HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-BOS-min Selectmen’s Meeting February 4, 2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, February 4, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Office Building. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz, Mr. Burnell; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Public Comment Mr. Bartenstein, Friends of Arlington’s Great Meadows (FoAGM), provided the Selectmen with th the 5 annual report of the Friends of Arlington’s Great Meadows. The long-term goal of FoAGM is to permanently protect the land as open space. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Cohen and Mr. Manz thanked Linda Vine, Assistant Town Manager for the terrific work done in putting together the Youth Forum held on February 2. Between 150 and 160 people attended and many questions were raised and discussed by the excellent panel. It is important that the Town continue to deal with the issues that were raised at the Forum. Budget Discussions Mr. Valente proposed a list of possible budget reductions put together by the Senior Managers. Starting with a deficit of $194,582, reduce by $48,315 with the use of FY2008 balances for one- time expenses; reduce further by $75,541 with budget reductions based on updated analysis (transfer of contractual settlements; public works revisions (LSP contract); DPW electricity for street lights and police budget revisions (telephone charges). That leaves a remaining deficit of $70,726. Selectmen reviewed the list of prioritized departmental budget reductions broken down into 3 categories. Selectmen brought up different concerns. Mrs. Krieger is interested in keeping as much training available as possible and would like to see refuse/recycling reduced. Mr. Cohen shared concern for the reduction in Library Books and Materials. Mr. Valente is also following up on the public facilities budget and looking at charges to the revolving fund for rent for use of town buildings that may help to reduce the budget. Mr. Valente will provide additional information on reducing the gap at the next Selectmen meeting. Waltham Traffic Mitigation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to recommend joining Lincoln, Waltham and Weston in sending comments to MEPA with a letter to Ian Bowles. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 4, 2008 Annual Little League Parade Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the request from the Recreation Department and the Lexington Little League to conduct the Annual Little League Parade on Saturday, May 3, 2008, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Appointment – Registrar of Voters Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to reappoint Luanna E. Devenis to the Registrars of Voters for a 3-year term to expire March 31, 2011. Sign Warrant Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to sign the 2008 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Article Assignments and Article Presentations Mrs. Krieger provided the Selectmen with a proposed list of article assignments for review. The Selectmen discussed articles they would like a presentation on. Mr. Cohen will keep the Board informed about whether the land purchase articles will move forward. Presentations will be scheduled for: Article 36, Amend General Bylaw – Snow/Ice Removal Article 40, Double Utility Poles Article 41, Municipal Electric Utilities If Selectmen need additional information on Article 37, Amend Code for Fees to Remove Protected Trees, after the Tree Committee information meeting on February 14, they will be invited to come to a Selectmen meeting. Selectmen should try to attend the Planning Board hearings to answer any questions on the zoning/land use articles. Consent Agenda Water/Sewer Commitments and Adjustments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the following adjustment of water and sewer charges: Adjustment of Water/Sewer Charges for 12/1/07 to 12/31/07 $4,764.68 Selectmen’s Meeting – February 4, 2008 One-Day Liquor License – St. Brigid Parish Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to sign and approve a one-day liquor license for St. Brigid Parish for an Irish Night to be held on Saturday, March 8, 2008, from 5:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight at the St. Brigid Parish. Ratify Poll Vote – Battle Green Flag Lowered Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to ratify a poll vote to lower the Battle Green flag for Eugene Moley on Saturday, February 2, 2008. Mr. Moley was Town’s Water Superintendent from about 1945 to 1979. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call 4-0 to go into executive session for the purpose of collective bargaining, with no intent to return open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Meeting February 11, 2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, February 11, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Office Building. