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December 3, 1945
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on
Monday evening, December 3, 1945, at 7 :30 p.m. Chairman
Locke, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Sheldon were
present. The Clerk was also present.
At 7 :30 p.m. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, appeared
before the Board for the drawing of three Jurors :
Reginald F. Pierce, Salesman, 17 Goodwin Road, Lexington,
was drawnto serve on the Grand Jury, Criminal Business,
Jurors Monday, January 7, 1946.
Drawn John Terhune, Retired, 54 Grant Street, Lexington, was
drawn to serve on Civil Business, Second Session, at Cambridge,
Monday, January 2, 1945.
Mr. John J. Doheny, President, 17 Smith Avenue, Lexing-
ton, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session,
at Cambridge, on Monday, January 7, 1946.
Mr. Carroll retired at 7:40 p.m., and Colonel Barry
appeared before the Board.
Colonel Barry informed the Board that up to five
o' clock p.m. on December 3, 1945, the total cost for Snow
Emergency Removal was $3,490.50. He said that the free balance in
Snow Removal the Snow Removal Account is $2,189.50.
Vote The Chairman read Chapter 44, Section 31, of the
General Laws relative to cities and town incurring liability
in excess of an appropriation.
Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it
was VOTED: That due to an extreme emergency involving the
safety of persons and property, the Executive Assistant,
Public Works Department, is authorized to pay bills result-
ing from the removal of snow during the months of November
and December in excess of the Snow Removal appropriation.
A special article to ratify this action is to be
inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting in
March, 1946.
Colonel Barry recommended that the Board of Selectmen
Rescind rescind the vote authorizing the cancellation of an order
Vote for placed for a caterpillar cletrac, and also to rescind the
Huber Road vote authorizing the purchase of a huber road maintainers
Maintainer and recommended that the order for the caterpillar cletrac
be reinstated.
Vote to Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Potter,
Purchase it was voted to rescind the vote passed by the Board of
cletrac Selectmen on Monday evening, November 26, 1945, authorizing
Praetor the cancellation of an order placed for a caterpillar
It was also voted to rescind the vote authorizing the
purchase of a huber road maintainer. It was farther voted
that the order previously placed for a caterpillar cletrac
be reinstated.
The Chsirman read a letter from Robert C. Merriam Insurance
stating that the Public Liability Policy covering the
operations of the Water and Sewer Departments would expire
on January 1, 1946.
Mr. Sheldon moved that the policy be renewed through
the office of Robert C. Merriam. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion, and it was so voted.
Colonel Barry informed the Board that Perrie Callicutt Increase
has been offered a position with a civilian trucking concern Collicutt
at $1.25 per hour. He said that he thought Mr. Collicutt to $1
Would remain with the Town if he received $1 an hour. an hour
Mr. Rowse asked if Colonel Barry considered the man. of
enough value to warrant a further increase.
Colonel Barry replied that he is an excellent mechanic,
and recommended the increase.
Mr. Sheldon moved that Colonel Barry' s recommendation
be approved, and Mr. Perrie Collicutt 's wage rate be increased
to $1 per hour. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was
so voted.
Colonel Barry then reported to the Board on the snow
storm. He said that the Public Works Department had a plan
for Brow plowing, but the first night all of the equipment Snow
failed. At eight o'clock p.m,, on the night of the storm, Storm &
the weather forecast was light snow with no accumulation. Plowing
He stated that all of the Town Equipment was out at 10:15 Same
p.m., and Bieren's truck was on the road at 2:00 a,m.
Pierce's truck did not show up until 8:00 a.m., and Trebino's
also arrived iii the morning. Colonel Barry stated that
Poillucei and Sylvester from Watertown came to work on
Saturday December 1 1945. Sylvester has two trucks, and is
willing to work for the Town if the Town of Lexington has
frames to fit his trucks. However, he will not be able to
do any Town work until seven or eight hours after a stbrm
because of the fact that he works for the Boston Elevated
on snow removal.
Mr. Sheldon asked why the trucks did not arrive at
eight in the morning when they were called at one, and
Colonel Barry replied that he did not know why they were
Mr. Sheldon asked if there were any policy pertaining
to the number of inches of snowing before equipment is
called out.
