HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-00-COA-newsletterLexington Senior Services & Newsletter NON - PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOSTON, MA 59348 Partial funding for the distribution of this newsletter is Return Service Requested supported by a grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs. September 2008 1475 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 Phone: 781 -861 -0194 Issue 327 http: / /ci.lexington.ma.us FAX: 781 - 863 -2271 The Yard at heart marts Reft&7W We would like welcome Mr. Devin Lawrence who will be the new director for the Young at Heart Chorus! He recently moved to Lexington from the South Chicago suburbs with his wife and daughter. Choral music has been his life since high school. He has sung in choirs, led choirs and served as the Director of Music at a Methodist Church. He has taught, played and sung in many different music styles. He hopes to maintain and develop the Young at Heart Chorus' rich tradition of community outreach with a variety of performances this year. So whether you're a seasoned pro or an excited beginner, he strongly encourages and invites you to stop by the rehearsals this fall starting September 9th and bring a friend! SPK70tP6ft3d4N V acilitated by Mickey Khazam "Children Playing before a Statue of Hercules" Come join our newly forming Short -Story Book Club! We will be reading and discussing stories from an outstanding new collection entitled, "Children Playing before a Statue of Hercules ", edited and introduced by author David Sedaris. Sedaris is the author of "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" and "Me Talk Pretty One Day." Books will be at the Senior Center - for you to purchase or borrow. Mickey Khazam, an experienced facilitator, who most recently led discussions at Temple Isaiah exploring our spiritual paths, will lead the weekly sessions. Please register with the receptionist at 781- 861 -0194. Class is limited to 12 participants - call early. Free. Please remember to sign up for your "My Senior Center" card and sign in before class. 2 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS SEPTEMBER 2008 ACTING DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES Charlotte Rodgers crodgers@ ci. lexington. ma. us ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Paula McGlynn pmcg1ynn@c0exington.ma.us SOCIAL SERVICES COORDINATOR Barbara Deveau bdeveau@ci.1exington.ma.us SOCIAL SERVICES NURSE Charlotte Rodgers crodgers@ ci. lexington. ma. us PROGRAM CLERKS Cara Shapiro cshapiro@ ci. lexington. ma. us Peggy Shea pshea @ci.lexington. ma. us NUTRITION SITE MANAGER Despina Maradianos SUPPORTIVE DAY CARE DIRECTOR Carolyn Griffith cgriffith @ci.lexington. ma. us 781- 259 -1807 VETERAN'S AGENT Bob Martin rgmartino@61exington.ma.us 781 - 953 -3160 PROGRAM / VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Vacant COUNCIL ON AGING Betty Borghesani Shirley Buck Marian Cohen, Chair Bob Edwards Dan Fenn Paul Lapointe Leo McSweeney Frieda Oliner Jane Pagett Jane Trudeau FRIENDS OF THE COUNCIL ON AGING Mary Ellen Goodwin Marie Hill Julie Miller Susan O'Keefe Eleanor Smith SELECTMAN LIAISON Hank Manz A Note from Your Senior Services Staff: September is such a lovely month! One day, it's warm, and summer lingers on in the air- and all of a sudden, the air turns crisp and you reach for a sweater! September is also a season of new beginnings. We are happy to welcome Paula McGlynn to our staff. Paula joins the Senior Services Staff as the Administrative Assistant. She brings many years of professional experience to her position. This newsletter has updates on your favorite programs and activities, and some new classes as well as the Young at Heart Chorus that returns with a new director and plans for concerts and activities. And, be sure to notice the invitation to sign up for the "Harvest Luncheon" on September 23rd. Come and share great food with friends. We look forward to seeing everyone returning for September programs and activities, and really hope to see some new faces as well! Stop by and say hello! Charlotte, Barbara, Paula, Peggy, Cara, Bob, Carolyn, Marguerite & Grace Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids Simplified Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 10 a.m. 31 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss. The good news is that research has