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz, Mr. Burnell; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mrs. Krieger thanked Ms. Yanofsky, Economic Development Officer, for the excellent report she provided on all the work that is going on in economic development area. Town Manager Report The Economic Development Task Force will be holding a Public Meeting on Tuesday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m. in Cary Auditorium to present the initial results/options from the consultant who looked at two commercial areas (Hadyen and Spring and Hartwell Avenue) and what the opportunities for additional development are and what zoning changes, FAR, setbacks would be necessary. The Town received a check from Shire for $27,000 that covers the Special Town Meeting and legal costs. Budget Discussions Mr. Valente reviewed the revised revenue allocation/FY2009 revenue split. Revisions were made to the following: 1. Net reduction to Facilities Department budget of approximately $108,000 to reflect the portion of the expenses that should be charged to the Building Rental revolving fund. 2. Increased revenues for School Transcript Fees and Medicaid reimbursements that were excluded from the previous revenue estimates. 3. Reduction of State Assessments based on Governor’s budget proposal; and 4. Increased Debt Service by $15,000 to reflect revised Clarke School project. The revised FY2009 budget gap is $878,718 (Municipal - $154,506 and Education - $724,212). The Senior Management Team recommends the following to close the gap of $154,506: 1. Universal reductions of $48,315; 2. Municipal Budget Adjustments of $73,041; and 3. Departmental Reductions of $33,150. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 11, 2008 The universal reductions are items that will be purchased of funded with available FY2008 money and they include: a document Scanner ($6,000); a cardiac monitor ($23,315); a risk management program review ($10,000); and a classification study ($9,000) The municipal budget adjustments based on updated analysis include: the transfer of contractual settlements to the water/sewer account ($36,541); public works revisions for a new Licensed Site Professional contract ($15,000); a reduction for DPW electricity for street lights ($15,000); police budget revisions for telephone charges based on the new system ($4,000); and CRT disposal costs have been reduced with a new bid ($2,500). The departmental reductions include: DPW reduction of asphalt berm replacement ($5,000); DPW Cemetery turf management ($3,000); DPW Parks turf management ($4,000); Police gasoline ($1,500); Library reduction of books and materials ($5,300); Community Development to reduce land management ($1,775); shared expenses for pre-employment physicals ($5,000); and MIS communications network ($7,575). The Selectmen thanked the Town Manager, the Senior Management Team and all the staff involved for all the hard work involved in putting together a balanced budget. Article Positions All of the Selectmen supported the following Articles, except that Mr. Kelley did not take a position on Articles 14 and 15 because he wanted to review the information further: Article 5 Appropriate FY2009 Enterprise Funds Budgets Article 6 Appropriate for Senior Service Program Article 8 Continue and Approve Departmental Revolving Funds Article 14 Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects Article 15 Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment Article 16 Appropriate for Water Distribution Improvements Article 17 Appropriate for Sewer Improvements Article 20 Appropriate for Affordable Housing Purposes Article 22 Appropriate for Post Employment Benefits Article 23 Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations Article 24 Establish and Appropriate to Specified Stabilization Funds Article 25 Appropriate to Stabilization Fund Article 26 Appropriate for Prior Years’ Unpaid Bills Article 28 Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements Article 31 Amend General Bylaw – Authority to Issue Trench Excavation Permits Article 32 Amend General Bylaw – Abatement of Interest Article 34 Amend Non-Criminal Disposition Bylaw (Burglar And Other Alarms) Article 35 Amend General Bylaw - Deputy Moderator Selectmen’s Meeting – February 11, 2008 Article 39 Amend General Bylaw - Tourism Committee Article 44 Reconfirm Votes Petitioning the General Court Article 45 Sale of Land to Abutter Article 46 Accept Gift of Land - Schumacher Family Article 47 Accept Gift of Land – Wheaton Family None of the Selectmen can support Article 7, Appropriate for Street Trees, this year because of the difficulty in balancing the budget. The following articles will be taken up at future Selectmen meetings after additional information is received: Article 4 Appropriate FY2009 Operating Budget Article 9 Appropriate the FY2009 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget and for CPA Projects Article 10 Land Purchase – Off Marrett Road Article 11 Land Purchase – Off Hartwell Avenue Article 12 Land Purchase – Off Lowell