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1-22-r5Q -2- <br />Street to Trunk Sewer Lexington, Hass.,tt , <br />Scale: l" = 101, dated Dec. 2, 1958, Richard <br />L. Gayer, Town Engineer. <br />#59-8, submitted January 22, 1959 by Frank <br />M. Hodgdon; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan <br />of Land in Lexington -Mass., Scale: 1" = <br />60', dated Apr. 21, 1958, Miller & Nylander, <br />C.E.'s & Surveyors. <br />Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was <br />unanimously <br />VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines <br />The Board's attention was called to Chapter <br />CHAP. 584 584, Acts of 1958, approved September 26, 1958 and <br />ACTS of 1958 effective ninety days thereafter, s aid act being <br />relative to regulating the practice of professional <br />PROFESSIONAL engineering and of land surveying. Specific <br />REGISTRATION attention was called to Sec.81M of said act re- <br />quiring that plans, specifications', plats and re- <br />ports prepared by registrants shall be stamped with <br />the registrants' seals when filed with public <br />authorities. <br />Consideration was given to a draft of a pro - <br />PROPOSED LOT posal to amend the Town's zoning by-law relative <br />REGULATIONS to the width and shape of house lots. (See Plan- <br />ning Board minutes of January 12, 1959.) After a <br />discussion of the problems involved, it was decided <br />to give the matter further study. <br />Mr. Snow reported that earlier that day he ' <br />had driven to Billerica and Burlington for the pur- <br />pose of negotiating with Mr. Bob Innis for a parcel <br />that the plans accompanying Form A applica- <br />tions #59-6, #59-7 and #59-8 do not require <br />approval under the Subdivision Control Law, <br />and that said plans be so endorsed. <br />Mr. Jaquith reported that Mr. Stevens had <br />LOWELL <br />discussed with him and had ruled that the Planning <br />ESTATES <br />Board would have to readvertise and hold a new <br />- <br />public hearing on the application of the Lexington <br />LEXINGTON <br />Development Company for approval of the "Lowell <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />Estates" subdivision because of the error in the <br />COMPANY <br />notice of the previous hearing field on January 19. <br />1959. It was decided, therefore, to hold another <br />hearing on Friday, February 13, 1959 at 8:00 p.m. <br />advertising said hearing in the January 29, 1959 <br />issue of the Lexington Minute -man, <br />The Board's attention was called to Chapter <br />CHAP. 584 584, Acts of 1958, approved September 26, 1958 and <br />ACTS of 1958 effective ninety days thereafter, s aid act being <br />relative to regulating the practice of professional <br />PROFESSIONAL engineering and of land surveying. Specific <br />REGISTRATION attention was called to Sec.81M of said act re- <br />quiring that plans, specifications', plats and re- <br />ports prepared by registrants shall be stamped with <br />the registrants' seals when filed with public <br />authorities. <br />Consideration was given to a draft of a pro - <br />PROPOSED LOT posal to amend the Town's zoning by-law relative <br />REGULATIONS to the width and shape of house lots. (See Plan- <br />ning Board minutes of January 12, 1959.) After a <br />discussion of the problems involved, it was decided <br />to give the matter further study. <br />Mr. Snow reported that earlier that day he ' <br />had driven to Billerica and Burlington for the pur- <br />pose of negotiating with Mr. Bob Innis for a parcel <br />