proven that hearing aids help significantly, and they can improve quality of life. Dr. Melonie Marple, owner of Audiology and Hearing Solutions, Inc., a private audiology practice located in Winchester, will be here to talk about hearing loss, hearing aids and the many common myths that are often associated with these two subjects. She is a board certified audiologist who earned her clinical doctorate degree in Audiology. Join her as she discusses how much hearing aids have changed, what causes hearing loss, alternatives and accessories to hearing aids, and what you can do to get started. Please register in advance with the receptionist 781 - 861 -0194 Newcomer's Coffee: Join us at the Senior Center on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2008 at 10 a.m. for an informal coffee and tour of our facility. This is a great op- portunity to learn what we do and how you can become part of our community. No Registration required. Afteunccn Atcvie r Start time: 1:15 p.m. in the Muzzey Room ` 21 — Wednesday, September 10, 2008 —Ben Campbell (Jim Sturges) has just been accepted to Harvard Medical School but he can't pay the tuition. He turns to one of his professors (Kevin Spacey), who trains him and five fellow students to become card - counting experts, with the intent of swindling millions of dollars out of Las Vegas casinos. Based on the non - fiction best - seller, Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took Vegas for Millions. 123 minutes. (PG -13) Vantage Point — Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - Moments after arriving at a landmark antiterrorism summit in Spain, the President of the United States is shot. The 15 minutes leading up to the shooting are rehashed, Rashomon- style, from the perspective of various onlookers, two Secret Service agents (Dennis Quaid and Mathew Fox), a TV reporter, (Sigourney Weaver) and a tourist (Forest Whitaker). This is anail- biting political thriller. 90 minutes. (PG -13) SEPTEMBER 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 3 275 Mass Ave., Lexington Oil Sales and Service MOBILE FREE DELIVERY Program Highlights continued.... Wii - Wednesdays, beginning September 3, 2008 at 1 p.m. or drop -in when space is available. Do you enjoy a game of ping -gong, golf or bowling? This is a great way to continue having good hand and eye coordination. Please sign -up with the receptionist. 781 - 861 -0194. Please see a staff member for set up. Vl�be/dy awl Ci�r�vr�.irg Pi�ag an Scrabble, Puzzles and Other Board Games - Mondays at 1 p.m. A great way to spend an afternoon. All are welcome. Lexington Veterans Association - Monday, September 8, 2008 at 1:15 p.m. at the Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue (Meeting Room) - Brigadier General John Carlson, a noted speaker and military historian as well as the former "Voice of the Boston Bruins," will give a talk entitled, "George Catlett Marshall." General Marshall was an American military leader, Secretary of State, and the third Secretary of Defense. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Coffee is generously provided by the Lexington Center Starbucks. Finance Matters - Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. beginning September 16, 2008. An open discussion group focused on financial issues of interest to seniors. Topics include estate planning (wills and trusts), probate, investing, budgeting and saving, risk management (insurance) and taxes. Additional topics as suggested by members of the group. All are welcome. Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Energy Saving for Seniors - As energy costs skyrocket, seniors need to find new ways to save energy and more effectively implement old ones. Natalie Lovett and Don Vigneau of North- east Energy Efficiency Partnerships (KEEP), a non profit organization based in Lexington whose mission is to advance the efficient use of energy throughout the region, will talk to you about ways you can reduce energy and save money in your home. Please register with the receptionist (781- 861 - 0194). Free. Lexington Senior Advocates (LexSA) - Tuesdays, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. beginning September 16, 2008. LexSA identifies, develops and promotes actions or ideas that specifically address the needs of Lexington Seniors. All are welcome. Young at Heart Chorus - Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. Come and sing in the chorus or just come and enjoy the music. World Affairs Study Group - Tuesdays at 2 p.m. This group meets to discuss world affairs. New members are always welcome. Computer & Technology Group - Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 10 a.m. The group meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Read our latest announcements or sign up at www.tinyurl.com /Lex- comp -grp. Paul Lewis con- tinues the series on Microsoft Vista. All are welcome. Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 10 a.m. - Al Sherman will demonstrate some of the new features of Vista. Free In -Home Consultation 781- 721 -5522 Comforting Solutions for In -Home Care TM Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Errands 24 -Hour Care • Meal Preparation SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING, INC. 1505 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02135 (617) 254 -4545 4 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS SEPTEMBER 2008 Intermediate Level Bridge - Wednesdays from 1:30 to 2:30 - All are welcome. Free. Yoga with a Chair: Wednesdays, with Susanne Sandberg - September 24, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12, 19, December 3, 2008 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. at the Lexington Senior Center in the Muzzey Room. If you cannot get down on the floor but want to stay fit, try this Hatha Yoga class that uses a chair for balance. You do not need to lie down to get the benefits of yoga, including stretching, flexibility, balance and strength. Learn yogic breathing, postures and meditation. Wear loose clothing and bring a towel. You'll feel stronger, healthier and more relaxed after every class. Please register with Lexington Community Education (781- 862 - 8043). Senior rate: $115 for 10 classes. Master Card and Visa accepted. Veteran's Agent Office Hours - Wednesdays 1 - 3 p.m. Our Veteran's Agent, Bob Martin, can meet with you during his weekly office hours. Please call Bob at 781 - 953 -3160 to make an ap- pointment. Rep. Jay Kaufman's Roundtable - Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 9 a.m. Please join Rep. Kaufman at the Lexington Senior Center to discuss questions about public policy, your concerns or to just talk about issues. Plein Air Painting - Thursdays at 9 a.m. Once again Avis Foster invites you to bring your ea- sel, paint box, hat, a sandwich and drink and accompany her for trips to neighboring towns to paint and have fun in the shade. Avis will offer instruction in watercolors, acrylic or oils. There is no fee and you may attend any and /or all of the classes. Please register with the receptionist. A list of painting locations will be provided at registration. Advanced Quilting: Thursdays, September 11 through October 30, 2008 at 9 a.m. with Jane Norberg. Students will continue to explore advanced machine quilting tech- niques. We will design sampler type quilts using varied block shapes and sizes. Register with the receptionist. $42/8 classes. Beginner Quilting: Thursdays, September 11 through October 30, 2008 at 1 p.m. with Jane Norberg. Students will learn the basics of quilting, including both hand and machine piecing. Register with the receptionist. $42/8 classes. Current Events: Fridays at 1 p.m. No preparation is necessary but it does help to read current newspapers and periodicals or watch political TV programs. All points of view are encouraged and everyone has the opportunity to speak at a round -table discussion. , SAVE THESE DATES! • Giving Up the Keys on October 22, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at Cary Memorial Library • Health Insurance and Medicare Part D Updates (SHINE) on October 27, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. at the Lexington Senior Center • Older Wiser Driver (AAA) on October 31, 2008 at 2 p.m. at the Lexington Senior Center GET WISE... ADVERTISE HERE Call Senior Citizen Pub- lishing at 617- 254 -4545 or visit us at www.seniorpubs.com • Reduce Blood Pressure & Bad Cholesterol • Lose Weight • Reduce Inflammation & Pain Choice of 6 Belgium Chocolate Products. www.lesismorechocolate.com FREE Samples _ - call Ro y 617- 905 =8519 SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING • 1505 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02135 (617) 254 -4545 • www.seniorpubs.com SEPTEMBER 