Street Article 13 Land Purchase – Off Cedar Street and Off Hartwell Avenue Article 18 Appropriate for School Capital Projects and Equipment Article 19 Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects Article 21 Appropriate Money – Laconia Street (Citizens’ Petition) Article 27 Amend FY2008 Operating Budget Article 30 Amend General Bylaw - Stormwater Article 42 Resolution – Climate Change (Citizens’ Petition) Article 43 Resolution - Petroleum Supply Impacts (Citizens’ Petition) Article 48 Munroe School Disposition Article 29, Use of Funds to Reduce the Tax Rate, will be indefinitely postponed. Article 33, Amend General Bylaw – Terms for Certain Contracts, is supported by three Selectmen; Mr. Kelley currently does not support the article and Mr. Burnell abstained from taking a position because of a concern that 20 year contract approvals should come before the Selectmen. The Selectmen requested presentations on the following Articles: Article 36 Amend General Bylaw - Snow/Ice Removal (Citizens’ Petition) Article 37 Amend Code for Fees to Remove Protected Trees (Citizens’ Petition) Article 38 Moderator Rulings Subject to Appeal (Citizens’ Petition) Article 40 Double Utility Poles (Citizens’ Petition) Article 41 Municipal Electric Utilities (Citizens’ Petition) The Selectmen would like Town Counsel comments on Article 38. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 11, 2008 Positions on all of the planning articles will wait until the Planning Board makes its report available. Consent Agenda Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the minutes of February 28, 2008. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0-1 (Kelley abstained) to approve the minutes of February 4, 2008. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0-1 (Kelley abstained) to approve the executive session minutes of February 4, 2008. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call 5-0 to go into executive session for the purpose of collective bargaining and land purchase, with no intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Budget Collaboration/Financial Summit 5 February 13, 2008 A joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Finance Committees was held on Wednesday, February 13, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Office Building. Present: Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz and Mr. Burnell; Mr. Valente, Town Manager, Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk; Ms. Dunn, Assistant Superintendent; all members of the School Committee with the exception of Mr. Sakhuja; all members of the Appropriation Committee with the exception of Mr. Eurich; and all members of the Capital Expenditures Committee with the exception of Mr. Hurley and Mr. Lamb. Mr. Young received a standing ovation for his last Summit meeting. He will be heading to Natick as their Deputy Town Administrator at the end of February. Everyone wished him well and felt he would be difficult to replace. Revised FY2009 Budget Shortfall The budget shortfall as of January 28, 2008 currently is $787,718 ($154,506 Municipal and $724,212 for Education). Recommendations for Closing Municipal Budget Shortfall The recommendations for closing the gap of $154,506 are: 1. Universal reductions of $48,315; 2. Municipal Budget Adjustments of $73,041; and 3. Departmental Reductions of $33,150. The universal reductions are items that will be purchased or funded with available FY2008 money and they include: a document Scanner ($6,000); a cardiac monitor ($23,315); a risk management program review ($10,000); and a classification study ($9,000) The municipal budget adjustments based on updated analysis include: the transfer of contractual settlements to the water/sewer account ($36,541); public works revisions for a new Licensed Site Professional contract ($15,000); a reduction for DPW electricity for street lights ($15,000); police budget revisions for telephone charges based on the new system ($4,000); and CRT disposal costs have been reduced with a new bid ($2,500). The departmental reductions include: DPW reduction of asphalt berm replacement ($5,000); DPW Cemetery turf management ($3,000); DPW Parks turf management ($4,000); Police gasoline ($1,500); Library reduction of books and materials ($5,300); Community Development to reduce land management ($1,775); shared expenses for pre-employment physicals ($5,000); and MIS communications network ($7,575). The Selectmen unanimously approved this budget at its meeting on February 11, 2008. Budget Collaboration/Summit 5 – February 13, 2008 Recommendations for Closing School Department Budget Shortfall The School Committee is ready to vote a FY2009 Education budget of $64,548,189. Salary and wages will increase by 7.55% (20.28 FTE change); Expenses will be reduced by 3.74%; and benefits were moved to Shared Expenses ($230,898). This budget also includes a LABBB credit of $294,868 that will be applied to tuition invoices for FY2009. The School Committee would like to see the In District