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charge of the lunch program, stating that an improvement must be
made in the handling of the utensils at the various emits in the
High School, or further steps would have to be taken by the Board
of Health.
Mr. Finneran said he would re -check these Units, and also try
to take more samples from the various Units.
The following permits and licenses were signed by the Board:
Funeral Directors Licenses (renewal)
Chipman P. Ela
Howard C. Ela, Jr.
Alice McCarthy
Food Establishment Permits
Folsom's Seafoods
3akeri, Inc.
k:ubbish Disposal Permit
Allstate Disposal, Inc.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
MAY 2, 1966
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday,
May 2, 1966 at 7:00 P.M. in the Health Department Office. Members
present were: R. L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove,
Mr. James M. West and Director of Public Health James F. Frmnneran.
Minutes of the April 4, 1966 meeting were approved as read.
The Bard discussed the renewal of the permit to keep one MOSELEY
pony at 12 Fdeld Road. A review of a special hearing held in 12 FIELD
February with the residents of sthe Five Field area was discuss- ROAD
ed. A number of letters both for and against the renewal of
this permit were read by the Board. Dr. Cosgrove and Mr. West
both noted that once again the objectors in no way mentioned a
health problem existed. It was again pointed out that at the
time the permit was issued the immediate abuttors had no objec-
tions. The Board agreed that the barn, now under construction,
was unsightly but that was not under the jurisdiction of the
-2 -
Board of Health.
Mrs.rMoseley, Mr. and Mrs. Trefethen and Mr. Whalen, Member
of the Board of Directors of the Five Field Corporation, came
before the Board to discuss the renewal of this permit.
Mr. Trefethen once again discussed his correspondence with
the Moseleys regarding the keeping of a pony, and his letter
stating he had no objection. He again told the Board he did
not realize what the keeping of a pony would mean, corral, barn
and etc. He said he thought the pony would be boarded elsewhere
and tethered in the Moseley1s yard only occasionally. He also
stated he felt that a acre of land was too small to house a
Mr. Whalen said he represented the Five Field Corporation.
who own the vacant land in the rear of the Mosley's home, and
at the time the permit was issued the Association was not con-
tacted. He said he felt that if they had been, a special meeting
could have been held, and this problem discussed before it had
grown to such a problem.
The Board pointed out that not one of.the objectors mentioned
a health problem, but they did feel that the underlying thing was
the barn now under construction.
Mrs. Moseley agreed that in the present state the barn was
unsightly, but as soon as the weather permitted, the redwood siging
would be put on the barn to match the house. She also explained
that plans have been made to add a second floor to the house and
then attach the barn to the house, and when this work was com-
pleted it would make a very nice unit.
Mrs. Trefethen said they objected to the pony because she
did not enjoy looking out her windows on a corral or pony.
They also felt they could not use the dining patio situated
approximately 60 feet from the corral fence because of the
The Board asked if there was a great increase in flies.
Mrs. Trefethen said "No, not a great increase, but a few
more flies than they had before, but that she just objected to
the pony."
Mrs. Moseley explained to the Board that they have tried to
be reasonable about this. They have hired landscape architects
to draw up plans to landscape the yard, they have also offered
to plant pine trees along the fence in order to screen the corral
from the Trefethen's property, but they objected so this has not
been done.
Mrs. Moseley said she, as a practicing physician, and mother
of three children, could not, and would not, stand for,tthe barn or
the pony if it was not keep clean.
After much further discussion the Board once again pointed
out that a health problem was not mentioned. They agreed that
the barn was unsightly. They also stated that they felt that
this had grown into a neighborhood controversy and that the
people were trying to use the Board to settle the problem. The
Board told Mr. & Mrs.Trefethen, Mr. Whalen and Mrs. Moseley they
would take the permit under advisement. The Trefethens, Mr.
Whelan and Mrs. Moseley retired from the meeting.
Mr. McQuillan said he had been checking the Rules and Regula-
tions of the Board of Health, and we can only rule on the Health
problem. He also stated that he had been checking with other
Health Departments at the North East Boards of Health Meeting
and found that some Towns have a ruling requiring at least one
acre of land before a horse permit is issued.
The Board agreed that an acre would be good, but they also
pointed out that at least 50% of the present horse permits have
been granted with only one-half acre of land.
Mr. McQuillan said he would like to make a motion that the
Planning Board be contacted, and a suggestion made to them that
a ruling be submitted at the next Town Meeting restricting the
keeping of horses.in the future to a 1 acre lot or larger. Motion
seconded and duly passed.
Mr. West made a motion that the animal permit for the keeping
of a pony by Mr. Alfred Moseley at 12 Field Road be renewed until
such time as a health problem is shown to exist. Dr. Cosgrove
seconded the motion, motion passed.
Mr. McQuillan reported to the Board that Mr. Gray, Executive - LEGAL
Secretary to the Board of Selectmen, told him that the Board has COUNSEL
never refused to submit an article to the Town Warrant for any
Board. A letter was written on April 28, 1966 to the Board of
Selectmen requesting the placing of the following article on the
Warrant for the Special Town Meeting of June 20, 1966:
To see if the Town will authorize the Board of Health
to retain legal counsel to enter a petition for dis-
solution of a preliminary injunction against the Milk
Inspector, such injunction being issued in Superior
Court within and for the County of Middlesex on Nov-
ember 17, 1964; and to authorize the Board of Health
to expend available appropriations for such action.
-4- 1.05
On April 29, 1966 a second letter was sentsto the Board of
Selectmen with the list of signatures of petitioners supporting
this Article for the Town Warrant. The Board agreed that this
was all they could do at the present time to settle this problem.
Mr. Finneran reported that a letter had been received MEDICAL
from Dr. Ellicott stating that Dr. Julian Pearlman had been COUNCIL
made a member of the new Medical Advisory Council.
The subdivision plan entitled"Preliminary Plan of Land
off Maple Street, dated April 6, 1966, Lexington Mass." was
temporarily disapproved until further information indicating
grading plans for the low area is submitted as per the Whitman
& Howard, Inc. report.
The subdivision entitled "Peacock Farm, Section V, dated
April 9, 1966" was temporarily disapproved until further in-
formation was received indicating approval of the public sewer
plan and the street and lot grades as per Whitman and Howard
Inc., report.
Mr. Finneran reported to the Board the manner that the MEASLES
State supplies Measle Vaccine had been handled by the Depart-: VACCINE
ment. All Doctors were notified that the vaccine was available
for use by them for their patients 9 months to 5 years of age
most likely to benefit from the immunization.
The Board suggested a newspaper article be prepared ex-
plaining the restrictions and use of this vaccine, and before
being submitted for publication the article should be approved
by the Medical Advisory Council.
The Animal Permit application to keep one horse submitted ANIMAL
by William Harris, 11 Chadbourne Road, was approved by the PERMIT
Board. Mr. Finneran reported no objections had been received
from the abuttors.
The Animal Permit application to keep one horse submitted
by James E. Murphy, 168 Burlington Street, was tabled by the
Board until such time as all abuttors could be contacted.
Various renewal permits and licenses were signed by the
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.