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 5 Podiatry Clinic With Dr. Gimbel - Wednesday, September 17, 2008. Call 781- 861 -0194 to schedule an appointment. Please pay the Podiatrist $30.00 directly. Appointments scheduled 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Blood Pressure Screenings: Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the following locations: • 1st Thursday of the month - Lexington Senior Center, 1475 Massachusetts Avenue • 2nd Thursday of the month - Countryside Village, off Woburn St. - in Lexington Housing Authority Office Building /Meeting Room. • 3rd Thursday of the month - at Greeley Village, off Bedford St., turn in on Tewk sbury St. or Shirley St.- in the center building/ meeting and laundry facilities. • 4th Thursday of the month - at Vynebrooke Village, off Waltham St.- in the center building/ meeting and laundry facilities. • 5th Thursday of the month — No BP clinic. YWInEws Fr=" U��/ealU? 00" �a: What you need to know about Hearing Loss Charlotte Rodgers, RN, MA, Social Services Nurse exposure to loud noise. There are two general types of hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when there is damage to the inner ear or the audi- tory nerve. This type of hearing loss is permanent. Conductive hearing loss occurs when the sound wave is unable to reach the inner ear. This type of loss may be caused by a build -up of wax, fluid in the ear, or a punctured ear drum. Medical or surgical treatment can usually cure conductive hearing loss. Another type of hearing loss is called Presbycusis. Presbycusis is a hearing loss that occurs gradually with age. The most common cause of hearing loss is from exposure to loud noise. Some people may not want to admit they have trouble hearing, but it is important to know that hearing problems that are ignored or untreated can get worse. If you suspect that you have a hearing problem, see your doctor. Hearing aids, special training, medication and surgery are some of the choices that may help. For more information, plan to attend the seminar on hearing loss, presented by Dr. Melonie Marple of Audiology and Hearing Solutions, Inc. on Wednes- day, September 24, 2008 at 10 a.m. Adapted from the National Institute of Health- Senior Health Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions af- fecting older adults. About one -third of Americans 65 Supportive Day Program The Supportive Day Pro - to 74 years of age and 47 percent of those 75 and older gram has fall openings in its social program which have hearing loss. If you have hearing loss, you may provides support for seniors to live independently. be finding it difficult to talk with friends and family. Of Supportive Day provides meals and transportation to greater concern is that hearing loss may cause you to our program that provides interesting activities and misunderstand a doctor's advice, fail to hear a warning social connections for individuals who no longer drive while driving or make it hard for you to hear doorbells, and may no longer prepare meals for themselves. telephones and alarms. Supportive Day creates an opportunity for seniors to Hearing loss comes in many forms. It can range from maintain and enhance independent living skills in a a mild loss in which a person misses certain high - pitched warm, home -like setting. It is also a respite program sounds, such as the voices of women and children, to a for families who are caring for an older person at total loss of hearing. It can be hereditary or it can result home. For further information, contact Carolyn Grif- from disease, trauma, certain medications, or long -term fith, 781- 259 -1807. PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE OUR SPONSORS The Barron Center for Men's Health Clinic • Urinary and Sexual Health M :'s • Second Opinions L • Prostate Examse + • Testicular Exams MOUNT AUBURN • Primary Care Referrals HOSPITAL • Education and Support Services Open to all men regardless of insurance or ability to pay. Where Every Patient is the Only Patient. Call for a FREE appointment today. 617 - 499 -5722 330 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138 SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING, INC. 1505 • COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02135 (617) 254 -4545 WWW.SENIORPUBS.COM ...... ....... . ......... . 