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230 <br />SrL CTMENt S MEDT IMG <br />May 17, 1943 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in <br />the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, <br />May 17, 1943, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Rowse, Messrs. Potter, <br />Locke, Sarano and Sheldon were present. The Clerk was also <br />present. <br />Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 7:30 P.M. <br />He said that the Lexington Minute Men had requested <br />the upe of the ticket office in Cary Memorial Hall for a <br />regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 19, 1943, from <br />Use of 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. <br />Hall Mr. Potter moved the use of the hall be granted. Mr. <br />Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. <br />Mr. Paxton reported that Charles Lembo who worked for <br />the Town a number of years was injured in June 1942 and <br />Mr. out on compensation for the rest of the year. His name was <br />Lembo not included on the bonus list. Mr. Lembo has raised the <br />Bonus question as to whether or not he is entitled to a bonus. <br />Mr. Paxton said that he thought he was. <br />The Chairman asked if Mr. Lembo would be satisfied if <br />the bonus were based on his actual earnings, and Mr. Paxton <br />replied in the affirmative. <br />Mr. Sheldon moved t}'t paymentof the bonus to Mr. <br />Lembo be approved on the basis of last year's earnings, <br />provided there are sufficient funds in the bonus accOuht. <br />Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. <br />Mr. Paxton said that he had contacted Mr. Mulliken <br />relative to his drainage problem, and found that on .April <br />Mulliken 22, 1940, a letter was received by the Board from Mr. <br />Drainage Mulliken calling their attention to the condition of the <br />land. Mr. Raymond talked it over with Mr. Mulliken and <br />outlined a method of fixing the brook so it would satisfy <br />Mr. Mulliken stating that it would cost about $200.00 and <br />the work would be done providing Mr. Mulliken sent a letter <br />to the Board stating that he would be satisfied with this <br />type of job. <br />Mr. Paxton said he looked the entire situation over <br />and we have cleaned the brook but Mr. Mulliken has not done <br />anything on the brook in his land. He said that he talked <br />with Mr. Mulliken this afternoon and explained to him the <br />labor situation at the present time. <br />Mr. Mulliken said that perhaps the men from the Coal <br />Company could due the work. Mr. Paxton said that he offered <br />to hire the men to clean the brook up to the Mulliken property. <br />He said that he did not think cleaning the brook would <br />materially change the situation, in order to change it, it <br />will need some work at the side line of Waltham Street and <br />the elimination of the riprapping which is out of the <br />1 <br />