeting. • Motions have been drafted and will be finalized soon. If there is a need for a motion change the process is: get information to the Selectmen's Executive Clerk no later than noon the day before article to be taken up at Town Meeting. Clerk will forward information to Town Counsel and Town Moderator for review and approval. After revised motion is approved by Town Counsel and Town Moderator, Clerk will date, file with the Town Clerk and copy for distribution to Town Meeting members. • The Town Meeting Handbook will be made available in the Town Manager's Office. It is currently on the TMMA web site and will be linked to the Town Web site. Community Calendar Mrs. McKenna was pleased to announce that there is now a Community Calendar available in Lexington. The Selectmen are hoping that this will become a valued community resource. It is available for a broad range of events that are open to the public. The calendar will be maintained by the Selectmen's Office. It is important for Committees to understand that the Community Calendar does not replace the official posting procedure done by the Town Clerk's office. It is another place for Committees to put information on upcoming meetings. The Town will look into combining the Town Clerk's official calendar with the community calendar, as we get familiar with the site. Chairman's Breakfast — March 3, 2005 Suggestions were made to add additional information to the disclaimer: mentioning Town Clerk's official posting and linking to that site. The Community Calendar will be monitored closely to make sure it is working for the entire community. Housekeeping Committees were requested to remember to send copies of committee agendas to the Selectmen and the Town Manager prior to the meeting. The Town Clerk will maintain Committee minutes. Discussed posting of meetings and reiterated that the Town Clerk is the official posting location. The process for booking and posting meetings is: Contact Marie McDonnell (x275) in the Manager's office to select an available location, send an e -mail, fax, or drop by the Clerk's Office with a written posting that includes the date of posting, who is meeting, day and date of meeting, time, location, address, and a contact name, and phone number and e -mail. Committees were asked to request permission prior to spending money or committee expenses. They should contact Marie McDonnell in the Manager's Office or their Selectmen liaison. Committees were also reminded that the Town has an annual printing contract for all Town print work. All necessary Committee copying jobs should be done through the Town contract unless they cannot provide what you need. When requesting a print job, make sure they knows the job is under the Town contract and that they have a Committee Name and contact person that can be included on the bill. Committees should not be seeking estimates from other vendors for the job. This year's contract is with Wales Copy Shop in Lexington Center. Brief Committee Announcements or Reports The following Committee representatives were at the meeting and made brief remarks about what the Committee is doing: Loren Wood, Ad Hoc Water and Sewer Rate Study Committee; Alan Levine, Appropriation Committee; Arthur Smith, Board of Appeals; George Burnell, Capital Expenditures Committee; Victoria Buckley, Commission on Disability; Jeanne Canale, Communications Advisory Committee; Joyce Miller, Conservation Commission; Carl Oldenburg, Design Advisory Committee; Paul Chernick, Electric Utility Ad Hoc Committee; Thomas Montanari, Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee; Richard Canale, HATS, Environmental Subcommittee, MAPC; Deborah Strod, Health Benefits Review Committee; Robert Bicknell, Housing Partnership Board; Robert Dentler, Human Services Committee; Marshall Derby, LexHAB; Stewart Kennedy and Marita Hartshorn, Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee; Jeanne Krieger, Met State Hospital Land Task Force and Middlesex County Hospital Ad Hoc Committee; Anthony Galaitsis, Noise Advisory Committee; Thomas Harden, Planning Board; Thomas Griffiths, School Committee; Vicki Blier, Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee; Kerry Brandin, Tourism Committee and Town Report Committee; Charles Chairman's Breakfast — March 3, 2005 Hornig, Town Meeting Members Association; Steve Frymer and Gail Wagner, Traffic Safety Advisory Committee; Sara Arnold, Transportation Advisory Committee; John Frey, Tree Committee; and David Williams, Trustees of Public Trusts. A true record, Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk March 8, 2005 Selectmen's Meeting A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Mrs. Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; Ms. Vine, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Manning, Clerk were present. Reorganization of the Board Ms. Manning opened the meeting. The first order of business was the election of a Chairman. Mr. Manz nominated Mrs. Krieger. There were no further nominations. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mrs. Krieger Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Mrs. Krieger thanked her colleagues and then stated that the community has just gone through a long and difficult campaign, she believes now is the time to look forward and concentrate on the work before us. The Board must strive to work together effectively, and hold themselves accountable. The immediate focus should be preparing for Town Meeting and to fill some critical positions. Mrs. Krieger stated that she has accepted the position as Chairman and will hold it through Town Meeting; however, she suggests that at the end of Town Meeting the Board be reorganized. Mr. Kelley acknowledged the excellent exercise of democracy he witnessed in the community over the past several weeks. He appreciates the energy, interest and enthusiasm of all the candidates. Next Mr. Kelley thanked the former Chairman for her work on the Board and throughout the community. Mr. Kelley looks forward to the Boards new Chairman serving equally as well. Mr. Kelley also looks forward to a very productive third year on the Board. Mr. Cohen thanked Mr. Kennedy for the wonderful service he has given the Town. Mr. Pagett raised the question and asked for approval from the Board for Mr. Kennedy to continue as a member of the Regular Town Manager Search Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that Mr. Kennedy would remain a member of the Regular Town Manager Search Committee until the conclusion of the committees work. Ms. Vine welcomed the two new Board members and said she looks forward to working with them. Selectmen's Meeting — March 8, 2005 Update on Snow Removal and Sidewalks Mr. Hadley, Director of Public Works, gave the presentation. Mr. Hadley stated that his department has completed twenty snow removal operations so far this year: 12 plowing operations and 8 sanding operations. The DPW has removed approximately 80 inches of snow. The amount appropriated for the FY05 Snow Removal Budget was $494,125; as of today the Town has spent $949,623, leaving a deficit of $455,498. Mr. Hadley reported that on Monday, February 28, 2005, he and other staff members attended a snow emergency declaration preparedness sponsored by FEMA. He is hoping to receive reimbursement money for the January blizzard. Mr. Hadley is working with the Police and Fire Departments who also incurred expenses due to the storm. The DPW cost for the January storm was $125,000, Mr. Hadley is hoping for reimbursement of approximately $93,000. Mr. Hadley also addressed the sidewalk issue. He stated that the DPW began using a different approach to clearing the sidewalks this year. They are using snow blowers that are attached to bob cats. These devices are slower but they do a much better job. The DPW began