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�,' <br />in Town all the time and that he, the Chairman, was apt <br />to be out of town two or three days at a time. , <br />Mr. .Giroux stated that there had been complaints <br />and he thought that the Chief should be told so frankly <br />and snap the Department up to where it ought to be. <br />In the last year and a half or so, the Chief has not <br />been able to take care of it on account of his health, <br />The Chairman stated that with the Board of Selectmen <br />changing every year or two you get a change of ideas <br />and of opinion and with the Supt. of Public 'Works.. you <br />have the same man for 'yea rs on and. Mr. Giroux thought <br />that the change of the Board might be a good thing as <br />a new member would get the trend of feeling of the towns- <br />people. He suggested that the Chief deal directly with <br />the Board and that he come before them when he had ai*- <br />thing to talk over or when the Board wanted to talk to <br />him. <br />Mr, Ross asked the Chief if for a time he had <br />appeared before the Board each Tuesday evening, and he <br />replied in the negative but said that he would be glad <br />to do so. <br />Mr. Ross asked himifhe would give the reasons for <br />the shifts that he had made. The Chief replied that he <br />had put Sergeant Rycroft on the last half and Buckley <br />on the first half at night and that he changed them all <br />around. Some of the men had asked to be changed, <br />Mr. Ross asked if he felt that Rycroft was of more benefit <br />to him on the last half than during the day. The Chief <br />replied that he was taking over the Department to run <br />and was not turning it over to anybody else. He sdid <br />that Ryerof t had been on the force for nine years and <br />Buckley has been on for twenty-seven years, The Chair- <br />man asked him who was going to handle the Court work <br />inasmuch as Rycroft had done it for one and a half years, <br />The Chief replied that he felt capable of doing the Court <br />work now. Mr. Clark asked if Rycroft had done a good job. <br />The Chief replied that he had done very well and that he <br />was a smart fellow, Mr. Clark asked him when he was going <br />to get after the speeding and he stated that he was going <br />to start tomorrow. Mr, Clark asked the Chief if he had <br />the impression that a great many of the tags were torn <br />up during the drive, and he replied in the negative.. <br />The Chief then retired, <br />The Hibbert Street order was signed as follows: <br />COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS <br />Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington. <br />At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of <br />Lexington held on the 21st day of April, 1936, it is <br />ORDERED: Whereas the Board of Selectmen of the town <br />of Lexington, having determined and adjudged that common <br />convenience and necessity require that a town way be' <br />laid out in the location hereinafter described and having <br />1 <br />L_ <br />