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be entirely removed from the lot and there would <br />be nothing on the lot but the filling station.. <br />Mr. Edward F. Rogers of Grapevine Avenue <br />appeared and stated th^t he was in favor of the <br />application. Mr. Gordon W. Bourque of Waltham <br />Street also appeared and stated that he was in <br />favor of the application. Mr. Robert Gossi of <br />4 Farmcrest Avenue appeared and stated that he <br />did not know whether he was in favor or against <br />the petition inasmuch as he did not know the <br />exact location of the tanks in relation to his <br />property. He stated that he owned two houses <br />and of course did not want to have them depreciate <br />in value, and yet he wanted to be fair to Mr. <br />Partridge if the location of the filling station <br />did not bother him. <br />Plan of location was presented to Mr. Gossi <br />and he stated that he would take the matter up <br />with his attorney. <br />Mr. Tracy of the Standard Oil Company and <br />Mr. Ragene Partridge also appeared in the interest <br />of the petition. <br />The Board, after viewing the plan, felt that <br />it would be better for view the premises <br />together with Mr. Paetridge and Mr. Gossi to <br />enable them to determine if the location of the <br />gasoline tanks should be granted. <br />It was therefore decided to meet at four <br />o'clock on Saturday, March 16, 1929 and to notify <br />the parties interested to be present at the <br />proposed location. <br />Mr. Ashley W. Partridge called attention to <br />the fact that the trees in the island in front <br />of the Jenney Manufacturing Company had grown <br />so high that they were interfering with the view <br />of drivers, and he felt that they should he <br />advised to reduce the height of the trees. <br />The Board stated that they would view them <br />when they were in the vicinity. <br />0 <br />Partridgets <br />Filling <br />Station. <br />Trees, <br />Jenny <br />Mfg. Co. <br />It was voted to appoint Mr. James H. Russell April 19th <br />a member of the April 19th Committee to take the ftraittmeat. <br />place of Mr. Converse Hill, resigned. <br />The following appointments were made by the Board: <br />Assistant Assessor- Frederick J.Spencer <br />Clerk, Selectmen Helen C. Whittemore <br />Building Inspector' Jahn F. Tibbetts <br />Burial Agent Arthur A. Marshall <br />Ban ta1 Clinic Committee Mrs. Hugh D. McLellan <br />Mrs. Robert H. Holt <br />Mr. Thomas S Grindle <br />