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OCTOBER 11, 1965
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held on
Monday, October 11, 1965 at 7:00 P.M. in the Health Department
Office. Members present were: R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr.
William Cosgrove, Mr. James M. West and Director of Public
Health, James F. Finneran.
The minutes of the September 13, 1965 meeting were app-
roved as read.
Mr. McQuillan said in regard to the Cumming's Case he
would like the Board's approval to meet with the Executive
Committee of the Town Meeting Members Association and discuss
all our problems with them. In particular, the Cummings Case,
he said he would like to prepare a report of the facts and
actions taken by the Board of Selectmen, Town Counsel and our
own Board to present to this Executive Meeting, a form of
"White Paper."
Motion made and seconded that a meeting with the Town
Meeting Members Association Executive Committee should be
set-up to discuss the various problems of the Health Depart-
ment and in particular the B.L. Cummings Case. Motion
dully passed.
Mr. Finneran reported he had stopped at Carroll's Piggery
that morning and although they had disposed of a few more pigs
there was still a number of young pigs around. He said he felt
the time had come to set a definite date when all the pigs were
gone or court action would be taken.
Motion made and seconded that all pigs must be gone off the
premises at Carroll's Piggery, 31 Allen Street, Lexington, Mass-
achusetts, by November 30, 1965 or a complaint would be filed in
District Court. Motion dully passed.
The Budget for 1966 was discussed.
Mr. West reported that the increase of the Mystic Valley
Mental Health Association per capita rate from 12.5 to 14.5 was
all right. He did, however, make the following motion: Moved
that the Board of Health of Lexington does not pay the increase
requested by the Mystic Valley Mental Health Association unless
all other Towns involved do so. Motion seconded and passed.
Dr. Cosgrove reported that when the School Department
requested moving the Dental Clinic to Hancock School rather
than have inexperienced people working on the equipment he had
he had an experienced electrician from Crimmings Company dismantle
the equipment at Harrington School and install it at Hancock
School. This bill is about $85.00 and as this move was unexpected
the money will have to be requested as a transfer of funds.
Motion made that a letter be written to the proper Board
requesting a transfer of funds from the Health Department Expense
Budget to the Dental Clinic Expense Budget to cover this added
expense. Motion seconded and passed.
Mr. Finneran said he would suggest that next year we combine
the Hospital and Innoculation Accounts and title it Clinics and
Health Services. Also an explanation should be made of the
Middlesex County Sanatorium Account and the Premature Infant
Account, the appropriation committee must realize that this
money must be available in the event of a patient being sent to
the Sanatorium and how many hospital days it will cover. With
premature babies the account is not used very much because so
many people today have hospitalization insurance but again, we
never know.
Further discussion of the Budget was tabled until the Nov-
ember 1, 1965 meeting.
Mr. Finneran explained to the Board that the Elks Lodge had TINE TEST
accepted the responsibility of paying for a Tuberculin Tine Test FOR SCH001
to be done in all the schools during the month of January. The
Elks Lodge will use this as a Community Service Program and will
be responsible for the cost of the Tine Testing Kits. It is
estimated that approximately 6000 of these kits will be used at
a cost of 16 cents per kit, which will be approximately $1000.
This Clinic will be done in cooperation with the Middlesex Tuber-
culosis and Health Association, the School Health Services, the
Lexington Visiting Nurse Association and the Health Department.
The school nurses will be trained to do the tests. A doctor from
the Tuberculosis and Health association will overseer and read
the tests. The Lexington Visiting Nurse Association has agreed
to do the follow-up on any positive readings we may receive.
All the groups involved feel this is a very worthwhile program
and hope it will be continued in the schools on a staggered grade
basis every year after this initial program.
Mr. McQuillan said he felt that the Board should congratulate
Mr. Finneran for making all the arrangements for this very worth-
while program.
The letter to Mr. & Mrs. Howalt, 3 Fairbanks Road, regarding 3 FAIR -
connecting their house to public sewer because of an over -flowing BANKS RD
septic system was approved. Mr. Finneran said arrangements were
being made to take care of the situation.
The letters regarding the denial for keeping a horse at
500 Lowell Street was approved by the Board.
Mr. Finneran explained that after the permit was denied
Mr. Rosa he received a complaint from Mr. Ferragutto that the
horse was being corraled in Mr. Rosa's yard for long periods
of time during the day. An inspection showed that the horse
was corraled in the yard during the day. Mr. Finneran said he
explained to Mr. Rosa that the horse could not be in the yard
without a permit. To date, no further complaints have been
received regarding this horse.
Mr. Finneran reported that 266 doses of Flu Vaccine was
administered at our clinic for Town Employees on September 30.
Another clinic will be held on October 28, 1965 for all people
who need a second dose to complete the initial series and for
any other person who might have missed the first clinic.
55 FARMCREST The letter to the resident at 55 Farmcrest Avenue requesting
AVENUE he dispose of the pile of apples in his yard was approved by the
Board. Mr. Finneran stated that this had been taken care of.
Mr. McQuillan reported that he had arranged for a Senior
Citizen Organization Meeting for Thursday evening, October 28,
1965 to be held in Estabrook Hall.
MILK COUNTS The Board checked the Health Officer's Report and asked
that letters be sent to the Dries which had high bacteria and
coli counts on the milk analysis report.
The Food establishment Permits for the Lexington Bowladrome
was signed by the Board, also two renewal Licenses for Child Care
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.