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(1) x CV) a) 0 (1) CL cu C14, 0 m CV) 0 0 cu =3 0 0 cu m U ) 0 0 0 1 0 U) Z92 (1) x x C= L- rn (13 ri-I M > < En < a) < < CD W < < x 2f C) C) yw I E = 0 (D m = = 0 0 0 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. m C=) C ' 4 (=) (=) (=) m m (=) .. .. .. .. 66 6i N CF) 0) cr) CL C P+ 4 0 cu =3 0 0 cu m 0 m (3) C 0 w w C) C) yw I C) C:) C . . .. .. .. .. .. .. m C=) C ' 4 (=) (=) (=) m m (=) .. .. .. .. yw I 8 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS SEPTEMBER 2008 Mohegan Sun Casino $23 Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008 Try your luck at your choice of 3,000 state -of -the -art slot machines or at one of the 170 table games like Blackjack, Poker, or Baccarat. The trip includes a $10 food coupon and a $10 free bet coupon. Trip Code T09 -7. Depart 7:30 a.m.; return 6:30 -7 p.m. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Bourne Scallop Festival $51 Friday, Sept. 19, 2008 Celebrated up and down the East Coast, the Bourne Scallop Festival has the distinction of being named one of the "Top 100 Events" in the country for groups. The meal includes choice of scallops or herb - roasted chicken, served with French fries, Cole slaw, roll & butter, and choice of beverage. The Festival also features an arts & crafts fair. After lunch and time to browse the arts & crafts fair, we'll travel by coach to Sandwich, to meet a professional guide for a Historical Tour of the area that includes a drive to Hyannis and through the village of Hyannisport. We'll view the Kennedy Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, and the Rose Kennedy "Rose Garden ". Please be aware that there is a lot of walking at the Festival. Trip Code T09 -8. Depart 8:45 a.m.; return 5 -5:30 p.m. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. White Mountain Hotel & Conway Railroad $59 Friday, October 10. 2008 As we travel north through the White Mountains of New Hampshire, enjoy the beautiful fall foliage. A complete luncheon, choice of baked haddock or chicken marsala, will be served at the beautiful White Mountain Hotel in the dining room overlooking the White Mountain National Forest. After lunch, we will board the "Valley Train" for a one hour ride through the farmlands of the area and across Moat Brook and the Saco and Swift Rivers. Next, we'll visit the White Mountain Cider Co., where we can watch cider pressing in the Cider Mill, see the Donut Robot making cider donuts, and have time to browse the country store. Trip Code T09 -9. Depart 7:45 a.m.; return 6:30 -7 p.m. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Oktobertfest - Wright's Mill Farm $65 Thursday, Oct. 30, 2008 Combine a beautiful 250 acre Colonial New England farm in Connecticut's quiet corner, Canterbury, with spectacular foliage and a beautiful October Feast. Listen to a four piece Bavarian Oompah Band play foot stomp- ing, thigh slapping German music tunes, that include a Bavarian march; the drinking song, "Ein Prosit "; and a German Waltz. The lunch includes cabbage & potato soup, sauerbraten, bratwurst, pork loin, potatoes, sauerkraut, hot potato salad, assorted breads, and an assortment of deserts, coffee or tea. No one goes home hungry! Trip Code T09 -10. Depart 9:30 a.m.; return 5 -5:30 p.m. Park at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. Kennebunkport Inn Overnight $249- double; Sun., Mon. Dec. 1-8, 2008 $299 single Join us for this pre- holiday getaway to Kennebunkport, Maine, featuring accommodations at the Kennebunkport Inn. The tour includes a chowder luncheon, an Olde English Christmas Feast, and breakfast at the Inn; all taxes, gratuities, and baggage handling (one bag per person). Among the activities included are a hayride, Christmas caroling, evening entertainment, and wreath - making. There will be time to browse through the shops and galleries in Dock Square (the location of the Inn), and enroute home a stop will be made for shopping in Freeport. A deposit of $50 is due on registration; balance due Nov. 1. Trip Code 9 -13. Depart Sun., 9 a.m.;return Mon. early evening. Please car pool and park along the trees and as close to Worthen Rd. as possible at St. Brigid's Church, Worthen Rd. SAVE TFKSE DATES FCW FLl T(A;?E TR /PS • Thurs., Nov. 6, 2008 - "The American Belles," Venus de Milo • Wed., Nov. 19, 2008 - Foxwoods Casino If you have questions about the trips listed above, please