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1 <br />r: <br />ME <br />SELECTMEN'S MEETING <br />Sept. 9, 1940. <br />A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held <br />in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. <br />Messrs. Potter, Rowse, and Sarano were present. The Clerk <br />was also present. <br />Mr. Potter acted as Chairman Pro -tem. <br />Mr. Carroll appeared before the Board for the drawing <br />of one juror to serve on civil business at Lowell, be. Juror <br />ginning October 7, 1940. Norman C. Hooper, Civil Engineer, <br />of 35 Bertwell Road was the juror drawn. <br />Mr. Raymond appeared at 7:35 P,M, He said he talked <br />with Mr. Morrow, who referred him to his attorney, Mr, <br />Johnson. He talked with Johnson, and they arrived at a <br />figure of $1600, to settle the case. This includes the <br />*440* water bill. Mr. Raymond said that previously he <br />elpressed the opinion that the damages amounted to $1200, <br />Mr. Wrightington approved of the settlement of $1600,, Morrow <br />and Mr. Giroux said that he would go along with what- case <br />ever the majority of the Board approved. Mr, Rowse <br />moved that Mr. Raymond tell Mr. Johnson that a special <br />meeting of the Board was held and that the three members <br />present were in favor of settling the case for #1800., but <br />that they would like to have the approval of the other <br />two members before finally agreeing to settle for that <br />figure. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. <br />Mr. Raymond said that he talked with the Town Counsel <br />on the liability on the Town because of open drains, and Open <br />It is Mr. Wrightington's opinion that the Town is not drains <br />liable, <br />Mr. Raymond said that it was Mr. Wrightington's <br />opinion that Mr. Pichette had a legal claim against the <br />Town to loam his land. This is the claim on which Mr, <br />Raymond recommended offering $300, to settle. The Board Pichette <br />told him to bring up the matter at the next meeting, claim <br />Mr. Raymond retired at 8:20 P.M. <br />Letter was received from Elinor Moakley, Assistant <br />Clerk in the Selectments Off ice, tendering her resignation <br />as of September 26, Miss Moakley said that she had <br />accepted another position. The Board discussed the sub- <br />ject in detail, and was unanimous in deciding to approve <br />an increase of $4.00 per week. It was then voted to <br />