using this equipment after the January blizzard; it took his department about two weeks to complete clearing sidewalks after that storm. Mr. Hadley further explained how the Town is divided into six sections, with school sidewalks and main street sidewalks being cleared first, then they move into neighborhood streets. Because of staffing levels the department was not able to complete the sidewalks as quickly as it would have liked. The department clears approximately 56 miles of sidewalk. This year the DPW's capital requests include two additional snow blowers. Mr. Hadley said the Town does have a By -Law that requires businesses clear the snow surrounding their properties; however, there is no such by -law for residents, this is something he feels the sidewalk committee should address. Mrs. Krieger stated that the Board approved the Charge of the Sidewalk Committee in November. Before the Board tonight is a list of people interested in serving on the committee. Mrs. Krieger went on to say that in her perspective the intent of the committee is to start dialogue throughout the Town about new sidewalks, where they are needed and sidewalk maintenance. Mrs. Krieger read the following list of potential committee members: Selectmen's Meeting — March 8, 2005 Ex officio: John Davies, Planning Board Jeanne Krieger, Selectmen Olga Guttag, School Committee Victoria Buckley, Commission on Disability PTAs: Tracey Herbert Ankur Gupta Sue -Ellen Briggs Laura A. Cecere Craig Weeks Lucy Fletcher -Jones Judy Crocker Neighborhood Organizations: Lisa Baci Frank Cavatorta Stephanie Mitzenbacker Bicycle Enthusiasts: Jerry Van Hook League of Woman Voters: Sue Solomon Resident: Jean Williams Marianne Lazarus Steve Kropper Staff as appropriate The committee will meet with PTAs and neighborhood organizations to get feedback regarding sidewalk policies. Mr. Kelley asked if a member of the senior community should be added to the list. Mrs. Krieger said the Council on Aging is an organization the committee plans to meet with. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the proposed members to the Sidewalk Committee for three -year terms. Selectmen's Meeting — March 8, 2005 Regular Town Manager Search Update Ms. Perry addressed the Board, she prefaced her report with a thank -you to Mrs. McKenna for her help selecting a search firm. She also thanked the Board for voting that Mr. Kennedy remain on the Search Committee. Ms. Perry said the Committee had interviewed eleven candidates. The Committee will be meeting the following evening and hopefully will narrow the list to four candidates to be recommended to the Board. Ms. Perry will be out of Town next week but believes the Committee will select a member to present the list in her absence to the Board at its next meeting. Mrs. Krieger commented that Ms. Perry previously told the Board there might be a few candidates waiting until after the Town Elections to submit their resumes for consideration. She asked Ms. Perry if she knew of any candidates that may be coming forward. Ms. Perry stated that there have been a few additional resumes, but didn't feel that the experience of these newer candidates was commensurate with what the Town was looking for. Minutes Upon motion duly made, it was voted 2 -0 -3 (Pagett, Cohen and Manz) to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2005 Chairman's Breakfast. Consent Agenda One Day Liquor License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request from the Temple Emunah and issue a one -day liquor license for a Casino Night Fund Raiser on Saturday, March 19, 2005 from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. Classification Hearing Mr. Jackson, Mr. Foster and Mr. Grant, representing the Board of Assessors and Mr. Nugent, Town Assessor, were present to review the property tax classification in order for the Selectmen to choose a residential factor, after which a tax rate for residential, commercial and industrial properties will be set. Mr. Jackson explained that the Classification amendment allows the Board to consider three alternatives with respect to the FY2005 tax rate, the three alternatives are: - selection of a minimum residential factor - selection of discount for Open Space - granting a residential and /or small commercial exemption Selectmen's Meeting — March 8, 2005 Mr. Jackson briefly reviewed the three alternatives. Mr. Sandy, Town Meeting Member Precinct 6, asked the Board to recall that last year when setting the tax rate a majority of the Board voted not to go to the maximum in order to leave leeway to increase the ratio again this year if it turned out that commercial assessment continued to go down. Mr. Sandy said the Board owes it to the residents, who paid a very large increase in their taxes last year, to raise the ratio as promised last year. Mr. Smith, a landlord in town, told the Selectmen a split rate can be a burden to businesses, he added that surrounding communities do not have a split tax rate. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 2 -3 (Krieger, Cohen, Manz) to set the CIP factor at 1.75. The motion did not pass. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Krieger) to set the CIP factor at 1.8. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to grant a discount for open space. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to grant a residential and /or small commercial exemption and make a recommendation that an in depth analysis be done. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to grant an exemption of up to 10% of property value to commercial properties that meet requirements of the law. Mr. Nugent thanked the Board of Assessors and his staff and volunteers who contributed their time to cover the counter in his department. He also thanked the community for its patience over the past year. Mrs. Krieger said the Board owes thanks to both Mr. Nugent and his staff for their work. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call Mr. Cohen, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Manz and Mrs. Krieger to go into executive session for the purpose of litigation and personnel negotiations with no intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lori Manning, Clerk Selectmen's Meeting March 14, 2005 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Monday, March 14, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz, Ms. Vine, Acting Town Manager and Ms. Manning, Clerk were present. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call Mr. Cohen, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Manz and Mrs. Krieger to go into executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations with the intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call Mr. Cohen, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Manz and Mrs. Krieger to return to open session at 7:35 p.m. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mrs. Krieger told the Board that there is a possibility that the Division of Conservation and Recreation could acquire Parcel One of the former Middlesex Hospital property. If it were to acquire Parcel One, it would do it under the condition that the surrounding towns provide maintenance support for the parcel. The land would remain open space but the Town will have to make a commitment to help maintain it. Mrs. Krieger said she has had several conversations with various citizen groups and has discovered, should the community have the good fortune of having the Division of Conservation and Recreation acquire Parcel One, volunteer efforts to participate in maintaining the property would be provided by the Lexington Citizens for Conservation and the Conservation Steward. Mrs. Krieger would like the Board to authorize her to send a letter in support of the Division of Conservations effort to purchase this parcel to Stephen Pritchard, Acting Director of the Division of Conservation and Recreation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to send a letter of support to the Division of Conservation and Recreation regarding acquisition of Parcel One of the former Middlesex Hospital property. Selectmen's Meeting — March 14, 2005 Commitments and Adjustment of Water and Sewer Charges for Consent Agenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following Commitments /Adjustments: Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 7/1/04 to 7/31/04 (Cycle 9) $202,590.44 Commitment of Water /Sewer charges from 7/1/04 to 7/31/04 (Finals) $11,170.49 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 8/1/04 to 8/31/04 (Cycle 9) $192,432.49 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 8/1/04 to 8/31/04 (Finals) $31,528.72 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 9/1/04 to9/30/04 (Cycle 9) $198,283.56 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 9/1/04 to 9/31/04 (Finals) $75,161.67 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 10/1/04 to 10/31/04 (Cycle 9) $195,778.11 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 10/1/04 to 10/31/04 (Finals) $11,877.73 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 11/1/04 to 11/30/04 (Cycle 9) $167,379.78 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 11/1/04 to 11/30/04 (Finals) $12,229.87 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 12/1/04 to 12/31/04 (Cycle 9) $161,190.46 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 12/1/04 to 12/31/04 (Finals) $163.231.09 Commitment of Water /Sewer Charges from 12/10/04 to 1/13/05 (Sect.I Bills) $ 2,079,987.06 Adjustments of Water /Sewer Charges for the period 8/1/04 to 8/31/04 -$4,851.19 Adjustments of Water /Sewer Charges for the period 9/1/04 to 9/30/04 - $58,260.69 Adjustments of Water /Sewer Charges for the period 10/1/04 to 10/31/04 - $62,914.05 Consent Agenda One -Day Liquor License — Waldorf School Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Waldorf School for a one -day liquor license for Friday, March 18, 2005 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. for the Robert Mendenhall Memorial Concert. Appointment — Lexington Council for the Arts Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Barbara Ciampa to the Lexington Council for the Arts, for a three -year term to expire September 30, 2007. No Place For Hate Jill Smilow, Chairman, No Place for Hate, gave a brief description of the program and its history. Mrs. Krieger read the No Place for Hate Proclamation. Ms. Smilow is asking the Board to reaffirm its commitment to No Place for Hate. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reaffirm the Board's commitment to No Place for Hate. Selectmen's Meeting — March 14, 2005 Article Presentations Article 14 — Municipal Lighting Plant Paul Chernick gave the presentation on Article 14. Article 14 would allow Town Meeting to: a) endorse the pending state legislation to facilitate the formation of municipally -owned electric distribution utilities; and b) authorize the filing of a home rule petition to allow Lexington to proceed with formation of a municipal utility, if the statewide legislation fails to pass. In either case, a future Town Meeting vote would be required before any substantial funds were expended to advance the acquisition of NStar's distribution equipment in Lexington and create a municipal utility. The municipal utility would only distribute power within the Town and purchase energy for customers who did not select another supplier; it would not be involved the generation of electricity. Mr. Pagett asked if Town Meeting votes to pass Article 14 and the state legislature adopts the bill or home rule petition what would the next step be? Mr. Chernick said the next step would be to decide if the Town should move forward with a feasibility study. This decision would be made at next year's Town Meeting unless private financing is acquired prior to that time. A majority of the Board of Selectmen support this Article. Article 15 — Property Tax Exemptions Vicki Blier, Chair of the Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee, gave the presentation. Article 15 seeks to take advantage of current and proposed changes to state law that would provide further real estate tax relief to residents with limited income. Ms. Blier reviewed last year's income and asset qualifications, which were $20k single, $30k married, minus a state -set Minimum Social Security of $1,700 to $5,300. The exemption amount was raised by $750. The Town had 44 applications as of today the deadline for submitting applications is July 1. This year the committee is recommending that a state set Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) be added, to the income and asset limits. Ms. Blier said that recent COLA history is 3.6 to 4.9% ($1000 to $1500 @ 4.9 %). The committee feels the preferred vehicle for helping seniors pay taxes is deferral. Seniors have seen significant increases in their property value since they purchased their homes. The committee is proposing that the Selectmen ask Town Meeting for a Home Rule Petition that will make the tax deferral program limits fairer. The committee is suggesting the Home Rule Petition be modeled after the 2002 Wellesley petition. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the recommendations of the Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee. Selectmen's Meeting — March 14, 2005 Mrs. Krieger said that when the Board discussed the setting of the tax rate the question of residential exemptions was raised and the Board thought it would be worthwhile to pursue a study of that to determine the impact of adopting a residential exemption as well as determining what the public benefits would be. Mrs. Krieger said the Board would like to charge the Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee with doing that analysis. The committee would be asked to report back to the Board of Selectmen with a recommendation of whether or not the proposal for a residential exemption should be adopted. Article 19 - Conservation Land Transfers The Conservation Commission is asking that the land described below be transferred for the protection of valuable wetland resources and open space: North Street land — Map 68 — Parcel 45 — 2.8 acres and North Street land — Map 69 — Parcel 99 — 21.5 acres Mr. Derby addressed the Board regarding LexHAB's position on transferring this land into conservation. Mr. Derby began by asking why there was a rush to put this land into conservation. LexHAB feels the proper planning approach should be to evaluate alternatives before eliminating the possibility of development. After receiving Town Meeting approval for the rezoning of Rangeway, LexHAB met with the Recreation Committee to discuss the concept of developing the front lot of the North Street land, which is under the Town's control, with the back lot which is under the control of the recreation committee. After the Recreation Committee expressed an interest in exploring improvements of the area LexHAB hired a land planner to look at the total site and come up with a recommendation. This cost LexHAB approximately $8500. In the fall of 2004 LexHAB presented the recommendations of the land planner to the Recreation Committee. It included a housing development that would compliment the recreational use of the land. LexHAB goal was to come to the 2006 Town Meeting with a rezoning plan. The committee decided it would like to consider these lots be developed as housing units for an over 55 population at a somewhat higher income level than LexHAB currently serves. Mr. Derby is asking the Board to vote against placing these lots into conservation land at this time. Mr. Kelley asked what LexHAB believes