Colonel Barry said that the equipment is not called
out until there is a snow fall of between three and four
338 00
A lengthy discussion followed relative to snow
To include removal, and the Board authorized Colonel Barry to have
two 3i the necessary repairs made on the equipment.
Ton Dump It was further decided to include two 3i ton trucks
Trucks in in the Highway Department - Road Machinery Capital Outlay
Budget Budget. These two trucks are in addition to the 6 ton
truck already ordered, and the 5 ton dump truck in the
Colonel Barry retired at 8:40 p.m., and Mr. John F.
Rich appeared before the Board.
ohnRich The Chairman stated that der. Rich had been invited
e: Town to appear before the Board to follow up the conference he
ounsel had with the Chairman and Mr. Rowse.
Mr. Rich stated that after he finished school, he
went to Dartmouth, and received an A.B. Degree, and then
he went to Harvard Law School where he graduated in 1933
L.L.B. Following that, he went to work with Choate, Hall
and Stewart on a temporary basis. While there, he learned
of an opening with a firm in New York, where he practiced
for four years. Mr. Rich said that he took examinations
in Massachusetts and New York, and is a member of both bars.
He said that while he was in Buffalo he did every type of
law work, except criminal work. He said that in 1937 he
became connected with Judge Burns who had been his teacher
at Harvard, and he has been donnected with him ever since. IIHe does general practice, with emphasis on corporate work.
Mr. Rich said that as far as Town work is concerned, he
did not think he would have any trouble.
Mr, Sheldon asked if Mr. Rich were appointed, would it
be his intention to handle the Town business personally, and
Mr. Rich replied in the affirmative.
Mr. Rowse asked if he would be willing to come down• to
the Selectmen's Meetings each week, and Mr. Rich said that
he would be willing to do so, and thereby become more
familiar with Town work.
Mr. Rich retired at 8:40 p.m., and Mr. William Lyon
appeared before the Board.
Ellen Stone Mr. Lyon said that Mr. Worthen had contacted him
House because a permit had been issued to demolish the Ellen
Mr. Lyon Stone House.
Mr. Lyon said that he had talked with Mr. Cataldo,
the owner, who is most cooperative. Mr. Lyon agreed to
buy the house and remove it from the lot, with the under-
standing that if any organization in the Town wanted to
purchase it later and pay him what an auditor considers
it cost, plus a charge for his time, Mr. Lyon would be
willing to sell it. He said that the Adams School Lot
was mentioned by Mr. Worthen, but since that time he
understands that this property could be disposed of only IIby a vote of the Town Meeting, and the house must be
removed by January. are
Mr. Potter said that there/two lots by the Cataldo's
property, and the house next to it, formerly used as a
parish house for the Sacred Heart Church, and he suggested
that Mr. Lyon contact the owner to determine whether or
not the house could be placed there temporarily.
Mr. Lyon said that he had just purchased the house
at 55 Waltham Street, Lexington, from Mr. Wrightington, House on
who is trustee. He said that the house is in the business Waltham
zone, and after signing the agreements, he heard about a Street
road going through in connection with the parking area Parking
which would necessitate the demolition of this particular Area
Mr. Potter who was a member of the Parking committee
stated that he called Mr. Wrightington at the time a study
was being made of the parking area, and informed him that
the house in that area would be taken.
Mr. Lyon retired at 9 :10 p.m.
Sick leave policy was held over for another week. Held Over
Fetter was received from the Appropriation Committee
informing the Bca rd that the following budgets had been
approved Budgets
Account Requested Approved
Garbage Collection $8,500 $8,500
Appropriation Committee - Pers. Serv. 500 500
II Appropriation Committee - Expenses 650 650
Accounting Department - Expenses 435 435
Law Department - Expenses 500 500
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Wrightington
relative to a Charles Lyman Weld' s will. The administrator Article
is about to file a final account, and has sent a copy to in Warrant
Mr. Wrightington which provides for payment to the Town Weld Will
of a legacy of $1,349.87. Mr. Wrightington said that
before the administrator can pay the money to the Town,
the Town ought to adopt a vote accepting the provisions of
the will, and he suggested an Article be included in the
warrant for the next Town Meeting.
Mr. Rowse moved that an Article be inserted. in the
warrant for the next Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Sheldon
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Richard 0.
Bramhall's offer of $700 for Lots 19-22 inc. , Block 17,
Bertwell Road, Lexington. A proposal to sell these lots Sell Lots
was advertised in the November 29, 1945 issue of the 19-22 inc.
