HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-27-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF February 27, 2008 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Hornig with members Canale, and Manz and planning staff McCall-Taylor and Kaufman present. Mr. Galaitsis was absent. Mr. Zurlo recused himself from the discussion of 341 Marrett Road. Mr. Zurlo arrived at the meeting at 8:40 p.m. **********************ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT********************* 341 Marrett Road, Sketch Plan, Special Residential Development: Mr. Hornig said the Board would need to look at the proposal under both the current and the proposed bylaws because if the proposed bylaw passes at this Town meeting it would apply to this development. Mr. Rick Waitt, engineer from Meridian Associates, Mr. Dan Harrington, attorney, Mr. Ron Lopez, applicant, and Mr. John Wadds, landscape architect were present. Mr. Waitt said he wanted input from the Board since the proposed changes to the bylaw would have significant impacts on this proposed sketch plan. The 2.42-acre site in the RS Zone rises 55 feet from Marrett Road to Wachusett Drive. The proof plan showed four lots with a 50-foot right of way. This plan could be built as it has been fully graded out, but it would be unattractive with a large loss of trees. Instead, Mr. Waitt proposed 12 units, including the existing house that would be kept, but they would remove the garage and accessory apartment. There would be eight three-bedroom units and three two- bedroom units. With the current bylaw, the maximum gross floor area (GFA) allowed is 48,000 square feet. This plan proposes 35,000 square feet and all the impacts would come in at 75%, except the impervious surface, which would be at the limit. The proposed bylaw changes would set the maximum GFA at 28,800 square feet. A portion of the interior drive was only 12 feet wide to save trees and preserve the look of the site. The applicant has not discussed the reduced width with the fire department. Mr. Waitt said the drive could be widened to 18 feet, but that would bring the paving right up to the trees. At the Historic Commission meeting there was a public outcry from the neighbors who were against a road going through to Wachusett Drive. There would be several problems that might prevent that option, including grading issues, impervious surface maximums and an easement on the property that might Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of February 27, 2008 allow only a right turn onto Wachusett Drive. Mr. Lopez showed an alternate plan that would move units towards Marrett Road and leave a larger area of contiguous open space abutting Wachusett Drive. Board Questions and Comments: Mr. Canale asked for information on the historic background of the house, garage and site. Mr. Harrington said the main house was built in 1910 and is in disrepair. The carriage house is now an apartment. These structures are not listed on the historic register; however the site is. The original plan for the property was to be one of several grandiose sites, but that never came to fruition. Ms. Manz asked about the Historic Commission status and if they had imposed a demolition delay. Mr. Harrington said they had to go back next month. Mr. Canale asked about the condition of the guest- house. Mr. Harrington said it was not in good condition. Mr. Canale said the Fair Oaks area included Marrett Road to Spring Street, Outlook Drive, Prospect Hill and Fair Oaks. He could see not putting in a road through the site, but a pedestrian and bicycle access was important and perhaps that the use of a path would help with the grading issue. Mr. Canale asked if they had considered the intensity of the site compared to the surrounding single-family dwellings. Mr. Harrington said the alternate plan had the units grouped closer together and pulled down toward Marrett Road so it should work. Mr. Canale said whether they used the existing bylaw or the proposed one, a total GFA of 28,800 square feet seemed reasonable. With that in mind, he asked what the applicant would use for number and the size of units. The preference would be a varied range of sizes. Mr. Canale asked about the health of the trees that would line the driveway. Mr. Wadd said the trees appeared to be in good condition especially the oak near Marrett Road; at the north edge there were a lot of nice oaks. Mr. Canale said he liked the open space near Wachusett Drive. Ms. Manz said she liked the changes to the plan. She said that the proposed bylaw shows what the Planning Board would like to see and suggested that the applicant start with that. The Board would be prepared to accept greater density in return for smaller more affordable units, although there may be a few too many units. Mr. Harrington asked how many affordable units would be required with 12 units. Ms. Manz said two affordable units. Minutes for the Meeting of February 27, 2008 Page 3 Mr. Hornig said one concern was the driveway width. He would require 18 feet the entire way. He wondered if the common open space might be better in the center. Mr. Waitt said the units were sited on the open areas that had no major trees. Mr. Hornig said at the Historic Commission meeting there was an expressed interest in keeping the carriage house as a set with the main house, although no formal position had been taken. Mr. Hornig said other items to consider were the bicycle