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101. <br />reservations made by R. L. Ryder in connection with the <br />' <br />agreement. Mr. Greeley said that the Planning Board felt <br />that it was entirely in line with modern planning that the <br />Park Drive should be kept for park purposes in connection <br />with the playground and that to use it as a private street <br />would very seriously interfere with its convenience to <br />the public. He said that the normal practice would be to <br />Planning <br />establish between the drive and any service road, a strip <br />Board re <br />in exactly the same way as was done on the Charles River <br />Ryder <br />Parkway in Brighton. He said the result would be that <br />Agreement. <br />.you would have the travelled way and beyond that a strip <br />to include trees that are there now and beyond that a <br />road which would be a means of developing the property. <br />He said that this was the unanimous decision of the <br />Planning Board. He said that the Planning Board did not <br />fix the lines as it felt that it did not know enough <br />about them. Mr. Greeley said that wherever two roads <br />were to be located, public and private, they should be <br />divided by a strip in order to preserve for the citizens <br />what they now have. Mr. Kimball asked if the present <br />road had to be kept open for all time, and the Chairman <br />said that it was his understanding that it was merely a' <br />Park road. They retired. <br />Letter was received from the Planning Board relative <br />to the application for the Board of Survey approval of the <br />' <br />Wellington Estates bounded by Wood Street and Mass. Ave. <br />Bd. of <br />The Board set forth its recommendations and approved <br />Survey - <br />that part of the plan as marked by them. Mr. Giroux <br />Wellington <br />moved that the layout be approved as recommended by the <br />Estates. <br />' Planning Board subject to the approval of the Town En- <br />gineer. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so <br />voted. Mr. Ross, the developer, was requested to submit <br />an accurate plan icor the signatures of the Board. <br />Letter was received from the Town Engineer recorrmiending Article re <br />that the name of Daniels Street be change to Rockhill Rockhill <br />Road. Mr. Ross moved that an article be inserted in the Road. <br />Warrant for the next Town Meeting to change the name of <br />the street. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so <br />voted. <br />Letters were received from the County Commissioners <br />and Town Clerk stating that a hearing was to be held on Bedford & <br />December 14th relative to the petition for the relocation Woburn Sts, <br />and repairs to Woburn and Bedford Streets. Mr. Ross hearings. <br />moved that Mr. Raymond represent the Board at the hearing. <br />Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. <br />Leiter was received from W. C. Paxton, Jr., informing Paxton, re <br />the Board that he had decided to remain in the employ of position. <br />the Town in view of the recommendation of the Selectmen <br />and the Appropriation Committee that he be paid a salary <br />of $3120.00 per year beginning November 15th. <br />