the time line will be for determining whether this land fits with its plan for a senior community. Mr. Derby would hope to present at the 2007 Town Meeting. LexHAB would have made its decision within 12 months but probably wouldn't be ready to present until the 2007 Town Meeting. Selectmen's Meeting — March 14, 2005 Mr. Cohen said he had received a call from a representative of the Council on Aging (COA) saying they were interested in the North Street site for a Senior Center. Don Chisolm, Council on Aging, said the Senior Center Siting Committee Report of 2001 recommended the COA first give consideration to already developed town or privately owned land. The COA investigated these sites and found there was nothing available to suit its needs. The next recommendation of the report was to consider sites that were considered to be open space. The Lowell Street site appears to be the most favorable. However, the COA has not followed up with any plans to develop a Senior Center on this site. Mr. Chisholm reiterated what Mr. Derby said earlier in the meeting, there is no reason to rush to judgment, there are potential uses for this property that should be investigated before the land is transferred to conservation. Mrs. Krieger asked if any of the North Street residents in the audience would like the opportunity to speak. Glenn Kesner, 127 North Street, stated that during the past four years several organizations have expressed an interest in using this vital wildlife corridor without considering the implications to the environment. Mr. Kesner feels that not voting to make these parcels conservation land is the same as voting for development at a future time. A majority of the Board will support transferring both parcels of land into conservation property. Mr. Pagett does not believe the Board should rush to transfer this into conservation land. He feels that opportunities for a new Senior Center are being systematically taken away. He believes this land should be kept as it is until a decision on whether or not it can be used as a Senior Center is made. Community Preservation Act Articles Mr. Pagett began the discussion by saying the Board had a number of questions at the conclusion of the last discussion it had regarding this Act, many of those have since been answered by Mr. Bicknell. Some of the more important questions asked related to how median income was computed and what average income meant and how it was derived. Mr. Pagett noted that a majority of the Board, at the time of the last discussion, was in favor of presenting the CPA to the voters with a 3% surcharge and including the $100,000 exemption on residential properties. The Board did not reach a conclusion on the question of exempting commercial and industrial properties from the 3% surcharge. The Board had also discussed a low /moderate income exemption. Mr. Bicknell, sponsor of the article, updated the Board on how many residents would qualify for the low /moderate income exemption. There are 1515 households below age 60 (13.6 %) would qualify for the low /moderate income exemption. There are 2571 (23.1 %) that would qualify for at 100% exemption. Selectmen's Meeting — March 14, 2005 Mr. Bicknell said that a majority of the communities that have adopted the CPA included the low /moderate income exemption and he encourages the Board to do the same. The Board agrees that the Community Preservation Act should be put to the voters with a 3% surcharge, $100,000 exemption on residential property and a low /moderate income exemption. Next the Board discussed the commercial exemption. Of the 75 communities that have adopted this act only 3 choose to include the commercial exemption. A majority of the Board does not support the commercial exemption. Article Positions Buffet Ms. Vine reported that at the last Budget Collaboration Meeting $91,000, which represented the gap in the 2006 budget was assumed by the School Committee with the understanding that when additional revenues became available there would be further discussions. Ms. Vine said there are still three areas open for discussion: a $31,000 gap in Vocational School funds, the gap in the snow and ice budget (staff is currently looking into that and will be bringing recommendations to the Board), and a $15,000 outstanding request from the Tree Committee. Ms. Vine said Michael Young, Budget Officer, is here tonight to answer the Boards questions regarding the operating budget and motions. The Board needs to be prepared for the next budget meeting to come up with some recommendations on how to move forward. There are funds from new growth to apply to these deficits if the Board chooses to do so. Mrs. Krieger asked Mr. Young for some clarification on what the magnitude of the new growth is and whether or not the Board ought to go forward and recommend these funds be applied to the gaps in the budget. Mr. Young began by saying that the 2005 budget was built on using a growth number of $1 million. During this year's budget process that number became 1.4 million. This increases the base from where the FY 06 budget started. The Department of Revenue has not yet certified that number; Mr. Young anticipates that certification will take place in the next few days. The net increase in growth of $292,000 can be used to cover the deficits Ms. Vine described earlier. Mrs. Krieger said seeing that it is more than likely this new growth will be realized she is prepared for the Board to recommend to the Budget Collaboration Group that $91,000 be expended to compensate the School Committee and $31,300 be applied toward the Minute Man Tech Assessment. Selectmen's Meeting — March 14, 2005 Mrs. Krieger said the Board now needs to discuss whether or not they want to apply $15,000 of the new growth funds to the purchase of trees. A citizen's article advanced by the Tree Committee requests $15,000 to be used to purchase approximately 30 trees. The town is losing trees in public spaces at a rate twice of what it can afford to replace them. Mrs. Krieger said that at the time the Tree Committee came before the Board she was the only member of the Board that supported this request. Other members said that they would support the article if money became available. Mrs. Krieger asked if the Board is now willing to support this request. Mr. Pagett stated that the DPW Budget, presented by the Acting Town Manager and DPW Director, included a $5,000 increase in the forestry line item to purchase trees. The Board approved that request. Subsequently the Tree Committee came forward with an additional request of $15,000 for the purchase of trees. This request was not part of the budget review and approval process and hasn't been measured against any alternative requests for funding reviewed during the budget process. Mr. Pagett said he has reviewed the list of needs based requests and found 18 items in the $15,000 range. Mr. Pagett listed the eighteen items and stated there are several items on that list he would rank higher than replacing trees. Mr. Pagett said he worries about encouraging special articles to appropriate money that are submitted outside the normal budget review process. Mr. Kelley suggested that increasing the stabilization fund should also be considered a priority over the Tree Committee's request. