HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-19-BOH-min Lexington Board of Health Meeting, September 19, 2007 Ellen Stone Room, Cary Memorial Hall, Lexington, MA 02420 BOH Attendees: Wendy Heiger-Bernays, Chair; Deborah Thompson; Sharon MacKenzie; Burt Perlmutter Community Development Attendees: Kathy Fox, Karen Mullins, Ann Belliveau, Sarah White, Rebecca Williams Public: Judy Crocker of the Harrington School Community Heiger-Bernays called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The Board reviewed the data reports and Public Health Nurse update. The Board reviewed the minutes of August 8, 2007. MacKenzie motioned to accept the minutes as corrected. Thompson seconded. All approved. The Board reviewed the August data reports and Public Health Nurse Reports. The BOH prompted Fox on a number of issues: ?? Fox advised the Board of Via Lago’s plan to install new refrigeration upstairs in mid- October to hold sandwiches before transporting. They recently submitted a plan to Fox. Tabbi will inspect Via Lago after refrigeration units have been installed to make sure they are following the plan. Fox will prepare a plan before spring for all caterers to follow. The caterers will submit documentation to Fox as to how they are transporting food and what are they using to keep the food at proper temperature. Fox will check their delivery vehicles. ?? Fox will inspect Lemon Grass this month and check filtration system to see no impact from Battle Green demolition. Vinny T’s had already been inspected before demo took place. ?? Fox will get a list to the Fire Chief of all “high grease-using” restaurants to alert the fire department of potential hazards. Judy Crocker submitted a letter to the Board expressing concern for the safety and welfare of the children at the Harrington Elementary School with the proposed storage and operation of DPW vehicles on the Harrington School campus. Prior to the meeting, Ms. Crocker was informed by the DPW Director, William Hadley, that the vehicles will not be stored at the facility. With the passing of the anti-idling bylaw, Heiger-Bernays would like education for municipal vehicles to be a high priority. In addition, Heiger- Bernays asked Crocker whether the Hg storage shed was still located on the Harrington premises after Fox had been told that it would be removed. It is still located at the school and should be moved as it poses an attractive nuisance. Article 16 – Anti-Idling Bylaw - The Attorney General’s Office rejected the fine schedule of the bylaw. It now is like the State’s bylaw where the fines fall under traffic violations. Only a moving violation can be issued. Nuisance Regulations – Lead Paint - As a result of several complaints against painting contractors not taking the proper precautions for the removal of lead paint, Williams will draft an article to be attached to all building permits advising contractors of the State lead regulations and proper containment. The article should also appear in THE LEXINGTON MINUTEMAN. as well as the paint stores in the town. Confidentiality Policy and Procedure – Rebecca Williams, PHN proposed a confidentiality policy and procedure for the Board to along with a confidential fax cover sheet. Williams also recommended that the TB disease reports should not indicate gender, age, residence, etc. All attending Board members signed an individual confidentiality statement. EDS Update - Sarah White informed the Board that 90% of the EDS draft is complete and the 90% remaining to be done needs to be completed by the departments who will be actually participating. White suggested having the Flu Pandemic Committee review the document. Then, she recommended having a tabletop exercise utilizing a call down list, communication plan and external communications plan. The tabletop exercise can be ½ day and participants should have time to review. Mullins will forward the draft to the Planning Committee. White suggested having all the groups who will be participating in this plan focus on whether their assigned roles are feasible and if they agree with the direction of the plan is going. They will also need to agree on how the incident command team will be mobilized. Mullins will ask the Planning Committee to set up a meeting and Sarah White should attend. MRC Update - Doris Moore updated the Board on the status of the Medical Reserve Corp. She explained that there was a great paper turnout but a pool turnout for training meetings. Moore recommended having two informational meetings. The Executive Committee will be up and running to carry on. The MRC volunteer mailing will probably not go out until the beginning of 2008 in possibly the tax bill to residents. FY09 Budget – Mullins informed the Board that the budget is due on October 26 for FY09. It will be level service budget with program improvements. Mullins posed to the Board about being creative and instead of asking for a full-time inspector, recommending monies for a part-time inspector to help during extremely busy times of the year or during vacation. New Health Director Status: second interviews with the candidates are scheduled for this week. The BOH will be kept apprised of the situation. MacKenzie motioned to adjourn. Perlmutter seconded. All approved.