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74 <br />a spring in the cellar of <br />the overflow away from the <br />the cellar of one of the <br />into the field onuosite. <br />..r <br />this house now olrfrned by Damon. He €tarried <br />;spring through a pipe which passed through <br />other houses and thence under the street <br />The present trouble is that Damon claims that Stack has <br />closed this drain which Stack denies. <br />I did not see 2dr. Damon but I explained to tirs. Damon that,. <br />unless there was an agreement in writing to the contrary, I thought <br />Lr. Stack had a right to close this drain if he wished to and that <br />they could have to find some other way to carry the taste water <br />from the spring, that they had no claim .1-gainst 1dr. Stick that he <br />. s not cuasing any ter to enter their premises, but that they <br />i,. -ere perhaps giving Mlr. Stack reg.:on for complaint by dumping viater <br />onto his property. <br />I cannot see that the Board of health can force LT -r. Stack to <br />allow this i -;erste water to go through his property although this land <br />is the lowest. I believe he can make Damon get rid of the waste <br />rater in some other ,ay." <br />The Board decided to send the County Commissioners a copy of <br />the report of.the Supt. of Public Rorks, and inform them that the Town <br />is installing a water main in Grant Street and Cdr. Damon can nonuect <br />with the same, and do away with the spring in the cellar. <br />Letter was received from the rlanning Board relative to the <br />application of Dr. W'. L. Barnes for a permit for a filling station <br />on his premises at 362 Mass. !_venue. The Planning Board feel that <br />they must object to a filling station being located ::here suggested, <br />and inasmuch as the property is in the business section they feel <br />that stores'will be less objectionable. They do not believe that <br />stores would impair the approach to the Memorial Building. <br />It was decided to have a letter drafted so that a reply could <br />be made to Thomas S. Vahey, Attorney for Dr. Barnes. <br />In regard to the application of Grace M. Smith of Bedford Street <br />for an entertainment license in connection 'with the common victuallers <br />license, it is decided to call a hearing of the neighbors to see if <br />any objection would be offered to Mrs. Smith having a license. It <br />was left with the Supt, of Public L-,Vorks to decide ? ho should be <br />notified of the hearing. <br />dotice v; s received from the Mass. Highway Commission informing <br />the Board that the allotment of X3,000. v^gas made for work on Concord <br />Avenue, but that they did not approve of the allotment for the con- <br />struction -of Massachusetts Lvenue. <br />Complaint izras received from H. B. Barnes, Vifollaston avenue, <br />1.rlington heights, on the condition of Bo=,,,man Street. The Supt. of <br />Public YVorks was requested to repairs to this street. <br />r. Chamberlain reported progress of the study of establishing <br />a building line on LC-Esachusetts avenue in Bast Lexington. lie <br />stated that it seemed quite remote that conditions .,ould currant a <br />hundred foot street for some time to come, and both he and IAr. Ballard <br />1 <br />1 <br />