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SELECTDLEN' S MEETING <br />November 24, 1941 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held <br />in the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening, November 24, <br />1941 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, <br />Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. <br />Mr. James J. Carroll appeared before the Board for the <br />drawing of two jurors. Mr. Lawrence A. Husted, clerk, of <br />Jurors 36 Kendall Road was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, <br />First Session at Cambridge beginning January 5, 1942. Mr. <br />Robert Porter of 23 Leonard Road, Western Union, was drawn <br />to serve on Civil Business at Cambridge, First Session <br />beginning January 21, 1942. <br />Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 7:32 P.M. and <br />retired at 7:55 P.M. <br />A letter was received from Mr. Ralph Nason, librarian, <br />requesting that in the future the snow be removed from Mass. <br />Avenue in front of the library. <br />Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. <br />He said that in 1935 they stopped lifting snow in that <br />section. There are worse places in Town where they do not <br />lift, but Mr. Nason's reasons for requesting that it be <br />done were good ones. The Board instructed Mr. Paxton to <br />comply with Mr. Nason's request. <br />Mr. Paxton retired. <br />A letter was received from the Dog Officer in ac- <br />cordance with the Board's instruction to investigate the <br />Dog complaint of Mr. C. B. VanWyck relative to the dog kennel <br />Complaint being maintained on the property of Alfred Allcock of 152 <br />Follen Road. Mr. Russell named several neighbors whom he <br />visited and who said that the dogs were a nuisance because <br />of excessive barking. <br />The Board voted to request Mr. Allcock to cease main- <br />taining a kennel on his property because the dogs are a <br />source of annoyance. <br />A letter was received from Mr. Wrightington to which <br />was attached a bill in the amount of 046.00 for services <br />and disbursements in the case of Lexington v. Gianino. <br />Counsel Inasmuch as Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Cann have informed Mr. <br />Fee Lindstrom and "Ir. Cann have informed Mr. Wrightington <br />that Gianino has net their requirements, the case will be <br />dismissed. Gianino's attorney gave Mr. Wrightington a <br />check for $6.00 to cover his disbursements in the case. <br />Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Wrightington's bill of <br />$46.00 be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and <br />it was so voted. <br />