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<br />Lexington Tree Committee <br />Town of Lexington, Massachusetts <br />201 Bedford Street, Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125 <br />Minutes, Meeting of July 13, 2017 <br />Attendees: Nancy Sofen, Gerry Paul, Anne Senning, John Frey (Chairman), Karen Longeteig <br />and Chris Filadoro (Tree Warden). Tom Shiple attended as a private citizen. Jim Wood and <br />Jewel Kuljian had served notice in advance that they could not attend. Karen Longeteig took a <br />turn as scribe. Meeting commenced t 7:35 a.m. <br />1. Approved June’s meeting minutes, as they had been sent out in advance. <br />2. Tree removal activity. Chris showed us an 18” stack of bylaw tree permit sheets, but there is <br />light at the end of the tunnel – he is getting a volunteer to help put them in order. Some permits <br />are on-line on the Town website now, in the Building Department site. <br /> Further directions are: <br />C lick on the box showing text: Access the View Permit Online Permitting System; then register <br />(anyone can register). After selecting a permit, you'll be able to see Chris's tree permit form, <br />plot plans, etc. (Thank you Gerry for bringing this URL to our attention.) <br />3. Tree Inventory: Chris said he is gathering a few more spec items and the RFP will go out in <br />August. It will be funded under the $50,000 line item of “new money” in the Town Budget and <br />will include the identification of hazard trees. <br />4. Tree Management Manual update: Anne presented a section of the manual including <br />numerous regulatory references, and the sketch of setback limits. There was some <br />disagreement about this sketch, and some confusion between town permitted building setbacks, <br />and our more informal setbacks applying to “setback trees” that we will have planted on private <br />property. It was resolved that John and Anne will revise language for the August meeting. <br />Some suggestions were that it be clear that this is residential property, mention be made of <br />commercial property’s different requirements, and that there be a definition of “property line.” <br />5. Spring 2017 planting: the suffering tree in question (a Tuliptree, not a Sassafras) has been <br />put on the watering list. <br />6. Update: Selectmen’s annual Goal Setting. It was reported that our three goals submitted <br />didn’t make it very far up the Selectmen’s selection of goals, but we are glad that we brought <br />these items up, and perhaps they will get farther up the list in the future. <br />7. Tree losses, drought 2016: Chris reported that they had replaced many of these dead trees <br />with this spring’s allotment. <br />8. Citizen and frequent walker and biker, Tom Shiple, reported that there are numerous dead <br />trees and dead limbs overhanging the paved pedestrian path from the end of Clark Street to <br />Merrett Road. This is a Town responsibility, although street tree care comes first. Chris and he <br />will meet and walk the site and plan the action. <br /> <br />