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- The allocation from the state 7,900.00 dollars is not yet in our <br /> account. <br /> Revenues : <br /> - $ 1,555.31 revenue from the doors' auction. <br /> So the total available is 8,1330.81 dollars. <br /> V. Proposals related to funding: Steve Poltorzycki <br /> A/We discussed the allocation of the Local account balance: Steve proposed to keep that <br /> money for LCA projects, but it could also be used for grants. <br /> The motion from Ashley to keep the money for our own LCA projects is not approved by <br /> two members who feel that it would be better to add that amount for the grantees. <br /> Motion to review the question after having studied the Grants.Unanimous approval to that <br /> motion. <br /> B/ Steve proposes to apply to MCC for a grant(Max 2500 dollars/ deadline Nov 16) <br /> - What : Haiku poems project in the Spring: These poems would be painted on <br /> windows of stores. Artists can choose to decorate the poems: This is getting the <br /> community involved, people can visit stores. Cary library would be included: There <br /> would be workshops organized. We would also plan an event to celebrate. <br /> - When : Spring : Project would be completed by June 30th <br /> - How : we need volunteers to get the shopkeepers permission and ask them to <br /> contribute some money ( 50 dollars..)We are applying for an MCC grant. <br /> Motion by Jillian seconded by David/all approved. <br /> VI. Doors Auction update: Jillian Tung <br /> Doors were auctioned with the Historical society. <br /> 25% back to the artists. 25%Lexington 1,555 .00 dollars 15 out of the 16 doors sold. <br /> VII. Utility Boxes update: Steve Poltorzycki <br /> 9 boxes are painted (recreation area) 5 on street locations.So far great feedback.. <br /> Ashley prepared an article on the Colonial times. (Published in the November/December issue) " <br /> Lexington Council for the Arts Strikes Again!" <br />