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<br /> <br />Lexington Housing Partnership Board (HPB) Meeting Minutes for September 14, 2023 <br />Attendees: Nanette Byrnes, Jeri Foutter (Chair), Jill Hai (Select Board liaison), Margaret Heitz, Charles <br />Hornig (Planning Board), Wendy Manz, Sarah Morrison (LexHAB), Melanie Thompson, Betsey Weiss, <br />John Zhao (COA), Harriet Cohen (Clerk) <br />Absent: Cindy Arens (Sustainable Lexington liaison) <br />Guests: William Erikson (Affordable Housing Trust), Linda Prosnitz (Affordable Housing Trust), Kathryn <br />Roy <br />The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by <br />Harriet Cohen. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom teleconference. <br />1. Call to Order: Housing Partnership Board Meeting <br />Ms. Foutter called the meeting to order at 7:30. The roll was called. <br />2. Affordable Housing Trust proposal for North St. and Lowell St parcel <br />Ms. Prosnitz introduced the discussion by asking for support of two items. The first is for pre- <br />funding for the Affordable Housing Trust (AHT) from CPA funds. The goal is to build a reliable <br />funding source for the creation of affordable housing. <br />Mr. Erickson spoke about the undeveloped parcel of land off of Lowell Street. It is a town-owned <br />parcel that could be developed for affordable housing. The AHT has developed conceptual plans <br />to show the viability of using the parcel for affordable housing. If the Town moves forward with <br />using the land for affordable housing, the AHT would create an RFP to find a developer for the <br />project. <br />The AHT will present their proposed use of the land to the Select Board on Monday, September <br />18, to ask for the Select Board’s thoughts on the proposed use. If the Select Board is favorably <br />inclined toward the use, the AHT will do an in-depth exploration of using the land for affordable <br />housing. The first step would be a feasibility study. <br />The HPB then asked questions of the AHT regarding the proposed use. After discussion, the HPB <br />then turned to the proposed letter of support for both pre-funding and the use of the parcel for <br />affordable housing to the Select Board. <br />Ms. Weiss moved HPB approval of the letter of support. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion. <br />In favor: Ms. Byrnes, Ms. Cohen, Ms. Weiss, Ms. Heitz, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Hornig, Ms. Thompson, <br />Ms. Foutter <br />Against: none <br />Abstaining: none <br />3. New Business <br />Ms. Arens said that at the Sept. 13 Planning Board meeting the payment-in-lieu specified in the <br />SPRD was discussed. The payment-in-lieu as specified in the SPRD is $500/sq foot. The Planning <br />Board heard a proposal at the Sept. 13 meeting for a greatly reduced payment-in-lieu amount. <br />No decision was made and the discussion will continue at a subsequent Planning Board meeting.