and pedestrian access to Wachusett Drive. While through vehicle traffic is not appropriate here, he might want a gated, ten-foot wide emergency access. Mr. Hornig said even if the maximum GFA is 28,800 square feet he did not see the need to reduce the number of units, as he would like to see smaller units. He also noted that Town Meeting has a proposed amendment before it regarding the height of buildings and that should be kept in mind. He wanted to see restraint on the height and have the buildings fit into the sloping site. He would also like to see consideration of a public benefit development. Mr. Canale said that having an emergency access to Wachusett Drive would depend on the number of units. If there were 10 units, the emergency access would be necessary, but with fewer units it might not be desirable. The Board would like a variation in unit size, but several very small units would be fine. Ms. Manz said a variety of sizes would be the preference, but smaller units would be fine; bicycle and pedestrian access would be good, and an emergency access is questionable. Mr. Hornig said that the Board received a petition from the Wachusett Drive Neighborhood Association that would be placed in the file. Mr. Waitt said they are in communication with the neighbors. He intends to check with the fire department regarding the access and he will do a tree survey. The size of the units will be determined after Town Meeting. He could see the balanced housing development or public benefit development working, but the site sensitive does not work here. Mr. Hornig said the preliminary plan should wait until Town Meeting. Mr. Waitt said if the changes were not passed at Town Meeting they would need to come back for more guidance, and, if it passed, they would come back with a preliminary plan. Mr. Lopez said they would come back with one plan that would comply with both. Ms. McCall-Taylor said it was unlikely to make it on an agenda prior to the Town Meeting vote. Mr. Harrington said he would need to look into possible liability regarding the pedestrian access. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of February 27, 2008 ************************************** MINUTES ************************************* Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the February 6, 2008. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0, to approve the minutes as amended. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the February 13, 2008. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0, to approve the minutes as amended. **********************ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT********************* Mr. Canale recused himself from the discussion of the Patriot Partners. Mr. Zurlo joined the meeting. Patriot Partners, Creation of Lots and Parking Reserves Mr. Robert Buckley, Mr. John Hart and Mr. Ed Grant came to the Planning Board to update the board on what they would be doing with the lotting plan based on the TIF agreement with Shire. The Preliminary Subdivision Development Usage Plan (PSDUP) allowed internal lots to have frontage off the interior drive with compliance with the development standards based on the totality of the site. An exit strategy needs individual lots. Mr. Buckley acknowledged that there could be issues under the subdivision control act and local zoning for regulatory compliance. A plan has been developed providing 20 feet of frontage, as allowed by the State in the absence of a bylaw requirement. The PSDUP had no frontage requirements defined. Lots one, two and five already have frontage, and lots three and four will be configured to have 20 feet of frontage on Spring Street. This lotting plan would be the subject of an ANR. Mr. Hart explained the previous plan had 50 parking spaces in reserve for buildings 300 and 400. They have now put the spaces closest to the residential area in reserve, as well as moving the spaces off the front lawn on the other side and closer to the building. There would now be 160 parking spaces in reserve, allowing a decrease in impervious surface and an increase in the buffer area. The loop road is no longer part of the 400 building development and will be redesigned when the 200 building is built. Until then there will be connections through the parking lots rather than a separate road. Mr. Zurlo said he was unclear about the goal of changing the parking spaces and why it was before this board. Mr. Buckley said the Zoning Board of Appeals has the legal jurisdiction, but he wanted to update the Planning Board about the changes; this was just informational. Minutes for the Meeting of February 27, 2008 Page 5 Mr. Hornig asked whether the fire access had been discussed with the fire department. Mr. Hart said he had spoken with Mr. Delaney and was advised that it would be fine. ************************ ARTICLES FOR 2008 TOWN MEETING************************** Mr. Canale rejoined the meeting. Article 52, Countryside Plaza Rezoning: Mr. John Farrington, attorney for the applicants, and Mr. Gary Larson, landscape architect, were present to update the Board on the neighborhood meeting. The issues they discussed were traffic and the intersection. The Harrington Condominium Association was concerned about runoff into their parking lot. There is a drainage system on the Harrington Condominium property, but it is non-functional due to lack of maintenance. It would be able to handle the property needs if