HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 Employee Recognition Day Proclamation ��;d MOkj4j NQ O � ������ �w`��' �� � �:.��'� �Goban of �Lexingtan, �a���ac�ju�ett� �na���; � r�� SELEGT BOARD OFFICE PRtJ CLAMA'�ION Rrhereas: the Select Board, in appreciation af the faithful and competent service af its employees; and Whereas: the Town of Lexington is foriunate in having a capable and dedicated staff that serves its citizens with distinction. The Bvard is t��king this opporiunity ta make a special note of appreciation for the effarts of the emplayees who help make Lexington the community it is. NOW, THEREFC}RE, YVE, TI�E SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim Thursday, October 28, 2021 as Employee �eeo,gr�ition l?ay IN WITNESS WHERE4F, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be a�xed herewith on the�5�'day of October 2421. � 1. �'-�.�.� � �.� R�-I•�, JqSEP N.PATO SUZANNE E.$AItRY GLAS bf CENTE MAR D. ANDEEN � '� I 1 � x ; � u � �