contact Phyllis Rand at the Lexington Senior Center, most mornings at 781- 861 -0194. The trip committee also welcomes suggestions for trips. Please contact Carol Murphy, Phyllis Rand, or Rita Wall at 781- 861 -0194. SEPTEMBER 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 9 Receptionist Help Wanted: Looking for a new volunteer opportunity in a friendly and busy environment? We have openings for permanent and substitute receptionists for both the morning and afternoon shifts. This is a wonderful chance to meet new people and provide valuable assistance to the Senior Center. Training is provided. More information or questions? Please call Cara Shapiro at the Senior Center - (781) 861 -0194. Friends of the Council on Aging Donations Request Form Who are we? The FCOA as we are known maintains the monetary do- nations raised through both contributions and fundraising activities on behalf of the Lexington Council on Aging to support the Senior Center. What are the funds used for? Funds are used to support programs and activities, help purchase equipment and services, and to make improve- ments at the Lexington Senior Center. What are some examples? Many seniors attend and enjoy music and exercise pro- grams as well as use the exercise equipment that we provide. How can you help? Did you know that you could make a tax deductible donation to the FCOA? We area 501(c) 3 and are anon -profit organization. Please mail donations to: 1475 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 We appreciate your gifts, thank you. Please indicate if your donation is in memory of someone you care about. MEMORIAL PICTURES Capture Life's Memories Photo &Film Transfer 617.909.9898 4 + 1 }'+v • 'S.vd. i + 0 + t +/ i x.{.•' k'+k. n .\ _K.A + +. J:+ om 0 ' + { h } ti• s - w samm..- irn.. -a As raw } � w -, 1, " i: ivx �. 5 •. + .. k• n Support Our Sponsors! It's because of the communit spirit and g enerosit y of our sponsors that we are able to publish this newsletter each month, EP YOUR BUSINESS ON TARGET! To advertise here, please call SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING 10 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS SEPTEMBER 2008 �ffi rVjQr=jid LEXPRESS - The LEXPRESS staff is happy to initiate Seniors to Lexington's in -town bus service by telephone inquiries or by accompanying a rider on the bus. Call the LEXPRESS office at (781) 861 -1210 to speak to the staff about schedules and routes. FISH Needs Volunteers - FISH needs volunteers to drive locally. If you want to learn more about volunteering please call Arthur Katz at 781 -862- 0375. LEXINGTON OPPORTUNITIES FOR EDUCATION $ RECREATION Munroe Center at 1403 Massachusetts Avenue: A sampling of programs include "Book Arts," "Mono- prints," "Digital Photography" and "Sculptural Knit- ting." For more information call 781 - 862 -6040 or go to www.munroecenter.org. Lexington Arts & Crafts Society at 130 Worthen Road: Nine Guilds (Basketry, Ceramics, Decorative Arts, Metalworkers, Needle Arts, Painters, Polymer Clay, Weavers and Woodworkers) provide artisan meetings and classes. For more information call 781- 862 -9696 or go to www.lexingtonma.org /LACS. Classes with Osher Lifelong Learning at Tufts Uni- versity on Wednesdays at Brookhaven, 1010 Waltham Street, include: "America's Other Wars," "World Re- ligions," "Celebrating Mozart" and "Conversational Spanish." For more information call 617- 627 -5699 or go to www.ase.tufts.edu /Ili. Minuteman Tech Continuing Education: go to www. minuteman. ors Lexington Recreation Department located at Town Hall: call 781- 862 - 0500x262 or go to www.ci.lexin ma.us ma.us Lexington Community Education located at Lexington High School: LCE offers many interesting daytime and evening classes at various locations in Lexington. Art classes include: Watercolor (both daytime and evening), Chinese Painting and an Outdoor Fall Sketching class. Several writing classes are offered including: Poetry, Memoir Writing and Mystery Writing. Exercise classes offered include: Tai Chi, Pilates, Hatha Yoga and Iyengar Yoga. An evening arm -chair travel series will provide a photo and narrative tour of three different spots in Italy. For the more intrepid travel there are two walking tours of different parts of Brookline. Bring your favorite antique to our Antiques Appraisal Night with Stuart Whitehurst of Skinner, Inc. and guest appraiser on Antiques Roadshow. Complete class listings are available on -line at www. lexingtoncommunityed.org. Catalogs delivered to all Lexington residents in August, are available at Cary Li- brary, town buildings and the Senior Center. To register or for additional class information please call LCE at 781 862 - 8043. Windowpane Shop Hours " V- 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p. m. Weekdays Selling like -new fall clothing, accessories, jewelry, scarves, & pocketbooks. Accepting donations of small household items, Mon. through Fri. 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE OUR SPONSORS 791,170SW8 J'www.,aawmi4hvm No M- SENIOR CITIZEN PUBLISHING • 1505 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON, MA 02135 (617) 254 -4545 SEPTEMBER 2008 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS 11 For YCZAr 111IACFrr�o� Join us for lunch at the Senior Center! Come and enjoy a delicious three course meal prepared by You- ville Place in collaboration with Lexington Minuteman Senior Services. To make a reservation you must speak with Despina Maradianos, the Nutrition Coordinator, by noon (12 p.m.) the day before you wish to come at 781- 861- 0194. Space is limited. The voluntary contribution is $3.00. Weekly menus can be found in the Lexington Minuteman or by dropping in at the Senior Center. Library Lines: Thank you, to all the donors of books and magazines. Remember to bring in ten books at a time and magazines that are not older than one month. Sorting these materials to determine what can become part of the permanent library collection keeps us busy. Just a brief reminder we do not accept technical and religious publications. Other than these exceptions, we are pleased to get your donations and are grateful for the generosity of our patrons. Senior Center Library Hours - Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. C.O.A. Seniors Golf All experienced and beginner senior golfers are invited to join golfing friends at two weekly morning events: Mondays at 7:30 a.m. at Stone Meadow Golf Course and Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. at Pine Meadow Golf Course. For further information, contact Ted Gorczyca at 781 - 863 -8729. EXERCISE NEWS Two popular drop -in exercise classes continue into the fall. Join "Stretch and Bend" every morning from 9 -9:30 a.m. (Free). This informal group is led by volunteers, and focuses on simple stretches and exercises to maintain strength and flexibility. On Mondays- Wednesdays- Fridays from 9:35 to 10:35 a.m., the "60 + Fitness Group" takes over in the fitness area. Fitness instructor and personal trainer Carolyn Martin from Summit Health and Fitness, leads the group on Mondays. On Wednes- days and Fridays, the group is led by experienced volunteers. The 60 + fitness class uses bands and light weights for a workout that emphasizes ton- ing, balance and flexibility. There is no charge for this class, however, a basket is available in the fitness area for your donation. Donations help to defray the costs of the instructor and equipment. YCLAr A&r A Great Life... Now Keep Going! Monday, September 29, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. Please join us for this powerful, engaging workshop dedicated to the belief that "knowledge is power." "A Great Life" is a discussion panel made up of today's most knowledgeable experts on the topics of: your re- tirement; your estate; your independence; healthcare options; and your income. Remember, you deserve "A Great Life!" Come receive free informational materials, listen to tips, strategies and options to make the most of your retirement, live securely and with peace of mind. Refreshments and prizes. Please call the receptionist to reserve space for this program 781 - 861 -0194. FY09 Senior Service Program The Senior Service Program asks participating taxpayers to work for the municipality in exchange for a reduction in their tax bill. Positions vary, the hours are flexible and are available at different sites including: the Schools, Cary Memorial Library, Town Hall, the Senior Center, Police Department, etc. • Applications are available through the Senior Services Department, and will be accepted for review through September 12, 2008. • Applicants must be 60 years of age or older and own property in Lexington that serves as their principle residence. • Gross income (including Social Security income) must not exceed $46,300 for single taxpayer or $ 52,950 for a couple. • The maximum credit a single taxpayer may earn is $935.00 including all withholdings per fiscal year. • Two people per household may participate in the program, earning a maximum of $1,190.00. For application forms, please contact Paula McGlynn at the Senior Center 781- 861 -0194. 