HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-05-14-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 14, 2008 A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Hornig with members Zurlo, Galaitsis and Canale and planning staff McCall-Taylor, Henry and Kaufman present. Ms. Manz was absent. ***************************SUBDIVISION ADMINISTRATION*************************** Grandview Avenue, Tri-Partite Performance Guarantee: Mr. David Burns the developer of the Grandview Subdivision requested that the Planning Board endorse the Homeowners Association agreement, release the covenant on Grandview Avenue, and release $37,909.00 from his performance guarantee, corresponding to the costs for the rough grading that has been completed. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to endorse the Homeowners Association. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to release the covenant on Grandview Avenue. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to release $37,909.00 from the performance guarantee, covering the rough grading. Ms. Kaufman left the meeting. Robbins Road, Street Construction Plan: Mr. Mike Collins, Attorney John Farrington and Mr. Rick Waitt were there to present the plan. Mr. Hornig gave a brief description of the purpose and the process. Mr. Waitt passed around photographs showing the existing condition of the roadway - narrow pavement with potholes. The travel way is 11 to 14 feet wide. Plymouth Road pavement is 24’ wide. There is a wall of boulders within the right of way at the corner, which the abutter wants to keep. Last Friday the development team met with 10-12 neighbors who were concerned about the development. They were told it was just one house. The proof plan shows 24 feet of pavement with sidewalks that would result in a loss of landscaping. Mr. Waitt proposed a transition from the 20-foot improved width to Robbins Road, with a bituminous berm on Plymouth Road side. They will mill the surface and pave. There will be no changes in utilities. Mr. Canale asked about the driveway access to the lot. Mr. Waitt said he would have to cut into the slope Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of May 14, 2008 and use stone retaining walls. Mr. Canale asked if waivers would be needed for the top piece. He also wanted to know if there were vacant lots along Robbins Road to Richard Road. Mr. Waitt said he had no idea. Mr. Canale asked if the transition areas were to be paved. Mr. Waitt said yes. Mr. Canale asked the reason for requesting a waiver of the sidewalk. Mr. Waitt said that the existing landscaping was within the right of way and there was no existing sidewalk. Mr. Zurlo asked about waivers for the grade within 75 feet of an intersection. Mr. Waitt said that is for new roads, but this is an existing one and it would be impossible to meet that current standard. Mr. Galaitsis said that of the eight waivers being requested, he had no problem with the three concerning the utilities, 2% grade and minimum radius. However, since the remaining waivers save money, he would like to see those savings used to extend the area to be improved. He would also consider paving only a 20-foot width and using those savings for further local improvements, but wanted to hear from residents on the street width issue. Mr. Waitt said there were a variety of opinions from neighbors, some wanted the pavement to be narrower than 20 feet and some wanted the potholes fixed up and down Robbins Road. Mr. Hornig said the transition areas were shown as gravel. Mr. Waitt looked at the plans and said that was correct. He reported that the Engineering Department asked that the basins be reconstructed. Mr. Hornig said the only problem he had was with the last waiver that would allow the retaining wall right at the edge of pavement and within the right of way. He was concerned about the safety. Mr. Waitt said some of the abutters voiced the same concern and had asked if they could try to reduce the width to stay away from the wall. The whole site is on ledge so to move the wall back they would need to blast and then would lose a substantial number of mature trees. Mr. Canale asked if the road was plowed by the Town and Mr. Henry said it was. Audience Questions and Comments: Ms. Susan Boer of 56 Robbins Road said if they were concerned about adequacy of the road, why wait until new construction to require improvements. Mr. Hornig said it does not meet 2008 standards, but if they were not looking for a permit, there was not a requirement to improve it. Mr. Zurlo asked if they should address the adequacy of the entire road. Mr. Canale said they were concerned with road along the entire frontage and to the nearest public street. Ms. Elizabeth Garrels of 11 Plymouth Road, the house at the corner with the boulders, said that the proof plan shows 24 feet and that is what would be needed for more than one house. Mr. Hornig said the Minutes for the Meeting of May 14, 2008 Page 3 regulations state what are the requirements and the proof plan shows compliance with those regulations. However, the Planning Board may grant waivers when it is in the public interest. Mr. Villari of 24 Richard Road asked if they were setting standards for the future. Mr. Hornig responded in practice it might be true. Mr. Henry said waivers could preclude town acceptance. Ms. McCall-Taylor said developing one lot is a different process then for multiple lots. Mr. Hornig said practically if the road is 20 feet wide it will stay 20 feet wide. Ms. Jan Boer of 56 Robbins Road said she would prefer it if the road improvements were narrower but longer. Ms. Marian Cohen of 8 Plymouth Road asked what would happen to the runoff and the quality of the road downhill if some of the retaining wall were removed. Mr. Hornig it would run across Robbins Road to the catch basins. Mr. Galaitsis said when a house is built it is required that the runoff be less than or equal to the current runoff. Mr. Henry said the Planning Board could apply the standards of the newly passed stormwater bylaw. Ms. Marian Cohen was concerned about the blasting. Ms. Diana Downey of Richard Road said the blasting was a much bigger issue then the road. There is a historic wall behind the property on the corner of Plymouth Road. If the wall were to be taken down water would come across. Mr. Waitt said the curbing would direct the water. Ms. Garrels wanted to know where the workmen would park. Mr. Hornig said that could be addressed in a condition of the plan. Ms. Jan Boer said it made sense to discuss the driveway to the new house. Mr. Hornig said certain things were regulated, but the Planning Board only had jurisdiction over adequacy of the road, what was going on the lot was not before the Board. Ms. Lisa Erbin of 2 Plymouth Road asked when would the fire department be issuing the blasting permit. She observed that everyone wants to live on dirt road but use a paved road. She did not want cars flying down the road. Ms. Diana Downey of Richard Road asked if the engineer gets involved with the blasting. Mr. Hornig said the fire department oversees blasting. Mr. Zurlo advised that the best thing for those concerned about blasting damage would be to hire a professional testing company or take their own photos of their house. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of May 14, 2008 Ms. Boer asked if the retaining wall was owned by the Town. Mr. Hornig said no. Mr. Waitt said the frontage is approximately 90 feet with the wall all along it. He doesn’t know where the drive is going, but will try for a minimal 10 to 12 feet wide, and the house and drive will be placed for minimal disruption. Mr. Hornig said waivers for the pavement width and edge of right of way are the only issues, not the placement of the driveway. Mr. Zurlo said the use of the property is not indicated but he assumes it is one dwelling. Mr. Waitt said that if it were more then one dwelling he would have to file another type of plan with other information. Mr. Canale said his first choice is an 18-foot paving width, and second is 20 feet. Mr. Galaitsis said he is flexible but wants any savings from waivers put into extension of the paved area. Ms. McCall-Taylor said 18 feet was not reviewed with the fire department but that 18 feet had been used for interior drives, not roadways. Mr. Hornig asked if the wall along the front of the property would be moved? Mr. Zurlo said blasting is a big concern and should be kept as shown so not to invade the stone wall. Mr. Galaitsis said he could support leaving the 20-foot width as is. Mr. Hornig said that it is a bad thing to leave retaining walls in the right of way. Mr. Waitt said a utility pole is more dangerous. Mr. Waitt said if Robbins Road were straightened out, the edge of the pavement would be pulled back from the wall. He indicated that they would agree to pave the transition areas and install boundary markers for the right of way. Mr. Canale said since it is less than 24 feet they could pave approximately 20 additional feet. He proposed that the following conditions be placed on the road construction plan: gravel transition areas be paved; the side of the road toward the retaining wall be straightened; two catch basins be rebuilt per engineering; that the limit of work be moved down Plymouth Road to incorporate the basins;, and, that the corners of the property be marked with permanent boundaries. Mr. Zurlo wanted notification to the abutters two weeks prior to paving. Mr. Canale said to ask for e-mail addresses of those in the audience to facilitate notification. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to approve the road construction plan for Robbins Road with Mr. Canale’s and Mr. Zurlo’s conditions. ********************************* MINUTES****************************************** Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the April 23, 2008. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to approve the minutes as amended. Minutes for the Meeting of May 14, 2008 Page 5 The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the April 30, 2008. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0-1, (Mr. Galaitsis abstained) to approve the minutes as amended. The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the May 5, 2008. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to approve the minutes as amended. *********************PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION SCHEDULE******************* The site visit is scheduled for 7:30 a.m.; the Board will meet along Westview Street as long as there is no rain. Ms. McCall-Taylor will look into parking at the animal shelter. May 27 will be the Planning Board organization meeting and the meeting with the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Hornig will invite Colin Smith, and someone from the traffic group. There will be an update on the open space and the recreation plan at the same meeting. On June 18 there will be a public forum to discuss Hartwell Avenue. The public will be notified through postcards, news articles and the TMMA. ************************************ STAFF REPORTS********************************* Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership is holding a meeting on May 29, 2008 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 th p.m., in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. As part of its 25 anniversary celebration they are trying to meet in each of town in their service area. ******************************* BOARD MEMBER REPORTS*************************** Mr. Canale had begun the outreach to the Bicycle Committee. A bill mandating open space residential developments for every town is in its third reading before the legislature. The governor’s office will not be filing LURA but the CPA2 may be filed after drafting over the summer. Mr. Zurlo said the EDTF is meeting on Friday, May 30, 2008, in the morning and will have the Cecil report in hand. Tomorrow morning he is a meeting with the woman from the green round table. Mr. Hornig said 341 Marrett Road is before the Historic Commission. Mr. Hornig said to send comments regarding the work plan outline. Mr. Canale said it would be useful to look through the comprehensive plan policy statements. Mr. Zurlo said he ran across design guidelines, but the town doesn’t need guidelines, it needs zoning. These things should not be left to guidelines. Mr. Galaitsis is looking to find studies that predict the levels of use at intersections following improvements and whether increasing capacity increases the level of service, or just attracts and is Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of May 14, 2008 compromised by more traffic. Ms. McCall-Taylor said there are many models that study traffic based on flow. Mr. Canale said the program SYNCRO simulates traffic flow using sophisticated models. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Richard Canale, Acting Clerk