Expenses and Out of District SPED students budgets separated for informational purposes. In District budget is $59,295,239 and Out of District is $5,483,847. The School Committee would also like to take an FY2008 surplus of $350,000 and start a SPED Stabilization Fund. At the end of the School Year they are hoping for an additional $350,000 surplus that would go to Free Cash and they would request it be appropriated to the SPED Stabilization Fund. The Appropriations Committee has not taken a position on the budget, but is continuing to do more analysis. Sense of the Committee is that new items added to the School Committee budget may cause problems for FY2010 and beyond. Other Business This meeting was also Mr. Griffith’s last summit meeting, since he is not running again for reelection to the School Committee. Everyone thanked him for all his hard work for the Schools and Town. The School Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee adjourned. The Appropriations Committee adjourned to Room 111. The Board of Selectmen remained in session. Issue Bond for Fiske Elementary School Project Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 that the Town shall issue a bond or bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,803,049 (the “Bonds” pursuant to Chapters 44 and 70B of the General Laws, and votes of the Town passed on March 25, 2002 (Article 5), May 20, 2002 (Question 3), May 2, 2005 (Article 29, Item d), and May 2, 2007 (Article 43), to finance the school projects referenced therein, including the Fiske Elementary School Project; Further it was voted that the Bond shall be issued as a single registered security and sold to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (the “Authority”) at a price of par and at an interest rate of 2% and upon such other terms and conditions as shall be set forth in any Loan Agreement between the Authority and the Town that may prepared with respect to the Bond (the “Loan Agreement”); Budget Collaboration/Summit 5 – February 13, 2008 Further it was voted that the Treasurer is authorized to determine the date, the form and the principal maturities of the Bond which shall be in accordance with any applicable Loan Agreement, and to execute a Loan Agreement or Agreements with the Authority with respect to the sale of the Bonds, such date, form and maturities of the Bond to be approved by a majority of the Board of Selectmen by their execution thereof; Further it was voted that all action taken to date by the Town and its officers and agents to carry out the project to be financed through the issuance of the Bond, including the execution of any loan commitment or any other agreement by the Treasurer, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed; and Finally it was voted that the Treasurer and any other appropriate Town officials are each hereby authorized to take any and all actions necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this vote, including execution and delivery of any Loan Agreement and any other agreements or documents between the town and the Authority relating to the Project. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Meeting February 25, 2008 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, February 25, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Office Building. Chairman Krieger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Manz received a letter from a Clarke Middle student regarding concerns that the intersection at Waltham Street and Marrett Road is unsafe for students trying to get to school and asking that the intersection be made safe. Mr. Manz received a letter from a resident regarding the Safe Routes to School process and asking how residents can check on the status of the programs. Mr. Manz will call a resident who contacted him about being woken up by beeping construction vehicles and asking how he can get long-term relief. Mrs. Krieger noted that the budget book has been posted on the Town’s web page to meet the required deadline for availability prior to Town Meeting. The Selectmen will respond to the letter that was in the Lexington Minuteman written by David Moschella about surpluses shown in the Town Warrant. Mrs. Krieger will draft a response and send to the Selectmen for comment before finalizing and sending. . Approve and Sign Bonds Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 that the sale of the $24,143,000 General Obligation Municipal Purpose Loan of 2008 Bonds of the Town dated February 15, 2008 (the “Bonds”), to UBS Securities, LLC at the price of $24,247,808.23 and accrued interest is hereby approved and confirmed. The bonds shall be payable on February 15 of the years and in the principal amounts and bear interest at the respective rates, as follows: Interest Rate Interest Rate Year Amount (Percent) Year Amount (Percent) 2009 $1,683,000 3.50% 2019 $1,115,000 3.75 2010 1,435,000 3.00 2020 1,115,000 3.75 2011 1,435,000 3.00 2021 1,115,000 4.00 2012 1,405,000 3.00 2022 1,115,000 4.00 2013 1,405,000 3.00 2023 