HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-06-19-STM-WARRANT 32 C' -TT MLTAiT
To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington 471 said. Coanty
in he nna-.e of ie Commo-nwe711th of 1.1-,ssachasetts, yon are directed
to notify the inhabitp-nts of the TO= of Lexington, .;aalified to
vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet in the Cary Memorial
Bailding, in said. Lexington, on Monday, the nineteenth day of Jana,
:933, at 8 : 00 o' clock 2 . H. , then and there to act on the following
articles :
Article 1. To receive the report of any Board of TO= Officers or
of any cammittee of the Town, and to appoint other comlittees.
Article 2. To see if the Town will accept the report of the Committee
on the Revision of the 21anbing By-Laws of the Town, appointed.
October 31, 1932, adopt the by-laws on 21=abing and ,C,as Piping, nna
appropriate and. assess money for the printing and pablishing of said
Article 3. To see if the TO7M will vote to rescind the, apropriation
of T2107.81 for fire pensions passed at the annaP1 TO= Meeting, 1:arch
20, 1933, and ap-oro-coriate and. assess the cam of -,1107.81 for said
Article 4. TO see if the Town will vote to rescind the vote passed.
at the mow-1 Meeting, April 3, 1933, aatTiori74na- the installation G.
a sewer in Bedford. Street, from Shirley Street northerly a distance
of ap-:roxirPtely 120 feat .
Article 5. To see if the Town 7477 pat-nnr4,, :e the Selectmen to install
sewers in the following streets :
Bedford Street , from Tewks-oary Street northerly a distance of
approximately 120 feet ;
Pinewood Street , from qumr4" Road. northwesterly a d4t-nt,. of
approximately 241 feet ;
O'ne= Street from Taft Avenre northerly a distance of
a0x4ately 180 'eet ;
Ca-7 Street from Taft ilvelnae northerly a distance of 7,7pproz-7rPtely
270 feet ;
Taft ffvenue from IJas . ve=e toward Charles Street a distance o_f
approxinately 1050 feet ;
and appropriate money for said sewer constrtction by direct appropriation
or by transfer from other accounts.
Article 5 . To see if the Town will vote to acquire from Sam Lippa of
Lexington, Mass. his rights in water pipe laid in Fottler ilvenae in
the year 1921 and pay "Him the sam of ; 392.54 therefor and to provide
funds for same by direct appropriation or by transfer from other
Article 7. 71:, see if the TO771 will vote to establish a Water Construct-
ion Available Enrpins Account .
Article S . To see if the Town will vote to install water mains in the
following 1-macceptea streets, sabfect to the usual guarantee or the
the assessment of bettermeTts and to take by eminent domain the
necessary easement therefor :
Taft Avenue from Mass. ,Avenue toward Charles Street a distance of
approximately 7050 feet ;
Cherry Street from Taft Avenue northerly a distance of approximately
180 feet ;
Cary Street from Taft ivenne northerly a distance of approximately
270 feet;
Cl=leason aoad from 'forth Hancock Street to Dee 7,oad, a distance of
approximately 500 feet ;
-Pine 7roll 7oaa running parallel with the 7ed-Pord Town Line '4-(1 a
northerly direction, a distance of app-oxi-r,ntely 1E20 -Peet ;
and -erovide far,ds for said installation by direct appropriation and by
transfer from Water De-,-)artment Available Surplus Account , also to
provide funds for other emergency construction.
Article 9 . To see if the mown will vote to replace the 'oar incl, water
water main in Bedford Street with a six inch riain from Westview Street
in a northerly direction a .istance of approximately 1500 feet, and
provide funds for said replacement by direct appropriation.
Article 10. To see if the mown will vote to fix the salaries of the
Town Clerk, Town Treasurer and Tax Collector to conform to the vote
on salary reductions passed March 20, 1933, at the Town Meeting.
34 eR
Article 11. 70 see if the TOVM 7111 vote to amend. the Zoning By-law
and Zoning Map by cprging from a 0 .1 District to an M.1 District
the following described -earcel of land owned by Robert L. Innis and
Dougal McLennan;
Beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of Grant Street,
said point being northeasterly and distant about 158 feet from the
northeasterly exterior line of Massachusetts Avenue, thence north-
easterly by said line of Grant Street distant 142.7 feet, thence
southeasterly by land of Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation
distant 139.4 feet , thence southwesterly by land of Town of Lexington
distant 138.5 feet , thence northwesterly by land of Caroline A.
Harrirgton distant 140 feet to po -rt of beginning.
_ Article 12. To sae if the Town Will authorize the necessary convey-
ances to straighten the boundary line of the East Lexington Playground
and for that purpose will authorize the Selectmen to convey to Charles
R. Joy parcels i and 3 an a "Plan Showing -Relocation of Playground
Property Line, Laillgton, Massachusetts, May 1, 1933, John 1 . Cosgrove,
To= -Engineer" on file in the office of the Town Clerk, in consideration
of the conveyance to the tom by the said Joy of parcel 2 or the said
plan, the said land to be conveyed by the to= being ;art of the
premises heretofore taken by eminent domain by the to= from the
estate of Ellen Store, the officer in charge thereof having notified
the Selectmen that in his opinion such land is no longer required
for ;1:2207 -10, purposes, o- act '71 any manner relating thereto
Article 13. To see if the Town will accept from Charles R. Joy a
co-,veyce of 1,-1d described as parcel 2 on a "Plan Showing
Relocation of Playground Property Line, Lexington, Massachsetts,
May 1, 1933, John T . Cosgrbve, Town Engineer" on file in the office
of the Town Clerk, or act in any mar-ler 7-elating thereto .
Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and assess
the sum of : 1300. for the foreclosure and redemption of 7a= itles
held by the Town.
Article 15. To see if the Town will vote upon petition of Daniel J.
O' Connell to amend the Le7irgton Zoning By-Law and map by changing
from an R.1 District to , C . 1 District the following described parcel
of landi
A triangular parcel of land bounded on the northwest by
1etc--el- Avenue distant 183. 0 feet , on the southwest by
7obarn Street distant 320.22 feet, and on the northeast
by the Poston and Lowell Railroad Corporation right of way
distant 317 .40 'eat , containing 7:b.= 27,994 scun-e feet .
, rticle. IS . To sea if t'-le To= will vote to amend th4-, :oda of
77-Laws of 19'7.2 by f.lding at thQ oni of tic1e 71 the Following:
uSectio71 OG A71,7 looc,-,-E or officer in char,Te of a department may,
with the approval of the Selectmen, soli any personal
property or matel purchased for that deTDartment bat no
lonP:er ired by it and not ezceedin g three hundred dollars
in value ."
Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to appro-friate and assess
additional fuzds for the 7elfare Department .
And you are directed to serve this 7:7arrant seven days at least
before the time of said meeting as provided in the By-laws of the
Hereof, fail not, and inke due return of this 7Tarrnt , with
your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of
said meeting.
GiVeri under oar hands, at Lezington, this twenty-ninth day
of May, A. D. 1933,
Fobert E . Trash. )
John E. Giicreast .
Charles 70 Ferguson. ) n77
Daniel J. O' Connell. )
John A. Lyons. ) LIYGTOY .
To the Town Clerk;
I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by postino-
printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office , in tTie
vestibule of the Town Office Building and six other public places
in the Town, and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every
registered voter in the Town thirteen days befors the time of said
Patrick J Maguire
Constable of Lexington .