HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-24-CEC-min JS�®pN�N Minutes of the �3 Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting g September 24, 2020 EXING'�'" Location and Time: Remote Meeting; 7:30 A.M. Members Present (remote participation): Charles Lamb, Chair; David Kanter, Vice-Chair & Clerk; Sandy Beebee (joined at 8:00 A.M.); Rod Cole; Wendy Manz, and Frank Smith Members Absent: None Others Present (remote participation): Scott Bokun, School Committee liaison; Sara Cuthbertson, School Committee liaison; Glenn Parker, Chair of the Appropriation Committee and liaison; Sara Arnold, Recording Secretary. Documents Presented: • Notice of CEC Meeting, September 24, 2020 • Draft #2 CEC Report to the Special Town Meeting (STM) 2020-3 • Draft #3 of CEC Meeting Minutes, September 17, 2020 Call to Order At Mr. Lamb's request, Mr. Kanter served as Chair. Mr. Kanter called this Remote (Virtual) Meeting, which had been posted as such, to order at 7:34 A.M. He announced that the requirement to have a physical presence of a quorum had been suspended in an Executive Order by Massachusetts Governor Charles D. Baker, on March 12, 2020, after having proclaimed, on March 10, 2020, a STATE OF EMERGENCY in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus, known as "COVID-19". Mr. Kanter announced the Documents Presented at this meeting and stated that any votes during this meeting would be taken by a roll-call vote—which he will call. A roll-call vote was taken and confirmed that five CEC Committee (Committee) members were remotely participating at the beginning of the meeting. Review of the Draft#2 CEC Report to the STM 2020-3 (Report) Mr. Kanter led a review of the Report that he had prepared based on available information, but noted that complete information was not yet available for several of the Report's Articles. Comments about those Articles included the following and any votes that were taken: • Article 3: Establish, Dissolve and Appropriate To and From Specified Stabilization Funds (SFs): ➢ (b) Traffic Mitigation SF and (g) Transportation Management Overlay District SF: Over $500,000 were recently received from King Street Properties as a mitigation payment under the provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding associated with a prior zoning approval. Those funds are currently in a revenue-holding account and will be deposited into one or more SFs or be left in that account until allocation at the 2021 Annual Town Meeting (ATM). A Motion was made and seconded to preliminarily support the recommendation made by Town staff and the Select Board (SB) relative to any allocations at this STM. Roll-Call Preliminary Vote: 5-0 Pagel of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting September 24, 2020 ➢ h) Capital SF: It had originally been contemplated that there would be an FY2021 deposit into this SF; however, that was deferred at the 2020 ATM and remains to be an element of the Free Cash that will be available for the FY2022 budget. This Article, therefore, identifies only a $1.1 million withdrawal from this SF to mitigate exempt-debt service—a planned use of this SF. A Motion was made and seconded to support that withdrawal. Roll—Call Vote: 5-0 • Article 4: Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations: Mr. Kanter reported that it is expected that some rescissions will be recommended, but the specifics are not yet known. He added that, in the past, this Committee has not had a basis to oppose any specific rescissions or to propose any more than recommended by Town Staff. A Motion was made and seconded to preliminarily support any proposed rescissions. Roll—Call Preliminary Vote: 5-0 • Article 5: Amend FY2021 Operating, Enterprise and Community Preservation Act (CPA) Budgets: Town staff has suggested that there may be an amendment to the CPA budget now that the State Department of Revenue has forecasted a 17.7%, 1 S' round, State supplement; the 2021 CPA budget approved at the 2020 ATM used an all-rounds 27% based on the increase in the surcharge at the Registries of Deeds that took effect on January 1 of this year. To get a better understanding of such an amendment, Mr. Kanter advised he had discussed this matter with Stuart Saginor, Executive Director of the Community Preservation Committee Coalition—of which Lexington is a member. He learned the other eligible municipalities traditionally made such adjustments at their next spring Annual Town Meetings (ATMs) as the actual amount of the State supplement—to be released in November—will not be known until this November. As long as the municipality has made a good-faith, estimated, percentage based on what was known at the time the initial percentage was chosen, the CPA only requires any amendment that is needed is made during the current fiscal year. Mr. Kanter suggested that this Committee might recommend waiting until Lexington's 2021 ATM to make such an adjustment. Mr. Parker agreed that this was worth considering and he would discuss this with Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, at this evening's meeting of the Appropriation Committee. Ms. Beebee joined at 8:00 A.M. during the Article 5 discussion and her presence was confirmed by her response to Mr. Kanter's call for her to acknowledge she had joined the meeting. After further discussion, there was a unanimous consensus that if Ms. Kosnoff agrees there need not be an amendment at this STM to the 2021 CPA Budget, and the CPC recommends no amendment, there would be no reason for this Committee to report on Article 5. Page 2 of 3 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting September 24, 2020 • Article 7: Land Acquisition: This Article is awaiting completion of negotiations for a land purchase; however, at this time that information and information on the parcel cannot be made public as the acquisition remains in SB Executive Session. If negotiations are not completed prior to the Motion to dissolve this STM (which is anticipated before this Town Meeting returns to address STM 2020-2), this Committee anticipates the SB's Motion for this Article will be for Indefinite Postponement (IP). A Motion was made and seconded to approve IP if that should be the case. Roll—Call Preliminary Vote: 6-0 Member Concerns and Liaison Reports: Ms. Beebee reported that the SB heard at its September 21, 2020, meeting a contracted report on a Recreation Community Needs Assessment which included a thorough review of needs as identified by residents. She noted that the number one need identified by residents was for additional indoor space, particularly space for cultural events. The assessment supports the concept of expanding the Community Center. This study will be used to support Recreation's five-year (FY2022—FY2006) capital plans. Approval of Minutes Minor amendments were suggested for the Draft #3 Minutes of this Committee's meeting on September 17, 2020. A Motion was made and seconded to approve said Minutes, as amended. Roll-Call Vote: 6-0 Adjourn A Motion was made and seconded at 8:14 A.M. to adjourn. Roll-Call Vote: 6-0 This Minutes was approved by the CEC at its meeting on October 1, 2020. Page 3 of 3