HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-07-19-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 191h 2017 Call to Order: A public meeting of the Historical Commission was held in the Parker Room of Lexington Town Hall located at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. The meeting convened at 7:30PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: David Kelland, Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa and Diane Pursley, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:30 PM) Public hearing on the partial building demolition located at 38 Somerset Road. APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Richard and Lisa Glenn, Homeowners Paul Curtis, Architect ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Photos of existing house Plans of proposed addition dating July 19'h 2017 SUMMARY: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn purchased the home in 2013, they really appreciated the historic character of the home. The Glenn family currently have a small kitchen, little storage and the home is not efficient with heating. The garage and deck are falling apart. The Glenn family would like to add an addition to the back of the house. They want to expand the kitchen over the deck and create a two car garage. They also want to put a master bedroom over the kitchen. This addition will not be visible to the street. They are committed to preserving the style of the home and its integrity. The Architect, Mr. Curtis went over the plans with the commission. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow mentioned his delight to see such a well thought out design. He felt the design was good and very respectful of the historical character of the house. Ms. Pursley agreed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Ms. Fenollosa that we permit the partial demolition at 38 Somerset Road based on the plans dated July 19th 2017. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. VOTE: 5-0 Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Doran in favor AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:49 PM) Discussion on 110 Shade Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Holly Cratsley, Architect Nashawtuc Architects ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Photos of existing home Original Proposed plans Site plan SUMMARY: Ms. Cratsley come forward to the commission to discuss 110 Shade Street. Originally they were proposing a free standing garage which was allowed in the preservation restriction. Ms. Cratsley went out to bid last June, and the bids came out at about $500,000 for a 25 foot square 2 car garage. The homeowner has not gone forward with the project at this time, they cannot invent in that kind of money. She wanted to talk to the commission about what might be possible. The project was approved but the materials she had promised to use are very expensive so she is looking for some alternatives. She has no definite plans and just wants an idea of where to go from here. HC COMMENTS: The commission discussed whether or not this project is in their purview. Ms. Fenollosa read over page 32 of the Historic Preservation Restriction which noted: "Under the preservation restriction, such changes must be reviewed by the Grantee and their impact on the historic integrity of the premise assessed." "Not applicable as Restricted Property is limited to the exterior Facades and roof of the Restricted Property, and the preservation restriction expressly excludes the Future Garage from the Restricted Property. Notwithstanding the exclusion of the Future Garage from the Restricted Property, the construction of the Future Garage(i) shall not destroy historic materials of the Restricted Property, (ii) shall be differentiated from the Restricted Property, while being compatible with the massing size, scale and architectural features of the Restricted Property as reasonably determined by the Grantor and (iii) shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed I the future, the essential form and integrity of the Restricted Property would be impaired." Ms. Fenollosa explained this is why Ms. Cratsley is back here in front of the commission, because the garage was going to be attached to the house. The board went over the photos of the home and the site plan. The commission mentioned to the architect that they would entertain seeing new plans/revisions especially if it's not connected to the house. It has to be compatible with the home, not match. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None AGENDA ITEM #3 (8:05 PM) Discussion on 11 Vine Brook Road Ms. Pursley discussed with the Commission that, after researching the Estabrook Family homes in Lexington with her daughter, she drove by 11 Vine Brook Road and saw that the house appeared neglected and abandoned. The house was built around 1800 and records show it was owned by Abigail Estabrook per Form B 4680. As of July 19, 2017, the window opening on the top level floor of the home had no covering and was open to the elements of weather and wildlife, there was overgrown landscaping and additional evidence of neglect in the back of the house. Ms. Pursley requested the Commission consider proceeding with the demolition by neglect clause in the Demolition Delay bylaw. Ms. Fenollosa reviewed the definition of demolition by neglect and what steps the Commission can take next. Mr. Doran agreed the historical significance of the house warranted an inspection and was glad this property was brought to the Commission's attention. Mr. Kelland said we need to write this letter to the Building Commissioner and the owner and start the process. Ms. Pursley moved that we notify the Building Commissioner and owner that we believe the building is significant and currently being neglected. Seconded by Ms. Fenollosa. 5-0 David Kelland, Chair, Marilyn Fenollosa and Diane Pursley, Wendall Kalsow, Samuel Doran in favor. Ms. Pursley agreed to write the letter and send it to the Building Commissioner. AGENDA ITEM #4 UPDATES (8:15 PM) Mr. Kelland wanted to discuss procedures with the commission. 1. He discussed if there was a need for a Historic District Commission member to serve as their liaison. He had a candidate that was willing to serve. Ms. Fenollosa mentioned that we cannot appoint a member to the Historic District Commission. The commission did mention they are in need of one more member of their own and should start thinking about who should serve. Mr. Doran mentioned he would be interested in moving up from an alternate to a member. Mr. Doran also has someone he would like to speak with that may be interested in joining the commission. Mr. Kelland then went over the building permit process in relation to the Historical Commission. Fred Lonardo, the Building Commissioner spoke with Mr. Kelland informing him he is able to issue a building permit to anyone anytime and can issue and extension to anyone at any time. The commission all expressed their concerns regarding this. Ms. Fenollosa spoke with Carol Kowalski, head of Land Use, Health and Development Department asking if she was aware of the situation. Ms. Kowalski wants to see what other towns are doing and also research the bylaw in more detail. Mr. Kelland asked the commission that Ms. Kowalski and Mr. Lonardo work this situation out. The final item Mr. Kelland discussed was ruling/procedures. If a person comes in for a demo permit, if we approve it then issue is over. If we deny it and vote the issue is over. In the past we have said to people you can come back at another meeting and present further evidence. The change is if we deny, that is the end of the story. If the applicant wants to come back to the commission then it has to be advertised, a whole new hearing, unless we continue it to another date. Mr. Kelland discussed the strong criticism that was brought to his attention on design review. For example the roofline change that came forward last month. Mr. Kalsow was going to speak with the Architect to go over plans. Mr. Kelland feels that it is not design review but educational function to offer expertise to the applicant on an appropriate design that preserves and protects the architectural character of the historical homes. We have to be careful that we consider the impact on the historical and architectural character of the building and not the design. The commission was all in agreement. 2.-Ms. Fenollosa is giving a draft and asked the board if there is anything else the board should get recognition for. Every year Ms. Fenollosa writes a report to the Massachusetts Historical Commission because we are a Certified Local Government (CLG). In that report Ms. Fenollosa list some of the activities that the commission has done. In August Ms. Fenollosa will give a draft of what she has written for the next meeting and see what else should be added. Have we received any 106 applications? Mr. Kalsow recalls something from Hanscom Field. Also being listed is our participation on Turning Mill, Byron and Lockwood. 3. Ms. Pursley updated the Commission on the status of the Turning Mill NCD. She said she received feedback from the staff and two questions were raised. -Where is it stated in the enabling NCD bylaw that properties included in an NCD and on the cultural resource list would not be subject to the Demo Delay bylaw? Ms. Fenollosa said she believed the provision was in the bylaw at the end. She will follow-up with Ms. Pursley after the meeting. -Whether or not the NCD would need to be filed with the Registry of Deeds? Ms. Fenollosa said no. AGENDA ITEM #6 (9:04 PM) Vote to accept meeting minutes dated May 17th 2017 and June 21st 2017 Moved by Ms. Fenollosa that we approve the minutes dated May 17th 2017 and June 2l't 2017 as presented with minor changes from Mr. Kaslow and Ms. Pursley. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow. 4-0 Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa and Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kalsow in favor, with Mr. Doran abstaining. AGENDA ITEM #6 (9:06 PM) Adjourn