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that with the assumption these funds from new growth become available, $91,000 will fund the School Department discrepancy, $31,300 will fund the Minuteman Tech assessment and the remaining funds will be applied to the Stabilization Fund. Article Positions The Board reviewed the Articles on which it still needs to take a position and had a brief discussion regarding the Lincoln Park article. Article Assignments for Town Meeting Mrs. Krieger asked members of the Board to review their article assignments for Town Meeting. If they have been assigned an article they will not be comfortable presenting they can be changed. Liaison Assignments Mrs. Krieger asked the Board to review the proposed list of liaison assignments. Selectmen's Meeting — March 14, 2005 Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call Mr. Cohen, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Manz and Mrs. Krieger to go into executive session for the purpose of contract negotiation and litigation with no intent to return to open session. A true record, Attest: Lori Manning Clerk Budget Collaboration Meeting March 17, 2005 A Budget Collaboration Meeting was held Thursday, March 17, 2004, at 6:30 p.m. in the Clarke Middle School Auditorium. The Board of Selectmen (BOS), School Committee (SC), Appropriation Committee (AC) and Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) were present. Mrs. Krieger called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order. Mr. Griffith called the meeting of the School Committee to order. Mr. Levine called the meeting of the Appropriation Committee to order. Mr. Burnell called the meeting of the Capital Expenditures Committee to order. Mrs. Krieger explained the reason for tonight's meeting is to decide where to appropriate new growth revenue, not already included in the budget. At a previous Budget Collaborative Meeting, the group agreed to balance the FY06 Budget by making a cut of approximately $91,000 to the SC Budget with a commitment to the SC that if any further revenue was recognized the $91,000 would be returned to the budget. Ms. Vine reported that members of the Board of Selectmen agree that $290,000 of new growth revenue should be appropriated as follows; $91,000 for SC Budget; $31,338 to pay Minute Man Technical School Assessment Fees, and $176,522 to the Stabilization Fund. Mr. Levine stated the Appropriation Committee agrees with the School appropriation and the Minute Man Tech payment, but thinks it makes sense to appropriate the $176,522 to the Snow /Ice Removal Budget, instead of the Stabilization Fund. Mr. Cohen reminded the Board that every year the appropriation made toward the Snow /Ice Removal Fund must be at least as much as the prior year. Mr. Kelley restated his position of the need to demonstrate the Board's commitment to increase the Stabilization Fund. Mr. Pagett also believes the Town needs to show good faith effort to build the Stabilization Fund and suggested increasing the Snow /Ice Removal Fund to $600,000, and increasing the Stabilization Fund with the remainder. Mr. Burnell, Capital Expenditures Committee, reminded the group that in the past the Appropriation Committee had $300,000 in the Reserve Fund, that the fund has been reduced to $150,000. He suggests the Boards consider increasing the reserve fund instead of the Snow /Ice Removal or Stabilization Funds. Budget Collaboration — March 17, 2005 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appropriate $91,663 to the SC Budget, $31,338 to pay Minute Man Technical School Assessment Fees, $72,875 to the Snow /Ice Removal Fund and $103,347 to the Stabilization Fund. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the School Committee voted to approve the $69,567,568 budget for FY06. Mr. Levine speaking on behalf of the AC asked the Board to consider increasing the appropriation for the Water /Sewer Analyst Position being proposed by the Water /Sewer Committee. Ms. Vine reported $40,000 has been appropriated for this position. She and her staff feel this plus access to funds included in the Wage Adjustment Line was sufficient to fund the position. Mr. Pagett highly endorses the AC suggestion and recommends funding the position with enough to get the caliber person needed to fill the position. Mrs. Krieger stated she is not opposed to the $50,000 figure being suggested by the AC. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the appropriate line item by $10,000 so there are sufficient funds to cover the Water /Sewer Analyst position. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Kelley) to approve the FY -06 budget as amended this evening. The group discussed the need for another Budget Collaboration Meeting to discuss the Capital Budget. It was decided a meeting will be held on either Tuesday, March22" d or Wednesday, March 23 This discussion concluded the meeting of the Budget Collaboration Meeting. The Appropriation Committee will remain in session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:15. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Lexington School Committee voted to adjourn. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Capital Expenditures Committee voted to adjourn. A true record, Attest: Lori Manning Clerk Selectmen's Meeting March 21, 2005 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Monday, March 21, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen and Mr. Manz; Ms. Vine, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Manning, Clerk were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaisons Audit Mr. Pagett said the Acting Town Manager's weekly update indicated that the audit had just been completed. Mr. Pagett restated his request that the Board of Selectmen and the Auditors schedule a working session to go over the audit documents in detail, primarily to help the Board get a better understanding of the audit and its findings. Ms. Vine responded by saying the auditors will be attending a Selectmen's meeting within the next three to four weeks. Hanscom - BRAC Mrs. Krieger announced that there is a Pre -BRAC Planning Meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 24, 2005 at Bemis Hall in Lincoln at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Krieger encouraged members of the community as well as her colleagues on the Board to attend the meeting. David Knisley, consultant, will lead an information session centered on base closure procedures and its impact. Next there will be a break out workshop session and an interactive session summarizing the workshop findings. Mrs. Krieger also said that between now and the end of May there will be a series of meetings in order to do contingency planning in the event that the base closes. Mrs. Krieger reminded the Board and the audience that it is critical that members of the community as well as elected official attend these meetings. Town Manager Report Ms. Vine informed the Board that they would be receiving the Town Meeting information Books at the end of this week. She asked the Board to review before the next Selectmen's Meeting. Selectmen's Meeting — March 21, 2005 Consent Agenda Use of Battle Green — Lexington Minute Men Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lexington Minute Men to use the Battle Green on Saturday, April 2, 2005, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for Patriot's Day dress rehearsal. If the condition of the Battle Green is not suitable for use on that day, the alternate date is Sunday, April 10, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Appointments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, at the request of Town Celebrations Committee, to appoint James Shaw and John Rossi to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a one -year term to expire June 30, 2006. The Board has received three nominations from the Democratic Town Committee for one appointment to the Board of Registrars. Mrs. Krieger recommends the Board appoint Gerald L Abegg. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Gerald L. Abegg to the Board of Registrars. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Bill Kennedy to the Health Benefits Review Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Dawn McKenna to the Tourism Committee for a term to expire September 30, 2005. