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PLANNING BOARD MINUTES <br />MEETING OF JULY 11, 1983 <br />The meeting of the Lexington <br />called to order at 7:33 p.m. <br />Sorensen, Uhrig and Planning <br />Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was <br />by the Chairman, Mrs. Smith, with members Nichols, <br />Director Bowyer present. Mrs. Flemings was absent. <br />129. MUZZEY SCHOOL CONVERSION <br />The Board reviewed a letter from Kirk Noyes dated July 5, 1983 relative to the inclu- <br />sion of additional three bedroom units and the pricing of units. On the motion of <br />Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously that the change pro- <br />posed is acceptable and that alternative #1, which spreads the cost of the three bed- <br />room units among all units, is preferred. Mrs. Smith commented that it is important <br />to keep the units for families, i.e., the three bedroom units, affordable. <br />130. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />The minutes of the meeting of June 20, 1983 were corrected and on the motion of Mr. <br />Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig,were approved, as corrected, by a vote of 3-0. Mrs. <br />Nichols abstained because she was not present at that meeting. <br />PLANS NOT REQUIRING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL <br />131. Pelham Road, Sister Mary Sears, SGM: Form A-83/3: Mr. Bowyer presented a new <br />plan dated July 8, 1983 in which the line separating proposed lot 2 from lot 1 had <br />been straightened leaving 39.13 feet of frontage on Pelham Road. Additional notes <br />had been placed on the plan stating that lot 2 did not comply with the lot frontage <br />requirement and that the land would be adjoined with other land of Gray Nuns Chari- <br />ties Inc. Mr. Sorensen suggested that if the applicants wanted to show lot 2 as <br />being joined to other land of the Gray Nuns, they should submit a plan showing all <br />of the other land. After discussion, it was agreed to take no action on the revised <br />plan and to seek the advice of Town Counsel. Roger Corbin, acting in behalf of the <br />applicant, withdrew the plan from consideration so that the fourteen day statutory <br />period would not be in effect. <br />132. 73 Grassland Street, Paul Valihura: Form A-83/4: On the motion of Mr. Soren- <br />sen, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, the Board voted 2-0, with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nichols <br />abstaining, to affirm a vote taken by a telephone poll on June 23, 1983, that the <br />plan of land at 73 Grassland Street does not require approval under the Subdivision <br />Control Law. In that poll, Mrs. Flemings, Mr. Sorensen and Mrs. Uhrig voted in <br />favor; it was not possible to reach Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nichols was out of the <br />country. The motion to reaffirm the vote failed to obtain the three votes necessary. <br />133. 83 Pleasant Street, Gerald Mimno: Form A-83/5: The Board reviewed a plan of <br />the Mimno estate at 73 Pleasant Street. Gerald Mimno explained that his intent was <br />to maintain the estate appearance while subdividing eventually into three lots. He <br />explained that a common driveway would be used to avoid breaking up an attractive <br />stone wall into separate driveways. Mr. Sorensen expressed concern that the Board's <br />approval may imply a driveway may be used for access to two lots. Such proposals <br />have been presented to the Town often without the sufficient frontage this property <br />has. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted 3-0, with <br />Mrs. Uhrig not voting: <br />1) The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.," dated July 8, 1983, <br />by Barnes Engineering Company Inc., of Auburndale, Mass., certified by John <br />