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All Board members in attendance were reminded of their responsibility to maintain Board <br />credits. PERAC Memo #17 has listed 3rd Quarter Board training classes for credits. <br />Stephen MacLellan and Gloria Hazard presented the Meketa update at 8:50 am. The portfolio <br />balance as of July 31, 2022 was $199,973,282.00, up $7.6m from the June report. Domestic <br />equity assets are starting to rebound, up 9.4% in July. KAR and RhumbLine were up for the <br />month, both over 9.3%. International equities were up, but just slightly at 2.9%. Meanwhile, <br />the Global Tactical Assets were up 4.5% last month. The markets are beginning to show <br />improvement heading into this 3rd Quarter. Steve mentioned the YTD relative performance is <br />actually doing better than the 60/40 Benchmark. Managers out the re are seeking more growth <br />exposure and have been able to utilize several allocations of funds. <br />Steve gave an overview presentation of the Private Debt strategies. Our Golub 9 fund has <br />generated a net IRR of 9.7% since September 2015, while the Golub 14 fund has reached a net <br />IRR of 12.4% since our October 2021 inception. He spoke about exploring more opportunistic <br />approaches to private debt. Depending on market conditions, look at more varied loan types <br />and sourcing. The Board will review the two types of management pipelines Steve explained in <br />the booklet. It would be a standard commitment of 3 years, with a life cycle of 3 -4 years. The <br />fund life would be around 7 years, with a wind down period of 2 -3 years after the fund life. <br />Management fees land around 1.5% - 2.0%. Further information and discussion will be held at <br />the next Board meeting. Steve’s presentation wrapped up at 9:20 am. <br />Robert Cunha made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 am, which was seconded by <br />Joseph Foley, and unanimously approved by Carolyn Kosnoff and Fred Weiss. <br />Future Board meeting dates: October 27th, November 21st, and December 22nd <br />The next Retirement Board meeting will be held via ZOOM on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at <br />8:30 am. <br /> <br /> <br />_____________________________ ABSENT <br />Robert Cunha, Chairman Alan Fields, Appointed Member <br /> <br /> <br />Carolyn Kosnoff, Ex Officio Member Joseph Foley, Elected Member <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Frederick Weiss, Appointed Member <br /> <br />