HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-24 CONCOM-min MINUTES —LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMMISSION July 24, 2007 Commissioners present: Joyce Miller, Duke Bitsko, Stew Kennedy, Dick Wolk, Angela Frick Absent: Phil Hamilton, David Langseth Others present: Karen Mullins, Administrator, and Adam Bossi, Administrator Assistant Joyce Miller, Chair, opened the meeting at 7:33p.m. in room G -15, Town Office Building. 7:33 p.m. Hearin: 26 Ingleside Road, Present for owner /applicant: Brian Timm, Meridian Associates Scott Smyers, Oxbow Associates Stephen and Sabina Caron, owners /applicants Mr. Timm presented a plan, which included the construction of three minor additions, the removal of some of the existing driveway to mitigate for the increase in impervious area, and the addition of pervious patio treated as impervious for drainage calculations. Comments for the commission followed: Angela Frick wanted to know if the patio would be made of pervious material. Ms. Frick was concerned about the wetland impacts from this project in conjunction with the work being done at 24 Ingleside Road w and wanted a condition added that the patio be made more pervious. Joyce Miller was concerned about the bed of woodchips /mulch currently in the 25 -foot wetland buffer zone, and she feels they will end up in the wetland and would like to have them removed and the buffer zone be allowed to naturalize. Ms. Miller wanted a planting plan submitted. She also wanted clarification on the type of foundation that would be used for addition section A. Duke Bitsko asked if the commission was approving wetland lines as apart of decision. Ms. Miller answered that the commission was not approving the wetland boundary and only checked the delineation closest to the project limits. Mr. Bitsko also asked if the basketball hoop would be removed. Stew wanted to know how roof runoff was presently controlled. In response to Ms. Frick, Brian Timm said the patio would be made of paver stones set in stone dust, but can you use sand if the Commission wishes. In response to Ms. Miller in regards to foundation type, Mr. Timm said regardless of foundation type the disturbance to the area would be the same. In response to Mr. Bitsko, Mr. Timm replied that the basketball hoop would be removed. In response to Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Timm said roof runoff was controlled using one down spout that channeled runoff onto the driveway. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 5 -0 in favor. 7:48 p.m. Hearin: 39 Le&�elawn Avenue, Page 1 of 4 MINUTES - LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMMISSION MEETING July 24, 2007 Present for owner /applicant: Scott Smyers, Oxbow Associates Brian Timm, Meridian Associates Richard Jensen and Farzana Khatri, Owner /applicant Scott Smyers presented a plan to construct an addition with an attached deck and install an infiltration system. During the presentation Mr. Smyers identified the stream running behind the house as North Lexington Brook a perennial stream per USGS map and thus the project falls under riverfront regulations. Ms. Miller read Mike Flamang's engineering response dated July 24, 2007 into record. Comments from commission followed: Stew Kennedy asked where test pit locations were performed and what was the separation from groundwater. Dick Wolk asked what part of roof was directed to the infiltration system. Duke Bitsko wanted assurance that future plantings would be noninvasive, because of the impact invasive plants would have on the entire river corridor. Angela Frick emphasized the importance of the river and how important it was to protect it. Brian Timm responded to the commissioners' comments by stating that the plan showed the separation from ground water was two feet and that the entire roof drainage was directed to the infiltration system to provide increased recharge during smaller storm events. Motion made and seconded to close hearing, 5 -0 in favor. 8:00 P.M. Hearin: 28 Dewev Road, Present for owner /applicant: Wenjun Cao, Carr Research Laboratories Scott Goddard, Carr Research Laboratories Deepak Mohapatra, Owner /applicant Mr. Mohapatra explained existing conditions and drainage issues (runoff and erosion issues from street runoff). Ms. Cao explained drainage plan. Comments from commission followed: Duke Bitsko asked if there would be a chance for the stormwater runoff to flow past the trench based on grading and location of trench. Dick Wolk asked for clarification regarding how this plan will change existing poor drainage conditions and is not convinced that the proposed plan will address current situation. Ms. Cao responded to Mr. Bitsko that there was a chance for stormwater runoff to bypass the proposed infiltration trench because the trench does not extend along the entire rear edge of the driveway since the driveway extends on to the adjacent lot. Mr. Goddard explained to Mr. Wolk that water runoff needed to be redirected from current flow path and a more detailed plan would be reflected in the landscape plan to be submitted prior to commencing work. Page 2 of 4 MINUTES - LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMMISSION MEETING July 24, 2007 Motion made and seconded to close hearing, 5 -0 in favor. 8:25 p.m. Meeting: 15 Independence Avenue, Present for owner /applicant: Roger Washburn, Landscape Architect Peter Gammi, Engineer Roger Washburn and Peter Gammi presented a plan to connect to municipal storm water drainage system. The description of project included explanation of current drainage problems where basement floods, and of proposed plan to install two infiltration systems and redirect stormwater runoff to them with an overflow connection to the municipal drainage system. Ms. Miller read Mike Flamang's engineering response dated July 24, 2007 into the record. Comments from the commission and staff followed: Administrator Mullins pointed out for the Commission that she was concerned whether the amount of runoff directed to each infiltration system would be evenly distributed as it appeared more runoff was directed to the front system, yet it was sized the same as the side system. She also inquired of the engineer whether he performed soil evaluations to evaluate estimated seasonal high groundwater elevations versus just observing and using groundwater elevations at time of site visit. Duke Bitsko suggested adding another infiltration system to avoid connecting to the municipal drainage system. Dick Wolk concurred with Mr. Bitsko's recommendation and also suggested the driveway remain gravel. Comments from the audience followed: Abutter David Kelland of 884 Massachusetts Avenue stated that Vine Brook ran through a pipe under his backyard. The municipal drain flowed into Vine Brook and Mr.Kelland was concerned whether the existing town drain pipe could handle the added volume of water without causing a surcharge of the piped brook on his property In response to Administrator Mullins' comments, Mr. Gammi could not ensure that the infiltration systems were each sized to handle the amount of flow directed to them since he did not perform a detailed analysis of the amount of square footage that would be directed to each. He could ensure that overall the systems collectively were sized to handle the flows. It appears that there are two outstanding issues for the applicant to address: 1. Town engineer follow -up regarding abutter's pipe capacity concern, and 2. Runoff distribution analysis and add a chamber if necessary. Motion made and seconded to continue to August 7,2007 at applicant's representative's request, 5 -0 in favor. Page 3 of 4 MINUTES - LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMMISSION MEETING July 24, 2007 9:05 p.m. Hearin: 177 Grove Street, Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to an unspecified date at applicant's request, 5 -0 in favor. Once supplemental information is received, a new ad will be placed in the paper and a new abutters notification will be sent containing the continued hearing date information. 9:07 p.m. Project updates: • Avalon Bay- Adam visited site today and many issues still not addressed. (Commission will visit during 8/7 meeting site visits) • Sheraton- Adam Bossi was unable to conduct site visit today, but will follow up with site visit next week. Commission supports administration in issuing stop work orders if deemed necessary. Respectfully submitted by, Louise Vinci Department Clerk Page 4 of 4