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MOTION: <br /> Moved by Mr Kern. Seconded by Ms. Zimmerman to find 346 Concord Ave is not preferably <br /> preserved. <br /> VOTE: <br /> Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kern and Ms. Zimmerman in favor <br /> 3-0 <br /> AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:30PM) <br /> Public hearing regarding full building demolition of the home located at 332 Concord Avenue. <br /> APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: <br /> Paul Reardon <br /> ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: <br /> None <br /> DOCUMENT (S): <br /> -Letter from the nephew of the home owner, Paul Reardon stating the condition of the home <br /> -Home inspection report <br /> -Photographs of the property <br /> -Plot plan <br /> SUMMARY: <br /> Mr. Reardon discussed the conditions of the house and why he would like to get approval for <br /> demolition. He also requests that the house be removed from the Historical registry. Applying <br /> for both dwellings to be demolished. <br /> HC COMMENTS: <br /> The commission found that the reasons for demolition are appropriate. House is significant but <br /> not preferably preserved. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS: <br /> None <br /> VOTE: <br /> Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kern, Ms. Zimmerman, Ms. Fenollosa <br /> 4-0 <br />