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7'tc. • /~iu.~dr~ <br /> H1~Id AI:3'~tIC'PH Cfl)il~SBi01a <br /> T~ Ftistaa?ia 9istsriots Cisariarrs ~auld a zasst~.s~gR ao3 ~trrdlbasday, <br /> September 19b9, at ?s~ <br /> ersbpreserat wear Go~ai,~aiozseaors*~filbur ~gfia• <br /> <br /> Building, La~ingtoa, <br /> Jaquith, Chairmtn,s t~aroirge C#raeres sad ibex H. Straw and Assaeiate <br /> Connnissiaaers (~aorge W. 8~sexy, F'ranklis: C. Hudson and S, Laeirrenco <br /> ~Yhipple. F):ne to Ltse absense eat` Secretary Philip Par•otss, upon <br /> <br /> ~sotion daily mt+le assd sMOt9tfdi!!, it eras esxsassimou#ly YOTED thin Casunis- <br /> siasesr t3raves rsrxe as secretary, Pro ~ssnpare :for the mosti~g. Th® <br /> Chairman: advieted the members thals Cammissianer Muth t~. Haven had. <br /> tendered ~r resignatian 1'rata tkms Consaissiaas, •ffecbive 3eptwmbar 1, <br /> 1469. The Chairraats presented the fallowing bills <br /> Hatscaok Press ~9~.l~1 <br /> , <br /> Upos3 motion duly mode and seavnded, it eras uasanimausly YOTgD to pro- <br /> caas the bill ftar paymen#. <br /> Tiearirtg was held at ?s45 P.k• an the appliaatio~a. of Lexingtata <br /> Savings Bank far a Car#ificate of Appropriateness with respect to <br /> ahangea in the ex#arior arahitecttural features oP th® frost sad rear <br /> entrances of the building at ].7?b.Massaahusetls Aeenue which is within <br /> the Battle Q~reen Diatz~i<st. ~Phe Chairman re ac! the ziatiee of hearing. ecsd <br /> the letter of applicatipn. l~r. ~dwrrd S~unaase, ~'aeeo~stive Vioe•Preeident <br /> of the ~3.atsk anQ C. Ffarry 8'ribksan, Arahiteat, appeared. i~r. Hricksan <br /> presented scale drawings'af each of #hs:entrattees, photographs of Lheir <br /> loss#ians and brochure piatti~ring the ityps of"doors to be installed. <br /> After disausreian, upset s~©tioa duly a and •aeoszdeeit it was unaa3- <br /> <br /> mauel:~ YCY~~'D to issue a Certifia~?te ~o i~h~ appYi~sanb. Ho ether persons <br /> having appeared, litre hearing- eras closed at 8s05 P.t~. <br /> Adjourned hearing w,?s held at 8115 P.M. an the application of <br /> Associated Pstabee, Inns, with reapeab ba the demoliticra or removal of <br /> the building at lb2&-1b~2 iiassachusetts Avazsus uzd the a~reetian of a <br /> now building oa said ps~essises, b~. Farl Garmeaex sad Alrr. P'ritxell of <br /> the fizem appeared acid discussion eras held on iihs set~bactc of the slaw <br /> btaiiding and variations in thf archit®stural plena. <br /> After dieausslan, upon aaairion duly maQe anal aeaonded, it was ua- <br /> anisnously YOTEI7 to issue a CertiiYaate of Appropriatezsaas to Paul <br /> Nicholson approving change its color of blixtds on the dwelling at.a406 <br /> Maesachuaetts Avexsue frrma dark green to black. Upon rttatian duly made <br /> stsd sec~bttdad, if was ussatsimc>sulq YEfTE.D tha# the Chairman be authorised <br /> to confi~a to gr. tiiahalson, in writin~, the feelinsg flf the Coscraissioss <br /> boat in view o3' the Building Iaspac#or s opinices ree~oval is1~ authorised <br /> under Bastion b of the Historic Districts Act scut clan be remavod with- <br /> out a hearixag. In the ovetst tha# any portion is recsanatruc-fed in style <br /> diff'iorent Pram that at presetst, a hearing would be needed Tor they <br /> aanstruc~ian oP #hs paa~ah. <br /> The meeting was aa~D~rned at 11s15 P.M. <br /> t3eot?ga g. t~reves <br /> Secretary, Pro Tempare <br /> <br />