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9 <br />ART. 31. To see if the Town will fix salaries of <br />Selectmen for ensuing year. <br />ART. 32. To see if the Town will reduce and <br />fix salaries of School Committee for the year, and <br />salary of Superintendent. <br />ART. 33. To see if the Town will increase the <br />number of Board of Assessors of Taxes, and fix <br />salary of Assessors. <br />ART. 34. To see if the Town will, in conformity <br />with the Statutes, choose Road Commissioners to have <br />control of Highway department, and elect the same <br />as Overseers of Poor; they to fix grade of streets <br />and sidewalks under betterment laws, as adopted by <br />the Town. <br />[Articles from 27 to 34 inclusive, are inserted at <br />request of C. R. Richardson, William Plummer, <br />C. H. Sherman, H. A. Ring, H. A. Worthley, <br />D. T. Desmond, and P. F. Dacey.] <br />The following action was taken by the Town on <br />the several articles in the foregoing warrant: <br />ART. T. 1. Voted, That the polls remain open five <br />minutes for the choice of Moderator. On ballot, with <br />use of the check list, the whole number of ballots <br />cast was 22, all for Matthew H. Merriam, who was <br />declared chosen as Moderator, and who was sworn <br />by the Clerk to the faithful discharge of his duties <br />as Moderator of this meeting. <br />Anm. 2. Voted, That the reports of the Town <br />Officers as printed, be before the Town for action <br />during this meeting. <br />10 <br />-Voted, That the matter be laid on the table until <br />2 o'clock P. M., after which time, during discussions <br />on the appropriations, explanations were called for <br />from the different officers, and such portions of the <br />report were explained. <br />ARTS. 3 & 4. Voted, That Articles 3 and 4 be <br />taken up together, and that cinder these articles we <br />proceed to choose, all on one ballot, the following <br />officers, namely: <br />Three Selectmen, who shall also be Overseers of <br />the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways, and Board. of <br />Health; one Town Clerk; three Assessors; one <br />Treasurer, who shall also be Collector of Taxes; two <br />Constables; one member of the School Committee <br />for the term of one year; one Cemetery Committee- <br />man for the term of three years; one Cemetery <br />Committee -man for the term of two years; and two <br />Auditors; and that the polls be kept open until half <br />past four o'clock P. M.; it was subsequently <br />Voted, That the polls be kept open until a quarter <br />to five P. M. After the recess, the Moderator ap- <br />pointed as Tellers, to assist in sorting and counting <br />the ballots, Francis E. Ballard, Abram B. Smith, <br />Leonard E. Bennink, and William B. Foster; and <br />after their labors had been completed, the Moderator <br />announced the result of the balloting as follows. <br />(See list of Town Officers elsewhere.) <br />Voted, That the Fence Viewers, Field Drivers, and <br />Surveyors of Lumber be chosen by nomination at <br />large, and the following persons were so nominated <br />and chosen: <br />