1,105,000 4.00 2014 1,195,000 3.00 2024 1,105,000 4.00 2015 1,195,000 3.00 2025 1,100,000 4.00 Selectmen’s Meeting – February 25, 2008 2016 1,195,000 3.50 2026 1,100,000 4.125 2017 1,195,000 4.50 2027 1,010,000 4.125 2018 1,190,000 3.50 2028 930,000 4.25 Further it was voted that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Bonds, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement (the “Preliminary Official Statement”) dated February 7, 2008, and a final Official Statement dated February 14, 2008 (the “Official Statement”), each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted; Further it was voted that the Bonds shall be subject to redemption, at the option of the Town, upon such terms and conditions as are set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement; Further it was voted that the consent to the financial advisor bidding for the Bonds, as executed prior to the bidding for the Bonds, is hereby confirmed; Further it was voted that the Bonds may be secured in whole or in part by insurance or by letters or lines of credit or other credit facilities, as shall, in the discretion of the Treasurer, be in the best interests of the Town; Further it was voted that the Town Treasurer and the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver a continuing disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC rule 15c2-12 in such form as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town, which undertaking shall be incorporated by reference in the Bonds for the benefit of the holders of the Bonds from time to time; and Further it was voted that each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the own Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes. Grant of Location Verizon New England and Boston Edison (NStar) – Loring Road Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the petition of Verizon New England, Inc. and Boston Edison Company d/b/a Nstar for permission to locate and/or relocate anchors, guys and other such sustaining and protecting fixtures to be owned and used in common by your petitioners, along Loring Road from existing joint pole number 378/6, on the Northeasterly side of Loring Road, place new sidewalk anchors and guys 5 feet (+) northeasterly of said pole. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 25, 2008 NStar Electric Company – Cary Avenue Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Nstar Electric to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein to be located at Cary Avenue westerly at pole 30/4 approximately 365 feet south of Middle Street a distance of about 58+ feet conduit. Department of Social Services Reorganization Mr. Valente presented the Selectmen with a recommendation to create a Department of Senior Services to focus on supporting older adults and their families. The recommendation will restore and enhance senior services and allow staff to effectively focus and concentrate on the growing senior population. The restructure involves: 1. Recruit for a Director of Senior Services; 2. Create and fund a new position of Program/Volunteer Coordinator; 3. Revise job responsibilities for administrative/clerical staff; 4. Revise Social Services Coordinator position to focus on information and referral and outreach activities; and 5. Support a clinical team model for the department. In addition, the COA Board will complete a study of the Adult Supportive Day Care program by April 1 and make recommendations to the Town Manager and Board of Selectmen regarding changes that may be necessary. The Town will continue to examine options for Youth and Family Services. Currently the services are spread among Schools, Police, Recreation, and Social Services. After the Senior Services Department has been set up, the Town Manager plans to focus on what would be the most effective way to coordinate the youth and family services. He will work with the Human Services Committee, continue discussions with the stakeholders, continue reviewing service delivery models from other comparable communities, and then report back to the Board of Selectmen by May 1. Mr. Kelley was concerned about the reorganization and felt citizens needed one location to go for social services. Mr. Manz was concerned that youth is being ignored, especially since hearing the questions that were raised at the recent Youth Forum. He needs to see a plan for Youth and Family Services prior to voting for the Department of Senior Services model. Mr. Blout, Chair of the Human Services Committee, thinks that a combined department could be done within the current budget. Mr. Griffiths and Mr. Diaz were concerned that current youth issues would become the School’s problem. Ms. Cohen, Chair of the Council on Aging, supports the proposed recommendation. Dr. Duggin, a speaker at the Youth Forum, would prefer to see a unified senior/youth plan. