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SELECTMENIS MEETING <br />1 JULY 5, 1938. <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held <br />in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, .at 7:00 P.M. <br />Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse and Clark were <br />present. The Clerk was also present. <br />The Health Inspector appeared before the Board. He <br />stated that Mr. E. W. Harrod had been ordered to install a <br />toilet at 703 Mass. Avenue and connect with the sewer. The <br />Harrod <br />Plumbing Inspector has given Vernon Page a permit to do this <br />property <br />work. Mr. Stevenson said the building laws state that a <br />health <br />toilet cannot be installed in the cellar of a tenement <br />menace* <br />house but this is not a tenement house, and they are putting <br />this one in the cellar. The cellar is damp. What boards <br />there are in it are rotted and the tenants do not use it <br />at all. There are steps leading down into it which in <br />Mr. Stevenson's opinion, are not safe and the toilet is to <br />be in talled thirty-six feet from the foot of the stairs. <br />Mr. Stevenson thought the odor from the toilet might go <br />into ;the store. There is plenty of room on the second <br />floor of the house and he thought the toilet should be in- <br />stalled there. The tenant says she will not use it down- <br />stairs. Mr. Stevenson thought the proposed location would <br />be a health menace. Mr. Clark said that it would be an <br />inconvenience but he did not see how it would be a health <br />menace. Mr. Rowse said he thought the owner should be told <br />that in Mr. Stevenson's opinion this was not a proper <br />location and might develop into a health menace and if so., <br />the toilet would have to be condemned. Mr. Stevenson agreed <br />to do this and said it would be necessary to put in a window <br />four feet square anyway. He retired. <br />Mr. Rowse asked what action, if any, had been taken <br />with regard to the inspection of dairies in the town. The <br />Dairies <br />Board felt it would be wise to discuss the matter with Mr. <br />Stevenson and it was decided to request him to appear at <br />the next meeting. <br />Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He said he had <br />received three drainage complaints during the last two heavy <br />rains, one from Waltham Street beyond Brookside Avenue, the <br />complaint being that the water reached way across the street <br />Drainage <br />and blinded the drivers, the second from Mr. Spencer who <br />complained of water standing on Lowell Street in front of <br />his house, and the other from a Mr. Dillman of 472 Waltham <br />Street. His property is at the corner of Kendall Road. <br />Mr. Raymond said that there was more than $400. left in the <br />1937 account for drainage for sundry streets. He would like <br />to put in two filter basins at Lowell Street as he did not <br />know of any other way to take care of the water. There is <br />a possibility that these basins will be ripped out when the <br />