Commissioners present: Joyce Miller, Dave Langseth, Duke Bitsko, Stew Kennedy, Dick Wolk,
Angela Frick
Absent: Phil Hamilton
Others present: Karen Mullins, Administrator, Adam Bossi, Assistant Administrator, and Louise
Vinci, Department Clerk
Joyce Miller, Chair, opened the meeting at 7:35p.m. in room G -15, Town Office Building.
7:35 p.m. Meeting: RDA, Pleasant Street,
Present for the applicant /owners: Brett Mason, Oxbow Associates
Mr. Mason presented a plan to reinstall about 1,000 ft. of 4 -inch gas conduit along
the southern side of Pleasant Street. David Langseth had concerns that sediment
could erode into catch basins. Mr. Mason responded by stating that no soil would
be stock piled overnight. Administrator Mullins suggested erosion controls in
catch basins near area of work, and demarcation of staging areas during pre -
construction meeting.
Motion made and seconded for negative determination with standard conditions
and conditions as identified during the meeting, 6 -0 in favor.
7:45 p.m. Meeting: RDA, Grandview Avenue,
Present for the applicant /owner: Mary Trudeau, Wetland Consultant,
David Remero, Commonwealth Engineering,
David Burns, applicant /owner
Ms. Trudeau presented a plan for the construction of three single- family dwellings
and connection of the drainage to municipal storm water drainage system.
Comments from commissioners: David Langseth asked if the new street catch
basins would drain into infiltrator system. When Ms. Trudeau said that they did,
Mr. Langseth commented that the plan needed details with elevations showing
how the overflow from the new infiltrator system connected to the existing
municipal system. Condition to include in permit: revise and submit plan with
details of overflow connections. Duke Bitsko asked if all the infiltrator systems
would have inspection and maintenance ports. Conditions to include in permit: 1.
Provide at least two inspection ports with risers and covers to grade in each
system and 2. Maintain annual inspection and maintenance logs and submit
evidence of maintenance to the Conservation Office on an annual basis. Stew
Kennedy asked about grading to prevent runoff from impervious surfaces flowing
to adjacent properties. David Burns responded by stating that the special permit,
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requires limited clearing of land. He also identified a leaching trench that would
be installed up gradient of the property line of the abutting neighbors to intercept
any surface flows that may discharge to this area.
Motion made and seconded to issue negative determination with standard erosion
and drainage conditions as well as inclusion of the three additional conditions
identified during the meeting, 6 -0 in favor.
8:00 P.M. Meeting: RDA, 27 Slocum Road,
Present for the applicant /owner: Richard Kirby, LEC Environmental Consultants,
Tim Lee, Tim Lee Architecture
Richard Kirby presented a plan that includes the construction of three stone
patios, stone walkways, the removal of several trees and the relocation of other
plants. Ms. Miller read a report submitted by Mike Flamang, Lexington Town
Engineer, into record.
Comments from the commissioners: David Langseth asked if any drainage
calculations were provided. He also asked the total amount of impervious surface
proposed. Mr. Kirby responded that drainage calculations had not been provided
and that 1,800 sf of impervious surface was proposed. Mr. Langseth questioned if
a NOI filing would be needed. Joyce Miller expressed concern about the effect of
removing so many large trees would have on the water table. Mr. Kirby said that
new trees with at least a 2" caliber would be planted. Mr. Bitsko was also
concerned about the amount of impervious surface proposed and the fact that no
drainage calculations were provided. The commissioners discussed whether there
was a need for a NOI filing, and determined a RDA filing would be appropriate as
long as drainage calculations supporting the proposal were provided.
Motion made and seconded to continue the meeting at the request of the
applicant's representative to July 10, 2007 in order to submit drainage
8:20 p.m. Cont. Meeting: RDA, 710 Marrett Road,
Present for the applicant: Ken Leach, Environmental Engineer, District 4,
Andrea Nortin, Wetland Division, Mass Highway
Administrator Mullins updated the commission about additional information that
was provided to show the project requirements by Department of Environmental
Protection. Mr. Kennedy outlined discussion held during the site visit regarding
the fact that amount and limits of removal would depend on how much waste
needed to be removed. Mr. Wolk asked if the project would be contracted out and
was concerned by Mass. Highways history of letting contractors not complete
projects or comply in a timely manner. Ms. Miller wants a bond, and a
preconstruction meeting written into conditions.
Motion made and seconded negative determination with standard erosion control
and contamination remediation conditions as well as a condition regarding
submittal of a performance bond that includes the Lexington Conservation
Commission as a party in addition to Mass Highway, 6 -0 in favor.
8:30 p.m. Hearin: NOI, 201 Bedford Street,
Present for the applicant: Nicholas Wildman, The Bioengineering Group
Steve Doucelle, Project Engineer
Jeff Alberti, Weston and Sampson
Duke Bitsko identified for the record that he is special employee for the town with
regards to him being a consultant for the DPW facility and being a member of the
Conservation Commission, and thus, he is recusing himself from participation in
the hearing. After this statement, Mr. Bitsko left the room.
Nick Wildman presented the plan for a new DPW building. During his
presentation he identified the resource areas and identified the goals of the
project. Mr. Wildman addressed the many aspects of the project comparing the
existing to proposed conditions. Some of the aspects covered included the
• Impervious surface reduced by 30,000 sf., including a 25,000 sf reduction
within the 100' riparian zone.
