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SELECTMEN'S MEETING 0 <br />August 18, 1941 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held <br />in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday <br />evening, August 18, 1941 at 7:25 P. M. Chairman Giroux, <br />Messrs. Potter, Locke, Rowse and Sarano were present. The <br />Assistant Clerk was also present. <br />At 7:25 P. M. Mr. Carroll appeared before the Board <br />for the drawing of one juror to serve on Criminal Business <br />Juror First Session at Cambridge, Mass., beginning Wednesday, <br />September 3, 1941. Mr. Walter H. Wilson, market gardener, <br />of 5 Pleasant Street, was the juror drawn. <br />The records of the meeting held on August 4, 1941, <br />having been mailed to each member of the Board on August <br />Records 8, 1941, upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, <br />it was voted that the reading of those records be waived <br />and that they be approved. <br />At 7:30 P. M. hearing was declared open upon the peti- <br />tion of the Boston Edison Company and the N. E. Telephone <br />and Telegraph Co. for permission to locate four (4) poles <br />on Wood Street, easterly from a point approximately 800 <br />feet east of the Lexington -Bedford Town line and for the <br />Pole removal of six (6) poles on Wood Street, (Old Roadway), <br />location easterly from a point approximately 770 feet east of the <br />Lexington -Bedford Town line. No persons appeared in favor <br />or in opposition. <br />Mr. Potter moved that the locations be approved and <br />the Order signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it <br />was so voted. <br />At 7145 P. M. Mr. John T. Cosgrove, representing Mr. <br />Paxton who is away on vacation, appeared before the Board. <br />Mr. Cosgrove asked approval of the rental of the <br />Rental of Town grader and roller to Mr. R. H. Stevens for use in <br />Town equip- the Follen Hill Estates development. It is the under- <br />ment standing of the Board that the usual charge of $25.00 <br />er day for the grader, plus the operator's time, and <br />15.00 per day for the roller, plus the operator's time, <br />is to be paid. <br />Mr. Potter moved that the rentals be approved. Mr. <br />Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. <br />Mr. Cosgrove reported that Mr. Walker, of the Lex- <br />ington Trust Company, informed him that the bank wants <br />$1500. for the land at the corner of Waltham Street and <br />Park Drive. The Chairman asked how much of this land <br />the Town would need. <br />