12 LEXINGTON SENIOR CENTER NEWS SEPTEMBER 2008 Yoga for Health and Fitness, with Lisa Groves Fridays, 9:30 -10:35 a.m. Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26 $24.00 Oct. 3, 10 17 24 31 $30.00 Develop strength, flexibility, and balance, and improve over- all physical and mental well -being using time - honored yoga movements, postures, and breathing exercises. Exercises will be adapted to meet individual needs; all levels welcome. Please bring a blanket or yoga mat. Register with Senior Center receptionist. Class size is limited. T'ai Chi Class with William Barron Wednesdays, 1:30 -2:30 p.m. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24 $16.00 Oct. 1, 8 15 9 22 9 29 $20.00 Participants will be instructed and will perform exercises that warm up the muscles; promote body awareness; promote safety; loosen joints; improve energy efficiency; enhance breathing and oxidation capacity and improve posture. • Stretch & Bend - Large, popular stretching and limber- ing group offers support and instruction. The group meets Mondays through Fridays from 9-9:30 a.m. Free. • 60+ Fitness - Led by enthusiastic group members, this workout focuses on both upper and lower body muscle strengthening, using free weights and bands. Meets Mon- days, Wednesdays, & Fridays at 9:35 -10:30 a.m. All are welcome. Free. Donations are welcome. • Kripalu Yoga with Don Weikert - Kripalu yoga presents an opportunity to compassionately be with your body. You simply allow the instruction of the teacher within. We meet without judgment or exception. No previous yoga experience is necessary. Through guided centering, breathing, warm - ups, postures and relaxation, you become present to your own fullness. Please bring a pillow and a mat. Mondays 8:30 -9:45 a.m. $5 /session. Pay instructor. • Ping Pong - All welcome to join a game on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 1 -4 p.m. All levels. Free. • Pool - Open to all on a drop -in basis, as long as there is not another ongoing program in the fitness area. Free • Line Dancing with Sam O'Clair - Dancing is a great way to exercise! Come join the group for great music, fun dances and a group of people having a great time. Classes are every Thursday from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. $3.00 per session, please pay the receptionist. • The Evergreen Group - (Chinese Senior Support) We meet to talk about personal and family issues. Meets at the Senior Center the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 10:00 a.m. —11:45 p.m. • Parkinson's Support Group - Led by Art Sotak. The Parkinson's Disease support group will meet the 4th Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Senior Center in the Muzzey Room. • Bereavement &Friendship Group- Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. All are welcome, and no registration is necessary. 1 -2:30 pm. Please call Charlotte Rodgers or Barbara Deveau (781 - 861 -0195) to see if this group is appropriate for you. • Prostate Cancer Group - This group is for men who currently have prostate cancer or survivors who wish to share the knowledge they have gained with others. Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month, 1 - 2:30 pm. • Caregivers Group - Group meets 1 st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 1 –2:30 pm. A support group for caregivers of individu- als with memory impairment. The group is ongoing and there is no fee. If interested please call Charlie Zoeller at 781- 861 -8630 or Susan Moor at 781- 861 -9863 for an initial telephone intake. • SHINE - Counselors Rose Lerner or Rhoda Neidorf are available to help you with any aspect of your health insurance on Tuesdays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Call the Senior Center at 781- 861 -0194 to make an appointment. • Supportive Day Care - Provides a safe daytime environment for seniors who are having difficulty living independently, and respite for caregivers. Call Carolyn Griffith for further information at 781- 259 -1807.