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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. <br /> To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, <br /> Greeting: <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to <br /> notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections <br /> and in Town affairs to meet in Cary Memorial Hall, in said Town on Monday, the <br /> fourteenth day of February, 1983, at 8:00 P.M. , at which time and place the <br /> following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town <br /> Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, <br /> and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as <br /> amended. <br /> ARTICLE 1. To receive the reports of any board of Town Officers or of any <br /> committee of the Town. <br /> MUZZEY CONVEYANCE <br /> ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to <br /> convey by sale or lease the Muzzey Junior High School property on Massachusetts <br /> Avenue, consisting of the building and land immediately adjoining, to a buyer or <br /> lessor approved by the Selectmen and the members of the Town Meeting; or act in <br /> any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) <br /> STREET ACCEPTANCE AND CONSTRUCTION <br /> ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to establish as a town way and <br /> accept the layout of as a town way the following streets: <br /> (a) Meadow Brook Avenue from Blossomcrest Road a distance of 283 feet, more <br /> or less, to Wellington Lane Avenue; <br /> (b) Wellington Lane Avenue from Meadow Brook Avenue a distance of 600 feet, <br /> more or less, to end; <br /> as laid out by the Selectmen, all as shown upon plans on file in the office of <br /> the Town Clerk, dated December 1, 1982, and to take by eminent domain, purchase <br /> or otherwise acquire any fee, easement, or other interest in land necessary <br /> therefor; and raise and appropriate money for the construction of said streets <br /> and for land acquisition; determine whether the money shall be provided by <br /> transfer from available funds, or by borrowing, or by any combination of these <br /> methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> (Inserted by Board of Selectmen) <br /> PARKING TICKET COMPUTER SERVICE <br /> ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will appropriate a sum of money to purchase <br /> parking tickets and for a computer service to process parking tickets issued by <br /> the Police Department; determine whether the money shall be provided by transfer <br /> from available funds; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> (Inserted by Board of Selectmen) <br />