• Stormwater management measures which meet Wetland Protection Act
requirements for rate and quality, and town requirements for quality and
peak but not volume.
• Rooftop stormwater runoff management including bioretention basins, a
greenroof, and subsurface holding tank and reuse system.
• Parking area stormwater runoff management including porous pavement,
created wetlands, and water quality swale.
• Salt and sand stormwater treatment.
• Bank and Buffer zone maintenance and enhancement.
• Snow management plan for operation and maintenance of the proposed
• Stormwater systems maintenance.
• Lighting plan to reduce light impact off site.
Comments from commission: David Langseth complimented the designers for
their great efforts. Mr. Langseth had two questions regarding the drainage which
he identified for the record and were emailed and received by the design team
prior to the meeting. Steve Doucelle responded to Mr. Langseth's questions. 1.
The proposal slows the peak rate to the Bedford Street pipe- reduced hydrograph.
Mr. Langseth in turn asked what drains to Bedford Street under present
conditions, and said he would like a comparison of existing drainage plan and
proposed drainage plan, with rough calculations (not a detailed survey) between
current and proposed. 2. The proposal treats higher pollutant loads from the Gas
area, wash area, and salt and sand storage area as required by the stormwater
management standards. Mr. Langseth responded that this does not answer his
question as his question related to sizing of the treatment systems that receive
runoff from the high pollutant load areas to achieve the required 1 -inch treatment
requirement. He wants to review details of each section, and not just numbers for
the overall area. A basin by basin removal chart for the 3 area is needed.
Ms. Frick asked for a definition of the term "green building ", and said she would
like to see rainwater on the site reused. Janet Slanentce, the project architect,
responded by saying rainwater was being reused on the site for DPW activities
such as in wash bays. Ms. Frick asked what measure would be taken to prevent
salt from being washed into the resource areas. Ms. Slanentce answered that the
salt shed would be covered and moved farther away from resource area, and two
settling forebays would be constructed to slow down and treat storm water runoff
Stew Kennedy asked how they planned to eradicate Japanese Knotweed. Nick
Wildman replied that it would be removed by hand, and the area would be heavily
seeded. Mr. Kennedy also asked if the DPW would be connected to the
Minuteman Bikeway. Mr. Wildman said that it would, and Phil Ponelli, Chair
Permanent Building Committee (PBC), commented that bathrooms would be
available for public use. Dick Wolk asked if consultants would be available
throughout the project to ensure that project would be designed as proposed. Mr.
Wildman answered that all the project design consultants are under contract
throughout the project. Condition of Order: Bioengineering Group must monitor
project to completion. Joyce Miller read letter submitted by M. R. Goodrich, an
abutter to the project, outlining his concerns with contamination. Mr. Alberti
responded that testing had been done and reported to the Department of
Environmental Protection, and it had been determined that there was no risk. Mr.
Goodrich asked if the expectations were that contamination levels were not as
significant as once perceived. Mr. Alberti replied that yes, but that measures were
in place for the contractor to notify the Licensed Site Professional (LSP) if
something were to be discovered during the project. Mr. Goodrich stated he was
pleased with the follow up provided this evening and satisfied with the
consultant's responses.
Motion was made and seconded to close the hearing, 5 -0 in favor. (Mr. Bitsko
recused himself from the hearing and was not present in the room.)
9:28p.m. Cont. Hearin: NOI, 177 Grove Street, Rayvon Realty Trust, 3 -lot cluster
development (201 -705, BL 662) Motion made and seconded to continue the
hearing to July 10, 2007 at applicant's representative's request, 6 -0 in favor.
9:30 p.m. 1075 Waltham Street, Lot I IA
Present for the owner /applicant: Ernie Rogers, owner /applicant; Mark Beaudry, Meridian
Applicant's representative presented a revised plan of minor changes to a
previously approved plan. Changes included, lighting changes, ATM canopy
position shift, plantings, additional HC parking, additional sidewalk, moved
infiltrator system, and additional sewer pump station.
Comments from the commissioners: Mr. Bitsko would like applicant to consider
reevaluating 3 lights along wetlands to prevent /reduce foot - candles to zero within
the 25 foot wetland buffer.
Motion made and seconded to allow plan change with request to reevaluate the
lighting plan, 6 -0 in favor.
9:50 p.m. Issue Order of Conditions, 9 Village Circle, reviewed draft and added condition:
Submit roof detail showing slopes and downspout connections. Motion made and
seconded to issue Order as drafted and revised, 6 -0 in favor.
9:55 p.m. Issue Certificate of Compliance, 69 Hancock Street, Motion made and seconded
to issue Full Certificate of Compliance with listing of on -going conditions, 6 -0 in
10:00 P.M. Mr. Wolk and Ms. Miller highlighted events from June 21 meeting with
Community Preservation Committee and Planning Board. Mr. Wolk submitted e-
mail from Aaron Henry and his response.
10:10 P.M. Issue Order of Conditions, 4 Maguire Road, Motion made and seconded to issue
Order of Conditions as drafted, 6 -0 in favor.
Goals: The Commission discussed potential goals that they would like to
accomplish over the next couple of years to forward to the Board of Selectmen in
preparation of their goal setting session. The Commission adopted the following
three goals as key areas to focus on:
• Trail maintenance and construction.
• Complete comprehensive Land Management Plan.
• Develop stream management program.
10:30 p.m. Motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted by,
Louise Vinci
Department Clerk