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PLANNING BOARD MINUTES <br />MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 1984 <br />The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was <br />called to order at 7:43 p.m., by the Chairman Mrs. Smith with members Sorensen <br />and Flemings and Planning Director Bowyer present. Mr. Cripps and Mrs. Uhrig <br />were absent. <br />223. INTERPRETATION OF ZONING <br />Attorney Stephen Anderson was present for an explanation of the educational use <br />exemption contained in Section 2 of Chapter 40A. The interpretation is important <br />for the facility to house mentally retarded adults on the lot on Hill Street <br />(Articles 4-5) and the hotel -conference center proposed for the Minuteman School <br />(Article 7) of the Special Town Meeting. <br />Mr. Anderson said that the educational use of property is exempt; the facility <br />must still conform with dimensional requirements, off-street parking requirements <br />and the like provided those requirements are not so restrictive as to affect the <br />location of the use. The test which the courts have used is whether the dominant <br />activity is educational. In a case involving the city of Fitchburg Housing <br />Authority, which has striking similarities to the proposed facility on Hill <br />Street, the court determined that the education of mentally retarded adults was <br />the dominant activity and the fact that it was a residential accommodation was <br />incidental. The definition of education in Massachusetts statute and case law is <br />very broad. In a case in the Town of Lenox, the court struck down a very well - <br />drafted special permit provision, because it affected the ability of the educa- <br />tional use to be located in a particular zoning district, although the court did <br />recognize that traditional dimensional and physical requirements would be valid. <br />Mr. Anderson was not aware of any case in which a profit-making commercial use <br />existed as a lessee of a public agency but he will look further. <br />DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREET <br />224. Hazel Road: CUS 84/2, Map 88, Lot 35: Mr. Bowyer reported that he had <br />discussed the Hazel Road situation with Town Engineer Francis Fields, whose <br />opinion is that the proposed construction will improve a substandard situation. <br />He recognizes that the grade is steep and would not be permitted in new construc- <br />tion. It is not likely that the grade will be changed because the Town has <br />recently installed a sewer at the minimal acceptable depth in order to avoid <br />extensive blasting. Lowering the grade would require reconstruction of the sewer <br />which would be prohibitively expensive. He thought that site lines and other <br />traffic considerations were adequate. <br />Mr. Sorensen moved and Mrs. Flemings seconded, that the grade and construction of <br />Hazel Road would be acceptable if the improvements were made. Mrs. Flemings and <br />Mrs. Smith voted in favor of the motion; Mr. Sorensen against it. It was not <br />clear whether a 2-1 vote was sufficient to constitute a favorable action by the <br />Board. Mr. Bowyer will check with the Town Clerk on that point. <br />At 8:35 p.m., the Board recessed to attend a meeting of the Board of Selectmen at <br />which a presentation on the status of North Lexington traffic improvements was to <br />be made. At 10:20 p.m., the Board reconvened. <br />