Lexington Minute-Man. An offer of $800, dated December 3, Bertwell
1945 was received from Robert L. Ryder, Attorney for Mr. Road to
William D. Milne, a former resident of Lexington, and now William D.
of Larchmont, New York. Milne
Upon motion of Mr. Sheldon, seconded by Mr. Rowse,
it was voted that Mr. Milnets offer be accepted, and that
Lots 19-22 inc. , Block 17, Bertwell Road, be sold and con-
veyed to Mr. Milne.
340 QC
Application was received from the Lexington Club, Inc.
Uses of for the use of Cary Memorial Hall on January 25, 1946, and
Halls was held over from last week.
Mr. Potter reported that money received by this organ-
ization is ued for charity in general.
Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted,
free of charge. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was
so voted.
Mr. Potter said that the Lexington Club, Inc. would also
like to use Cary Hall on the Sunday before the performance
for a rehearsal.
Mr. Sheldon moved that the request be approved. Mr.
Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Appoint The Chairman read a letter signed by Mr. Frederick J.
Asst. Spencer recommending the appointments of the Assistant
Assessors Assessors to do the listing as follows :
Frederick J. Spencer Robert E. Ryan
Madeline V. Peterson J. Carroll Ryan
Charles Nichols Harold F. Rycroft
Mary Oliver Jesse Condinho
Gladys Watson Winslow C. Roche, Jr.
Mr. Sheldon moved that the list submitted by Mr. Spencer
be approved, and that the appointments be made as of December
1, 1945. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
A letter was received from Mrs. George S. MacAlpine,
Plowing Wildacre Inn, requesting that Percy Road Extension be plowed,
Percy Rd. inasmuch as there are a number of elderly people at the Inn
Extension who might be in need of a doctor.
The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter, and
advise Mrs. MacAlpine that the matter was being investigated.
She was further requested to ask Colonel Barry to check the
request, and to determine whether or not is practical for
the Town to plow the Percy Road Extension.
Mr. Tracy Ames, Chairman of the School Committee, tele-
Sidewalks phoned and stated that the School Committee had received
Plowed requests to have more sidewalks plowed.
The Chairman said that he would take the matter up with
Colonel Barry.
Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, s econded by Mr. Sheldon, it was
Enforce voted that the Chief of Police be instructed to enforce Section
No All- 8, Article 5, of the Traffic Rules and Orders of the Town of
Might Lexington, which pertain to all-night parking.
Parking It was also decided to have Alan Adams print this Article
in the next issue of the Lexington Minute-Man.
Letter was prepared by Colonel Barry to be sent to the
Establish Metropolitan District Commission advising the establishment
New Water of new water rates as of April 1, 1946 .
Rates Mr. Rowse moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign
the letter. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so
The appointment of a Town Counsel was considered at length, Lynch
IIand it was decided to invite Mr. Daniel Lynch to meet with the Inv. Re:
Board on Monday evening, December 17, 1945. Town Couns
Mr. Potter reported that the Veterans of Foreign Wars had V.F.W.
drawn off the water in all the toilets in the Barnes Property Barnes
not being used, and the rooms where there is water are being Property
heated. He said that he understood that the building was being
taken care of by Mr. Watt the plumber.
The Clerk was instructed to ask Colonel Barry to check and
determine whether or not arrangements had been made according to
the letter written to than on November 27, 1945, and if not, to
have the water turned off. If the organization has complied with
the precautionary measures, they are to be advised that the Board
would like an acknowledgment of the letter.
Mr. Potter informed the Board that Mrs. G. G. Henry Kuipers, Kuipers
109 Read Street, Lexington, had contacted Mr. Spencer several Tax
times relative to Lots 5-7 inc. , Block 91, Reed Street, Lexington. Title
Mrs. Kuipers had submitted an offer of $200, and was advised Offer
by the Board that the lowest figure acceptable for these particular
lots is $300.
Mr. Rowse moved that Mrs. Kuipers be advised that the
minimum amount that the Board will accept for these lots is
$300. Mr. Sheldon seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Rowse auggested that same time after January 1, 1946, Accept
the Board adopt a policy on accepting unaccepted streets, and Unaccepted
that same publicity be given the subject in the local paper. Streets
A true eopy, Attest: