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377 <br />Letter was received from r'. D. Sabin, District <br />Highway Engineer, calling attention to the fact that <br />traffic markers should be painted to conform with the Traffic <br />traffic bulletin #3. This letter was turned over markers. <br />' to the'Supt. of Public Works for his attention. <br />Letter Was received from Timothy Kinneen of <br />156 Vine Street in which he applied for position <br />of Plumbing Inspector. The matter was laid on the table Plumbing <br />until such time as an opportunity was given to take the Inspector. <br />examila#ton for this position, <br />Application for Board of Survey approval of plans <br />of the Roberts property off Allen Street was made by <br />C. Ross Morash of 40 Manning Road, Waltham. Beard of <br />The Board decided not to hold this hearing t.ntil Survey.* <br />after the informal hearing on the relocation of Allen <br />And Blossom Stre4ts, It was decided to refer this matter to <br />the Planning Rd. for their approval. <br />Letter was redeived from Robert C. Merriam in which <br />he requested that a street sign be placed at the corner Street <br />of Oakmount Circle and Aeriam Street designating Oakmount Signs. <br />Circle. The Supt, of Public Works was requested to <br />attend to the matter. <br />Mr. Custance that he understood Mr. Neil <br />McIntosh was going to come before the Board with reference <br />to the water Antees, as he was not satisfied about <br />McIntosh <br />the charges. Mr. McIntosh did not appear.. Vq, <br />water <br />but Mr. Custance recommended thG:t he get a reduction on <br />guavantees. <br />' <br />Lincoln Street and requested the Supt, of Public Works <br />to have the abatement ready for the next meeting, <br />Monday evening. <br />The Chairman presented specifications for 1:50 <br />trees to be divided fifty 'each of Red,,Rock and Norway <br />Maples. The proposals are to be in the office of the <br />Shade trees. <br />Selectmen not later than April 18th at 5 P. M.' It was <br />decided to request bids from the following: Nsw <br />England Nurseries; Old Town Nurseries, Perri's Nursery, <br />Brebk-Robinsonsts; Russell Bray. <br />It was 'decided to request Mr. Custance to -build <br />a reviewing stand for the Select -nen to review the <br />April 19th parade at a cost not exceeding X15., same <br />to be charged to the Unclassified Account. <br />April 19th. <br />It was also decided to inftte Ar. John N. Morse <br />of the Grand Army to review the parade with the <br />Selectmen from the reviewing stand,, <br />Mr, Trask called attention to the automobile light <br />signal located at Mass. Avenue and Clarke Street and <br />stated that this blinker had been a source of annoyance <br />to Miss Harrington who lives opposite the light, and - <br />during her motherts illness it was decided to shut <br />off the light at night and after considering the matter, <br />the Board felt thatit was not necessary to have the 1Uht <br />Traffic <br />turned on. It was therefor voted to eliminate the <br />signals. <br />blinkers at Waltham.Street, Clarke Street and Elm Aven-�6 <br />at 11 o'clock. <br />