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the membership of the Policy Manual Committee from five to six. Permanent Building Committee Update Phil Poinelli, Chair of the Permanent Building Committee (PBC), gave an overview of the committee's membership and responsibilities. The committee has just completed the designer selection process for the School Administration Building and is in the process of awarding a $25,000 contract to Handlin, Garrahan, Zachos & Associates. The charge includes developing a conceptual design for the School Administration Building and the site using the original historic house; perform a structural analysis of the original building; and develop an estimate of probable costs. The PBC expects to receive a draft report by the 1s week of May. This will enable the committee to report during one of the last sessions of Town Meeting. Selectmen's Meeting — March 21, 2005 Mr. Pagett asked what the next step would be. Mr. Poinelli responded by saying the PBC will discuss the results of the report with the School Committee and identify the cost of design. The result of this discussion may be a request to Town Meeting for design funds. Mr. Poinelli reviewed the plans and timeline for the Fiske School project. The intent is to have the students at Fiske finish out the school year. Demolition will start during the late summer and will be followed by eighteen- months of construction. The PBC anticipates occupancy of the new Fiske facility will be September 2007. Before beginning the discussion regarding the Fiske School budget, Mr. Poinelli reviewed new legislation regarding bid laws. He explained that last July the legislature put together a new public bid law that the PBC feels is more cumbersome than helpful and has added time and expense to the process. Mr. Poinelli explained that the construction industry is facing unprecedented inflation. The original appropriation for the Harrington and Fiske schools was $32,150,000. The anticipated project cost for the Harrington School is $14,325,000, $1,750,000 under budget. The base estimate for the Fiske School, not including bid alternates is $18,521,264, $696,264 more than the estimate. The Fiske estimate with bid alternates is $19,281,264, $1,456,264 more than estimated. The PBA anticipates a $1.5 million dollar deficit in funds for the Fiske project. Tonight they are requesting a special town meeting for purposes of appropriating money for the completion of this project. Mr. Cohen said a Special Town Meeting will not be necessary, Article 29, Supplementary Appropriation for Authorized Capital Improvement Projects will cover the request for additional funds for this project. Board of Health Fee Schedule Ms. Vine introduced Wendy Bernays, Chairman of the Board of Health. Ms. Bernays introduced members of the Board of Health who were present at the meeting. Next Ms. Bernays presented the Board of Health's new established Grease Trap Regulations and updated Fee Schedule. 2020 Vision Committee Presentation Marian Cohen, Chair of the 2020 Constructive Community Discourse Task Force, reported that the 2020 Vision Committee has completed the process of addressing three topics that emerged as the committee focused and prioritized goals of the 2020 visioning effort. In the fall of 2003 the committee co- sponsored, with the Town Meeting Members Association, a series of community meetings, one in each precinct, to invite feedback on the established goals. The information Selectmen's Meeting — March 21, 2005 collected at these community meetings helped the committee augment and narrow the original set of 27 long -term goals. The three elected Boards met jointly and identified five of the priority goals that seemed appropriate for follow up through the 2020 vision process. The Committees chose three topics: Budget Process and Communication, Constructive Community Discourse and Fostering Economic Development and established Task Forces to do the creative work of analyzing these issues and recommending actions. The Economic Development Task Force identified some key issues relating to the lack of town policies for recruitment of commercial businesses and corporate offices, but did not agree to propose any concrete actions at this time. The other two Task Forces have completed final reports. Ms. Cohen said the 2020 Vision Committee is asking the Selectmen to assist in the process of implementing the recommendations included in the reports. They are asking the Board for its recommendations of how and when to facilitate meetings to address the recommendations of the reports. Members of the Board thanked the 2020 Vision Committee for the work they have done and suggested that further discussions take place after Town Meeting. Presentation of MWRA Water Tower Fee Check Representative Kaufman, along with Mike Ralph, Director of Public Affairs, and Fred Laskey, Executive Director from MWRA, presented a check in the amount of $50,000 to the Town for water tower fees. Article Positions The Board reviewed a revised list of articles for the 2005 Town Meeting, which includes positions of individual Board members as well as the School, Appropriation and Capital Expenditures Committees. Article Presentations The Board reviewed a list of who will be presenting which Articles at Town Meeting. It was decided that Mr. Cohen will present Article 11. Town Counsel Reappointment Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Kelley) to reappoint William Lahey, Palmer & Dodge as Town Counsel for a one -year term. Selectmen's Meeting — March 21, 2005 Garage /Yard Sale Policy The Board discussed the revised policy for Garage and Yard Sales. Mr. Pagett suggested that the Bylaws referenced in paragraph one of the policy be cited. The Board agreed, Mr. Cohen will ask the Policy Manual Committee to make this change and then submit for the Board's approval. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded. It was voted to approve the minutes of November 13, 2004, November 22, 2004 and January 26, 2005 with suggested corrections. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of September 13, 2004, October 20, 2004 and January 18, 2005. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call Mr. Cohen, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Manz and Mrs. Krieger to enter into executive session for the purpose of land purchase and contract negotiations with no intent to return to public session. A true record, Attest: Lori Manning Clerk Selectmen's Meeting March 28, 2005 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Monday, March 28, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Pagett, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; Ms. Vine, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel and Ms. Manning, Clerk were present. Town Manager Report Ms. Vine took a minute to review the Articles that scheduled to be discussed at tonight's Town Meeting. She also asked if the Board had any questions regarding the books her office had prepared for the Town Meeting. Consent Agenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Acting Town Manager's request to reappoint David Kelland and to appoint Frank A. Kern to the Historic Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Acting Town Manager's approval of a sidewalk cafe permit for Bertucci's Restaurant. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lions Club to have the July 4 th carnival June 30 through July 4, with the lights remaining on until 11:30 p.m. June 30 through July 3 rd and until 12:00 midnight on July 4. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Luanna Devenis as the republican appointment to the Board of Registrars for a three -year term to expire March 31, 2008 Communications Advisory Committee Regarding Verizon Steve Ellis representing the Communications Advisory Committee at the meeting to brief the Board on Verizon's request for a cable license in Lexington. For simplicity reasons the easiest way to begin that process is for the Board to simply decide to start the licensing process. If Verizon begins the process by submitting an unsolicited proposal extra public hearings and additional paperwork on the part of the CAC would be required. If the Selectmen decide to entertain proposals and sends a letter to the Department of Telecommunications and Energy announcing that fact, the Town can go ahead with the licensing process and eliminate those steps. Verizon has also requested that the Town request two waivers from the DTE to speed up the licensing process. The first waiver request is that the required sixty -day period for advertising be eliminated, they also request that the requirement to advertise in a national publication be eliminated. Selectmen's Meeting — March 28, 2005 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to begin the licensing process with Verizon and to adopt the two requested waivers, to eliminate the sixty -day advertising period as well as the requirement to advertise in a national publication. Mr. Kelley asked if Verizon would provide service to 100% of the community? Mr. Ellis said that Verizon intends to service 100% of the community. As of a few weeks ago Verizon was approximately 85% complete with its aerial work as soon as the snow melts they will begin the fiber underground work. Mr. Kelley asked if there was any likelihood that Verizon would entertain the idea of sharing its underground conduits with RCN. Mr. Ellis said the Town could ask Verizon for anything whether or not they will discuss such a thing in not known to him. Transportation Advisory Committee Ms. Arnold, representing the TAC, was at the meeting to request the Board authorize the TAC use $23,000 from the transportation services special account to ensure the continuity of the Lexpress six route (three bus) system in FY06. Ms. Arnold informed the Board that during the Fall 2004 budget discussions, level service funding was included in the budget. Unfortunately, this did not include enough money for the third bus during the summer of 2005. The TAC does not believe this was the intent of the override vote but believes it was an oversight in the fall budget deliberations. Ms. Arnold also said that shifting between four and six routes results in a disruption that hurts both the riders and the system. Fortunately there are funds available in the transportation special account to cover the additional $23,000 request. The TAC is asking for the Boards support. Mr. Kelley asked what the transportation special account represents where it gets its money, what the balance is and what the $23,000 will represent. Ms. Arnold believes the account was started when the TAC began accepting contributions for Lexpress. There were contributions from residents as well as from Transportation Demand fund Management contributions. Mr. Pagett asked about the balance in the special account. Michael Young, Budget Officer, responded that the current balance in the account is $25,321.96. Mr. Pagett asked in what account are the total TDM funds and how are they allocated. Mr. Young will get this information for the Board. Ms. Vine told the Board she has requested the staff develop an inventory of all TDM money. In addition to the inventory she has asked the staff to look into a process for this. Selectmen's Meeting — March 28, 2005 Mr. Young reviewed the current funding structure for Lexpress for FY 06. $306,000 from the tax levy; $60,000 calculated from fares; $18,000 from Transportation Demand Management and $80,000 from the MBTA Grant. Mr. Pagett asked if any monies from the Patriot Partner Project were allocated to the Transportation Special Account. Mr. Young responded only if some of the Patriots Partner money was included within the $18,000 from TDM, he will verify this for the Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Transportation Advisory Committee to use $23,000 from the Transportation Special Account to ensure the continuity of Lexpress three bus route system in FY06. Sign Battle Green Inn Covenant Regarding Mitigation Issues Mrs. Krieger stated that the Board had only received this document minutes before the start of the meeting and is looking for some explanation of its contents. Mr. Lahey told the Board that the issues addressed in this document were originally supposed to be included in the Zoning Relief. It was decided late last week to become a mitigation agreement that would be a binding agreement between the Town and the developer. The agreement needs to be executed before the Zoning Relief is granted. Mr. Lahey explained that is why the document was put together in such a rush and submitted to the Board at the last minute. He also stated that the agreement is contingent upon the granting of Zoning Relief by Town Meeting. Mrs. Krieger explained that she doesn't feel she or other members of the Board have had the opportunity to read the document in detail. She believes it contains the items that have been described to the Selectmen by the Planning Board. Mr. Lahey said that Ms. McCall - Taylor, Planning Director, has been involved in the process of preparing this document. All of the mitigation issues that were provided under the Zoning Relief have been included in this document. Mr. Pagett expressed concern regarding Article 2, Reports of Town Boards, Officers, Committees of the agreement which concerns a Trust for Lexington Center Improvements. He feels the Town must be better represented on that Trust. Mr. Manz asked what problems could arise if the Board decided not to sign the agreement tonight. Mr. Lahey said if Town Meeting goes forward and grants the Zoning Relief the Town will not have a binding written agreement with the developer to perform the various mitigations. Mrs. Krieger commented that there is also a permitting process through the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals could consider the mitigation issues during that part of the process. Selectmen's Meeting — March 28, 2005 Mr. Lahey is not sure the Town could require all of the mitigation issues that are spelled out in this contract. Mr. Kelley said as he understood it the preliminary site plan which has already been filed with the Town outlined all of the commitments made by the proponent. Mr. Lahey responded that what was filed did not adequately address all of the mitigation commitments. Mrs. Krieger asked if the Selectmen could amend the document to place another town representative on the Trust. Mr. Cohen stated that as he understands it all of the conditions and mitigations outlined by the covenant were part of the preliminary plan that has been filed. The covenant gives added security that these issues will be addressed by the developer. Mr. Cohen doesn't see a reason the Board should not sign this covenant. Mr. Lahey said the Ryan Pace from Palmer and Dodge has been working with the Planning Department and the developer negotiating this agreement, he would like an opportunity to speak with Mr. Pace before giving the Board a definitive answer to it's questions. Mrs. Krieger suggested Mr. Lahey have that discussion while the Board proceeds with the next item on the agenda. Water /Sewer Presentation Jay Gonzalez, from Palmer and Dodge, gave the presentation. Mr. Gonzalez began by stating the Town's Water and Sewer Rate Committee asked Palmer and Dodge to advise the Town as to the legality of charging certain payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS) to the Town's water and sewer Enterprise Funds and collecting such charges through water and sewer user fee. Mr. Gonzalez said that through his research he has determined that there is no case law which directly addresses the legality of the Town's charging PILOTS to the Enterprise Funds and collecting such charges through water and sewer user fees. Palmer and Dodge believe that a court could conclude that the Town has implicit statutory authority to charge water and sewer PILOTS to the Enterprise Fund and therefore that the PILOTS constitute legitimate cost of the Town's water and sewer systems which may be recovered from users of the systems. There are however facts that could lead a court to reach the opposite conclusion. One way in which the Town might mitigate (but not eliminate) the risk that a court would not uphold the PILOTS would be to calculate the PILOT amount in the manner prescribed by the DOR (i.e. based on the amount of property taxes the water and sewer systems would pay if privately owned and subject to taxation). The only way to be certain a court would uphold the amounts charged by the Town as PILOTS would be if such amounts were tied to actual indirect costs of the water and sewer system. Selectmen's Meeting — March 28, 2005 The Board discussed Mr. Gonzalez's presentation and decided there are still several questions of substance that need to be answered. Mr. Bartenstein asked the Board not to make any decision until the Water Sewer Rate Committee reviews the report prepared by Mr. Gonzalez and comes before the Board with a recommendation. Community Preservation Act The Board had asked legal counsel to research the limitations of the use of CPA funds for restoration of a historic building. Mr. Gonzales informed the Board that CPA funds can be used for the rehabilitation and restoration of historic properties owned by the Town. Sign Battle Green Inn Covenant Regarding Mitigation Issues (Continued) Mr. Lahey reported that the Board has two options to consider this evening concerning whether or not it will sign the document. The Board can either add the requirement that a member of the Board of Selectmen sit on the Board of the Trust, sign the document and present it to the developer prior to the vote of Town Meeting, or the Board can decide not to sign the document and ask Town Meeting to entertain the idea of requiring negotiations relating to mitigation issues taking place prior to the issuance of the Special Permit. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted for Town Meeting to go forward with Article 4, Zoning By -Law, Amend CB to CD, Battle Green Inn, 1720 Mass. Avenue, if the vote is affirmative, a member of the Board of Selectmen will submit a motion for reconsideration, this will give the Board the opportunity to address it's concerns regarding Article 4. Article Position - Article 11. Amendment of Selectmen -Town Manauer Act Mrs. Krieger suggested and the Board agreed to defer this discussion until its next meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. A true record, Attest: Lori Manning Clerk Budget Collaboration Group VI March 30, 2005 A Budget Collaboration Meeting was held Wednesday, March 30, 2005, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Members of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee were present. Mrs. Krieger called the meeting of the Board of Selectmen to order. Mr. Burnell called the meeting of the Capital Expenditures Committee to order. Mr. Levine called the meeting of the Appropriation Committee to order. Mr. Griffiths called the meeting of the School Committee to order. Mrs. Krieger began the meeting by stating the topics that will be discussed tonight are the bidding process for the Fiske School and to review the School Capital Requests. Mr. Griffiths told the group that he and Mr. Burnell, CEC, had visited the Estabrook School to survey the roof problem. There is a lot of leaking. Mr. Griffiths began a review of the items included in Article 30, School Capital Projects and Equipment. Article 30- School Capital Projects and Equipment Article 30b - Heating & Cooling Controls- Diamond and Clarke Schools. Dana Ham handed out a preliminary estimate for unit ventilators and occupancy sensor controls for the Clarke Middle School. The total estimated cost is $445,000. Mr. Griffiths said this would be funded by debt. The Town will receive a rebate of $222,500 from NStar at the completion of the project. This Article is supported by the CEC, provided the funds received in the form of a rebate are used to reduce the debt. Article 30a - Intercom/Phone Systems - Bridge & Bowman Schools. This Article requests $125,000 for replacement of outdated, unreliable intercom and phone systems at the Bridge and Bowman Schools. The School Committee considers this a safety issue. The CEC supports this Article. Article 30c - Glass Entrance Ways - Bridge, Bowman, High School. The building envelope requests $75,000 for the replacement of multiple entranceways to the Bridge, Bowman and High School. Mr. Griffith requests this article be funded by debt. The School Committee also considers this Article a safety issue. Budget Collaboration — March 30, 2005 Article 30d - Exterior Lighting- System Wide. This article requests $100,000 for exterior lighting. Mr. Hamm stated this is needed in most elementary schools. The School Committee is requesting this article be funded by debt. This article is supported by the CEC. Article 30e - Networked School System Monitoring The School Committee has decided not to move on this item due to the scarcity of capital funds. Article 30f - Generator - Diamond School This article requests $140,000 for the upgrade of the Diamond School's generator, a portable generator and other related electrical work in other school buildings. The School Committee requests this article be funded by debt. This request is supported by the CEC. Article 30g - Equipment to Maintain Buildings- System Wide This article requests $143,000 for replacement of custodial and maintenance equipment. The School Committee recommends this article be funded by debt. The CEC only supports $50,000 towards this article. Article 31 — Maintain and Upgrade School Technology Mr. Griffiths explained this article is requesting funds, $300,000 for the upgrade of the schools' technology systems. The CEC supports $250,000 for this article. Mr. Levine, Appropriation Committee stated that his committee has had discussions about Articles 30 and 31. The committee has not reached any final conclusions; it was waiting for further information. Mr. Levine believes the committee now has the information it needs to conduct further discussion. The Appropriation Committee requests the School Committee prioritize articles 30a, 30b and 30g and the Estabrook roof project. Mrs. Krieger stated the Selectmen would like the opportunity to discuss these articles before stating its position. Bidding Process for the Fiske School Mr. Griffith explained the Harrington School construction project was completed $1.7 million dollars under budget. The School Committee anticipates the Fiske School construction project will come in $3.2 million dollars over budget. This puts the project $1.5 million dollars over the Town Meeting appropriation. The School Committee is aware that Town Meeting will have to approve authorization for any additional funds. Budget Collaboration — March 30, 2005 Mr. Griffiths further explained that contractor bids should be available May 2, 2005. The School Committee is asking if the BOS would prefer a Special Town Meeting or should the current Town Meeting be extended if necessary. Mrs. Krieger stated that the Selectmen would prefer the request for additional funds are submitted under Article 29, Supplementary Appropriation for Authorized Capital Improvement Projects, of the current Town Meeting. The Boards discussed Department of Revenue requirements for increasing debt exclusion funds. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:20 pm. A true record, Attest: Lori Manning Clerk