it were cleaned out. The applicant will address water within his own property by adding drainage and a berm that would contain the runoff on the site. Signalization of the intersection at Woburn Street and Lowell Street would have to go through the State. Mr. Larson showed two plans, one an addition to the existing strip, and the other a freestanding building. Either would allow work on the eastern part of the property, including getting rid of extra curb cuts on Lowell Street by placing one where the island is now, adding plantings to the southeast corner along Woburn Street and adding a sidewalk along Lowell Street. Mr. Zurlo asked how far the curb cut on Woburn Street was from the corner. Mr. Larson said approximately 120 feet on Woburn Street and 25 to 30 feet on Lowell Street. Mr. Zurlo asked if there was any preference as to which plan expressed during the community meeting. Mr. Farrington said there was no apparent preference, but what the neighbors wanted was sidewalk definition and pedestrian access. Mr. Hornig said there are a lot of benefits to fixing the site design issues. The curb cuts could be reduced from five to three and sidewalks could be delineated from the parking lot. He made the property owners aware of their obligation to clear snow from the sidewalks during daylight hours (section 100-3). He asked if the site would be in compliance with the Town standards with the new plan? Mr. Larson said it had 10,000 square feet with 45 parking spaces. Mr. Hornig said he meant regarding space and aisle size. Mr. Larson said he would need more information to answer that. Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of February 27, 2008 Mr. Canale asked if this were to be rezoned, how would the bylaw requirements be met. Mr. Farrington said this is not a CD rezoning, however, some things they would commit to because they should be done. Mr. Canale said everyone would be looking for predictability and that would help at Town Meeting. Ms. McCall-Taylor recommended the applicant commit to a curb cut improvement on Lowell Street upon rezoning and prior to redevelopment. Mr. Farrington said he would commit in writing to the Planning Board whatever made sense. Mr. Hornig said the Board would take a formal position next week. *********************************BOARD REPORTS*********************************** Undersecretary of the Executive Office Mr. Canale said he emailed the proposal of Mr. Greg Bialecki, of Housing and Economic Development, and the response from the Smart Growth Alliance to the Planning Board. There is a MAGIC meeting next Thursday in Estabrook Hall. There is a HATS meeting tomorrow to discuss the 128 traffic and planning issues. Mr. Zurlo said the EDTF is meeting Friday morning to discuss the charter for an Economic Development Advisory Board, which was recently presented in a draft format to the BOS. He stated there is concern whether the impacts of development scenarios will be adequately addressed within the final consultant study and he will speaking with the Town Manager about this. Another issue is if an impact analysis is provided for within the consultant’s contract. Mr. Hornig reported that the Historic Commission is still considering 341 Marrett Road, and imposed a 12 month demolition delay on 91-93 Hancock Street (Lexington Gardens). *********************PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION SCHEDULE******************* Mr. Hornig said that on Wednesday, March 12, 2008, the Moderator’s Meeting conflicts with the Planning Board Meeting. Mr. Hornig said he would have input for the discussion of the warrant articles, but also needs to be present for the Moderator’s Meeting. He suggested that the Planning Board meeting start at 8:30 p.m. ************************ ARTICLES FOR 2008 TOWN MEETING************************** Mr. Canale recused himself from the discussion of the Special Permit Residential Development. Minutes for the Meeting of February 27, 2008 Page 7 Mr. Zurlo wondered whether it would be possible, as an interim measure, to allow to an increase in the FAR to .35, if approved by the Planning Board, without having to go through the CD process. Because of time constraints Mr. Hornig requested the board hold comments until next meeting. Article 49, Special Permit Residential Development: Ms. McCall-Taylor raised a concern regarding the impervious surface maximum in the site sensitive development (SSD). She said that the impervious surface maximum in the SSD was only set for buildings, and the second set of maximums for the roadway got lost in the various drafts. This results in the amendment having a lower impervious surface maximum than the original. It could easily be fixed and the staff will reword the relevant section if the Board agrees that that was the intention. Mr. Bob Bicknell wanted to add a bullet specifically dealing with affordable housing under the bylaw intent section. He wanted the phrase “Encourage the development of affordable housing,” added back in. Ms. Manz said it was important to include this explicit support of affordable housing. Mr. Hornig said that if that would help the housing partnership be more comfortable supporting the amendment, he favored putting it in, in as few words as possible. Mr. Hornig asked the staff to review Article VIII for any substantive changes and include it in the packets for Board feedback. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. Wendy Manz, Clerk