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 25, 2008 Mrs. Krieger and Mr. Cohen recommend approving the Department of Senior Services reorganization as proposed by the Town Manager. There are not enough resources at this time for both a senior and youth/family department. They suggest that further meetings with youth/family groups be held to discuss how to organize a Family/Youth Department, but in the meantime fill the position formerly held by Becky Kosterman. Mr. Kelley and Mr. Manz would like further discussion at the next meeting with, possibly, some additional options. Article Positions/Presentations Article 36 – Amend General Bylaw – Snow/Ice Removal Ms. Williams would like the Selectmen’s support for this article that would make walking in the winter safer and easier. The Selectmen felt that this article would not help the problem. The Town needs to see if the current bylaws can be enforced and also it is critical to educate the citizens on how important it is to keep the sidewalks clear. Article 18 – Appropriate for School Capital Projects and Equipment Mr. Goddard reviewed and answered questions regarding the school capital projects and equipment requests: 1. School Technology Plan 2. PreK-12 Master Plan 3. Food Service Equipment 4. Classroom Furniture Article 19 – Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects Mr. Goddard reviewed and answered questions regarding the public facilities capital project requests: 1. Install Lockers; 2. Phase 2 Mechanical Systems Replacement – Clarke – change from electric to gas to be completed in FY2009; 3. Roofing Renovation – to evaluate all roofs and make stable; 4. Auditorium Remodeling – Diamond; 5. Extraordinary Repairs – Clarke/Diamond – to complete a punch list; 6. MST Department Construction – need private offices; 7. Safe Parent Pickup and Parking; 8. Remove Estabrook Oil Tank – to remove oil tank and replace with gas; 9. Building Envelope; 10. Munroe Fire Prevention System; 11. Fire Headquarters Redesign; and 12. Senior Center Design, Renovation and Expansion – hope to bring estimates to Selectmen by the end of March. Selectmen’s Meeting – February 25, 2008 Economic Development Task Force Update Ms. Garberg and Mr. Zurlo, Co-Chairs of the Economic Development Task Force (EDTF), and Ms. Yankofsky, Economic Development Officer, updated the Selectmen on the Economic Development Task Force draft report outline and a draft charge for an Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB). The Selectmen suggested that the Traffic Mitigation Group be included in the charge as support staff. Some Selectmen were concerned about the additional layer of approvals that would be needed from the Economic Development Advisory Board. The EDAB role would be to assist in the entire process and to educate the community so that the commercial base can be increased. The Selectmen would like to see the full report before approving the charge. Ms. McKenna is concerned that the focus is only on large commercial enterprises, that Tourism is not included; need representatives from all, businesses both in and out of the center. The EDTF wants the EDAB to be seen as an umbrella for all representatives. The EDTF plan to return to the Selectmen with a complete report and final charge in about a month. Eagle Letter for Lawrence Irving Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to send a letter to Lawrence Irving congratulating him on attaining the highest rank of Eagle in Boy Scouting. Appointments Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to appoint Mary Haskell to the Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee. Tourism Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to appoint Carla Fortmann to the Tourism Committee for a one-year term to expire on September 30, 2008. Consent Agenda Commitment and Adjustments of Water and Sewer Charges Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the following commitments and adjustments of water and sewer charges: Commitment of Water/Sewer Charges for 2/11/08 (Cycle 9) $148,737.26 Commitment of Water/Sewer Charges for 1/1/08 to 1/31/08 (final bill) $3,058.17 Adjustments of Water/Sewer Charges for 1/1/08 to 1/31/08 -$16,535.80 Selectmen’s Meeting – February 25, 2008 Use of the Battle Green – First Parish Church Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to approve the request of the First Parish of Lexington to use the Battle Green on Sunday, March 2, 2008, at approximately 12:00 noon for 30 minutes as part of the international “Song of Peace” project. Reconfirm Selectmen Appointment to the Lexington Emergency Housing Assistance Committee (LEHAC) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Julie Duncan to the Lexington Emergency Housing Assistance Committee (LEHAC) to represent the Board of Selectmen. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of February 11, 2008 and February 13, 2008. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of February 11, 2008. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call 4-0 to go into executive session for the purpose of a collective bargaining matter, with no intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk